Detective Conan "Strategy Above the Depths" Original Soundtrack

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Detective Conan "Magician of the Silver Sky" Original Soundtrack List of Songs and CDs Detective Conan "The Private Eyes' Requiem" Original Soundtrack
Movie 9 OST


Title: Detective Conan "Strategy Above the Depths" Original Soundtrack
Japanese Title:
Artist: Katsuo Ono, Minami Takayama
Release date: April 6, 2005
CDs: 1
Tracks: 40
Original Cost: 3,059円
CD Number: UPCH-1397
Record Label: Universal Music Japan

The original soundtrack for the 9th Detective Conan movie "Strategy Above the Depths" was released on April 6, 2005 for 3,059円.

CD info

Track listing

# Song Title Romaji Translation Length
1 15年前・第一八代丸 15 nengo・Daiichi Yashiromaru 15 Years Ago ・ The First Yashiromaru
2 沈没、そして15年後の事件 Chinbotsu, soshite 15 nengo no jiken And, 15 Years After the Sinking
3 アフロディーテ号 AFURODIITE gou Aphrodite Model
4 名探偵コナン メイン・テーマ
(Suihensenjou VAASHON)
Detective Conan Main Theme
(Above the Depths Version)
5 アフロディーテ・ビッグバンド AFURODIITE・BIGGU BANDO Aphrodite Big Band
6 蘭の優勝祝い Ran no yuushou iwai Ran's Victory Celebration
7 阿笠クイズ’05 Agasa KUIZU '05 Agasa Quiz '05
8 小五郎有頂天~コナンたちは Kogoro uchouten ~ KONAN tachi wa Kogoro's Ecstasy ~ As For Conan and the Others
9 園子と哀の異色コンビ Sonoko to Ai no ishoku KONBI Sonoko and Ai's Unique Combination
10 かくれんぼ Kakurenbo Hide-and-Seek
11 ゆったり気分 Yuttari kibun Calm Feeling
12 Lover Man Lover Man Lover Man
13 暗躍 Anyaku Secret Maneuvers
14 気配~オヤジのカタキ Kebai ~ OYAJI no KATAKI Indication ~ Father's Rival
15 危機~パニック Kiki ~ PANIKKU Crisis ~ Panic
16 焦り(ASERI) Aseri (ASERI) Impatience (ASERI)
17 現場検証’05 Genbakenshou '05 On Site Investigation '05
18 捜査会議’05~追っかけ Sousa kaigi '05 ~ Okkake Investigation Meeting '05 ~ Chase Scene
19 冷静な白鳥刑事 Reisei na Shiratori keiji Calm Detective Shiratori
20 コナンの忍び捜査 KONAN no shinobi sousa Conan's Secret Investigation
21 想い出
(Suihensenjou VAASHON)
(Above the Depths Version)
22 コナンの作戦失敗 KONAN no sakusen shippai Conan's Strategy Mistake
23 波間に…?~メッセージ Namimani...? ~ MESSEEJI On the Waves...? ~ Message
24 ウェルカム・パーティ WERUKAMU・PAATI Welcome Party
25 小五郎迷推理 Kogoro meisuiri Kogoro's Perplexing Deduction
26 真打ち登場~推理 Shinuchi toujou ~ Suiri Last Stage Appearance ~ Deduction
27 ヤツを追え! YATSU o oe! Chase Them!
28 モーターボート・バトル MOOTAABOOTO・BATORU Motorboat Battle
29 名探偵コナン メイン・テーマ
Detective Conan Main Theme
(Ad-lib Version)
30 ストラテジーのテーマ SUTORATEJII no TEEMA Strategy Theme
31 浮上する新たな疑問 Fujou suru arata na gimon The New Question That's Arisen
32 果物ナイフが!? Kudamono NAIFU ga!? The Fruit Knife is!?
33 真実に挑むコナン Shinjitsu ni idomu KONAN Conan Challenges the Truth
34 15年目の真実 15 nenme no shinjitsu The Truth of 15 Years Ago
35 名探偵・毛利小五郎の推理 Meitantei・Mouri Kogoro no suiri The Great Detective Kogoro Mouri's Deduction
36 アクション AKUSHON Action
37 急げ!コナン Isoge! KONAN Hurry! Conan
38 救出 Kyuushutsu Rescue
39 平和への祈り Heiwa e no inori Praying for Peace
40 想い出たち~想い出~
Omoidetachi ~ Omoide ~
(Suihensenjou VAASHON)
Memories ~ Memories ~
(Above the Depths Version)


See also