Sherry's soliloquy
Sherry's soliloquy (シェリーのひとりごと syerii no hitorigoto ) is a collection of comments Gosho Aoyama has Ai Haibara say at the official Detective Conan website, Conan News Agency (こなん通信社). It is unknown when Aoyama first started writing these comments. Some reveal Aoyama's work life or hint at future development of the Detective Conan series, but most simply comment on the most recently published file.
List of all comments
Approximate Date | File | Picture | Japanese | English |
2007-11-11 |
??? |
Unavailable |
コーヒーっていえば、青山先生は最近コーヒーにはまってるらしいわよ・・・銘柄はやっぱりブルーマウンテンかしら(笑) |
Speaking of coffee, apparently Aoyama-sensei is addicted to coffee nowadays… the brand would have to be Blue Mountain, I guess (laughs) |
2008-11-07 |
??? |
Unavailable |
じゅくじゅくの佐藤刑事も見てみたいわね |
I want to see Detective Satou oozing, too, don't you? |
2009-03-31 |
??? |
私もイキかけたわ・・・イチローさん(笑) |
I almost went too, Ichiro-san (laughs) | |
2009-05-06[1] | ??? | Unavailable |
Unavailable |
(Something about a Conan game) |
2009-05-16[2] |
Unavailable |
みんな、子供のころソロバンって習った? |
Did everyone learn (how to use) the abacus as a child? | |
2009-05-25[3] |
Unavailable |
和葉ちゃんはまたおいてけぼり? |
Kazuha-chan gets left behind again? | |
2009-05-30[4] | 693 | Unavailable | あら、いた・・・。しかも、モテてるかも? | Oh, there you are… And you're popular, too! Maybe? |
2009-06-07[5] | 694 | Unavailable | 赤青龍、残念だったわね・・・(リアルでも・・・ | 赤青龍 was a disappointment, wasn't it… (in reality, too…) |
2009-06-14[6] | 695 | Unavailable | 和葉ちゃんモテるじゃない♥ | Kazuha-chan is popular, isn't she♥ |
2009-06-19[7] | 696 | Unavailable | 私はゴスパンのほうが好みだわ・・・ | I prefer Goth punk… |
2009-06-26[8] | 697 | Unavailable | ロリ服も着てみたいかも♥ | Maybe I want to wear lolita clothes♥ |
2009-07-03[9] | 698 | Unavailable | 店員のコ、割とカワイイじゃない♥ | That shop assistant is rather cute♥ |
2009-07-16[10] | 699 | Unavailable | 仕方ないじゃない!サッカー小僧じゃないんだから・・・ | What can I do! I'm not obsessed with soccer… |
2009-07-26[11] | 700 | Unavailable | あのキャップちょっと欲しいかも・・・ | Maybe I want that cap… |
2009-08-02[12] | 701 | Unavailable | よかった・・・この百貨店に行かなくて・・・ | I'm glad I didn't go to this department store… |
2009-08-10[13] | 702 | Unavailable | 「変身!!」といえば、全ライダーが映画で集合するらしいわよ・・・ | If you say something like "Transform!!", then all the riders will gather in the movie, apparently… |
2009-08-16 | 703 | Unavailable | あら、また休みなのね・・・ | Oh my, another break? |
2009-08-29 | 704 | Unavailable | みんな早く捕まっちゃえばいいのに・・・ | It would be great if everyone was captured… |
2009-09-11 | 705 | Unavailable | 『怪人二十面相の20の犯行ミス』 興味深いわね・・ | Kaijin Niju Menso's 20 Criminal Misses sounds interesting, doesn't it? |
2009-09-14 | 706 | Unavailable | あら、面白くなってきたじゃない? | Oh my, things are becoming interesting! |
2009-09-21 | 707 | Unavailable | 白鳥警部、高木刑事化してるわね・・・ | Inspector Shiratori is becoming more like Detective Takagi, isn't he? |
2009-10-05 | 708 | Unavailable | ドラゴンスープレックスは禁じ手だから、よい子のみんなは真似しちゃダメよ・・・ | The Dragon Suplex is a forbidden move, so you good kids don't imitate it, okay? |
2009-10-20 | 709 | Unavailable | あら、英理さんエロいわね♥ って先週フライングしちゃったのよね・・・ | Oh my, Eri-san is erotic♥, I went flying last week… |
2009-10-24 | 710 | Unavailable | いいな~小五郎さん・・・スッポンポン・・・ | How nice! Kogoro-san is energetic… |
2009-10-31 | 711 | Unavailable | 裸を見たから欲情しちゃったのかしら・・・ | I wonder if (?) was aroused, since (?) saw (?) naked… |
2009-11-07 | 712 | Unavailable | 次郎吉さんと三水吉右衛門と怪盗キッドはセットなのね・・・ | Jirokichi-san, Sanzu Kichiemon, and Kaitou Kid come as a set, huh? |
2009-11-15 | 713 | Unavailable | 「名探偵哀ちゃん」ね! | "Detective Ai-chan", yes? |
2009-11-21 | 714 | ガキね・・・ | What a child… | |
2009-11-28 | 715 | Unavailable | わたしにもモスキート音聞こえてホッっとしたわ・・・ | I relaxed, too, when I heard the Mosquito alarm… |
2009-12-05 | 716 | Unavailable | 「ラブリーみくじ」気になるわね・・・ | "Lovely Fortune" is curious, isn't it… |
2009-12-12 | 717 | 「まさゆきの地図」はゲットできたのかしら? | I wonder if "Masayuki's map" was successfully obtained? | |
2009-12-24 | N/A | どこまでも真っ白な貴方の元へ届くかしら・・・白になりきれない灰色のサンタより | I wonder if this will arrive at your place, where everything is white… The grey Santa who cannot become completely white | |
2010-02-08 | 722 | むきゃー☆シンイチ君に見られた~!(のだめ?) | Whoa☆ (Is it bad that) Shinichi-kun saw me! | |
2010-02-19 | 724 |
プリケツね・・・ |
Revealed the butt, huh? | |
2010-02-26 | 725 |
風邪には気をつけてね・・・先生も引いてるらしいわよ・・・ |
Be careful of colds… Sensei has one, apparently… | |
2010-02-27 | 725 |
ジャックな小五郎さん、早くアニメで見たいわね♥ |
I want to see the Jack (Bauer) Kogoro-san on anime, don't you? | |
2010-03-05 | 726 |
やっぱり由美さんが裏で糸を引いてたのね・・・ |
As I thought, Yumi-san was pulling the strings from behind the scenes… | |
2010-03-22 | 728 |
カンタービレかしら? |
Cantabile, maybe? | |
2010-03-28 | 729 |
この原稿ギリだったのよね・・・ |
(I) turned this manuscript in at the last minute… | |
2010-04-03 | 730 |
ぎゃぼ☆ 恵君と千秋ちゃんだったのね・・・ |
Oops☆ It was Megumi and Chiaki, huh? | |
2010-04-19 | 731 |
「龍馬伝」面白いわよね♥ |
The legend of Ryouma is interesting, isn't it♥ | |
2010-04-25 | 732 |
何なのよ、怪盗淑女って! |
What is up with the Phantom Lady?! | |
2010-05-03 | 733 |
怪盗淑女気になるわね・・・ |
The Phantom Lady is curious, isn't she? | |
2010-05-25 | 734 |
リンを犬に塗ったら死んじゃうから真似しないでね・・・ |
If you coat a dog with phosphorus, the dog will die, so don't imitate this, okay? | |
2010-05-31 | 736 |
1ページ目のおじいちゃん、すごい顔してるけど話と関係ないから気にしないでね・・・ |
The old man on the first page has quite a face, but he has nothing to do with the story, so don't care about him, okay? | |
2010-06-10 | 737 |
ハチかわいい♥ |
Hachi's cute♥ | |
2010-06-16 | 738 |
ハチが無事でよかった・・・ |
I'm glad that Hachi is safe… | |
2010-06-23 | ??? |
脱げば玉散る氷の刃ね・・・ |
A blade that sparkles once it's pulled… | |
2010-06-25 | ??? |
2号も休むなんて、W杯の影響かしら・・・(やるじゃない本田君♥) |
Making me rest for two issues, I wonder if this is the World Cup's influence… (good job Honda-kun♥) | |
2010-07-04 | ??? | Unavailable |
Unavailable |
(Something about the baumkuchen making Shiho thirsty?) |
2010-08-08 | 743 |
ついに始まったのね・・・地獄のロンドン編が・・・ |
It finally begins… the hellish London arc… | |
Unavailable | 744 | Unavailable |
ラブはゼロ、トンチが利いてるわね… |
Love is zero, how quick-witted… |
2010-08-30 | 745 | Unavailable |
大丈夫、蘭ちゃん足速いから・・・ |
It will be all right, since Ran-chan can run fast… |
2010-09-06 | 746 | Unavailable |
蘭ちゃん、逃げて! |
Run, Ran-chan! |
Unavailable | 748 | Unavailable |
ハーデス…暑くないのかしら? |
Isn't Hades hot? |
Unavailable | 749 | Unavailable |
ミネルバさんのパンチら見ちゃった♥ |
I saw Minerva's underwear♥ |
Unavailable | 750 | Unavailable |
テニスマンガと化してるわね… |
This is becoming a tennis manga… |
2010-10-02 | ??? |
テニスっていえば、伊達さんすごいわね・・・ |
Speaking of tennis, Date-san is amazing… | |
Unavailable | ??? | Unavailable |
ミネルバさんのパンチラまた見ちゃった♥ |
I saw Minerva's panchira again♥ |
2010-10-16 | ??? | Unavailable |
告って逆ギレしてるし… |
Got angry after getting confessed, eh? |
2010-10-23 | ??? | Unavailable |
Unavailable |
(Shiho hates static electricity) |
2010-10-24 | N/A |
このまま雪に埋もれたら・・・真っ白な気持ちになれるかしら・・・白になりきれない灰色のサンタより・・・ |
If (I) get buried in the snow like this… I wonder if I will feel completely white… From the grey Santa who can't completely become white | |
2011-01-07 | 755 |
プラダフォン、そろそろギャラクシーに買い替えようかしら・・・ |
(I?) wonder if (I?) should buy Galaxy (Nexus) for Prada Phone… | |
2011-02-05 | 764 |
夜中に本ばっかり読んでるからよ・・・ |
That's because (you) read only books in the middle of the night… | |
2011-02-16 | 766 |
ラーメンっておいしいけど太るのよね・・・ |
Ramen's delicious, but fattening… | |
2011-02-25 | 768 |
今週から新しい女の子アシが来るらしいわよ・・・ |
Apparently, a new female assistant will appear this week… | |
2011-03-04 | 769 | Unavailable |
Unavailable |
(Something about someone becoming a regular) |
2011-03-26 | 770 | Unavailable |
アルテイシアだったのね・・・ |
So it was Artesia.. |
2011-04-01 | 771 | Unavailable |
Unavailable |
(Shiho reacts to the panchira) |
2011-04-09 | 772 | Unavailable |
工藤君、出すぎじゃない? |
Kudo-kun, aren't you appearing too often? |
2011-06-04 | 778 | Unavailable |
Unavailable |
(Shiho told Hattori to knock down Shinichi's ego) |
2011-06-19 | 780 | Unavailable |
Unavailable |
(Shiho tries to speak the Kansai dialect) |
2011-06-25 | 781 | Unavailable |
Unavailable |
(Gosho wonders who Sera's voice actor will be) |
2011-07-09 | 783 | Unavailable |
Unavailable |
(Apparently Gosho talked about how Shiho likes to take a bath) |
2011-07-16 | 784 |
和葉ちゃん炎上してるわね・・・ |
Kazuha-chan is passionate, isn't she? | |
2011-07-24 | 785 |
えーっ、ここでお休みなの!? |
Nooo, a break here?! | |
2011-08-11 | 786 |
高木刑事に聞かれちゃったわね♥ |
Detective Takagi overheard you by accident, aww♥ | |
2011-08-21 | Magic Kaito |
とても二十歳には見えないわね、このヒゲオヤジ・・・ |
This mustache man doesn't look twenty, does he? | |
2011-08-26 | Magic Kaito |
6日よ、6日!6にかかったのよ、絵だけで!! |
Six days, six days! Just drawing took six days!! | |
2011-09-03 | 787 |
世良ちゃん、最近私より出番多いんじゃない? |
Doesn't Sera-chan have more appearances than me these days? | |
2011-09-10 | 788 |
そういえば、佐藤刑事って何歳なのかしら・・・ |
Now that (I) think about it, how old is Detective Satou? | |
2011-09-16 | 789 |
地デジ化ならではのトリックね・・・ |
A trick made possible by digitalization above-ground broadcasting, huh… | |
2011-09-23 | 790 |
エモちゃんは風紀委員らしいわよ・・・ |
Apparently, Emo-chan was a a student in charge of discipline… | |
2011-09-30 | 791 |
婦警さんのパンチラって萌えるわよね♥ |
A panty shot of a female police officer makes you feel infatuated, doesn't it♥ | |
2011-10-08 | 792 |
警察車両盗聴してるけど・・・どうなの? |
(Conan) wiretapped a police vehicle… is this okay? | |
2011-10-21 | 793 |
出たわね!!連邦の白い悪魔が・・・ |
Appeared!! The federation's white devil… (in reference to Amuro Touru's namesake) | |
2011-10-31 | 794 |
探偵だらけね・・・ |
(This place is) full of detectives… | |
2011-11-05 | 795 |
CVは古谷さんよね・・・? |
The CV (character voice) will be Furuya (Tooru, Gundam's Amuro Ray's voice actor), right…? | |
2011-11-12 | 796 |
あのトイレ、もう使うのよそうかしら・・・ |
(I) wonder if (I) should avoid using that toilet… | |
2011-11-20 | 797 |
世良ちゃん大暴れしそう・・・ |
Looks like Sera-chan will have a huge fuss… | |
2011-11-27 | 798 |
世良ちゃんはやっぱりコレに乗ってたのね・・・ |
As I thought, Sera-chan rode on this… | |
2011-12-09 | 799 |
私もiPhoneになるのかしら?「哀」だけに・・・ |
I wonder if I'll have an iPhone, too? Since I'm "Ai"… | |
2011-12-17 | 800 |
私の哀Phoneベルモットが持ってるじゃない!キ―――ッ!! |
Vermouth has my "Ai"Phone! Argh! | |
2011-12-24 | N/A |
冬の夜空のままでいたいのに、白雪が黒い気持ちをポカポカさせる・・・黒になりきれない灰色のサンタより・・・ |
I want the winter night sky to stay, but the white snow gives warmth to my black feelings… From the grey Santa who can't completely become black… | |
2011-12-26 | 801 |
寒い時期のバーベキューもオツなのよね・・・ |
Barbecues are awesome during the cold season, too… | |
2012-01-08 | 802 |
新しいプラダフォン博士買ってくれないかしら・・・ |
I wonder if Hakase will buy me a new Prada phone… | |
2012-01-21 | 803 |
トナカイの着ぐるみちょっと着てみたいかも・・・ |
I think I might want to wear a reindeer costume… | |
2012-01-28 | 804 |
高木刑事トイレ大丈夫かしら・・・ |
How is Detective Takagi going to go to the toilet? | |
2012-02-04 | 805 |
みんなトイレの事には触れないのね・・・ |
No one wants to mention about the toilet, huh… | |
2012-02-11 | 806 |
佐藤刑事の寝顔発言・・・私がいたら鬼のように突っ込んであげるのに! |
Detective Sato makes an utterance about (Takagi's) sleeping face… if I was there, I would have joked about it like a ogre! | |
2012-02-19 | 807 |
私も行きたいな、北海道・・・ |
I want to go to Hokkaido, too… | |
2012-02-26 | 808 |
録画されちゃったわね・・・キスシーン♥ |
The kiss scene got recorded, oops♥ | |
2012-03-07 | 809 |
そんなに驚く事ないじゃない・・・ |
There's nothing to be surprised here… | |
2012-03-16 | 810 |
今回の容疑者は珍しく、サンデーの編集さんをもじったものらしいわよ・・・ |
Unusually, the names of suspects this time are puns of the [names of] editors at Sunday, apparently… | |
2012-03-23 | 811 |
あー、ドキドキした・・・ |
Oh man, my heart was pounding… | |
2012-04-07 | 812 |
歯磨き好きなのね・・・ |
(He) likes to brush (his) teeth, huh… | |
2012-04-14 | 813 |
雲隠才蔵って・・・♥ 正解は霧隠才蔵!誤植ね(笑) |
Kumogakure Saizou, oops… ♥ The correct (name) is Kirigakure Saizou! This is a typo (laughs) | |
2012-04-21 | 814 |
奪衣婆怖っ!! |
Datsue-ba (is) scary!! | |
2012-04-27 | 815 |
あ、牙生えた♥ |
Oh my, a fang grew♥ | |
2012-05-12 | 816 |
がんばれ私! |
Do your best, me! | |
2012-05-19 | 817 |
探偵事務所のセキュリティめるいわね・・・ |
The Detective Agency's security is lax, isn't it… | |
2012-05-25 | 818 |
マイケル発見! |
Found Michael! | |
2012-06-03 | 819 |
密室なら榎本君の出番よね♥ |
If it's a locked room, then it's Enomoto-kun's turn♥ | |
2012-06-09 | 820 |
名古屋の人逃げて! |
Person from Nagoya, run! | |
2012-06-17 | 821 |
やっぱりアルテイシアだったのね・・・ |
So it was Artesia… | |
2012-06-23 | 822 |
ちょっとちょっと、私どこに行っちゃったの? |
Wait wait, where did I end up going? | |
2012-07-01 | 823 |
2ページ目のベタもれ、ヒマな人は塗ってみるのはどうかしら? |
Why don't those of you who are not busy try painting the missing part on page 2? | |
2012-07-06 | 824 |
このシリーズ、声優さんのギャラ高そうね・・・ |
In this series, the pay for the voice actors seems high… | |
2012-07-21 | 825 |
組織にテニス部とかあるのかしら・・・ |
I wonder if there's a tennis club and such in the organization… | |
2012-07-27 | 826 |
犯人・・・工藤君なんじゃないの!? |
The culprit… isn'it it Kudō-kun!? | |
2012-08-03 | 827 |
私、生きてるんだけど・・・ |
But, I am alive… | |
2012-08-11 | 828 |
亀カワイイ♥ |
Cute turtle♥ | |
2012-08-25 | 829 |
亀心配・・・ |
I’m worried about the turtle… | |
2012-09-02 | 830 |
亀よかった! |
I’m glad the turtle is fine! | |
2012-09-02 | 830 |
「ラブリーミステリー」気になるわね・・・ |
The “Lovely Mistery” is bothering me… |
- ^ "コナン新EDカット (Conan New Ending Theme Cut)".
- ^ "シェリーのひとりごと 更新! (Sherry's Soliloquy Updated!)".
- ^ "シェリーのひとりごと (Sherry's Soliloquy)".
- ^ "シェリーのひとりごと 更新! (Sherry's Soliloquy Updated!)".
- ^ "シェリーのひとりごと (Sherry's Soliloquy)".
- ^ "シェリーのひとりごと (Sherry's Soliloquy)".
- ^ "シェリーのひとりごと (Sherry's Soliloquy)".
- ^ "シェリーのひとりごと (Sherry's Soliloquy)".
- ^ "シェリーのひとりごと (Sherry's Soliloquy)".
- ^ "シェリーのひとりごと (Sherry's Soliloquy)".
- ^ "シェリーのひとりごと (Sherry's Soliloquy)".
- ^ "シェリーのひとりごと (Sherry's Soliloquy)".
- ^ "シェリーのひとりごと (Sherry's Soliloquy)".