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(13 intermediate revisions by the same user not shown)
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The chinese Detective Conan manga by Chingwin is one of the main editions of Detective Conan in China, the other one being [[Chinese Manga (Changchun)|Changchun]]. Established in 1964, the Chingwin Publishing Group (青文出版社股份有限公司 / Qīngwén Chūbǎn Shè Gǔfèn Yǒuxiàn Gōngsī) is a famous Taiwan Japanese and Chinese manga publisher, but used to be an all-purpose publishing house. They have started publishing Detective Conan as early as 1994, a few months after the first Japanese volume came out.
The chinese Detective Conan manga by Chingwin is one of the main editions of Detective Conan in China, the other one being [[Chinese Manga (Changchun)|Changchun]]. Established in 1964, the Chingwin Publishing Group (青文出版社股份有限公司 / Qīngwén Chūbǎn Shè Gǔfèn Yǒuxiàn Gōngsī) is a famous Taiwan Japanese and Chinese manga publisher, but used to be an all-purpose publishing house. They have started publishing Detective Conan as early as 1994, a few months after the first Japanese volume came out.
It is translated by Chen Boshen (陳 柏伸). For [[Volume 100]], Chingwin released a special version along with the regular version, which includes an unique book cover<ref>https://www.ching-win.com.tw/product-detail/101018X100A</ref>.
It is translated by Chen Boshen (陳 柏伸). For [[Volume 100]], Chingwin released a special version along with the regular version, which includes an unique book cover<ref>https://www.ching-win.com.tw/product-detail/101018X100A</ref>. Chingwin followed suit with Shogakukan and released a special edition for volume 104 as well, in  late 2024, and for volume 105, in early 2025.
== Volumes ==
== Volumes ==
Line 250: Line 250:
| box2-title = 10 Chapters - 176 pages
| box2-title = 10 Chapters - 176 pages
| box2-content =  
| box2-content =  
* 101 -  
* 101 - 會說話的桌巾
* 102 -  
* 102 - 現場直播時之死
* 103 -  
* 103 - 虛幻之路
* 104 -  
* 104 - 臨時推理秀
* 105 -  
* 105 - 重要的人!?
* 106 -  
* 106 - 兇器的下落
* 107 -  
* 107 - 二道謎
* 108 -  
* 108 - 修行室
* 109 -  
* 109 - 櫻花與壁上的洞
* 110 -  
* 110 - 浮在空中的力量
| box2-fontsize = 0.95em
| box2-fontsize = 0.95em
| width = 500px
| width = 500px
Line 273: Line 273:
| box2-title = 10 Chapters - 176 pages
| box2-title = 10 Chapters - 176 pages
| box2-content =  
| box2-content =  
* 111 -  
* 111 - 博士的寶物箱
* 112 -  
* 112 - 黑色的太陽
* 113 -  
* 113 - 寶物的真實
* 114 -  
* 114 - 突如其來的遭遇
* 115 -  
* 115 - 炸彈的下落
* 116 -  
* 116 - 柯南失算了
* 117 -  
* 117 - 福爾摩斯之約
* 118 -  
* 118 - 知道太多的女人
* 119 -  
* 119 - 不明原因的爆炸
* 120 -  
* 120 - 被識破的謊言
| box2-fontsize = 0.95em
| box2-fontsize = 0.95em
| width = 500px
| width = 500px
Line 297: Line 297:
| box2-title = 10 Chapters - 192 pages
| box2-title = 10 Chapters - 192 pages
| box2-content =  
| box2-content =  
* 121 -  
* 121 - 真面目
* 122 -  
* 122 - 目擊者…!?
* 123 -  
* 123 - 三胞胎的嫌疑犯
* 124 -  
* 124 - 悲哀的兄弟羈絆
* 125 -  
* 125 - 墜落的屍體
* 126 -  
* 126 - 令人懷疑的自殺
* 127 -  
* 127 - 花與蝶
* 128 -  
* 128 - 逃亡者
* 129 -  
* 129 - 怪獸哥梅拉的悲劇
* 130 -  
* 130 - 離去的背景
| box2-fontsize = 0.95em
| box2-fontsize = 0.95em
| width = 500px
| width = 500px
Line 320: Line 320:
| box2-title = 10 Chapters - 192 pages
| box2-title = 10 Chapters - 192 pages
| box2-content =  
| box2-content =  
* 131 -  
* 131 - 照片為證
* 132 -  
* 132 - 電話上的數字
* 133 -  
* 133 - 命案正要發生
* 134 -  
* 134 - 落葉繽紛中的質問
* 135 -  
* 135 - 媽媽的心理
* 136 -  
* 136 - 柯南唇角的笑意
* 137 -  
* 137 - 有希子唇角的笑意
* 138 -  
* 138 - 另一個人
* 139 -  
* 139 - 奇怪的聚會
* 140 -  
* 140 - 最後一名訪客
| box2-fontsize = 0.95em
| box2-fontsize = 0.95em
| width = 500px
| width = 500px
Line 344: Line 344:
| box2-title = 10 Chapters - 176 pages
| box2-title = 10 Chapters - 176 pages
| box2-content =  
| box2-content =  
* 141 -  
* 141 - 沒有?
* 142 -  
* 142 - 消失的凶器
* 143 -  
* 143 - 含淚道出真相
* 144 -  
* 144 - 相似的聲音
* 145 -  
* 145 - 兇手的企圖
* 146 -  
* 146 - 三重奏!
* 147 -  
* 147 - 舔手指頭
* 148 -  
* 148 - 使用了魔法?
* 149 -  
* 149 - 惡魔的呼喚
* 150 -  
* 150 - 染血的繃帶
| box2-fontsize = 0.95em
| box2-fontsize = 0.95em
| width = 500px
| width = 500px
Line 367: Line 367:
| box2-title = 10 Chapters - 192 pages
| box2-title = 10 Chapters - 192 pages
| box2-content =  
| box2-content =  
* 151 -  
* 151 - 白色的兇手
* 152 -  
* 152 - 電話的真相
* 153 -  
* 153 - 火焰的羈絆
* 154 -  
* 154 - 學校的怪事件
* 155 -  
* 155 - 鬼鬼祟祟的人
* 156 -  
* 156 - 邂逅
* 157 -  
* 157 - 消失
* 158 -  
* 158 - 跡象
* 159 -  
* 159 - 對決
* 160 -  
* 160 - 陶藝家們的陰謀
| box2-fontsize = 0.95em
| box2-fontsize = 0.95em
| width = 500px
| width = 500px
Line 391: Line 391:
| box2-title = 10 Chapters - 192 pages
| box2-title = 10 Chapters - 192 pages
| box2-content =  
| box2-content =  
* 161 -  
* 161 - 鐵證如山的證據
* 162 -  
* 162 - 用聲音殺人
* 163 -  
* 163 - 三個計謀
* 164 -  
* 164 - 逃跑的兇器
* 165 -  
* 165 - 我沒忘記
* 166 -  
* 166 - 怎麼辦才好?
* 167 -  
* 167 - 怪異的時鐘
* 168 -  
* 168 - 魔鬼現身
* 169 -  
* 169 - L.N.R
* 170 -  
* 170 - 藝人總動員
| box2-fontsize = 0.95em
| box2-fontsize = 0.95em
| width = 500px
| width = 500px
Line 414: Line 414:
| box2-title = 10 Chapters - 192 pages
| box2-title = 10 Chapters - 192 pages
| box2-content =  
| box2-content =  
* 171 -  
* 171 - 應該相同
* 172 -  
* 172 - 兩個房間
* 173 -  
* 173 - 初戀情人
* 174 -  
* 174 - 火災的真相
* 175 -  
* 175 - 敞開心扉
* 176 -  
* 176 - 轉學生
* 177 -  
* 177 - 黑衣女郎
* 178 -  
* 178 - 祕密組織成員.綽號雪莉
* 179 -  
* 179 - 偽裝的少女
* 180 -  
* 180 - 將死
| box2-fontsize = 0.95em
| box2-fontsize = 0.95em
| width = 500px
| width = 500px
Line 438: Line 438:
| box2-title = 10 Chapters - 176 pages
| box2-title = 10 Chapters - 176 pages
| box2-content =  
| box2-content =  
* 181 -  
* 181 - 為什麼?
* 182 -  
* 182 - 消失的作家
* 183 -  
* 183 - 1/2的頂點
* 184 -  
* 184 - 法文的發音
* 185 -  
* 185 - 美食之都大阪城
* 186 -  
* 186 - 第四個人的錢包
* 187 -  
* 187 - 錢包疑雲
* 188 -  
* 188 - 駕照的祕密
* 189 -  
* 189 - 被狙擊的球!
* 190 -  
* 190 - 5萬6千名人質
| box2-fontsize = 0.95em
| box2-fontsize = 0.95em
| width = 500px
| width = 500px
Line 461: Line 461:
| box2-title = 10 Chapters - 192 pages
| box2-title = 10 Chapters - 192 pages
| box2-content =  
| box2-content =  
* 191 -  
* 191 - 遠方之眼
* 192 -  
* 192 - 快逃呀!
* 193 -  
* 193 - 雪地之中
* 194 -  
* 194 - 可疑的舉動
* 195 -  
* 195 - 探索
* 196 -  
* 196 - 揭露真相
* 197 -  
* 197 - 再見
* 198 -  
* 198 - 找到證據了
* 199 -  
* 199 - 愛姊心切
* 200 -  
* 200 - 荒野孤城之約
| box2-fontsize = 0.95em
| box2-fontsize = 0.95em
| width = 500px
| width = 500px
Line 485: Line 485:
| box2-title = 11 Chapters - 190 pages
| box2-title = 11 Chapters - 190 pages
| box2-content =  
| box2-content =  
* 201 -  
* 201 - 然後又
* 202 -  
* 202 - 倒數計時
* 203 -  
* 203 - 象牙之塔
* 204 -  
* 204 - 最初的招呼
* 205 -  
* 205 - 空中密室
* 206 -  
* 206 - 最後的王牌
* 207 -  
* 207 - 埋藏在內心深處
* 208 -  
* 208 - 櫻田門之變
* 209 -  
* 209 - 警官的推理
* 210 -  
* 210 - 意外的情敵
* 211 -  
* 211 - 東京風和日麗
| box2-fontsize = 0.95em
| box2-fontsize = 0.95em
| width = 500px
| width = 500px
Line 2,471: Line 2,471:
* 1090 - 門後的真相
* 1090 - 門後的真相
* 1091 - 合作企劃
* 1091 - 合作企劃
| box2-fontsize = 0.95em
| width = 500px
| title = [[Volume 103]]
| type = manga
| release-date = February 25, 2024<ref>[https://www.ching-win.com.tw/product-detail/101018X103 Feb 01, 2024, Chingwin]</ref>
| original-cost = NT 105 元
| isbn = ISBN 978-6-2638-3060-8
| box1-title = Cover
| box1-content = [[File:Volume103cw.jpg|x210px|center]]
| box2-title = 11 Chapters - 184 pages
| box2-content =
* 1092 - 新的刺激
* 1093 - 上相
* 1094 - 偶然的相遇
* 1095 - 三個暗號
* 1096 - 方框的祕密
* 1097 - 帶隊
* 1098 - 海之家
* 1099 - 退下
* 1100 - 湮滅
* 1101 - 搜索
* 1102 - 正反
| box2-fontsize = 0.95em
| width = 500px
| title = [[Volume 104]]
| type = manga
| release-date = November 25, 2024<ref>[https://www.ching-win.com.tw/product-detail/101018X104 Chingwin, October 26, 2024]</ref>,<ref>[https://www.ching-win.com.tw/product-detail/101018X104A Chingwin, October 26, 2024]</ref>
| original-cost = NT 105 元 ; NT 200 元 (special edition)
| isbn = ISBN 978-6-2639-9622-9 ; ISBN 978-6-2639-9623-6 (special edition)
| box1-title = Cover
| box1-content = [[File:Volume104cw.jpg|x210px|center]] [[File:Volume104cws.jpg|x210px|center]] <center>Special edition</center>
| box2-title = 11 Chapters - 199 pages
| box2-content =
* 1103 - 白黑之序盤
* 1104 - 染血的騎士
* 1105 - 陷落的眼淚
* 1106 - 慧眼的惡魔
* 1107 - 遠眺角行
* 1108 - 名人包圍
* 1109 - 女王之謀略
* 1110 - 不平靜的參觀日
* 1111 - 花壇之怪
* 1112 - 凋零的真相
* 1113 - 管家與謎團
* Special edition comes with [[Black Iron Submarine]] special storyboard cards.
| box2-fontsize = 0.95em
| width = 500px
| title = [[Volume 105]]
| type = manga
| release-date = February 25, 2025<ref>[https://www.ching-win.com.tw/product-detail/101018X105 Chingwin, January 28, 2025]</ref>
| original-cost = NT 105 元 ; NT 200 元 (special edition)<ref>[https://www.ching-win.com.tw/product-detail/101018X105A Chingwin, January 28, 2025]</ref>
| isbn = ISBN 978-6-2642-2193-1 ; ISBN 978-6-2642-2194-8 (special edition)
| box1-title = Cover
| box1-content = [[File:Volume105cw.jpg|x210px|center]] [[File:Volume105cws.jpg|x210px|center]] <center>Special edition</center>
| box2-title = 11 Chapters - 184 pages
| box2-content =
*1114 - 
*1115 -
*1116 -
*1117 -
*1118 -
*1119 -
*1120 -
*1121 -
*1122 -
*1123 -
* Comes with special jacket and Gosho Aoyama's First Concept Note.
| box2-fontsize = 0.95em
| width = 500px
== Others ==
| title = [[Gosho Aoyama's Collection of Short Stories]]
| type = manga
| release-date = October 15, 1995<ref>[https://www.books.com.tw/products/0010030689?srsltid=AfmBOopNDaOeGIhpkQkXFVFej8h--ITw5yDcF_Ohu333WD2P8JR8VgwN  Books.com.tw, October 13, 2024]</ref>
| original-cost = NT 95 元
| isbn = ISBN 9789575393946
| box1-title = Cover
| box1-content = [[File:Shortstoriesmanga cw.jpg|x210px|center]]
| box2-title = 9 Chapters - 190 pages
| box2-content =
* Translated by He Meixia
| box2-fontsize = 0.95em
| box2-fontsize = 0.95em
| width = 500px
| width = 500px
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* [[Collectibles]]
* [[Collectibles]]
[[Category:Manga by country]]
[[Category:Detective Conan in Taiwan]]

Latest revision as of 07:13, 28 January 2025

The chinese Detective Conan manga by Chingwin is one of the main editions of Detective Conan in China, the other one being Changchun. Established in 1964, the Chingwin Publishing Group (青文出版社股份有限公司 / Qīngwén Chūbǎn Shè Gǔfèn Yǒuxiàn Gōngsī) is a famous Taiwan Japanese and Chinese manga publisher, but used to be an all-purpose publishing house. They have started publishing Detective Conan as early as 1994, a few months after the first Japanese volume came out.

It is translated by Chen Boshen (陳 柏伸). For Volume 100, Chingwin released a special version along with the regular version, which includes an unique book cover[1]. Chingwin followed suit with Shogakukan and released a special edition for volume 104 as well, in late 2024, and for volume 105, in early 2025.




See also

Detective Conan Manga in Other Countries
Asia Arab LeagueChinaIndonesiaHong KongJapanKoreaMalaysia (Simplified Chinese)Malaysia (Malay)PhilippinesSingapore (Simplified Chinese)Singapore (English)TaiwanThailandVietnam
North America USA & Canada
Europe DenmarkFinlandFranceGermanyItalyNetherlandsNorwaySpain (Spanish)Spain (Catalan)SwedenUnited Kingdom
Detective Conan Special Manga ChinaGermanyHong KongIndonesiaItalyJapanKoreaMalaysia (Simplified Chinese)Malaysia (Malay)Singapore (Simplified Chinese)SpainTaiwanThailandVietnam
3rd Base 4th Manga ChinaHong KongJapanSpainTaiwanThailandVietnam
Magic Kaito Manga China (Changchun) (Other Chinese publishers) • FinlandFranceGermanyHong KongIndonesiaItalyJapanKoreaSpainTaiwanThailandVietnam
Yaiba Manga FranceGermanyHong Kong (Edko)Hong Kong (JD Comics)IndonesiaItalyJapanKoreaMalaysiaSpainTaiwanThailandVietnam
Hanzawa the Criminal Manga ChinaFranceHong KongJapanKoreaTaiwanThailandVietnam
Zero's Tea Time Manga GermanyHong KongIndonesiaItalyJapanKoreaSpainSingapore (English)TaiwanThailandVietnam
Wild Police Story Manga ChinaFranceGermanyIndonesiaItalyJapanKoreaSpainTaiwanThailandVietnam
Books and Specials ChinaGermanyHong Kong (Edko)Hong Kong (HK Chingwin)Hong Kong (JD Comics)IndonesiaItalyJapanKoreaSingapore (English)SpainTaiwan (Chingwin)Taiwan (Sancai)ThailandVietnam
Novels ChinaHong Kong (Edko)Hong Kong (Rightman)IndonesiaJapanKoreaSpainTaiwanThailandVietnam
Super Digest Book IndonesiaJapanKoreaTaiwanVietnam