Yusuke Yamamoto

From Detective Conan Wiki
Yusuke Yamamoto

Yusuke Yamamoto.jpg

Gender: Male
Date of birth: October 24, 1966[1] (Expression error: Unexpected < operator.)
Place of birth: Shimane Prefecture, Japan
Position: Storyboard
Episode director
Years active: 1989-present
Aliases: やまもと ゆうすけ
Website: Twitter Account
Not to be confused with the Japanese animator with the same name Yusuke Yamamoto.

Yusuke Yamamoto (山本 裕介 Yamamoto Yusuke?) is a Japanese anime director, storyboard artist and technical director. He takes part in the production of Kenyuu Densetsu Yaiba.


During student days, Yusuke Yamamoto watched Rintaro's directed animation Aura Battler Dunbine (聖戦士ダンバイン), which engendered him the interests of being an anime director. Thereafter, Yamamoto worked as production advancement temporarily at animation company Sunrise (サンライズ)[2]. After that, he studied under director Shuji Iuchi (井内 秀治); Yamamoto switched to work at Iuchi's company and then debuted as a director.

Yamamoto directed an OVA after his independence, called Master of Mosquiton (マスターモスキートン). In 2001, he became series director for the first time, via Shiawase Sou no Okojo-san (しあわせソウのオコジョさん); meanwhile also the first generation director in Keroro Gunso (ケロロ軍曹).

In Kenyuu Densetsu Yaiba, Yamamoto was only involved in the production of two episodes.

Works in Yaiba

Kenyuu Densetsu Yaiba

Participation in: 2 episodes

Jpn# Eng# Episode title Original broadcast Role Note
5 5 Special Attack Whirlwind Sword May 7, 1993 Storyboard, Episode director
14 14 Vanished? The Enemy Chameleon July 9, 1993 Storyboard, Episode director

Other notable works


  • B Gata H Kei - Yamada’s First Time: Director, Storyboard, Episode director
  • Encouragement of Climb: Director, Screenplay, Storyboard, Episode director
  • If My Favorite Pop Idol Made it to the Budokan, I Would Die: Director, Storyboard, Episode director
  • Ranma ½: Episode director
  • Synduality: Noir S1-S2: Director, Storyboard, Episode director
  • Walkure Romanze: Director, Storyboard, Assistant technical director
  • Yu-Gi-Oh! Sevens: Storyboard


  1. 山本裕介 - Wikipedia
  2. Yusuke Yamamoto - Anime News Network
  3. Detective Conan Staff Listing
  1. ^ ホビージャパン2023年9月号の山本監督のインタビュープロフィールより
  2. ^ "アニメ『ワルキューレロマンツェ』山本裕介監督×あらかわまさのぶPD対談 「『王道』を作り出す人と技術」". AniFav. http://anifav.com/special/20131208_2497.html. Retrieved on 2024-9-3.