Detective Conan Wiki:Podcast Episode 1
Hey guys, this is CarpetCrawler here for the Detective Conan World's Detective Conan Podcast and I'm here---as well---I'll usually be here with skyechan and Southpaw. Hi, how you guys doing?
Doing good! That was skyechan by the way, hi, nice to see you--er, meet you, whatever.
(Sorry I just cleared my throat.) This is Southpaw-chan, how you guys doing? All the audience and stuff. (...I sound like an idiot...)
And I'm CarpetCrawler and I'll get this out of the way right now, I am *awesome*. So just getting it out of the way right now. You guys are gonna---
Hey! We're *all* awesome.
No, no you're not awesome.
Just to let you know, CarpetCrawler gave us a cuecard saying: "Yes, we agree, you're a young stud."
Yes I did and I'm very happy you read it.
(gagging noise) Blah!
"Blah" yourself.
Crap. Total BS.
Go tuck yourself in.Conan News - Manga-based Episode
Okay. So basically as of tomorrow---hi folks, how you doing?---as of tomorrow, Episode 589 is going to be airing in Japan titled "The Worst Birthday" It's Part 1. It's a manga case based off of a case where...I think it involves Eri Kisaki and something about I think it's her birthday or something like that? That's what I heard.
Yeah, that's correct.
Yeah, it's her birthday. And apparently some good stuff is going to happen, who knows? Or they might do what they did with---
I read the manga case, it was very good.
It was very good? Okay.
(...Well I liked it...)
I just hope they don't do what they did with the Kobayashi case where they dragged it unnecessarily long.
I think it only lasted maybe three files if that? Not very long.
Yeah, but didn't the last Kobayashi case that just aired recently---a couple weeks ago...
Oh, I don't know.
Wasn't that only three files long?
It was a three episode case. The first one was like "Shiratori's Love" and "Kobayashi's Love"---
I don't remember the name of the third part. Yeah.
It was "Timeless Sakura's Love" that's what it was called.
Oh yeah, that's right.Recap Rant
But the thing with that one is---they drag that out so unbelievably long, like if you notice with parts 2 and part 3 there was like 5 minutes, 6 minutes, 7 minutes of recap. It's like---
It seems like they've been doing that in several of the multi-part cases lately.
They have been doing that since---they've been doing that since that "Red Wall" case last year. They've been doing that. And I think even before that. I mean, that case wasn't four parts, come on now.
Am I the only person that felt the "Clash of Red and Black" had dragged on *forever*?
Well yeah, in the manga "Clash of Red and Black" was separated by the case---by the rock star case where the rock star killed...
But instead, it was like I'm doing the episode titles for Anime News Network and I'm like, "Oh my god, it's another "Clash of Red and Black" again. What's this *one*?" What was it, twelve episodes in a row?Detective Conan Fandom Work
Yeah, that's skyechan's past experience everybody. She does stuff on the "Weeki"---"Wiki", I keep getting that wrong---but she also does stuff for other websites involving Detective Conan including---
Yeah, I tend to do the episode list on Anime News Network and also the Japanese version, so "Detective Conan", not "Case Closed". I don't do that one, just "Detective Conan".
No poor soul would ever do "Case Closed". And Southpaw is a moderator on the Detective Conan World Forums essentially.
Yup, yup, yup.
Dealing with the strange creatures that tend to inhabit that forum every now and then.
Oh my goodness. Yes.
And to our "strange creatures", we mean that in the nicest way possible.
In the *absolutely* nicest way possible.
Every now and then. And I'm an administrator on the Wiki---oh, I got it right that time, it's "Wiki". I gotta remember that, "Wiki".
Yes, Wiki.
I tried to add a couple of things to the Wiki once, but I keep forgetting to go back there.
Well that's not a great thing to say on this podcast!
I'm sorry! I'm sorry. It's---well---yeah.
That's like saying, "Oh, I'm in charge of this restaurant but I don't eat the food here." Yeah, thanks.
Well, no. Some people actually are like that.
Yes I know, we don't want to point them out.
That's not good!
No, the Wiki is really good it's just I---yeah.
It's just you don't go on there, meanie.
Yeah, well anyway.
Well, you guys might remember me that I try to go on there occasionally and update like the Release News and all of that sort of stuff. 'Cause I'll actually go on to the Japanese websites and I'll do my darndest to translate the stuff but Lord knows if it's actually right.
Your darn-diddlyist. Conflabbinist. "Darndest", we're not eleven-years-old here, come on now.
Oh, I know. It comes from working with kids, come on.
Yeah, we're not but some of the kids listening to this might be.
Well they shouldn't be listening to this! If you're eleven-years-old what are you doing watching a show where they murder people everyday?
Well, it's like the kids I'm with every day. They actually watch Death Note and all that so...yeah, don't take it for granted.
What are we talking about? Oh yeah, me! Okay. Um...yeeeah.
Oh Lord. Here we go.
We're talking about Detective Conan!
Well I'm talking about myself so forget about this. Yeah, I'm also a moderator/administrator at the forums and I'm also in charge of the Facebook so hello folks. You guys might know me--
Wait, you have administrator status?
On what?
No, I'm kidding.
Oh. Way to be, jerk. Okay, um. And of course I'll say hi to--
You're the jerk. You said administrator/moderator.
Well, I *am*! I don't know--I don't remember if I'm just administrator at the forums so why not go for both and I'll be half-right! See? Smart logic.
Can't argue with that logic, folks.
Let's keep going.Shout-Outs
Alright, hi to certain people at the Detective Conan Translation Project forum including Parkur, everybody's favorite creeper, um...Abs.--I don't know why he's called Abs., why're you called Abs.? What does that stand for? Anyway, and of course there's Jd-. And...I'm forgetting a lot of people right now. That's great. Sorry guys! It's great, I only named three people.
You know who you are.
Yes, you know who you are...Except for you L, I don't wanna know you. Okay, um.File 749 - "Message from the Queen"
Anyway, new manga--well, speaking of DCTP, File 789 was just released--was just translated by them I think...two days ago, titled "A Message From the Queen". Yes, we're still stuck in that Shinichi/Ran storyline folks. We're still gonna keep truckin' on that one it seems like. I mean I was so annoyed--I actually read the one chapter of that story, the one where she confronted him and according to somebody they haven't even mentioned that in the past like three or four chapters. They haven't even mentioned that that happened.
Um. Not really. It was like it was glanced over and it's like, "Oh yeah, by the way, she ran off and Shinichi chased after her" and Lord knows what happened in between.
Well we know what happened.
I guess the idea was that Ran ran off and then Shinichi never caught up to her somehow? Ran must be pretty darn fast, that's all I can say.
That or he was shell-shocked, who knows?
I mean Shinichi was right on her tail. Well, not literally, but you know, pretty close behind her.
What he wants a piece of her tail? Anyway, um...Oh, you caught that!Tomorrow is the last Time
Speaking of Ran and Shinichi we can actually talk about the new ending.
Well, I was gonna get to that.
Yay! Oh yeah, that ending was *awesome*!
I haven't seen it yet actually. The new ending folks if--in case you don't know, episode 588 they replaced "Hello Mr. my yesterday" which I kinda liked. I'm kinda--
I love that song!
I really liked that.
That was a good song. But they did--it's by the person who sings the opening, Mai Kuraki. It's "Tomorrow is the last Time" it's going to be released October 20th, 2010 single-wise although as far as I know the song has been leaked if I remember correctly on certain websites. So if you're--
*sing-song* Not surprised.
Yeaah, big surprise, folks. Well, apparently also big time spoilers are leaked before the stories come out in Shonen Sunday. I don't know. That's what I've heard, actually. I've heard that from a few people.
Must be a secret agent working in Shonen Sunday I guess. I have *no* idea.
We got a mole in Shonen Sunday!
Somehow the Chinese get it and then the Chinese spoilers get translated or something.
The only thing with that is that 90% of the time they're full of crap. But it's the Chinese with the spoilers. They purposely try to troll us with that. I'll just warn you about that ahead of time. You don't know how many times--
It's somebody on the forums saying something about "Oh I read it on this Chinese website about the movie!"Movie 15 Joke Titles
You don't know how many times that I've heard Movie 15-- it must have 27 titles or something. Lord knows how many times I've heard--
Movie 15: "We Have Too Many Damn Detective Conan Movies!"
I know.
That's gonna be the title.
Iiit's--yeah, we have too many. We can't think of anything clever. Speaking of--
"We Ran Out of Clever Titles, So Here's Another Detective Conan Flick."
Yeah, another one that's not going to have anything important in it.
No, I got it. Here's what it is: "For the Guys That Don't Follow the TV Series 'Cause It Got So Damn Long, Here's Your Annual Detective Conan Fix." That's it. 'Cause theoretically you could just watch the movies--
Yeah, that's true.
--and you don't have to watch the show or even read the manga. I mean, they always explain everything in the beginning anyway, so, who needs to know?
Yeah, and I never understand that. It's like after fifteen movies, I think I know what the show's about.
Well, maybe they're doing that for the new people.
Well there's still those little kids that have *no* idea.
Well they shouldn't be watching the movie. I'd kick them out of the theater.
You'd think.
I would kick them out of the theater 'cause I can.
If you're watching movie 14 and you know absolutely nothing about the story...what's wrong with you? I mean, seriously? I don't get it. I don't get how you can fast-forward to movie 14 without knowing anything about the rest of the story.(Transcript is currently incomplete and at the 11 minute mark. :) --Skyechan 02:26, 14 May 2011 (UTC)