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In Germany, the '''[[Detective Conan]] manga''' is published by [[wikipedia:Egmont Manga & Anime|Egmont Manga]], a division of the [[wikipedia:Egmont Group|Egmont Group]] since November 2001. It is released under the name ''Detektiv Conan''. The first eight volumes were released every two months, and then released every month. At Volume 63, the German version caught up with the Japanese version, and thus continued its publishing at irregular intervals.
The manga was progressively digitalized between May 2014 and October 2016. The original selling price was 5,00 euros, but increased to 6,00 at Volume 58. At Volume 67, the prices were adjusted to 6,50 euros, and all the previous volumes' prices have since been changed to 6,50. For the release of volume 103 in January 2024, prices where upscaled to 7,00 euros and reprints have started to be upscaled starting in July 2023<ref>https://conannews.org/preiserhoehung-bei-egmont-manga-detektiv-conan-ebenfalls-betroffen/50611/</ref>.
The manga is translated by Josef Shanel, who collaborated with Matthias Wissnet up to Volume 93.
In May 2022, for the release of Volume 100, unique goodies were made available at bookstores in Germany, including a canvas pouch, stickers and a reversible poster featuring ''Detective Conan'' on one side and ''[[Yaiba]]'' on the other<ref name="CN1"/>.
== Volumes ==
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| width = 500px
| width = 500px
| title = [[Volume 91]]
| title = [[Volume 91]]
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| release-date = September 5, 2019
| release-date = September 5, 2019
| original-cost = EUR 6,50
| original-cost = EUR 6,50
| isbn = ISBN  
| isbn = ISBN 978-3-7704-5676-5
| box1-title = Cover
| box1-title = Cover
| box1-content = [[File:Volume96g.jpg|x210px|center]]
| box1-content = [[File:Volume96g.jpg|x210px|center]]
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| width = 500px
| width = 500px
== Exclusive Collection Volumes ==
| title = [[Detektiv Conan Shinichi Edition|Shinichi Edition]]
| title = [[Volume 97]]
| type = manga
| type = manga
| release-date = March 3, 2016
| release-date = April 2, 2020
| original-cost = EUR 5,99
| original-cost = EUR 6,50
| isbn = ISBN 978-3-7704-8726-4
| isbn = ISBN 978-3-7704-5724-3
| box1-title = Cover
| box1-title = Cover
| box1-content = [[File:Detektiv Conan Shinichi Edition.jpg|100px|center]]
| box1-content = [[File:Volume97g.jpg|x210px|center]]
| box2-title = 19 Chapters - 375 pages
| box2-title = 11 Chapters - 192 pages
| box2-content =  
| box2-content =
*1026 - Es ist etwas sehr Kostbares
*1027 - Detektivblick
*1028 - Irgendwo im verschneiten Nirgendwo
*1029 - Schlaf, Kindlein, schlaf
*1030 - Ganz wie der große Bruder
*1031 - Ein ungutes Gefühl
*1032 - Kräutersammeln
*1033 - Glücksbringer
*1034 - Weil Sie ein Tollpatsch sind
*1035 - Der chinesische Lackteller
*1036 - Ein erwachsenes Kind
| box2-fontsize = 0.95em
| box2-fontsize = 0.95em
| width = 500px
| width = 500px
| title = [[Detektiv Conan Shinichi Returns|Shinichi Returns]]
| title = [[Volume 98]]
| type = manga
| type = manga
| release-date = September 1, 2016
| release-date = September 3, 2020
| original-cost = EUR 5,99
| original-cost = EUR 6,50
| isbn = ISBN 978-3-7704-9078-3
| isbn = ISBN 978-3-7704-2607-2
| box1-title = Cover
| box1-title = Cover
| box1-content = [[File:Detektiv Conan Shinichi Returns.jpg|100px|center]]
| box1-content = [[File:Volume98g.jpg|x210px|center]]
| box2-title = 26 Chapters - 445 pages
| box2-title = 11 Chapters - 192 pages
| box2-content =  
| box2-content =
*1037 - Der Fluss der Zeit
*1038 - Je heimlicher, desto deutlicher
*1039 - Momijis Herausforderung
*1040 - Von eurer Footbowl-verrückten Mutter
*1041 - Wiedervereinte Brüder nach 30 Jahren
*1042 - Ein unvergesslicher Hammelfleischeintopf
*1043 - Der Bart des Großmeisters
*1044 - Das Auge des Großmeisters
*1045 - Ein meisterlicher Schachzug
*1046 - Des Meisters letzter Trumpf
*1047 - Er hat es wirklich...
| box2-fontsize = 0.95em
| box2-fontsize = 0.95em
| width = 500px
| width = 500px
== See also ==
| title = [[Volume 99]]
* [[Manga]]
| type = manga
* [[Detective Conan in Germany]]
| release-date = September 1, 2021<ref>https://conannews.org/jetzt-erhaeltlich-detektiv-conan-band-99/44745/</ref>
* [[Collectibles]]
| original-cost = EUR 6,50
| isbn = ISBN 978-3-7704-2755-0
== References ==
| box1-title = Cover
| box1-content = [[File:Volume99g.jpg|x210px|center]]
| box2-title = 11 Chapters - 192 pages
| box2-content =
*1048 - Warum weinst du...?
*1049 - Das ist so unglaublich...
*1050 - Schüler und Zauberer
*1051 - Die unheimliche Farm
*1052 - Verdächtige Tollpatschigkeit
*1053 - Es werde Licht
*1054 - Wer ist stärker?
*1055 - Kogoro in Not
*1056 - Der abgeriegelte Dachboden
*1057 - Der Grund für den Code
*1058 - Die große TV-Detektiv-Show?!
| box2-fontsize = 0.95em
| width = 500px
| title = [[Volume 100]]
| type = manga
| release-date = May 10, 2022<ref>https://conannews.org/detektiv-conan-band-100-wurde-verschoben/46213/</ref>
| original-cost = EUR 6,50; EUR 10,00 (Special Edition)<ref>https://conannews.org/manga-releases-2022-band-100-erscheint-am-11-april/45503/</ref>
| isbn = ISBN 978-3-7704-4188-4; 978-3-7704-4331-4 (Special Edition)
| box1-title = Cover
| box1-content = [[File:Volume100g.png|x210px|center]] <br> [[File:Volume100sg.png|x210px|center]] <br> Special edition
| box2-title = 11 Chapters - 192 pages
| box2-content =
*1059 - Vorbesprechung zur Show
*1060 - Die Show beginnt
*1061 - Blutbefleckter Ausweis
*1062 - In die Falle gelockt
*1063 - Jagd bei finsterer Nacht
*1064 - Licht im Dunkeln
*1065 - Jäger und Beute
*1066 - RUM
*1067 - Heimlicher Schreinbesuch
*1068 - Personenfahndung an belebten öffentlichen Orten
*1069 - Schneemann
* Special edition - Special cover and back cover with golden texture, wristband, postcard and drawing of Conan<ref name="CN1">https://conannews.org/band-100-inhalt-der-spezialausgabe-bekanntgegeben/46442/</ref>.
| box2-fontsize = 0.95em
| width = 500px
| title = [[Volume 101]]
| type = manga
| release-date = January 18, 2023<ref>https://conannews.org/band-101-fuer-januar-release-gelistet/47814/</ref>
| original-cost = EUR 6,50
| isbn = ISBN 978-3-7704-4289-8
| box1-title = Cover
| box1-content = [[File:Volume101g.jpg|x210px|center]]
| box2-title = 11 Chapters - 192 pages
| box2-content =
*1070 - Unerwartetes „Wiedersehen“
*1071 - Zeitkapsel
*1072 - Das beliebteste Mädchen der 6A
*1073 - Die Göttin des Windes
*1074 - Verfolgungsjagd in Windeseile
*1075 - Rettender Wind
*1076 - Provokation
*1077 - Dunst
*1078 - Wiedererscheinen
*1079 - Notiz
*1080 - Ein alter Fall
| box2-fontsize = 0.95em
| width = 500px
| title = [[Volume 102]]
| type = manga
| release-date = May 8, 2023<ref>https://conannews.org/band-102-neues-veroeffentlichungsdatum-gelistet/48920/</ref>
| original-cost = EUR 6,50
| isbn = ISBN 978-3-7555-0016-2
| box1-title = Cover
| box1-content = [[File:Volume102g.jpg|x210px|center]]
| box2-title = 11 Chapters - 192 pages
| box2-content =
*1081 - An seiner statt
*1082 - Linientreuer Mord
*1083 - Grenzübergreifende Erinnerung
*1084 - Micchans Zuhause
*1085 - Die Leiden der Nummer 15
*1086 - Nummer 18 erinnert sich
*1087 - Die Dummköpfe
*1088 - Die süße Falle
*1089 - Die halbgeöffnete Tür
*1090 - Die Wahrheit hinter der Tür
*1091 - Kollaboration
| box2-fontsize = 0.95em
| width = 500px
| title = [[Volume 103]]
| type = manga
| release-date = January 16, 2024<ref>https://conannews.org/band-103-und-mehr-vlb-listet-neue-releasetermine/49975/</ref>
| original-cost = EUR 7,00 (announced for 6,50)
| isbn = ISBN 978-3-7555-0171-8
| box1-title = Cover
| box1-content = [[File:Volume103g.jpg|x210px|center]]
| box2-title = 11 Chapters - 192 pages
| box2-content =
*1092 - Was Neues
*1093 - Der Schein trügt
*1094 - Zufällige Begegnung
*1095 - Die drei Codes
*1096 - Lösung im Quadrat
*1097 - Reiseleitung
*1098 - Strandhaus
*1099 - Lauf weg!
*1100 - Schwupp und weg!
*1101 - Suche
*1102 - Vorder- und Rückseite
| box2-fontsize = 0.95em
| width = 500px
| title = [[Volume 104]]
| type = manga
| release-date = August 6, 2024<ref>Originally planned by [https://www.egmont-shop.de/detektiv-conan-104/ Egmont] to be released on July 9, 2024.</ref>
| original-cost = EUR 7,00
| isbn = ISBN 978-3-7555-0172-5
| box1-title = Cover
| box1-content = [[File:Volume104g.jpg|x210px|center]]
| box2-title = 11 Chapters - 192 pages
| box2-content =
*1103 - Schwarzweiße Eröffnung
*1104 - Der blutbefleckte Springer
*1105 - Überführende Tränen
*1106 - Der scharfsichtige Teufel
*1107 - Der weitsichtige Läufer
*1108 - Meisterhafter Schachzug
*1109 - Damengambit
*1110 - Elternbesuchstag mit Hindernissen
*1111 - Das unheimliche Blumenbeet
*1112 - Die verflossene Wahrheit
*1113 - Der Butler und das Rätsel
| box2-fontsize = 0.95em
| width = 500px
| title = [[Volume 105]]
| type = manga
| release-date = January 17, 2025<ref>[https://www.egmont-shop.de/detektiv-conan-105 Egmont]</ref>
| original-cost = EUR 7,00
| isbn = ISBN 978-3-7555-0173-2
| box1-title = Cover
| box1-content = [[File:Volume105g.jpg|x210px|center]]
| box2-title = 10 Chapters - 192 pages
| box2-content =
*1114 - Der Butler und das Fräulein
*1115 - Der Butler und die Detektive
*1116 - Zuflucht vor dem Regen in den Bergen
*1117 - Das Rätsel des Bußraums
*1118 - Zu Kopf gestiegen
*1119 - Himmel
*1120 - Stellvertreter
*1121 - Beweise
*1122 - Detektive
*1123 - Der verschwundene Entführer
| box2-fontsize = 0.95em
| width = 500px
| title = [[Volume 106]]
| type = manga
| release-date = August 5, 2025<ref>[https://www.egmont-shop.de/detektiv-conan-106/ Egmont]</ref>
| original-cost = EUR 7,00
| isbn = ISBN 978-3-7555-0471-9
| box1-title = Cover
| box1-content = [[File:Volume106g.jpg|x210px|center]]
| box2-title = 10 Chapters - 192 pages
| box2-content =
*1124 - Der seltsame Würfel
*1125 - Taktik an zwei Positionen
*1126 - Ein verdächtiger Gast
*1127 - Die Frist endet um Mitternacht
*1128 - Die zündende Idee für den Gegenschlag
*1129 - Blutrote Aufführung
*1130 - Goldgelbe Premiere
*1131 - Bleigraue Mitte
*1132 - Vorletzte Aufführung in hellem Grau
*1133 - Purpurrotes Finale
* Extras: Draft pages and sketches
| box2-fontsize = 0.95em
| width = 500px
== Others ==
| title = [[Gosho Aoyama's Collection of Short Stories|Gosho Aoyama Short Stories]]
| type = manga
| release-date = June 5, 2015<ref>https://conannews.org/jetzt-offiziell-erhaeltlich-gosho-aoyama-short-stories/25843/</ref>,<ref>https://www.egmont-manga.de/manga-product/gosho-aoyama-short-stories/</ref>
| original-cost = EUR 6,50
| isbn = ISBN 978-3-7704-8547-5
| box1-title = Cover
| box1-content = [[File:Shortstoriesmanga ger.jpg|x210px|center]]
| box2-title = 10 Chapters - 192 pages
| box2-content =
* PI George in "Kleiner Detektiv ganz groß" - Macht Platz für den Meisterdetektiv!
* PI George in "Kleiner Detektiv ganz groß" - Das Monster aus dem ewigen Eis
* PI George in "Kleiner Detektiv ganz groß" - Wer hat Angst vorm Zahnarzt?
* Noch einmal jung
* Excalibur
* Weihnachten im Sommer
* Warte auf mich!
* Sunday 19 Show - Verirrter roter Schmetterling
* Tell me a Lie (Alles Lüge)
* Lupin, der Gleichgültige
| box2-fontsize = 0.95em
| width = 500px
== See also ==
* [[Manga]]
* [[Detective Conan in Germany]]
* [[Collectibles]]
* [https://conanwiki.org/wiki/Egmont_Manga#Ver.C3.B6ffentlichung_von_Detektiv_Conan History of Detective Conan at Egmont Manga]
== References ==
<references />
<references />
[[Category:Manga by country]]
[[Category:Detective Conan in Germany]]
[[de:Liste der Manga-Bände]]
[[de:Liste der Manga-Bände]]

Latest revision as of 11:47, 3 December 2024

In Germany, the Detective Conan manga is published by Egmont Manga, a division of the Egmont Group since November 2001. It is released under the name Detektiv Conan. The first eight volumes were released every two months, and then released every month. At Volume 63, the German version caught up with the Japanese version, and thus continued its publishing at irregular intervals.

The manga was progressively digitalized between May 2014 and October 2016. The original selling price was 5,00 euros, but increased to 6,00 at Volume 58. At Volume 67, the prices were adjusted to 6,50 euros, and all the previous volumes' prices have since been changed to 6,50. For the release of volume 103 in January 2024, prices where upscaled to 7,00 euros and reprints have started to be upscaled starting in July 2023[1].

The manga is translated by Josef Shanel, who collaborated with Matthias Wissnet up to Volume 93.

In May 2022, for the release of Volume 100, unique goodies were made available at bookstores in Germany, including a canvas pouch, stickers and a reversible poster featuring Detective Conan on one side and Yaiba on the other[2].



See also


Detective Conan Manga in Other Countries
Asia Arab LeagueChinaIndonesiaHong KongJapanKoreaMalaysia (Simplified Chinese)Malaysia (Malay)PhilippinesSingapore (Simplified Chinese)Singapore (English)TaiwanThailandVietnam
North America USA & Canada
Europe DenmarkFinlandFranceGermanyItalyNetherlandsNorwaySpain (Spanish)Spain (Catalan)SwedenUnited Kingdom
Detective Conan Special Manga ChinaGermanyHong KongIndonesiaItalyJapanKoreaMalaysia (Simplified Chinese)Malaysia (Malay)Singapore (Simplified Chinese)SpainTaiwanThailandVietnam
3rd Base 4th Manga ChinaHong KongJapanSpainTaiwanThailandVietnam
Magic Kaito Manga China (Changchun) (Other Chinese publishers) • FinlandFranceGermanyHong KongIndonesiaItalyJapanKoreaSpainTaiwanThailandVietnam
Yaiba Manga FranceGermanyHong Kong (Edko)Hong Kong (JD Comics)IndonesiaItalyJapanKoreaMalaysiaSpainTaiwanThailandVietnam
Hanzawa the Criminal Manga ChinaFranceHong KongJapanKoreaTaiwanThailandVietnam
Zero's Tea Time Manga GermanyHong KongIndonesiaItalyJapanKoreaSpainSingapore (English)TaiwanThailandVietnam
Wild Police Story Manga ChinaFranceGermanyIndonesiaItalyJapanKoreaSpainTaiwanThailandVietnam
Books and Specials ChinaGermanyHong Kong (Edko)Hong Kong (HK Chingwin)Hong Kong (JD Comics)IndonesiaItalyJapanKoreaSingapore (English)SpainTaiwan (Chingwin)Taiwan (Sancai)ThailandVietnam
Novels ChinaHong Kong (Edko)Hong Kong (Rightman)IndonesiaJapanKoreaSpainTaiwanThailandVietnam
Super Digest Book IndonesiaJapanKoreaTaiwanVietnam