Kansuke Yamato

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Kansuke Yamato

Kansuke Yamato Profile.jpg

Japanese name: 大和 敢助
(Yamato Kansuke)
Age: 35
Gender: Male
Occupation: Nagano Prefectural Police Inspector
Nicknames: Kan-chan (Uehara)
Kansuke-kun (Komei)
First appearance: Manga: File 613
Anime: Episode 516
Appearances: Chapters: 35
Episodes: 21
Movies: 2
OVAs: 0
Specials: 0
Openings: 3
Closings: 1
Keyhole number: Volume 59
Japanese voice: Yuji Takada

Kansuke Yamato (大和 敢助 Yamato Kansuke?) is a police inspector from Nagano Prefecture. His direct subordinate is Detective Yui Uehara. Yamato lost his left eye in a snow avalanche and now has an X-shaped scar in its place. This same avalanche caused severe and "permanent damage" to his left leg, forcing him to use a forearm crutch to walk around.


Yamato grew up in a small Nagano village with Yui Uehara. Like most people from the village, he greatly admired police officer and town hero Kuroto Kai, who inspired him and Uehara to join the police.[1] One year before the Furinkazan Case, Yamato chased a parole jumper he believed to be involved with Kai's mysterious death into a mountain, where he got caught in the avalanche that took his left eye and leg.[1] He was missing and believed dead for several days until school friend Taka'aki "Komei" Morofushi, also a police inspector, went against orders to track down the criminal and find Yamato.[2] After recovering, he returned to the force and resumed working on solving Kai's death. With the aid of Conan Edogawa and Heiji Hattori the case was finally resolved, and soon afterwards Uehara rejoined the police force as his partner.[1]


In contrast to other police inspectors like Megure, Sango Yokomizo, and Yamamura, Yamato is shown to be very serious and hard-boiled. He is often short-tempered and has been known to yell at and intimidate suspects.[3] This aspect of his personality causes him to become quite visibly annoyed with Kogoro's ignorance[4] and Yamamura's goofiness.[5] Still, he does have softer spots, though he does not show them often, and there are hints that he is both aware and accepting of Uehara's affection towards him.

Yamato does have a petty rivalry with fellow police detective Koumei, often competing with him to see who can solve a case first.[6] Despite this, they remain very close friends, and Yamato was even willing to run into a burning mansion to save him at one point.[7] Yamato is also aware of Conan's intelligence and is one of few characters who treats him like an adult and equal.[7]


Plot overview

Furinkazan Case (Manga: 613-618, Anime: 516-517)

Dangerous Couple Case (Manga: 680-681, Anime: 557)

Red Wall Case (Manga: 682-686, Anime: 558-561)

Eye for an Eye (Manga: 783-784, Anime: 653-654)

The Red Woman (Manga: 874-875, Anime: 754-756)

Kamaitachi Murder Case (Manga: 910, Anime: 808)

Kawanakajima Murder Case (Manga: 913-917, Anime: 810-812)

Nagano Snowy Mountains Case (Manga: 1027-1031, Anime: 1003-1005)

Non-canon plot overview

The Raven Chaser (Movie: 13)

Relationships analysis

Yui Uehara

Kansuke Yamato cares very deeply for his subordinate and childhood friend Yui Uehara. He was upset over her leaving the force and tried to distance himself from her,[14] but had no problem allowing her back on the force.[15] Uehara in return cares for him and even seems to have feeling for him,[1][15] affectionatley referring to him as Kan-chan, which he always scolds her for doing.[6]

Taka'aki Morofushi

The two are childhood friends who went to the same primary and high school as each other. Both have also become inspectors of a police headquarters. In the past, when Yamato was thought to be dead, Morofushi went against his boss' orders and went to look for him. Afterwards, Yamato was found and in the hospital while Morofushi himself got put down into the local police headquarters. This is to show even if Morofushi loses his position in the main headquarters, he will definite be willing to go and save his friend. Even now, they still remain as best friends and even compete with each other to see who can solve cases first. Yamato also on the other hand will go and help his friend out. This is shown by how he would go into a burning mansion to save him. Their friendship and rivalry can be considered similar to that of Heiji and Shinichi's, with Heiji being hot-tempered impatient Yamato and Shinichi being well-mannered calm Morofushi.

Conan Edogawa

In the Suspicious party of Two, he even told Yui Uehara that he suspects Conan of being "the one leading everything," in regards to Kogoro's cases, and that is after only after they met up in one case so far.

In fact, in that car ride, they were giving Agasa and Haibara a lift back to Tokyo, but he really kept taking in a Nagano dialect, using phrases that terrified Haibara, such as "Half-Kill" and "Over-Kill, which dealth with a kind of Mochi."

The reason why he and Yui were heading to Tokyo was to enlist Kogoro's help with the Red Wall Case, which Yui told Conan that it was really his help they were wanting.

Name origin

Yamato's name comes from Yamamoto Kansuke (山本勘助 ?), the strategist of Takeda Shingen, the famous daimyo who used "Fūrinkazan" as his battle slogan. This is even pointed out by Conan during the Red Wall Case.[16]

Different looks

Episode 516
Episode 653
Episode 810
Still in the Police Academy, with his eye unharmed (episode 756).

See also


  1. ^ a b c d Manga Chapter 617: War
  2. ^ Manga Chapter 684: The Late Koumei
  3. ^ Manga Chapter 613: Centipede
  4. ^ Manga Chapter 683: In The Hand
  5. ^ Movie 13: The Raven Chaser
  6. ^ a b Manga Volume 65-66: Files 682-686 (Red Wall Case)
  7. ^ a b Manga Chapter 685: Make Friends Quickly
  8. ^ a b c d e f g h i File 913 (Volume 86)
  9. ^ a b File 914 (Volume 86)
  10. ^ a b c d File 910 (Volume 86)
  11. ^ a b File 917 (Volume 87)
  12. ^ a b c Movie 13: The Raven Chaser
  13. ^ a b c File 915 (Volume 86)
  14. ^ Manga Chapter 616: Furinkazan
  15. ^ a b Manga Chapter 618: Shadow and Lightning
  16. ^ Manga Chapter 682: The Red Wall
Main Characters
Protagonists Shinichi KudoConan EdogawaRan MouriKogoro Mouri
Detective Boys Ai HaibaraAyumi YoshidaMitsuhiko TsuburayaGenta Kojima
Family & Friends Hiroshi AgasaSonoko SuzukiEri KisakiYusaku KudoYukiko KudoHeiji HattoriKazuha ToyamaYoko OkinoSumiko KobayashiTomoaki AraideMakoto KyogokuShizuka HattoriJirokichi SuzukiEisuke HondouAzusa EnomotoSubaru OkiyaMasumi SeraShukichi HanedaSakurako YoneharaRumi WakasaMomiji OokaMuga IoriElena MiyanoAtsushi Miyano
Tokyo Metropolitan Police District Juzo MegureWataru TakagiMiwako SatoNinzaburo ShiratoriYumi MiyamotoKazunobu ChibaNaeko MiikeKiyonaga MatsumotoInspector YuminagaShintaro ChakiHyoue KurodaKenji HagiwaraJinpei MatsudaWataru Date
Osaka Police District Heizo HattoriGinshiro ToyamaGoro Otaki
Nagano Police District Kansuke YamatoYui UeharaTaka'aki Morofushi
Other police districts Sango YokomizoMisao YamamuraJugo YokomizoChihaya HagiwaraFumimaro Ayanokoji
NPA and Public Security Bureau Rei Furuya (Bourbon)Hiromitsu MorofushiYuya Kazami
FBI Shuichi AkaiJodie StarlingJames BlackAndre Camel
CIA Hidemi Hondou (Kir)Ethan Hondou
MI6 Mary SeraTsutomu Akai
Black Organization The BossRumGinVodkaVermouthChiantiKornShiho MiyanoAkemi MiyanoTequilaPiscoCalvadosRikumichi KusudaKi'ichiro Numabuchi
Magic Kaito Kaito KurobaKaitou KidAoko NakamoriGinzo NakamoriMidoriko NakamoriToichi KurobaChikage KurobaKonosuke JiiKeiko MomoiAkako KoizumiSaguru HakubaSnakeKaitou Corbeau
Others "The Criminal"Hideo AkagiRyusuke HigoTakahiro SanadaScar AkaiKohji HanedaKamen YaibaAmanda Hughes
Tokyo Metropolitan Police Department Juzo MegureWataru TakagiMiwako SatoNinzaburo ShiratoriYumi MiyamotoKazunobu ChibaNaeko MiikeGinzo NakamoriShintaro ChakiInspector YuminagaKiyonaga MatsumotoHyoue KurodaInspector MomoseInspector HatoriChosuke Takagi (Tottori) • Jinpei Matsuda (deceased) • Kenji Hagiwara (deceased) • Wataru Date (deceased) • Masayoshi Sato (deceased) • Officer Tome (ao) • Toshiro Odagiri (ao) • Detective Kobayashi (ao) • Detective Yokoyama (ao) • Detective Kojima (ao) • Superintendent General HakubaManabu FujimakiDetective TakikawaDetective NakamuraDetective FukuiDetective KawanakaDetective SaitohDetective HoritaDetective TakanoDetective SogawaDetective OkumuraDetective SugitaDetective Hirota (ao) • Officer NumataDetective Terashima (ao) • Toshio Moroboshi (ao) • Female forensics member (ao) • Detective MiyazakiDetective TomokawaTadayoshi Uno (ao) • Detective Yama (ao) • Inspector Yuminaga's assistant
Osaka Prefectural Police Heizo HattoriGinshiro ToyamaGoro Otaki
Nagano Prefectural Police Kansuke YamatoYui UeharaTaka'aki Morofushi (Komei)
Kanagawa Prefectural Police Jugo YokomizoChihaya Hagiwara
Hokkaido Prefectural Police Kyohei NishimuraDetective Tamura
Kyoto Prefectural Police Fumimaro AyanokojiDetective Kurumazaki (ao)
Shizuoka Prefectural Police Sango YokomizoTomonori Ogawara (ao) • Detective Tsukumo
Other Prefectures Misao Yamamura (Gunma) • Tsuyoshi Shikatsuno (ao, Nara) • Tamekichi Matsushiro (ao, Gifu) • Shoji Terabayashi (Chiba)
Japanese Intelligence Agencies Rei FuruyaYuya KazamiHiromitsu Morofushi (deceased)
Primary Tokyo MPD Cases Metropolitan Police Detective Love Story OneMPD TwoMPD ThreeMegure's Sealed SecretShinkansen Transport CaseMPD FourSerial BomberMPD FiveMPD SixJewelry RobberyMPD SevenFake WeddingMPD EightHammer ManThe Scar that Evokes the PastInspector Shiratori, Memories of the Cherry BlossomKobayashi-sensei's LoveA Video Letter of First LoveCo-Investigating with a First LoveThe Life-Threatening Broadcast of LoveThe Ex-Boyfriend Living Next to a Crime SceneMDP NineTaiko Meijin's Match of LoveChiba's Difficult UFO CaseThe Marriage Registration's PasswordThe Target is the Metropolitan Police Traffic Department
Other Significant Police Cases The Osaka Double Mystery (Osaka) • Festival Dolls Dyed in the Setting Sun (Tokyo-Theft) • The Red Horse within the Flames (Tokyo Arson) • Furinkazan (Nagano) • A Dangerous Party of Two & The Mansion of Death and the Red Wall (Nagano) • Heiji Hattori and the Vampire Mansion (Osaka) • The Scarlet Return (NPA) • The Darkness of the Prefectural Police (Nagano NPA) • A song named ASACA (PSB NPA) • Captured in Her Eyes (Tokyo) • Crossroad in the Ancient Capital (Kyoto) • The Raven Chaser (Tokyo, Kanagawa, Shizuoka, Nagano, Kyoto, and Chiba)
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