
From Detective Conan Wiki
Japanese name: コナン新一
English name: Conanshinichi
Age: Thirteen
Gender: Male
Relatives: Unnamed two sisters
Unnamed farther
Unnamed mother
Unnamed brother
Nicknames: None so far
Aliases: Someonewhosforgotten
First appearance: March 11th, 2011
Appearances: Various

Someonewhosforgotten is someone who is forgotten (as the name implies) and is a member on DCW.His Name on the forum is Conanshinichi as he couldn't think of a better username. He posts mostly on the Games section but recently he stopped for some reason. He is currently the fourteenth most poster.

He is most commonly known by his hate of Eisuke Hondou and a user (Akakata a.k.a Chelseaj500) even started a topic to prove him wrong. Now, he is stopped hating Eisuke so IdentityUnknown can come back.He also had drawing three drawings and made two videos. This user also likes to type a bit of Japanese randomly... This User comes from Libya and speaks English and Arabic.