User:Rockethermes169/Wiki Page

From Detective Conan Wiki


Japanese name: 死 マーク
(Shi Mark)
Age: 18 (supposedly)
Gender: Male
Date of birth: March 11, 1994 (supposedly)
Relatives: The Reaper
Pontoon (older brother)
Kurator (younger brother
Nicknames: Mochi (Kiel)
Moho-kun (various)
Mark (Kaoko, IdentityUnknown)
Mohawk (Wildheart)
First appearance: October 28, 2010
Appearances: Many
Cases solved: 1,144 (499 with the Bunker Boys, 541 are Detective Conan cases.)
Keyhole number: The next one.
This member is awesome.
I look handsome in a dress!

— Quote from a conversation regarding Mohorovicic's "handsomeness".

Mohorovicic is an active DCW member who seldomly, but does, work on the DCW wiki. One of the oldest active members on DCW, he is quite friendly towards all members, new and old. He currently holds the 5th most posts on DCW and the most friends (according to the friend list) on DCW.