Difference between revisions of "Catalan Manga"

From Detective Conan Wiki
(Created page with '{{BeginBox}} {{Collectible | title = L'origen de Conan Edogawa | type = manga | release-date = October 2004 | original-cost = EUR 7,95 | isbn = | box1-title = Cover | box1-conte...')
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Catalan version started in 2004 published by Planeta DeAgostini Comics (since October 2014 Planeta Comics, a Planeta company). After 4 volumes the company cancelled the publication due that sales were no so big as expected. 3 years later they decided to put in market 4 new volumes, but it was cancelled again by the same reasons.
This version is translated by Núria Barba, based in the Spanish translation made by Jesús Pece. The direction of reading is inverted from the Japanese version. Puns are adapted to Catalan (sometimes adapting also the drawing) and as image is inverted, left handed people is right handed in this version and translation tries to adapt that. Also, the characteristic Conan image in the book spine is only show. This version is sold in Spain (only in Catalonia) and Andorra.
The publishing resumed in 2020, with volumes 9 and 10 being release in June of that year. The new translation was assured by Agnès Pérez Massegú<ref name="A">https://www.planetadelibros.com/libro-detectiu-conan-n-0910-la-reunio-d-antics-alumnes/301536</ref>. In 2023, publication restarted, with the release of volumes 11, 12 and 13 in the first half of the year. The translation is done again by Pérez Massegú<ref name="Planeta2"/>. In September 2023, prices for all volumes were raised to 8,50 euros.
== Volumes ==
| title = L'origen de Conan Edogawa
| title = [[Volume 1|L'origen de Conan Edogawa]]<ref>{{cite web|url=http://www.planetacomic.net/comics_listado.aspx?cat=240|title=Planetacomic: Cómics - Detectiu Conan (Català)|publisher=PlanetaComic.net}}</ref>
| type = manga
| type = manga
| release-date = October 2004
| release-date = October 2004
| original-cost = EUR 7,95
| original-cost = EUR 7,95
| isbn =  
| isbn = 84-674-1106-6<ref>{{cite web|url=http://ca.comics.wikia.com/wiki/Detectiu_Conan_vol._I|title=Còmics en català: Detectiu Conan vol. I}}</ref>
| box1-title = Cover
| box1-title = Cover
| box1-content = [[File:Volume1ca.jpg|x210px|center]]
| box1-content = [[File:Volume1ca.jpg|x210px|center]]
| box2-title = ? Chapters - 192 pages
| box2-title = 9 Chapters - 192 pages
| box2-content =  
| box2-content =
* 001 - El Sherlock Holmes dels anys 90
* 002 - Un detectiu rejovenit
* 003 - El detectiu incomprès
* 004 - La sisena xemeneia
* 005 - L'altre malfactor
* 006 - Com esdevenir un detectiu excel·lent
* 007 - Massa sang per a una estrella
* 008 - Una semblança sorprenent
* 009 - Un malentès fatal
| box2-fontsize = 0.95em
| box2-fontsize = 0.95em
| width = 500px
| width = 500px
| title = La mansió embruixada
| title = [[Volume 2|La mansió embruixada]]
| type = manga
| type = manga
| release-date = November 2004
| release-date = November 2004
| original-cost = EUR 7,95
| original-cost = EUR 7,95
| isbn =  
| isbn = 84-674-1213-0 / 84-674-1107-4
| box1-title = Cover
| box1-title = Cover
| box1-content = [[File:Volume2ca.jpg|x210px|center]]
| box1-content = [[File:Volume2ca.jpg|x210px|center]]
| box2-title = ? Chapters - 96 pages
| box2-title = 10 Chapters - 176 pages
| box2-content =  
| box2-content =  
* 010 - Una feina ben pagada
* 011 - Coartada perfecta
* 012 - Les fotografies parlen
* 013 - L'home desaparegut
* 014 - Una pobre noia
* 015 - La recerca de l'home corpulent
* 016 - Una dona dolenta com el diable
* 017 - La mansió embruixada
* 018 - Els nens desapareguts
* 019 - El malson del soterrani
| box2-fontsize = 0.95em
| box2-fontsize = 0.95em
| width = 500px
| width = 500px
| title = El misteri de l'habitació tancada
| title = [[Volume 3|El misteri de l'habitació tancada]]
| type = manga
| type = manga
| release-date = February 2005
| release-date = February 2005
| original-cost = EUR 7,95
| original-cost = EUR 7,95
| isbn =  
| isbn = 84-674-1240-2
| box1-title = Cover
| box1-title = Cover
| box1-content = [[File:Volume3ca.jpg|x210px|center]]
| box1-content = [[File:Volume3ca.jpg|x210px|center]]
| box2-title = ? Chapters - 176 pages
| box2-title = 10 Chapters - 176 pages
| box2-content =  
| box2-content =  
* 020 - La família Hatamoto
* 021 - El misteri de l'habitació tancada
* 022 - El destí de l'herència
* 023 - Mort en família
* 024 - L'assassí a la fosca
* 025 - Un somni impossible
* 026 - Regals estranys
* 027 - La mateixa persona?
* 028 - El misteri del 3 d'agost
* 029 - Just a temps
| box2-fontsize = 0.95em
| box2-fontsize = 0.95em
| width = 500px
| width = 500px
| title = Tot desxifrant l'endevinalla
| title = [[Volume 4|Tot desxifrant l'endevinalla]] (Cover title)
[[Volume 4|El cavaller de l'armadura]] (Inside title)
| type = manga
| type = manga
| release-date = May 2005
| release-date = May 2005
| original-cost = EUR 7,95
| original-cost = EUR 7,95
| isbn =  
| isbn = 84-674-1110-8
| box1-title = Cover
| box1-title = Cover
| box1-content = [[File:Volume4ca.jpg|x210px|center]]
| box1-content = [[File:Volume4ca.jpg|x210px|center]]
| box2-title = ? Chapters - 192 pages
| box2-title = 10 Chapters - 176 pages
| box2-content =  
| box2-content =  
* 030 - El cavaller de l'armadura
* 031 - L'últim missatge
* 032 - Un bolígraf que no escriu
* 033 - Reapareixen els homes de negre
* 034 - Els quatre de primera classe
* 035 - Els darrers deu segons
* 036 - L'enigma
* 037 - Tot desxifrant l'endevinalla
* 038 - Una solució i encara una altra solució
* 039 - El peix de neó
| box2-fontsize = 0.95em
| box2-fontsize = 0.95em
| width = 500px
| width = 500px
| title = La primera víctima
| title = [[Volume 5|La primera víctima]]
| type = manga
| type = manga
| release-date = April 2008
| release-date = April 2008
| original-cost = EUR 7,95
| original-cost = EUR 7,95
| isbn =  
| isbn = 978-84-674-5540-3
| box1-title = Cover
| box1-title = Cover
| box1-content = [[File:Volume5ca.jpg|x210px|center]]
| box1-content = [[File:Volume5ca.jpg|x210px|center]]
| box2-title = ? Chapters - 176 pages
| box2-title = 11 Chapters - 192 pages
| box2-content =  
| box2-content =  
* 040 - L'home de les venes
* 041 - La primera víctima
* 042 - La Ran corre perill!
* 043 - Atac en la foscor
* 044 - La identitat de l'assassí
* 045 - Mort al karaoke
* 046 - Suïcidi o assassinat?
* 047 - El secret de la cançó
* 048 - Desencontres
* 049 - Arriba una desconeguda
* 050 - Fugida i persecució
| box2-fontsize = 0.95em
| box2-fontsize = 0.95em
| width = 500px
| width = 500px
| title = La veritat rere la màscara
| title = [[Volume 6|La veritat rere la màscara]]
| type = manga
| type = manga
| release-date = May 2008
| release-date = May 2008
| original-cost = EUR 7,95
| original-cost = EUR 7,95
| isbn =  
| isbn = 978-84-674-5541-0
| box1-title = Cover
| box1-title = Cover
| box1-content = [[File:Volume6ca.jpg|x210px|center]]
| box1-content = [[File:Volume6ca.jpg|x210px|center]]
| box2-title = ? Chapters - 184 pages
| box2-title = 10 Chapters - 176 pages
| box2-content =  
| box2-content =  
* 051 - La veritat rere la màscara
* 052 - Els tres visitants
* 053 - Les tres coartades
* 054 - El misteri del contestador automàtic
* 055 - El moble que parla
* 056 - La banda de detectius infantils
* 057 - Els germans misteriosos
* 058 - El misteri del cadàver que es belluga
* 059 - Festival nocturn
* 060 - La coartada perfecta?
| box2-fontsize = 0.95em
| box2-fontsize = 0.95em
| width = 500px
| width = 500px
| title = El secret d´un nom
| title = [[Volume 7|El secret d´un nom]]
| type = manga
| type = manga
| release-date = June 2008
| release-date = June 2008
| original-cost = EUR 7,95
| original-cost = EUR 7,95
| isbn =  
| isbn = 978-84-674-5861-9
| box1-title = Cover
| box1-title = Cover
| box1-content = [[File:Volume7ca.jpg|x210px|center]]
| box1-content = [[File:Volume7ca.jpg|x210px|center]]
| box2-title = ? Chapters - 184 pages
| box2-title = 10 Chapters - 176 pages
| box2-content =  
| box2-content =  
* 061 - El truc de la fotografia
* 062 - Una invitació a l'illa Tsukikage
* 063 - La maledicció del piano
* 064 - La partitura
* 065 - El secret del foc de l'infern
* 066 - Un botó ensangonat
* 067 - El secret d'un nom
* 068 - La xicota d'en Shinichi!
* 069 - La detectiu Ran?
* 070 - Vides limitades
| box2-fontsize = 0.95em
| box2-fontsize = 0.95em
| width = 500px
| width = 500px
| title = Sota la màscara
| title = [[Volume 8|Sota la màscara]]
| type = manga
| type = manga
| release-date = July 2008
| release-date = July 2008
| original-cost = EUR 7,95
| original-cost = EUR 7,95
| isbn =  
| isbn = 978-84-674-5999-9
| box1-title = Cover
| box1-title = Cover
| box1-content = [[File:Volume8ca.jpg|x210px|center]]
| box1-content = [[File:Volume8ca.jpg|x210px|center]]
| box2-title = ? Chapters - 192 pages
| box2-title = 10 Chapters - 192 pages
| box2-content =
* 071 - Encantat!
* 072 - El baró nocturn
* 073 - Un virus terrorífic
* 074 - Sota la màscara
* 075 - Les llàgrimes de la Ran
* 076 - Una broma del vent?
* 077 - El secret de la caiguda
* 078 - La tragèdia de la núvia
* 079 - La llauna de te amb llimona
* 080 - El mòbil de l'assassinat
| box2-fontsize = 0.95em
| width = 500px
| title = [[Volume 9|La reunió d'antics alumnes]]
| type = manga
| release-date = June 23, 2020<ref name="A"/>
| original-cost = EUR 7,95
| isbn = 978-84-9174-186-2
| box1-title = Cover
| box1-content = [[File:Volume9ca.jpg|x210px|center]]
| box2-title = 10 Chapters - 184 pages
| box2-content =
* 081 - 
* 082 - 
* 083 - 
* 084 - 
* 085 -
* 086 -
* 087 -
* 088 - 
* 089 -
* 090 -
| box2-fontsize = 0.95em
| width = 500px
| title = [[Volume 10|El famós detectiu de l'oest]]
| type = manga
| release-date = June 23, 2020<ref>https://www.planetadelibros.com/libro-detectiu-conan-n-1010-el-famos-detectiu-de-loest/301537</ref>
| original-cost = EUR 7,95
| isbn = 978-84-9174-187-9
| box1-title = Cover
| box1-content = [[File:Volume10ca.jpg|x210px|center]]
| box2-title = 10 Chapters - 192 pages
| box2-content =
* 091 - 
* 092 - 
* 093 - 
* 094 - 
* 095 -
* 096 -
* 097 -
* 098 - 
* 099 -
* 100 -
| box2-fontsize = 0.95em
| width = 500px
| title = [[Volume 11|Una persona important]]
| type = manga
| release-date = January 25, 2023<ref name="Planeta2">https://www.planetadelibros.com/libro-detectiu-conan-n-11-una-persona-important/360990</ref>
| original-cost = EUR 7,95
| isbn = 978-84-1140-222-4
| box1-title = Cover
| box1-content = [[File:Volume11ca.jpg|x210px|center]]
| box2-title = 10 Chapters - 192 pages
| box2-content =  
| box2-content =  
* 101 -
* 102 - 
* 103 - 
* 104 - 
* 105 - 
* 106 - 
* 107 - 
* 108 - 
* 109 - 
* 110 - 
| box2-fontsize = 0.95em
| box2-fontsize = 0.95em
| width = 500px
| width = 500px
| title = [[Volume 12|El tresor del doctor]]
| type = manga
| release-date = April 26, 2023<ref>https://www.planetadelibros.com/libro-detectiu-conan-n-12-el-tresor-del-doctor/360991</ref>
| original-cost = EUR 7,95
| isbn = 978-84-1140-223-1
| box1-title = Cover
| box1-content = [[File:Volume12ca.jpg|x210px|center]]
| box2-title = 10 Chapters - 184 pages
| box2-content =
* 111 - 
* 112 - 
* 113 - 
* 114 - 
* 115 - 
* 116 -
* 117 -
* 118 -
* 119 - 
* 120 -
| box2-fontsize = 0.95em
| width = 500px
| title = [[Volume 13|El fugitiu]]
| type = manga
| release-date = July 5, 2023<ref>https://www.planetadelibros.com/libro-detectiu-conan-n-13/360992</ref>
| original-cost = EUR 7,95
| isbn = 978-84-1140-224-8
| box1-title = Cover
| box1-content = [[File:Volume13ca.jpg|x210px|center]]
| box2-title = 10 Chapters - 184 pages
| box2-content =
* 121 -
* 122 - 
* 123 - 
* 124 - 
* 125 -
* 126 - 
* 127 -
* 128 - 
* 129 - 
* 130 -
| box2-fontsize = 0.95em
| width = 500px
| title = [[Volume 14|La fotografia]]
| type = manga
| release-date = October 18, 2023<ref>https://www.planetadelibros.com/libro-detectiu-conan-n-14-la-fotografia/360993</ref>
| original-cost = EUR 8,50
| isbn = ISBN 978-84-1140-225-5
| box1-title = Cover
| box1-content = [[File:Volume14ca.jpg|x210px|center]]
| box2-title = 10 Chapters - 184 pages
| box2-content =
* 131 -
* 132 -
* 133 -
* 134 -
* 135 -
* 136 -
* 137 -
* 138 -
* 139 -
* 140 -
| box2-fontsize = 0.95em
| width = 500px
| title = [[Volume 15|La veritat revelada entre llàgrimes]]
| type = manga
| release-date = January 10, 2024<ref>https://www.planetadelibros.com/libro-detectiu-conan-n-15/360994</ref>
| original-cost = EUR 8,50
| isbn = ISBN 978-84-1140-226-2
| box1-title = Cover
| box1-content = [[File:Volume15ca.jpg|x210px|center]]
| box2-title = 10 Chapters - 180 pages
| box2-content =
* 141 -
* 142 -
* 143 -
* 144 -
* 145 -
* 146 -
* 147 -
* 148 -
* 149 -
* 150 -
| box2-fontsize = 0.95em
| width = 500px
| title = [[Volume 16|L'assassí blanc]]
| type = manga
| release-date = April 3, 2024<ref>[https://www.planetadelibros.com/libro-detectiu-conan-n-16/387751 Planeta Comics, Jan 25, 2024]</ref>
| original-cost = EUR 8,50
| isbn = ISBN 978-84-1161-132-9
| box1-title = Cover
| box1-content = [[File:Volume16ca.jpg|x210px|center]]
| box2-title = 10 Chapters - 192 pages
| box2-content =
* 151 -
* 152 - 
* 153 - 
* 154 - 
* 155 - 
* 156 - 
* 157 - 
* 158 - 
* 159 -
* 160 - 
| box2-fontsize = 0.95em
| width = 500px
Line 112: Line 388:
== References ==
== References ==
<references />
<references />
[[Category:Manga by country]]
[[Category:Detective Conan in Spain]]

Latest revision as of 22:32, 1 April 2024

Catalan version started in 2004 published by Planeta DeAgostini Comics (since October 2014 Planeta Comics, a Planeta company). After 4 volumes the company cancelled the publication due that sales were no so big as expected. 3 years later they decided to put in market 4 new volumes, but it was cancelled again by the same reasons.

This version is translated by Núria Barba, based in the Spanish translation made by Jesús Pece. The direction of reading is inverted from the Japanese version. Puns are adapted to Catalan (sometimes adapting also the drawing) and as image is inverted, left handed people is right handed in this version and translation tries to adapt that. Also, the characteristic Conan image in the book spine is only show. This version is sold in Spain (only in Catalonia) and Andorra.

The publishing resumed in 2020, with volumes 9 and 10 being release in June of that year. The new translation was assured by Agnès Pérez Massegú[1]. In 2023, publication restarted, with the release of volumes 11, 12 and 13 in the first half of the year. The translation is done again by Pérez Massegú[2]. In September 2023, prices for all volumes were raised to 8,50 euros.


See also


Detective Conan Manga in Other Countries
Asia Arab LeagueChinaIndonesiaHong KongJapanKoreaMalaysia (Simplified Chinese)Malaysia (Malay)PhilippinesSingapore (Simplified Chinese)Singapore (English)TaiwanThailandVietnam
North America USA & Canada
Europe DenmarkFinlandFranceGermanyItalyNetherlandsNorwaySpain (Spanish)Spain (Catalan)SwedenUnited Kingdom
Detective Conan Special Manga ChinaGermanyHong KongIndonesiaItalyJapanKoreaMalaysia (Simplified Chinese)Malaysia (Malay)Singapore (Simplified Chinese)SpainTaiwanThailandVietnam
3rd Base 4th Manga ChinaHong KongJapanSpainTaiwanThailandVietnam
Magic Kaito Manga China (Changchun) (Other Chinese publishers) • FinlandFranceGermanyHong KongIndonesiaItalyJapanKoreaSpainTaiwanThailandVietnam
Yaiba Manga FranceGermanyHong Kong (Edko)Hong Kong (JD Comics)IndonesiaItalyJapanKoreaMalaysiaSpainTaiwanThailandVietnam
Hanzawa the Criminal Manga FranceHong KongJapanKoreaTaiwanThailandVietnam
Zero's Tea Time Manga GermanyHong KongIndonesiaItalyJapanKoreaSpainSingapore (English)TaiwanThailandVietnam
Wild Police Story Manga ChinaFranceGermanyIndonesiaItalyJapanKoreaSpainTaiwanThailandVietnam
Books and Specials ChinaGermanyHong Kong (Edko)Hong Kong (HK Chingwin)Hong Kong (JD Comics)IndonesiaItalyJapanKoreaSingapore (English)SpainTaiwan (Chingwin)Taiwan (Sancai)ThailandVietnam
Novels ChinaHong Kong (Edko)Hong Kong (Rightman)IndonesiaJapanKoreaSpainTaiwanThailandVietnam
Super Digest Book IndonesiaJapanKoreaTaiwanVietnam