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stuff from subreddit discord
written by Noirto
I looked into the Yui's bandage removal sentences which we discussed earlier. It appears the meaning does not indicate how soon in the past the nurse removed Hyoue's bandages, the immediacy of the change, nor Kuroda's hair-color status at the time he was first bandaged.
顔の包帯を取った看護師が腰を抜かしたらしいわよ・・・ Kao no hōtai o totta kankoshi ga koshionukashita rashī wayo...
Plain past tense.
まっ黒だった髪が事故のストレスで白髪に変色してまるで別人のようだったそうだから・・・ Makkuro datta kami ga jiko no sutoresu de shiragani henshokushite marude betsujin no yōdatta sōda kara...
Another solidly plain past tense sentence with a past te-form which suggests the cause of the changed-color was case stress.
Analyzing, Yui could have been referring to an event which was completed over a short time 10 years ago, or an event which completed over the course of 10 years. We are left to make a guess based on the context. There is no clear sense of immediacy which you said there was a sense of in the prior conversation.(edited) One scenario is that ~10 years ago soon after the incident, someone put the bandages on Hyoue after the Tokyo Metro police hospital(?) doctors patched him up, he healed for a short while and in that short while his hair turned white, then the stated RN removed the bandages and was almost knocked down by how different he looked. Hyoue then lay there comatose for the next ten years with his new look rather than gradually changing. Another scenario that also works is Hyoue had laid there bandaged for a long time while his hair slowly changed color and then a registered nurse who knew what he looked like long ago took off the bandages and was shocked. I do think the former makes much more sense in light of hospital procedures, but that is an assumption, not a definite fact.
Looking back, I think you are unintentionally making a very strong assumption when you said:
"meaning that he had black --> bandages put on ---> removed ----> white a reference to bandage changing period"
The issue is assuming Kuroda came into the hospital with a full head of hair. Keep in mind that Yui said that he had a burn scar likely from the same incident, so fire and thus hair loss may have been involved. The second sentence's past tense with no qualifiers means that it is unclear if Kuroda even had a head of hair at the time of his hospitalization. It was black before at an indeterminate time, then case stress happened, then his hair turned white. The nurse knew he had black hair and what he generally looked like before it turned white, but the source or timepoint of her knowledge is unclear. She may have known him from long before the incident, or even from a picture. Again no clear sense of concurrency is present, the past is vague. Since it is a Japanese trope to have hair quickly change color like it is a chameleon instead of gradually coming in at the root in the new color, I'm not going to make assumptions about Gosho's realism. So going back to my point, I think you are coming from a reasonable place, but hardly the only possible place.