Template:InfoBox 3B4Chapter

From Detective Conan Wiki
N/A List of Chapters N/A
3rd Base 4th Chapter {{{chapter}}}

The following is a list of required or optional parameters for any of the chapters:

{{InfoBox 3B4Chapter
| chapter             =    (This is a number - e.g. "254")
| image               =
| title               = 
| japanese-title      =    (Optional)
| release             =
| issue               =    
| volume              =    (This is a number - e.g. "37")
| pages               =    (This is a number - e.g. "16")
| anime               =    (Optional: anime episodes adapting this chapter)
| english-title       =    (Optional)
| english-release     =    (Optional)
| game                =    (Optional)
| prev-chapter        =    (Optional)
| next-chapter        =    (Optional)
| footnotes           =    (Optional: will not show the row if omitted)