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{{FeaturedArticle|April 2, 2013}}
{{SpoilerWarningArticle|[[Renya Karasuma|<big>'''Click to continue to the page which reveals Ano Kata's secret identity'''</big>.]]}}
{{InfoBox Char
| name                = Ano Kata
| english-name        = That Person
| image              = The Boss of the Black Organization Profile.jpg
| age                = Unknown
| gender              = Unknown
| date-of-birth      = Unknown
| relatives          = Unknown
| occupation          = Black Organization Boss
| nicknames          =
| aliases            =
| first-appearance    = [[Reunion with the Black Organization]] (mentioned to exist)
| appearances        = Unknown
| cases-solved        =
| japanese-voice      = None as of yet
| english-voice      =
| drama-actor        =
| footnotes          =
The mysterious boss, respectfully called '''{{nihongo|Ano Kata|あの方|That Person}}''' by his/her subordinates, is the leader of the [[Black Organization]]. The true identity and gender of the boss is still unknown, with only a few insignificant facts about them revealed in the manga's 21 year (and counting) run. [[Conan Edogawa]], the [[FBI]], the [[CIA]], and the [[Public Security Bureau]] wish to uncover the boss and cause the destruction of the Black Organization.
== Background ==
This soft redirect is meant to reduce the number of people who spoil themselves unintentionally. To find out what pages will be safe for you to read, please consult our [[Glossary#Spoiler|wiki spoiler policy]].
[[Image:Ano Kata.JPG|thumb|left|200px|Conan imagines the boss as a big [["The Criminal"|criminal silhouette]] with evil aura in [[Episode 385]].]]The boss appears to be the highest authority in the Black Organization. "That person" directs the Black Organization's activities and plans crimes<ref>One example is the assassinations of Shigehiko Nomiguchi and Pisco (Manga: [[Volume 24|238-242]]; Anime: [[Episode 176|176-178]]). Another is the assassination attempts on Yasuteru Domon and Kogoro Mouri (Manga: [[Volume 48|499]]-[[Volume 49|504]]; Anime: [[Episode 425|425]])</ref> to protect the Organization and advance its interests. The boss communicates to subordinates by text messages. The boss's contact mail address follows the tune of the children song [[Nanatsu no Ko]] (七つの子 lit. Seven children?); the number is #969#6261. The boss is responsible for promoting agents<ref name="553p24"/> and deciding on their code names.<ref name="alcohol"/> The FBI think that only a few of the highest ranking executive agents like [[Gin]] or [[Vermouth]] could lead them to the elusive boss.<ref>Jodie Starling hopes to capture Vermouth. Earlier, the FBI aimed to capture Gin by when Shuichi Akai met with him.</ref>
== Personality ==
[[Category:Soft Redirect]]
Little is known about boss's personality. The boss appears to be fairly ruthless, willing to dispatch senior agents who have been loyal to the Black Organization for many years for a single mistake. The boss is also described as overly cautious by Vermouth. Somehow, the boss can maintain loyalty and unity within the codenamed ranks despite many agents disliking or even outright wishing to murder certain others. The boss is known to give permission to agents who wish to pursue certain missions, such as Bourbon and Vermouth's plan to make sure Akai was truly dead.
The boss appears to be especially close to Vermouth who is described as "that person's favorite", much to the chagrin of her enemies and those who mistrust her. The boss is also close to Gin, who often acts as an intermediary between the boss and other agents. Gin usually takes the lead planning role in assassinations that the boss has ordered.
While the boss is likely highly intelligent, the boss has had several clear failures so far. [[Shuichi Akai]] ([[FBI]]), [[Rei Furuya]] and [[Scotch]] ([[Public Security Bureau]]), and [[Hidemi Hondou]] ([[CIA]]) were all given codenames by the boss despite being spies, and Akai successfully fooled the boss into thinking he was killed. While most agents follow the boss's orders, some agents have acted contrary to the wishes of "that person". A plan that was intended to create an "acceptable reason" to eliminate [[Akemi Miyano]] backfired badly when Akemi's ability was underestimated. As a consequence, the lead researcher for the [[APTX 4869]] project, [[Shiho Miyano]], ultimately defected and escaped. The boss has also unintentionally allowed Vermouth to undermine the Organization by protecting someone she thinks is especially dangerous: [[Conan Edogawa]].
== Plot overview ==
=== Before the current storyline ===
In [[Clash of Red and Black]], [[James Black]] explained to Conan that capturing a high ranking member of the Black Organization who could lead them to the boss was the goal of [[Shuichi Akai]]'s spy mission. After three years of infiltration, the boss gave the undercover FBI agent the codename "Rye" and ordered him to work under Gin. The FBI's plan to capture Gin fell apart when Akai's true allegiance was uncovered due to a mistake made by [[Andre Camel]]. In the two years since the mission failure, the boss came to regard Akai as a "[[Silver Bullet]]" - someone who is especially dangerous to the Black Organization.
=== Escape of Shiho (Manga: [[Volume 18|File 176]]-[[Volume 19|181]]; Anime: [[Episode 129|129]])===
Shiho Miyano boycotted her work on the [[APTX 4869]] project, demanding that the reasons why [[Akemi Miyano|her sister]] had been killed be properly explained. Her demands were rebuffed and Shiho's death was eventually ordered. After Shiho's escape, many Black Organization members, including Gin were ordered to look for her. It is unclear where the boss was involved in this process 
=== Assassination of Shigehiko Nomiguchi and Pisco (Manga: [[Volume 24|238-242]]; Anime: [[Episode 176|176-178]]) ===
Prior to this confrontation with the Black Organization, it was unclear who or what authority commanded the codenamed agents of the Black Organization seen so far. [[Gin]]'s discussion with [[Pisco]] about the planned murder of Shigehiko Nomiguchi revealed to Conan the existence of an authority figure referred to as "ano kata". Gin relayed ''that person's'' orders to Pisco: silence the politician Shigehiko Nomiguchi who was going to be arrested for bribery and use APTX 4869 if it was necessary. Pisco's act of murder was accidentally caught on camera, so the boss ordered Gin to kill Pisco.
=== The Boss recalls Vermouth (Manga: [[Volume 42|429]]-[[Volume 42|434]]; Anime: [[Episode 345|345]]) ===
[[Image:Ano Kata's massage.JPG|thumb|right|220px|Ano Kata's message to Vermouth's phone.]]Vermouth had secretly been executing a plan to kill Sherry without the Black Organization's knowledge. Someone discovered that Vermouth was up to something and Gin and Vodka were ordered to investigate an off-season Halloween party aboard a ship. Before Vodka was sent aboard the ship in disguise, Gin told him "not to hold back" even though Vermouth was "that person's favorite" and they had not been granted permission to kill her. At the party, a man that Vermouth blackmailed to murder a director began screaming someone called "Vermouth" was to blame.<ref>Manga Volume 42, File 9 (433), pg 4: "The truth behind the mask"</ref> Later, the boss sent a message to Vermouth's phone informing her that her freedom was now being restricted and she was to return.
{{cquote|It looks like I have given you too much freedom. Come back to my side, Vermouth.|The Boss orders Vermouth to return.<ref>Manga [[Volume 42]], File 10 (434), pg 13: "Rotten Apple"</ref>}}
When Vermouth replied back, Conan noticed the sound of the keypresses of the boss's mail address sounded familiar. Conan later uncovers that the keypresses of the boss's mail address sounds like the beginning of the children's song [[Nanatsu no ko]], and Conan deduces the boss's mail address is #969#6261. Haibara warns Conan of the danger of calling it, likening it to Pandora's box.
=== Assassination attempts on Yasuteru Domon and Kogoro Mouri (Manga: [[Volume 48|499]]-[[Volume 49|504]]; Anime: [[Episode 425|425]]) ===
The boss orders the assassination of Yasuteru Domon, who is a politician hard on crime. The FBI believed the boss was hoping to nip a potential obstacle in the bud because Domon may have a chance of becoming the next Prime Minister. When Gin discovers that the agent [[Rena Mizunashi]], aka [[Kir]], has been captured and a tracking device planted on her clothing, he asks the boss for permission to kill the last person to stay at her house: [[Kogoro Mouri]]. The boss grants Gin permission to leave Domon and target Kogoro. The assassination fails because of Akai's interference. Akai's attack made it appear that it was really the FBI who captured Kir and planted the tracking device. Domon coincidentally gives up running for office as well, making assassinating him unnecessary.
=== Kir's promotion (Manga: [[Volume 53|553]]-[[Volume 54|555]]; Anime: [[The Shadow of the Black Organization|464-465]]) ===
While the Black Organization searches for Kir who is in FBI custody, [[Chianti]] asks why Rena Mizunashi was promoted in the first place.<ref name="553p24">manga [[Volume 53]], File 10 (553), pgs 2-4: "The Mysterious Job"</ref> Gin reveals that it was because she had uncovered a spy and confronted him. The spy, [[Ethan Hondou]], overpowered and tortured her for information, but Rena remained silent. Although completely crippled, Rena bit Ethan's wrist to force him to drop his gun, and then killed him. The bite marks and Ethan's recording device coincided with her story, so the boss promoted her to the codename Kir in recognition of her loyalty and sheer savageness.
In truth, the boss had been fooled. Ethan Hondou was Kir's father and they both are CIA spies infiltrating the Black Organization. Rena had made a mistake and was about to be uncovered as a spy. Ethan, who had prepared appropriately ahead of time in case this happened, told Rena to tell the Organization she discovered he was a spy and tried to confront him. Ethan then committed suicide after maiming himself and his daughter to make it appear like the story Ethan had just explained.
=== Kir ordered to kill Shuichi Akai (Manga: [[Volume 58|605]]-[[Volume 59|609]]; Anime: [[Clash of Red and Black|502-504]]) ===
After the Black Organization retrieved Kir from the FBI, Gin is suspicious of how ineffective the FBI's plan was and that Akai didn't make a strong move. Gin thinks Akai is still hiding something and that doubt is relayed to the boss who concurs. The boss and Gin plan a test of Kir's loyalty. Meanwhile, [[Andre Camel|an FBI agent]] becomes a suspect in a coincidental murder case. The Black Organization hears about it, and taking advantage of the FBI's distraction, Gin calls out Kir and tells her the boss's order. To regain the boss's trust, she is to call Akai out to meet with her and kill him. Kir meets with Akai at Raiha Pass and apparently kills him.
However, the boss has been tricked again. [[Akai faked his death theory|Akai and Kir conspired to fake Akai's death]].
=== Bourbon's mission (Manga: [[Volume 67#Department Store Bomber Case|700-704]]; Anime: [[The Crisis Beckoned by the Red Omen|578]]-[[The Red Shaking Target|581]])===
[[Rei Furuya|Bourbon]] is tasked with searching for the escaped scientist Shiho Miyano. After a misunderstanding, Vermouth informs Gin that she and Bourbon received the boss's permission to execute a second, secret mission. Bourbon verified Shuichi Akai's death by disguising as Akai and approaching his FBI colleagues.
=== Relationship with Vermouth (Manga: [[Volume_85#File_898_-_Scarlet_Epilogue|898]]; Anime: [[A Scarlet Truth|783]])===
Bourbon reveals that there is some sort of connection between Vermouth and the boss. As insurance, Bourbon arranged for her secret to be revealed to the whole Black Organization if something happens to him, and points out that the other members would be quite surprised if they knew the nature of the relationship.
==Non-Canon Plot Overview==
==== TV Special: ''[[Time Travel of the Silver Sky]]'' ====
[[Hiroshi Agasa|Professor Agasa]] has created "[[Time Travel of the Silver Sky#People|Christies YP]]", a computer program that can give the identity of anyone in the world. He decides to use it to figure out who [[Kaitou Kid]] is. Before he does, the program gives him a history about Kid, as well as preview clips of movie 8, [[Magician of the Silver Sky]]. He also tries to find out who exactly the boss is between [[Tomoaki Araide]], [[Sharon Vineyard]], [[The Truth Behind Valentine's#People|Chiyoko Yuasa]], [[Yusaku Kudo]], four [[Shinichi Kudo]]'s classmates from Teitan High School and a [[The Man from Chicago|circus white lion]], but it's useless: the search suddenly stops, appears in series the English word "Untouchable" and flashes red with the sound of an alarm {{nihongo|"Shin'nyū kinshi ryōiki"|進入禁止領域|The forbidden area}}. When he is about to finally figure out who Kid is, Kid appears on the computer screen, announcing he has hacked the program.
==== Movie 13: ''[[The Raven Chaser]]'' ====
[[Irish]] and [[Vermouth]] keep the boss updated on the progress of a mission to infiltrate the [[Tokyo Metropolitan Police]] and retrieve a memory card with the personal information of all the Black Organization agents that have infiltrated various organizations. According to Vermouth, [[Masaaki Okakura]], an undercover Black Organization agent, obtained the card, possibly as insurance. That agent was then killed by [[List of Black Organization related characters#Kazuki Honjo|Kazuki Honjo]], a serial killer, for revenge entirely unrelated to the Black Organization. The murderer kept the charm bag containing the memory card without knowing what was inside it. So the boss orders to Irish to kidnap and then disguise himself as [[Kiyonaga Matsumoto|Superintendent Matsumoto]] with Vermouth's help, infiltrate the police coalition, and retrieve the memory card before the police catch the culprit and look into the database.
Disguised as a young officer with glasses, Vermouth sends a mail to the boss on the results of the first conference at the Tokyo Metropolitan Police Headquarters and the success of Irish's disguise. Conan discovers the Black Organization's involvement thanks to [[Misao Yamamura|Inspector Yamamura]], who started singing [[Nanatsu no ko]] after he heard the characteristic sound of the key presses. During the second conference, Irish mails the boss about [[List of Black Organization related characters#Sumire Shindo|Sumire Shindo]], an abstract painter and new tipster with information about the serial murder. Using that information, [[Chianti]] and [[Korn]] were able to delay the police long enough for Gin and Vodka to search first the tipster's apartment in Hachioji City.
Meanwhile, Irish discovers Conan's true identity as Shinichi. Irish plans to capture Conan and bring him before the boss to discredit Gin, the one who killed Pisco, who Irish considered and respected like a father. Irish believes that the boss would definitely demote or have Gin killed for carelessly leaving Shinichi alive. While Irish is collecting the memory card from the serial murder culprit, the police find the real Matsumoto. Because his cover was blown, Gin has Chianti kill Irish and destroy the memory card with a single shot. Irish dies before Conan can force him to reveal the boss's true identity.
==== Special Manga: [[Special Volume 26#The Black Organization...Revealed|Volume 26]] ====
The Black Organization planned to use a new drug made by [[Generic]], a young scientist like [[Shiho Miyano|Sherry]], for control memories of all important people of the world, in particular the [[Wikipedia:USA|US]] president, ergo having complete control of the world. When she reveals the Black Organization's scheme to Conan, [[Ai Haibara|Haibara]] imagines this terrifying scene with a [["The Criminal"|criminal silhouette]] that takes on his hands the globe. Of course, this is a clear reference to her former unknown boss.<ref>[[Special Volume 26#The Black Organization...Revealed|Special Volume 26, File 11]]: "The Black Organization...Revealed - Part 1", page 9.</ref>
== Appellations ==
<tabs jsId="nicknames">
<tab title="Black Organization">
{| class="chartable cells-centered" style="margin: 0px;"
! style="width:60px;"|Picture !! style="width:125px;"|Name !! style="width:200px;"| What they call the Boss !! style="width:200px;"| What the Boss calls them
| [[File:Gin 60px.jpg]] || [[Gin]] || Ano kata || ???
| [[File:Vodka 60px.jpg]] || [[Vodka]] || Ano kata|| ???
| [[File:Vermouth 60px.jpg]] || [[Vermouth]] || Boss<br />Ano Kata || Vermouth<ref>Manga Volume 42, File 10, page 17; anime episode 345.</ref>
| [[File:Hidemi Hondou 60px.jpg]] || [[Hidemi Hondou]] || Ano kata || ???
| [[File:Chianti 60px.jpg]] || [[Chianti]] || Ano kata || ???
| [[File:Pisco 60px.jpg]] || [[Pisco]] || Ano kata || ???
| [[File:Irish 60px.jpg]] || [[Irish]] || Ano kata || ???
| [[File:Rei Furuya 60px.jpg]] || [[Rei Furuya|Bourbon]] || Boss || ???
<tab title="Protagonists">
{| class="chartable cells-centered" style="margin: 0px;"
! style="width:60px;"|Picture!! style="width:125px;"|Name !! style="width:200px;"|What they call the Boss !! style="width:200px;"|What the Boss calls them
| [[File:Conan Edogawa 60px.jpg]] || [[Conan Edogawa]] || <!--
-->[[Wikipedia:Éminence grise|<span style="color:black">Éminence grise</span>]] (黒幕 ''kuromaku''<span class="t_nihongo_help noprint"><sup>[[Help:Japanese|<span class="t_nihongo_icon" style="color: #00e; font: bold 80% sans-serif; text-decoration: none; padding: 0 .1em;">?</span>]]</sup></span><!-- <ref>Manga Volume 4, File 4, page 7; not in Episode 5.</ref>-->)<!--
--><br /> Boss || ???
| [[File:Hiroshi Agasa 60px.jpg]] || [[Hiroshi Agasa]] || Boss || ???
| [[File:Shuichi Akai 60px.jpg]] || [[Shuichi Akai]]|| Boss || Silver Bullet
| [[File:Subaru Okiya 60px.jpg]] || [[Subaru Okiya]] || Boss|| ???
| [[File:Jodie Starling 60px.jpg]] || [[Jodie Starling]] || Boss || ???
| [[File:James Black 60px.jpg]] || [[James Black]] || Boss|| ???
<tab title="Others">
{| class="chartable cells-centered" style="margin: 0px;"
! style="width:60px;"|Picture !! style="width:125px;"|Name!! style="width:200px;"| What they call the Boss !! style="width:200px;"| What the Boss calls them
{{appellations|Time Travel of the Silver Sky{{!}}Hidekazu Nagai|file=Hidekazu Nagai.jpg|Ano kata|???}}
== Relationships analysis ==
=== Organization ===
==== Rum ====
[[Rum]] is the Boss's unknown right hand. Judging from [[Shuichi Akai]]'s description, Rum appears to have high rank in the organization and is very close to the Boss. Later on, [[Ai Haibara]] remarks that Rum is second only to the Boss of the Black Organization, suggesting that he is their second-in-command.
==== Gin ====
The boss trusts [[Gin]] enough to make him an executive agent, and for good reason: Gin among the most loyal of the high-ranking BO. Gin follows the boss's orders closely and virtually never acts against the Organization's greater interests, and in return the boss entrusts Gin to direct critical missions and key assassinations. The boss often issues orders to Gin directly by text message for him to disseminate to the others, and the two are implied to contact each other fairly often about instructions and suspicions. For this reason the FBI thought Gin would be able to lead them to the boss if they captured him.
==== Vermouth ====
Vermouth is known as the boss's favorite member by the other members although the reason for the favoritism is unknown. In file 898, [[Bourbon]] reveals that there is some sort of connection between [[Vermouth]] and the Boss of the Black Organization, implying that her relationship with the boss goes further than merely being his/her favorite member. Bourbon also notes that he has arranged for her secret to be revealed to the whole Black Organization in case something happens to him, and points out that the other members would be quite surprised if they knew the nature of the relationship. <!--The boss's text to Vermouth that ordered her to return to his/her side could be taken to mean that Vermouth is allowed to meet the boss in person.-->
== Gallery ==
| style="vertical-align: top" | [[Image:BossBlackshadow.png|x200px|thumb|left|Conan imagines the boss as a big [["The Criminal"|criminal silhouette]] with evil aura in the anime version ([[Episode 385]]).]]
| style="vertical-align: top" | [[Image:|x200px|thumb|left|Conan imagines the boss as a big criminal silhouette in [[[[Volume 46#Stradivarius Murder Case|file 470]].]]
| style="vertical-align: top" | [[Image:|x200px|thumb|left|Haibara imagines her former unknown boss as a criminal silhouette in Special Manga.]]
| style="vertical-align: top" | [[Image:|x200px|thumb|left|Conan imagines the boss as a normal criminal silhouette in [[The Strange Family's Request|Episode 398]], but not in [[Volume 46#Suspicious Cellphone Case|file 479]].]]
==<!-- Canon is a real English word, don't change it to Conan please--> Known canon information==
Several details of the boss's personality and methods have been revealed in the manga [[canon]].
* The boss uses the first few notes of the song [[Nanatsu no Ko]] to encode his/her mail address. The number is #969#6261, which was purposefully made non-functional by Gosho Aoyama to prevent prank mails. Unlike phone numbers, mail addresses don't have an area code. [[Ai Haibara]] reacts to the word [[Wikipedia:Kurayoshi|Kurayoshi]] – a city in Tottori province, when she notices [[Conan]] had taken an interest.<ref>Manga Volume 45, File 9: Chapter 466</ref>, but Gosho Aoyama confirmed that Tottori and the Black Organization are unrelated in a 2014 interview (found in "Detective Conan Super Digest Book 60+").
* He/She uses alcoholic codenames for agents.
* The boss is very careful. Vermouth says, “The boss is always careful to the extreme. He’s the type to ruin the plan by overthinking it.”<ref>Manga Chapter 704. "He" stands for a gender unspecific pronoun with no English equivalent.</ref>
* [[Vermouth]] is the boss’ favorite for an unknown reason and he/she allows her some degree of independence.<ref>Manga [[Volume 42]], File 5 (429), pg 11: "The full moon and the trap and the banquet"</ref> It is also implied that they have a special relationship unbeknownst to most members of the organization.<ref>[[Volume 85|Volume 85, File 898, page 10: "Scarlet Epilogue"]]</ref>
* The boss thought [[Shuichi Akai]] could become the Black Organization’s silver bullet.<ref>Manga Chapter 434</ref> In that regard he/she's more like Vermouth than Gin who doesn't believe a single person who can take the syndicate down in one shot exists.
== Gosho Aoyama's interviews ==
Gosho Aoyama has given several interviews concerning the boss.
===Primary sources===
The following interviews have had their primary sources located and the information has been confirmed.
* During the 2014 "Let's talk with Aoyama Gosho-sensei day" event, Aoyama specified that the boss has appeared somewhere in the manga series, and is not [[Hiroshi Agasa|Professor Agasa]].<ref name=asahi14>朝日新聞:「黒の組織ボス、もう登場」 コナン作者・青山さん (2014年1月6日16時53分)<br />
<br />「もう登場してますよ。阿笠博士じゃありません。」</ref><ref name=ann14>Anime News Network: "Identity of Case Closed's Black Organization Boss Might Not Be So Secret" (2014-01-06 20:00 EST by Eric Stimson)<br />
<br />As the manga is nearing its climax, fan anticipation regarding its mysterious Black Organization is building, and one asked Aoyama about the gender of its boss (who is referred to simply as "That Person"). Aoyama refused to answer, but revealed that whoever That Person is, he or she has already appeared in the story. He also ruled out Professor Agasa.</ref> However, it was not clarified whether the face of the boss has been shown.<ref name=jcast14>J-CASTニュース: 「名探偵コナン」黒の組織ボスは一体誰? 「もう登場してる」「阿笠博士じゃない」作者のヒントで大盛り上がり (2014/1/ 7 17:41)<br />
* Aoyama specified that the ''full name'' of the boss has appeared somewhere in the manga.<ref name=sankei12>産経ニュース: (69)漫画家の青山剛昌さん 「これが最後」の危機感を持て 暗号を解く高揚感…漫画家魂に火 (2012.6.30 07:00)<br />
<br/>Q: コナンに登場する犯罪組織の黒幕は、男ですか、女ですか
A:「それは言えない。でも、今までにフルネームで登場している人です」</ref><ref> 2006年朝日新聞夕刊のインタビュー記事より (2006年1月13日(金))<br />
From 2006 Asahi Evening Newspaper interview article (Friday January 13, 2006)<br />
実はボスの名前は既に原作のどこかにでている。捜してみて下さい。…<br />
In fact, the boss' name already appeared somewhere in the manga. Please see if you can find it. . . .<br />
http://anokata.xxxxxxxx.jp/anokata.html <br />[http://www.detectiveconanworld.com/forum/topic/523-boss-of-the-black-organization/page__st__460__p__67934#entry67934 Translation credit to JustWantAnAccount]<br />The most recent file published prior to the interview is [[Volume 53#File 551 - Nail and Snake|File 551]] in [http://conan.aga-search.com/501-33-1-53gensakucomics.html Shounen Sunday issue #5-6 of 2006] which was released [http://leaf.argyr.net/index/%E5%90%8D%E6%8E%A2%E5%81%B5%E3%82%B3%E3%83%8A%E3%83%B3/552/ January 4, 2006]</ref><ref>[http://i1180.photobucket.com/albums/x416/Natsuki2012/200601138.jpg Scanned document] from [http://www.detectiveconanworld.com/forum/topic/1555-translating-interviews/page__view__findpost__p__268210 this post.]</ref>
* In a daVinci issue released in May 2014 Gosho denied that [[Yusaku Kudo]] is the boss.<ref>http://ddnavi.com/news/191132/ <br>
え―っ、すごい気になる! では、誰もが知りたい最大の謎。黒ずくめの組織のボス“あの方”とは誰ですか? 阿笠博士はかなり以前から取り沙汰され、青山は公式に否定している。コナンの父・工藤優作も有力候補の一人だが。<br>
Eeeh, I’m super curious! Then, the question everyone wants answered. Who is Anokata? (tn: used “ano kata” this time, not “hito”.) Agasa Hakase was being rumored for a long time, but you have officially denied it. Conan’s father, Kudō Yūsaku is also a very big contender…
【青山】「優作も違います。もう決めました。これからは、“あの方”の質問は受け付けません! だってわかっちゃったらつまらないでしょ。読者の皆さんと俺で、これからも推理合戦をしましょう!」――<br>
Yūsaku is also wrong. Now I’ve decided. From now on, I will never accept questions about “Anokata”! (tn: not “ano hito” this time.) I mean, it would be no fun if it was figured out. Readers, let’s continue our deduction battle!</ref>
* In an interview published in [[Reference Books|Super Digest Book 50+]], Gosho hinted that [[Eri Kisaki]] is unrelated to the Black Organization.<ref>[http://forums.dctp.ws/viewtopic.php?f=4&t=12575&start=15#p811236 Gosho Q&A from Super Digest Book 50+]<br>Q 39: I always thought that Eri had something to do with the Black Organization. What do you think?<br>
A: Nooo, I don't think so.</ref>
* In an interview published in Super Digest Book 70+, Gosho has denied [[Conan Edogawa]], [[Ran Mouri]], [[Vermouth]], and [[Ninzaburo Shiratori]] being the boss.<ref>[http://forums.dctp.ws/viewtopic.php?f=4&t=12439&start=30#p830955 Q109, Q111, Q112, Q113 from Gosho Aoyama's Interview from Super Digest Book 70+]</ref>
* In an interview published in Super Digest Book 80+, it is hinted that the boss is neither [[Shinichi Kudo]] nor Gosho Aoyama himself.<ref>[http://www.detectiveconanworld.com/forum/topic/1555-translating-interviews/?p=361432 Q100, Q115 from SBD80+]<br />Q100: My friend says that the Boss is Shinichi!<br />A: Please tell your friend, "Congratulations, you've got it wrong!"<br />
Q115: The Boss = Ano Kata = the first letter of his nickname = A, just as in "Aoyama Gosho", don't you think?<br/ >A: Interesting! But no.</ref>
* On a series of post cards replying to fan questions in February and March 2015, Gosho stated [[James Black]], [[Sonoko]], the [[Detective Boys]], [[Gin]], and [[Samizu Kichiemon]] are not the boss.<ref>[http://www.detectiveconanworld.com/forum/topic/1555-translating-interviews/?p=358403 Translation of postcards]<br>[[:File:boss not DB or Sonoko.jpg|Boss not Sonoko or the Detective Boys]]<br>[[:File:boss not James.jpg|Boss not James Black]]<br>[[:File:boss not Gin.jpg|Boss not Gin]]<br>[[:File:boss not Kichiemon.jpg|Boss not Kichiemon]]</ref>
=== Transcript ===
The following interview accounts come from transcripts from fansites and blogs on the web and have ''not'' been independently verified. These are generally considered credible by fans.
*The Black Organization's formal name gives away the boss' name.<ref> 2005年青山剛昌とコナンファンの集いでの質問コーナーより <br />
From Q&A in a gathering between Gosho Aoyama and Conan fans in 2005 <br />
Q.黒の組織について? <br />
Q. On the Black Syndicate/Organization? <br />
A.正式名称はある。言うとボスの名前がバレちゃうので言えません。<br />
A. A formal name exists. If mentioned, the boss' name will be exposed so I can't say. <br />
http://tsukiyotsukiyo.blog66.fc2.com/blog-entry-57.html<br />
[http://www.detectiveconanworld.com/forum/topic/523-boss-of-the-black-organization/page__st__460__p__67934#entry67934 Translation credit to JustWantAnAccount]</ref> "The Black Organization" is not the real name of the organization.
*[[Minami Takayama]], Gosho Aoyama's former wife and Conan's voice actor, knows the boss' identity.<ref>『名探偵コナン&金田一少年の事件簿』4号より<br />
From "Detective Conan & Kindaichi Case Files" 4th Issue<br />
Q.これに気付いているor知っているのは自分だけ!!<br />
Q. Only self noticed/knows about this!!<br />
高山みなみ「「あのお方」が誰なのか…。キャストは誰も知らない。」<br />
Minami Takayama: [I know] who "anokata" is . . . None of the [other] casts know.<br />
[http://www.detectiveconanworld.com/forum/topic/523-boss-of-the-black-organization/page__st__460__p__67934#entry67934 Translation credit to JustWantAnAccount] </ref>
*Aoyama revealed that he didn't expect the Detective Conan series to last longer than three months.<ref>Kindaichi & Conan creators interview<br />
さとう:「金田一」の連載当初は、1年ぐらいだと思ってました。<br />
Sato: At the beginning of Kindaichi's serialization, I thought it would only last about a year.<br />
青山:僕もネタ的に続かないから、3か月ぐらいかなと。<br />
Aoyama: I, too, thought that it [Detective Conan] would only last about three months, since it's difficult to continue material-wise.<br />
[http://www.detectiveconanworld.com/forum/topic/1555-translating-interviews/page__view__findpost__p__89133 Translation credit to JustWantAnAccount]</ref> This indicates that the boss ''might'' have been hinted early in Detective Conan.
* The boss chooses the alcoholic codenames for the agents, but does not have one himself/herself.<ref name="alcohol">[http://www.detectiveconanworld.com/forum/topic/1555-translating-interviews/page__view__findpost__p__287218 青山剛昌先生と話そうDAY (Let's talk with Aoyama Gosho-sensei day)], held January 3, 2013<br />A fan asked: All BO members have alcoholic code-names. Does Gosho like alcohols ? Will his most favorite alcohol be The Boss' code-name ?<br />Gosho said he doesn't really drink, he just picked up the alcoholic names that he thinks are cool. The cool code-names are almost used up now, maybe there's only Whiskey or something... left. <br />The Boss doesn't need to have a code-name because (he/she) is the "boss", of course the member's code-names are all come up by The Boss.</ref>
* [[Fusae Campbell]] is not the boss.<ref>March (part 1) 2014 and April (part 2) 2014 edition of the Monthly Conan Newspaper - ([http://meitanteikonanplot.blogspot.in/2014/03/special-post-two-part-1-interview-with.html TRANSLATED Part 1]) ([http://meitanteikonanplot.blogspot.in/2014/04/special-post-two-part-2-interview-with.html TRANSLATED Part 2])</ref>
== Speculations ==
<!--Please DO NOT put your favorite boss theory here!
This section is for information about the boss that is:
1) from the manga or interviews and is very likely to be true (example: Maybe the boss decided that his agents should dress in black)
2) official statistics about the boss.
At the current point, there are simply too many different individual boss theories. None of them have solid evidence or a strong majority backing in the fandom. It would overload this article if all the possibilities and reasons why or why not were included here. If you have a theory, please post it on the forum instead or make a separate theory page about it.
*The Black Organization uses clever codenames, passwords, etc. based on mysteries and history. If the boss is behind the naming scheme then perhaps the boss has an interest in detectives and mysteries.
* The operatives dress in black, which [[Akemi Miyano]] says is supposed to resemble crows. This is probably an expression of the boss’s dress code preferences and may be symbolic. The boss may use the crow themed phone number Nanatsu no ko for the same reason.
*If the FBI's assessment of the boss is correct, the boss is a forward thinker. The FBI believed he ordered the assassination of Yasuteru Domon who wasn't even part of the [[Wikipedia:Diet of Japan|Diet]] yet because he was hard on crime and had a chance of becoming the next [[Wikipedia:Prime_Minister_of_Japan|Prime Minister]].
Fan speculation has led to many theories concerning "that person's" identity, ranging from [[Vodka]] to [[Yusaku Kudo]] to even one of the [[Detective Boys]] after having taken [[APTX 4869]]. In a "Who is That Person" fan poll in [[Magazines#Weekly Shōnen Sunday|Shonen Sunday]], [[Hiroshi Agasa|Professor Agasa]] was ranked the most likely suspect, while [[Gin]] was voted in a Case Closed FUNimation community poll.
== See also ==
* [[Black Organization]]
* [["The Criminal"]]
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[[Category:Black Organization]]
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Latest revision as of 15:49, 5 February 2022

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