
From Detective Conan Wiki
Japanese name: コナン恋人
English name: Conan Lover
Age: not mentioned
Gender: Female
Date of birth: October 7
Relatives: not mentioned
Nicknames: Mira-chan(Tna Uchiha)

Koi-chan(Kid the Phantom Thief)

Aliases: conankoibito
First appearance: February 08,2011
Appearances: Everyday

Conankoibito joined DCW February 08,2011 but has suddenly changed her account from aichanmiranda to conankoibito. Conankoibito is a girl with only 200+ posts to start on the Wiki page of DCW.


She is a anime otaku,which she has been Happy-Go-Lucky sometimes,She used to has many friends in personal.Others say that she was a kind friend but she is prohibited by her parents to have gimics,and other friend-stuff that maybe bad for her.She was an Internet addict,several of the social-networks had she been registered lately.



Conankoibito has an in twitter,She always change her username because of she's not sure what to call on her.


She has been a hang-out for her,well,sometimes she made clumsy drawings but other says it's not good.


She has wrote a story with 6 series and 42 chapter Japanese and English version.

Voice Acting:

On the story she wrote,She used to voice the main character "Abegail" and abegail's couple "Jhon" which has been not difficult for her.

Animes liked

Beside of Detective Conan,being an otaku is not for only 1 anime..As of her inspiring dream as a Seiyuu,she was very addicted to anime,but as a regular otaku that every otaku has..



She is from Antipolo City,Rizal,Philippines.Rizal is a part of region 4-A called CALABARZON.She is fluent to it but not as the deep words Native filipinos has.


She only know Moderate English but as a Filipino,English is a must!As then,She performs well at her English subject,but if She is in bad mood, She makes her English a wrong grammar..


As a filipino,She do knows how Japanese people possesed Filipinos last World War II.Indeed,She knows that Japanese people had negotiate to Filipino People,too.She has learned 100+ kanjis as of May 04,2011.And She declares herself as in Moderate level of learning the Language itself.