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{{InfoBox TV
{{InfoBox TV
| episode            = 42
| episode            = 42
| int-episode        = 43
| image              = TV Episode 42.jpg
| image              = TV Episode 42.jpg
| title              = Karaoke Box Murder Case
| title              = Karaoke Box Murder Case
| english-title      =  
| english-title      = Karaoke Killing
| japanese-title      =  
| japanese-title      = カラオケボックス殺人事件 <br> (Karaoke Bokkusu Satsujin Jiken)
| season              = [[Season 2|2]]
| rating              = 17.5%
| airdate            = December 16, 1996
| Manga case number  = #13
| english-airdate    =  
| season              = [[Season 1|1]]
| cast                = [[Conan Edogawa]] <br> [[Shinichi Kudo]] <br> [[Ran Mouri]]
| manga              = [[Volume 5#Rex Vocalist Murder Case|Volume 5: Files 6-9 (045-048)]]
| suspects            =  
| airdate            = December 16, 1996 <br> October 22, 2011 '''(Remastered version)'''
| solved-by          = [[Shinichi Kudo]] (Conan using his Voice-Changing Bowtie over an intercom)
| dubbed-episode      = Episode 43
| english-airdate    = August 4, 2004
| cast                = [[Conan Edogawa]] <br> [[Shinichi Kudo]] <br> [[Ran Mouri]] <br> [[Sonoko Suzuki]] <br> [[Juzo Megure]] <br> [[Wataru Takagi]] <br> [[Hiroshi Agasa]]
| suspects            = Mieko Shibazaki, Katsumi Yamada, Mari Terahara, and Go Sumii
| solved-by          = [[Shinichi Kudo]] (via [[Conan Edogawa|Conan]] on intercom)
| next-conan-hint    = Red nose reindeer <br> Riceball '''(Remastered version)'''
| voice-cast          = [[Minami Takayama]] as [[Conan Edogawa]] <br> [[Kappei Yamaguchi]] as [[Shinichi Kudo]] <br> [[Wakana Yamazaki]] as [[Ran Mouri]] <br> [[Naoko Matsui]] as [[Sonoko Suzuki]]<br>[[Chafurin]] as [[Juzo Megure]] <br> [[Wataru Takagi (voice actor)|Wataru Takagi]] as [[Wataru Takagi]], Next Conan's Hint <br> [[Kenichi Ogata]] as [[Hiroshi Agasa]] <br> [[Tomoyuki Inoue]] as Tatsuya Kimura <br> [[Masahiro Kobayashi]] as Katsumi Yamada <br> [[Akiko Matsukuma]] as Mieko Shibazaki <br> [[Ginzo Matsuo]] as Go Sumii <br> [[Urara Takano]] as Mari Terahara
| director            = [[Kenji Kodama]]
| director            = [[Kenji Kodama]]
| screenplay          = [[Toshiki Inoue]]
| screenplay          = [[Toshiki Inoue]]
Line 16: Line 23:
| producer            = [[Masato Sato]]
| producer            = [[Masato Sato]]
| animation-director  = [[Akio Kawamura]]
| animation-director  = [[Akio Kawamura]]
| character-design    = [[Masatomo Sudo]] <br> [[Yasuhiro Moriki]] (design works)
| opening-song        = Feel Your Heart
| closing-song        = Meikyū no Lovers
| prev-episode        = Victory Flag Tearing Case
| prev-episode        = Victory Flag Tearing Case
| next-episode        = Edogawa Conan Kidnapping Case
| next-episode        = Conan Edogawa Kidnapping Case
| footnotes          =  
| footnotes          =
{{nihongo|'''''{{PAGENAME}}'''''|カラオケボックス殺人事件|Karaoke Bokkusu Satsujin Jiken}} is the 42nd episode of ''[[Detective Conan]]'' [[anime]].
== Cast ==
== Cast ==
{{Char Appearances|
{{Char Appearances|
{{Char|Conan Edogawa}}
{{Char|Conan Edogawa}}
{{Char|Shinichi Kudo|display=Shinichi Kudo<br>(voice)}}
{{Char|Ran Mouri}}
{{Char|Ran Mouri}}
{{Char|Sonoko Suzuki}}
{{Char|Sonoko Suzuki}}
{{Char|Inspector Megure}}
{{Char|Juzo Megure}}
{{Char|Shinichi Kudo|display=Shinichi Kudo (voice)}}
{{Char|Wataru Takagi}}
{{Char|Wataru Takagi}}
{{Char|Hiroshi Agasa|display=Dr. Agasa}}
{{Char|Hiroshi Agasa}}
== Gadgets ==
{{Gadgets Appearances|
{{Gadget|Voice-Changing Bowtie}}
== Case ==
== Case ==
=== Situation ===
When Sonoko's father uses his connections, Ran and Sonoko find themselves in a Karaoke Bar having dinner with the hottest band in the land! It seems like a dream come true until the lead singer, Tatsuya Kimura, is poisoned right in front of their eyes. The brash super-star had plenty of enemies (he constantly fought for nothing with Mari, Mieko had her love confession to him rejected, Katsumi was angry at him because he was about to go solo and that put the band's career on hold, Go was in his previous band till he left and he was very rude towards the whole band), but which of them hated him enough to commit murder? It's up to Conan to find out.
=== Situation ===
{{InfoBox Crime
| crime              = Murder
| image              = EP42 Case.jpg
| location            = Karaoke Box
| victim              = Tatsuya Kimura
| age                = 21 years old
| cause-death        = Cyanide poisoning
| suspects            = Mieko Shibazaki, Katsumi Yamada, Mari Terahara, and Go Sumii
| description        =
=== People ===
=== People ===
{{People|Mieko Shibazaki|Mieko Shibazaki.jpg|
* 20 years old
* Guitarist}}
{{People|Katsumi Yamada|Katsumi Yamada.jpg|
* 21 years old
* Drummer}}
{{People|Tatsuya Kimura|Tatsuya Kimura.jpg|
* Victim (poison)
* 21 years old
* Vocalist}}
{{People|Mari Terahara|Mari Terahara.jpg|
* 23 years old
* Lex manager}}
{{People|Go Sumii|Go Sumii.jpg|
* 28 years old
* Karaoke Box manager}}
=== Resolution ===
=== Resolution ===
<spoiler>The killer is '''Mari Terahara'''. The potassium cyanide was not contained in the food as initially suspected but on the outer layering of the band's logo jacket. Kimura had the habit of dandily removing his jacket during performances and placing his hand at the predicted poisoned location. The poison in the food was thereby traces of the stuff that was already in the victim's hand. Conan, using Shinichi's voice for the first time while hiding away, indicts Terahara by making her perform the same gestures and daring her to take a bite out of the onigiri. Her unexplained fear of taking the bite confirms her guilt.
Mari killed Kimura, her ex-boyfriend, because he turned psychologically abusive to her after she had a nose job and had her freckles removed and he broke up with her. It turns out that not only did he like her better when she was a sweet girl next door, but that he was psychologically and emotionally broken after finding out that Mari had specifically gotten plastic surgery to look beautiful for him, which he could never forgive her and himself - he would've never asked her to change. Kimura decided to punish both of them by verbally abusing her, while he secretly wrote a love song for Mari which would have been his first solo single; however, his taunting went so far that Mari was completely embittered, her former love for him became seething hate, and then she decided get revenge by killing him. Sumii, the only person whom Kimura explained his reasons to, proves this as he shows a photo of the old band (including a pre-surgery Mari with a big nose and freckles); Kimura had written the lyrics of his new song on the back of the photo. After hearing all of that, Mari breaks down screaming and crying out to Kimura, while Mieko realizing that when Kimura turned down her love confession, he did it because Mari was his one and only love.</spoiler>
== Manga to anime changes ==
{{main|List of differences between the manga and anime}}
* This episode takes place right after [[Mountain Villa Bandaged Man Murder Case]], with Ran bringing up Sonoko's deduction of the case. Conan is worried as his cover might be blown, only for Sonoko to accept the credit for solving the murder and claiming that Kogoro and Shinichi don't measure up to her (with the manga showing both detectives in the background). The scene as a whole was used at the end of the Mountain Villa Bandaged Murder Case episode.
** In the anime version, Sonoko brings up Tatsuya when Ran asks if she has a guy in her life, whereas the manga version has Ran asking about [[Mountain Villa Bandaged Man Murder Case|Masaru Ohta]] (from the Mountain Villa Case), only for Sonoko to express disinterest for him as she is interested in Tatsuya.
* In the manga, Tatsuya was depicted as somewhat drunk up until his death. Immediately before his death, he coughed up blood before collapsing on to the floor.
* The anime leaves out the main theory of the crime, which is that Tatsuya committed suicide (based originally on the poison being found in the victims car and later supported by other evidence). This is what the police investigation concluded happened and what Inspector Megure was going to release as the cause of death at a press conference before receiving word of Shinichi Kudo's phone call.
* The manga reveals that Tatsuya was rude to his band because the record company forced him to pursue a solo career, so he didn't want them to miss him after he left.
* The anime ends with Ran receiving her present, whereas the manga ends with her trying to find Shinichi, while Conan is shown, nervously hiding.
== Translation changes ==
=== Anime ===
* The names of the characters in the [[Funimation]] Dub are:
:* Mieko Shibazaki - Amber Ling
:* Katsumi Yamada - Sledge
:* Tatsuya Kimura - Justin Moon
:* Mari Terahara - Mazy Mitchel
:* Go Sumii - Georgie
== Remastered version ==
On October 22, 2011, a remastered version of the case was aired.
== Manga to Anime Changes ==
== Trivia ==
* This episode takes place right after [[Mountain Villa Bandaged Man Murder Case]], with Ran bringing up Sonoko's deduction of the case. Conan is worried as his cover might be blown, only for Sonoko to accept the credit for solving the murder. The scene as a whole doesn't appear in the anime.
* Despite his face not being shown on-screen, this marks the first time Detective Takagi is listed in the ending credits. He's the inspector that brings the box of Tatsuya's items to Inspector Megure.
* The manga reveals that Tatsuya was rude to his band, because he didn't want them to miss him after he left.
* In [[Conan Edogawa Kidnapping Case]], Conan thought to himself that "I asked the Inspector not to release my 'real name'", referring to this case.
* The anime ends with Ran receiving her present, whereas the manga ends with her trying to find Shinichi (while Conan is shown, nervously hiding).
== BGM listing ==
{{BeginTable BGMListing}}
{{BGMListingItem|1|Feel Your Heart|Feel Your Heart|Feel Your Heart|[[Feel Your Heart]]}}
{{BGMListingItem|2|ジングルベル|Jinguru Beru|Jingle Bells|}}
{{BGMListingItem|3|Feel Your Heart|Feel Your Heart|Feel Your Heart|[[Feel Your Heart]]}}
{{BGMListingItem|4|赤鼻のトナカイ|Akahana no Tonakai|Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer|}}
{{BGMListingItem|5|星の愛 (歌:速見清司)|Hoshi no Ai (Uta: Hayami Seiji)|Star Love (Sung By: Seiji Hayami)|[[Detective Conan Original Soundtrack 3]]}}
{{BGMListingItem|6|ブラディービーナス (歌:速水清司)|Buradii Biinasu (Uta: Hayami Seiji)|Bloody Venus (Sung By: Seiji Hayami)|[[Detective Conan Original Soundtrack 3]]}}
{{BGMListingItem|7|事件現場 (謎ver.)|Jiken Genba (Nazo ver.)|Scene of the Case (Mystery ver.)|[[Detective Conan Original Soundtrack 2]]}}
{{BGMListingItem|8|新一の名推理|Shin'ichi no Meisuiri|Shinichi's Great Deduction|[[Detective Conan Original Soundtrack 3]]}}
{{BGMListingItem|9|陰謀|Inbō|Conspiracy|[[Detective Conan Original Soundtrack 3]]}}
{{BGMListingItem|10|怪人包帯男2|Kaijin Hōtai Otoko 2|The Mysterious Bandaged Man 2|[[Detective Conan Original Soundtrack 3]]}}
{{BGMListingItem|11|赤鼻のトナカイ|Akahana no Tonakai|Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer|}}
{{BGMListingItem|12|ブラディーヴィーナス (歌:小坂水澄)|Buradii Biinasu (Uta: Kosaka Misumi)|Bloody Venus (Sung By: Misumi Kosaka)|[[Detective Conan Original Soundtrack 3]]}}
{{BGMListingItem|13|コナンの危機|Konan no Kiki|Conan's Crisis|[[Detective Conan Original Soundtrack Super Best]]}}
{{BGMListingItem|14|ひらめき|Hirameki|Flash|[[Detective Conan Original Soundtrack 3]]}}|Hirameki|Flash|[[Detective Conan Original Soundtrack 3]]}}
{{BGMListingItem|15|沈む夕陽 (哀愁ver.)|Shizumu Yūhi (Aishū ver.)|Depressing Sunset (Sorrow ver.)|[[Detective Conan Original Soundtrack 2]]}}
{{BGMListingItem|16|それいけコナン (哀愁ヴァージョン)|Soreike Konan (Aishū Vājon) |Let's Go Conan (Sorrow ver.)|[[Detective Conan Original Soundtrack 1]]}}
{{BGMListingItem|17|迷宮のラヴァーズ|Meikyū no Lovers|Lovers' Labyrinth|[[Meikyū no Lovers]]}}
{{BGMListingItem|18|蘭のテーマ (涙ver.)|Ran no Tēma (Namida ver.)|Ran's Theme (Tearful ver.)|[[Detective Conan Original Soundtrack 2]]}}
{{BGMListingItem|19|きよしこの夜|Kiyoshiko no Yoru|Silent Night|}}
== Gallery ==
{{main gallery}}
== In other languages ==
{{BeginTable EpLang}}
{{EpLangItem|flag=Arabic|Arabic|الطائر الجريح|The Wounded Bird}}
{{EpLangItem|flag=Basque Country|Basque|Karaokeko hilketa|Murder in the Karaoke Box}}
{{EpLangItem|flag=Catalonia|Catalan (Catalonia dub)|L'assassinat del karaoke|Karaoke box murder}}
{{EpLangItem|flag=Valencia|Catalan (Valencian dub)|L'assassinat del karaoke|Karaoke box murder}}
{{EpLangItem|flag=France|French|Meurtre au karaoké|Murder in the Karaoke Box}}
{{EpLangItem|flag=Galicia|Galician|Asasinato nunha cabina de karaoke|Murder in a Karaoke Box}}
{{EpLangItem|flag=Germany|German|Spiel mir das Lied vom Tod|Perform the Song of Death for Me}}
{{EpLangItem|flag=Italy|Italian|La grande festa|The Big Party}}
{{EpLangItem|flag=Poland|Polish|Morderstwo przy karaoke|Murder At Karaoke}}
{{EpLangItem|flag=Spain|Spanish (Castilian dub)|Asesinato en el karaoke|Murder in the Karaoke Box}}
{{EpLangItem|flag=US|Spanish (American dub)|Asesinato en el karaoke|Murder in the Karaoke Box}}
{{EpLangItem|flag=Thailand|Thai|คดีฆาตกรรมในห้องคาราโอเกะ|Murder case inside a Karaoke room}}
{{EpLangItem|flag=Vietnam|Vietnamese|Vụ án trong phòng Karaoke|The Karaoke Box Case}}
== See also ==
== See also ==
* [[Season 1]]
* [[Season 2]]
{{Season 1}}
[[Category:Remastered episode]]
[[Category:Animation directed by Akio Kawamura]]
[[de:Episode 43]]

Latest revision as of 10:40, 28 October 2024

Victory Flag Tearing Case List of Episodes Conan Edogawa Kidnapping Case
Episode 42
(Int. Episode 43)

TV Episode 42.jpg

Title: Karaoke Box Murder Case
Japanese title: カラオケボックス殺人事件
(Karaoke Bokkusu Satsujin Jiken)
Original airdate: December 16, 1996
October 22, 2011 (Remastered version)
Broadcast rating: 17.5%
Manga case: #13
Season: 1
Manga source: Volume 5: Files 6-9 (045-048)
English version
English title: Karaoke Killing
Dubbed episode: Episode 43
English airdate: August 4, 2004
Cast: Conan Edogawa
Shinichi Kudo
Ran Mouri
Sonoko Suzuki
Juzo Megure
Wataru Takagi
Hiroshi Agasa
Case solved by: Shinichi Kudo (via Conan on intercom)
Next Conan's Hint: Red nose reindeer
Riceball (Remastered version)
Director: Kenji Kodama
Screenplay: Toshiki Inoue
Storyboard: Masato Sato
Episode director: Masato Sato
Animation director: Akio Kawamura
Character design: Masatomo Sudo
Yasuhiro Moriki (design works)
Opening song: Feel Your Heart
Closing song: Meikyū no Lovers

Karaoke Box Murder Case (カラオケボックス殺人事件 Karaoke Bokkusu Satsujin Jiken?) is the 42nd episode of Detective Conan anime.





When Sonoko's father uses his connections, Ran and Sonoko find themselves in a Karaoke Bar having dinner with the hottest band in the land! It seems like a dream come true until the lead singer, Tatsuya Kimura, is poisoned right in front of their eyes. The brash super-star had plenty of enemies (he constantly fought for nothing with Mari, Mieko had her love confession to him rejected, Katsumi was angry at him because he was about to go solo and that put the band's career on hold, Go was in his previous band till he left and he was very rude towards the whole band), but which of them hated him enough to commit murder? It's up to Conan to find out.


EP42 Case.jpg

Location: Karaoke Box
Victim: Tatsuya Kimura
Age: 21 years old
Cause of death: Cyanide poisoning
Suspects: Mieko Shibazaki, Katsumi Yamada, Mari Terahara, and Go Sumii


  • Resolution

    Manga to anime changes

    • This episode takes place right after Mountain Villa Bandaged Man Murder Case, with Ran bringing up Sonoko's deduction of the case. Conan is worried as his cover might be blown, only for Sonoko to accept the credit for solving the murder and claiming that Kogoro and Shinichi don't measure up to her (with the manga showing both detectives in the background). The scene as a whole was used at the end of the Mountain Villa Bandaged Murder Case episode.
      • In the anime version, Sonoko brings up Tatsuya when Ran asks if she has a guy in her life, whereas the manga version has Ran asking about Masaru Ohta (from the Mountain Villa Case), only for Sonoko to express disinterest for him as she is interested in Tatsuya.
    • In the manga, Tatsuya was depicted as somewhat drunk up until his death. Immediately before his death, he coughed up blood before collapsing on to the floor.
    • The anime leaves out the main theory of the crime, which is that Tatsuya committed suicide (based originally on the poison being found in the victims car and later supported by other evidence). This is what the police investigation concluded happened and what Inspector Megure was going to release as the cause of death at a press conference before receiving word of Shinichi Kudo's phone call.
    • The manga reveals that Tatsuya was rude to his band because the record company forced him to pursue a solo career, so he didn't want them to miss him after he left.
    • The anime ends with Ran receiving her present, whereas the manga ends with her trying to find Shinichi, while Conan is shown, nervously hiding.

    Translation changes


    • The names of the characters in the Funimation Dub are:
    • Mieko Shibazaki - Amber Ling
    • Katsumi Yamada - Sledge
    • Tatsuya Kimura - Justin Moon
    • Mari Terahara - Mazy Mitchel
    • Go Sumii - Georgie

    Remastered version

    On October 22, 2011, a remastered version of the case was aired.


    • Despite his face not being shown on-screen, this marks the first time Detective Takagi is listed in the ending credits. He's the inspector that brings the box of Tatsuya's items to Inspector Megure.
    • In Conan Edogawa Kidnapping Case, Conan thought to himself that "I asked the Inspector not to release my 'real name'", referring to this case.

    BGM listing

    # Song Title Romaji Translation OST
    1 Feel Your Heart Feel Your Heart Feel Your Heart Feel Your Heart
    2 ジングルベル Jinguru Beru Jingle Bells
    3 Feel Your Heart Feel Your Heart Feel Your Heart Feel Your Heart
    4 赤鼻のトナカイ Akahana no Tonakai Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer
    5 星の愛 (歌:速見清司) Hoshi no Ai (Uta: Hayami Seiji) Star Love (Sung By: Seiji Hayami) Detective Conan Original Soundtrack 3
    6 ブラディービーナス (歌:速水清司) Buradii Biinasu (Uta: Hayami Seiji) Bloody Venus (Sung By: Seiji Hayami) Detective Conan Original Soundtrack 3
    7 事件現場 (謎ver.) Jiken Genba (Nazo ver.) Scene of the Case (Mystery ver.) Detective Conan Original Soundtrack 2
    8 新一の名推理 Shin'ichi no Meisuiri Shinichi's Great Deduction Detective Conan Original Soundtrack 3
    9 陰謀 Inbō Conspiracy Detective Conan Original Soundtrack 3
    10 怪人包帯男2 Kaijin Hōtai Otoko 2 The Mysterious Bandaged Man 2 Detective Conan Original Soundtrack 3
    11 赤鼻のトナカイ Akahana no Tonakai Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer
    12 ブラディーヴィーナス (歌:小坂水澄) Buradii Biinasu (Uta: Kosaka Misumi) Bloody Venus (Sung By: Misumi Kosaka) Detective Conan Original Soundtrack 3
    13 コナンの危機 Konan no Kiki Conan's Crisis Detective Conan Original Soundtrack Super Best
    14 ひらめき Hirameki Flash Detective Conan Original Soundtrack 3
    15 沈む夕陽 (哀愁ver.) Shizumu Yūhi (Aishū ver.) Depressing Sunset (Sorrow ver.) Detective Conan Original Soundtrack 2
    16 それいけコナン (哀愁ヴァージョン) Soreike Konan (Aishū Vājon) Let's Go Conan (Sorrow ver.) Detective Conan Original Soundtrack 1
    17 迷宮のラヴァーズ Meikyū no Lovers Lovers' Labyrinth Meikyū no Lovers
    18 蘭のテーマ (涙ver.) Ran no Tēma (Namida ver.) Ran's Theme (Tearful ver.) Detective Conan Original Soundtrack 2
    19 きよしこの夜 Kiyoshiko no Yoru Silent Night


    In other languages

    Language Title Translation
    Flag of Arabic Arabic الطائر الجريح The Wounded Bird
    Flag of Basque Country Basque Karaokeko hilketa Murder in the Karaoke Box
    Flag of Catalonia Catalan (Catalonia dub) L'assassinat del karaoke Karaoke box murder
    Flag of Valencia Catalan (Valencian dub) L'assassinat del karaoke Karaoke box murder
    Flag of France French Meurtre au karaoké Murder in the Karaoke Box
    Flag of Galicia Galician Asasinato nunha cabina de karaoke Murder in a Karaoke Box
    Flag of Germany German Spiel mir das Lied vom Tod Perform the Song of Death for Me
    Flag of Italy Italian La grande festa The Big Party
    Flag of Poland Polish Morderstwo przy karaoke Murder At Karaoke
    Flag of Spain Spanish (Castilian dub) Asesinato en el karaoke Murder in the Karaoke Box
    Flag of US Spanish (American dub) Asesinato en el karaoke Murder in the Karaoke Box
    Flag of Thailand Thai คดีฆาตกรรมในห้องคาราโอเกะ Murder case inside a Karaoke room
    Flag of Vietnam Vietnamese Vụ án trong phòng Karaoke The Karaoke Box Case

    See also

    Episodes of Season 1
    Episode 123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142