The Big Investigation of the Nine Doors

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Episode 182
(Int. Episode 196)

TV Episode 182.jpg

Title: The Big Investigation of the Nine Doors
Japanese title: 大捜索9つのドア
(Daisōsaku no Kokonotsu no Doa)
Original airdate: February 28, 2000
February 29, 2020 (Remastered)
Broadcast rating: 21.0%
Remastered rating: 5.9%
Filler case: #66
Season: 5
Manga source: TV Original
Cast: Conan Edogawa
Detective Boys
Ai Haibara
Case solved by: Conan Edogawa
Next Conan's Hint: Roman alphabet
Initial (Remastered version)
Director: Yasuichiro Yamamoto
Kenji Kodama (chief)
Screenplay: Kazunari Kouchi
Storyboard: Michiyo Sakurai
Episode director: Nana Harada
Animation director: Izumi Shimura
Character design: Masatomo Sudo
Junko Yamanaka and Kumiko Shishido (design works)
Opening song: Mysterious Eyes
Closing song: Secret of my heart

The Big Investigation of the Nine Doors (大捜索9つのドア Daisōsaku no Kokonotsu no Doa?) is the 182nd episode of Detective Conan anime.

Characters introduced





The Detective Boys are on their way home (presumably after school), and, when they pass through the bottom of a building, they discover two S-Hooks and a wedding ring engraved with the initials M to A. They believe that this combination of items is an S.O.S. message, and therefore decide to investigate the building and its residents.


EP182 Case.jpg

Location: Apartment building
Victim: Woman
Suspects: People resident of the the rooms that end with 5
A woman sends an SOS message for someone to rescue her.


  • Resolution


    • Residents of the apartment building include: 104, Kimura (木村); 105, Tsutomu Otake (大竹 努); 204, Yoshida (misspelled as Yosida); 205, Igarashi (五十嵐); 304, Takeshi Kofuji (小藤 武); 305, Asuka and Masakazu Shima (島); 404, ???; 405, Shinichiro Koyama (小山 慎一郎); 505, Kosaku Horikoshi (堀越 耕作), Natsue Horikoshi (堀越 夏江), and Yohei Horikoshi (堀越 陽平); 605, Misato Uehara (上原 美里) and Akihiko Uehara (上原 明彦); 705, Michihiro Ishida (石田 道弘); 804, f. ?? (?? f.); 805, Yoshio Sakurai (桜井 義男); 904, Tsukasa I (伊 吏); and 905, Eisuke Shindo (新藤 英介).
    • People in the phonebook include: Tatsuo Igarashi (五十嵐 達男), Tsutomu/Tsuyoshi Igarashi (五十嵐 力), Teruo Igarashi (五十嵐 照雄), Toru Igarashi (五十嵐 徹), Toshio Igarashi (五十嵐 敏夫), Fumio Igarashi (五十嵐 文雄), Fumihiro Igarashi (五十嵐 文広), Takao Shima (島 貴夫), Hideo Shima (島 秀雄), Masakazu Shima (島 正和), Masafumi Shima (島 正文), and Michio Shima (島 道雄).

    BGM listing

    # Song Title Romaji Translation OST
    1 Mysterious Eyes Mysterious Eyes Mysterious Eyes Mysterious Eyes
    2 のんびり気分 Nonbiri Kibun Carefree Feeling Detective Conan Original Soundtrack 1
    3 小さな巨人 Chiisana Kyojin A Small Great Person Detective Conan Original Soundtrack 1
    4 少年探偵団のテーマ (摩天楼ヴァージョン) Shōnen Tanteidan no Tēma (Mantenrō Vājon) The Detective Boys' Theme (Skyscraper Version) Detective Conan "The Time-Bombed Skyscraper" Original Soundtrack
    5 犯人のアジト Hannin no Ajito The Culprit's Hideout Detective Conan Original Soundtrack 1
    6 阿笠博士のテーマ Agasa Hakase no Tēma Professor Agasa's Theme Detective Conan Original Soundtrack 1
    7 犯人のアジト (いよいよver.) Hannin no Ajito (Iyoiyo ver.) The Culprit's Hideout (More and More ver.) Detective Conan Original Soundtrack 2
    8 西の名探偵 (摩天楼ヴァージョン) Nishi no Meitantei (Mantenrō Vājon) The Great Detective of the West (Skyscraper Version) Detective Conan "The Time-Bombed Skyscraper" Original Soundtrack
    9 犯人からの電話 Hannin Kara no Denwa Phone Call From the Culprit Detective Conan "The Time-Bombed Skyscraper" Original Soundtrack
    10 怪人包帯男2 Kaijin Hōtai Otoko 2 The Mysterious Bandaged Man 2 Detective Conan Original Soundtrack 3
    11 恋のトランプゲーム占い Koi no Toranpu Gēmu Uranai Love's Fortune-Telling Card Game Detective Conan "The Fourteenth Target" Original Soundtrack
    12 真相究明 Shinsō Kyūmei Investigating the Truth Detective Conan "The Fourteenth Target" Original Soundtrack
    13 事件現場 (オリジナルver.) Jiken Genba (Orijinaru ver.) Scene of the Case (Original ver.) Detective Conan Original Soundtrack 2
    14 犯人からの電話 Hannin Kara no Denwa Phone Call From the Culprit Detective Conan "The Time-Bombed Skyscraper" Original Soundtrack
    15 忍び寄る危機 Shinobiyoru Kiki Incoming Crisis Detective Conan "The Time-Bombed Skyscraper" Original Soundtrack
    16 「名探偵コナン」メイン・テーマ (予告) "Meitantei Konan" Mein・Tēma (Yokoku) "Detective Conan" Main Theme (Preview) Detective Conan Original Soundtrack 2
    17 Secret of my heart Secret of my heart Secret of my heart Secret of my heart
    18 蘭のテーマ Ran no Tēma Ran's Theme Detective Conan Original Soundtrack 1


    In other languages

    Language Title Translation
    Flag of Arabic Arabic رسالة الاستغاثة A Cry for Help Message
    Flag of Catalonia Catalan (Catalan dub) La gran investigació dels nous pisos The big investigation of the nine floors
    Flag of Valencia Catalan (Valencian dub) La gran recerca de les nous portes The big search of the nine doors
    Flag of China Chinese (Simplified) 九道门大搜索 The big investigation of the nine doors
    Flag of France French A la recherche des neuf portes Searching for the nine doors
    Flag of Galicia Galician Pescuda intensa a través de nove portas Intensive search between nine doors
    Flag of Germany German Notruf von oben SOS from above
    Flag of Italy Italian Le nove porte The nine doors
    Flag of Chile Spanish (American dub) La gran investigación de las nueve puertas The big investigation of the nine doors
    Flag of Spain Spanish (Castilian dub) La gran búsqueda de las nueve puertas The big search of the nine doors
    Flag of Thailand Thai ความลับของประตูบานที่ 9 The secret of the ninth door
    Flag of Vietnam Vietnamese Cuộc điều tra tòa nhà 9 tầng The investigation of the nine floors

    See also

    Collapse Episodes of Season 5
    Episode 174175176177178179180181182183184185186187188189190191192193194195196197198199200201202203204205206207208209210211212213214215216217218