The Job Request from Inspector Megure

From Detective Conan Wiki
Mystery of the Burning Tent List of Episodes The Detective Boys Become Models
Episode 911
(Int. Episode 966)

TV Episode 911.jpg

Title: The Job Request from Inspector Megure
Japanese title: 目暮警部からの依頼
(Megure keibu kara no irai)
Original airdate: September 1, 2018
Broadcast rating: 7.3%
Filler case: #298
Season: 23
Manga source: TV Original
Cast: Conan Edogawa
Juzo Megure
Kogoro Mouri
Wataru Takagi
Kazunobu Chiba
Case solved by: Kogoro Mouri (via Conan)
Next Conan's Hint: Siren
Director: Yasuichiro Yamamoto
Screenplay: Nobuo Ogizawa
Storyboard: Sumio Watanabe
Episode director: Hiroaki Takagi
Animation director: Seiji Muta (Supervisor)
Chiemi Hironaka
Nanae Yonemoto
Character design: Masatomo Sudo
Akiko Motoyoshi (sub-character)
Kumiko Shishido (design works)
Opening song: Countdown
Closing song: Sadame

The Job Request from Inspector Megure (目暮警部からの依頼 Megure keibu kara no irai?) is the 911th episode of the Detective Conan anime.





Megure comes to the detective agency to implore Kogoro to help him. Kogoro accepts, and Megure explains the situation: a young man called Ryuji is suspected of having killed his uncle, a famous literature scholar. A witness claims to have seen him exit his uncle's house at the time of the crime. However, the culprit confessed to having burglarized a woman the same day, at the same time he is suspected to have killed his uncle. How could he have been in two places at once?

Murder (Past)

EP911 case.jpg

Location: Yotsubadai District
Victim: Yutaka Reigan
Age: 70 years old
Time: 3 weeks ago
Cause of death: Stab wound
Suspects: Ryuji Maihama
Yutaka has been found stabbed in his house three weeks ago.
Robbery / Assault (Past)

EP911 case2.png

Location: Sasago-cho
Victim: Hide Tenyama
Age: 73 years old
Time: 3 weeks ago
Offense weapon: Baton
Suspects: Ryuji Maihama
At the same time, Ryuji has knocked Tenyama unconscious twice before putting a mess in her house and robbing 500,000 Yen.
Arson? (Past)

EP911 case3.png

Location: Sasago-cho
Time: 3 weeks ago
Suspects: Prank Caller
A suspected fire occurred and fire fighters were sent there to find there wasn't any fire.


  • Resolution


    • According to Detective Conan producer Michihiko Suwa, the subtitle of the episode was The First Time Inspector Megure Relied on Kogoro (目暮警部、初めて小五郎を頼る Megure-keibu, Hajimete Kogorō o Tayoru?) when the script was being written[1].
    • The Toyota Crown Sedan from the police that appeared in Mystery of the Burning Tent reappeared in this episode as it was in front of the furniture store where the suspect bought a knife.
    • Michihiko Suwa wrote on his blog that he and Ryuji Maihama's voice actor, Kentaro Ito, were friends since university.
    • Ryuji Maihama's car is a Toyota HiAce Fifth generation 2017. The license plate number is 新宿 332, ら 38-95 (Shinjuku 332, Ra 38-95).
    • Anime-original locations: Yotsubadai (四葉台) and Sasago Town (笹五町).


    In other languages

    Language Title Translation
    Flag of Catalonia Catalan (Catalan dub) La petició de l'inspector Megure The petition from inspector Megure
    Flag of France French (Subbed) La Supplique de l'inspecteur Megure The request from inspector Megure
    Flag of Thailand Thai การจ้างวานจากสารวัตรเมงุเระ The request from Inspector Megure
    Flag of Vietnam Vietnamese Yêu cầu từ thanh tra Megure


    See also

    Collapse Episodes of Season 23
    Episode 887888889890891892893894895896897898899900901902903904905906907908909910911912913914915916917918919920921922923924925926