This guideline summarizes the functions of commonly used templates in this wiki.
Section one will give you a brief overview about wiki templates and when you want to use them. The second section deals with some common tasks in the DetectiveConanWorld (DCW) wiki and introduces helpful templates. The usage of the discussed templates is illustrated by examples. In the third section common used templates are tabulated by name and by usage.
If you are new with the subject just follow this articles given structure. In case you want to learn more about the provided templates for a specific kind of articles, go on reading the respective paragraphs in section two. Should you already be familiar with this wiki and just want to check out a particular template or its usage, you can directly go to section three.
Section 1: Wiki templates
[text: was sind vorlagen; warum vorlagen]
Templates usually are stored separately from articles, in namespace #10, and their talk pages in namespace #11. In the DCW wiki the prefix for template pages is called 'Template' and 'Template talk' for their talk pages respectively.
- To include a template in your article, simply write the templates name in doubled curly brackets, e.g. {{SomeTemplate}} if the templates pagename is called .../wiki/Template:SomeTemplate.
- If the template accepts further specification of variable content, you can add parameter. Parameter are separated with vertical slashes. If the variables are named, you can specify the parameter with the variables name.
- E. g. {{SomeTemplate|hello|world}} will identify the parameter with the templates variables in the given order. Therefor the output of {{SomeTemplate|hello|world}} may not equals {{SomeTemplate|world|hello}}, whereas the output of {{SomeTemplate|first=hello|second=world}} equals {{SomeTemplate|second=world|first=hello}} if the template contains the two variables called 'first' and 'second'.
- There are two different ways including a template:
- Including a template 'by reference' maybe is the most common one. Here you only write the templates name in doubled curly brackets, as shown above.
- Including a template 'by value' (substitution) will copy the whole contents of the template replacing the variable contents with the given parameters. You have to add the keyword 'subst' when including the template, e.g. {{subst:SomeTemplate}}.
[hinweis: vorlagen vs ausgelagerte artikelteile]
Section 2: Wiki templates in common DCW tasks
- workflow
- styles
- writing articles (editor)
- users
Section 3: Common DCW templates
Name | DCW task | Summary | Example |
Appearances | editor | Counts a characters appearance in Detective Conan for a given media. | |
BeginTable <XY> | editor | Creates the beginning of a standardized table, like the headers and look and feel. Substitute the <XY> for the type of items, you wish to fill in the table, e.g. Char for a table of Detective Conan characters or Gadget for a table of conans gadgets. |
{{BeginTable Char}}
{{EndTable}} |
EndTable | editor | Creates the footer of a table. | |
<XY>Item | editor | Creates a table row for a standardized table. Substitute the <XY> for the type of items, you wish to fill in the table, e.g. Char for a Detective Conan character or Gadget for a conans gadget. | |
BeginBox | style | Starts a box for floating contents. | |
EndBox | style | Ends a box for floating contents. | |
Char Appearances | editor | Creates a formatted frame to show a list of given characters. Use the Char template to create a list item. |
{{Char Appearances|
}} |
Char | editor | Creates a formatted frame to show the name and picture of a single character. Character frames are used in articles about detective conan, like episodes of the tv show.
{{Char|Ayumi Yoshida}} {{Char|Ayumi Yoshida|50|50|display=Yoshida Ayumi}} {{Char|Ayumi Yoshida|||display=Yoshida Ayumi}} |
Charquote | editor | Use this template to qoute a character from detective conan. | |
Archive banner | user | Displays an Archive banner to a user's talk page. This template uses the Archive banner/list template to display a floating list, if the user has more than one archive. | {{Archive banner}} |
Black Organization | editor | This template shows the bottom navigation for the Black Organization. Add this template to any article about members of the Black Organization. This should be the last part of the articles content at the end of the 'references' section. | {{Black Organization}} |
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