Difference between revisions of "Big Adventure in the Eccentric Mansion"

From Detective Conan Wiki
Line 6: Line 6:
| japanese-title      = 奇抜な屋敷の大冒険 <br /> (Kibatsu na Yashiki no Daibōken)
| japanese-title      = 奇抜な屋敷の大冒険 <br /> (Kibatsu na Yashiki no Daibōken)
| rating              = 11.4% (394)<br>11.4% (395)<br>10%(396)
| rating              = 11.4% (394)<br>11.4% (395)<br>10%(396)
| Manga case number  = #137
| season              = [[Season 14|14]]
| season              = [[Season 14|14]]
| manga              = [[Volume 46#Kaitou Kid and the Three Instruments|Volume 46: Files 7-10 (475-478)]]
| manga              = [[Volume 46#Kaitou Kid and the Three Instruments|Volume 46: Files 7-10 (475-478)]]

Revision as of 13:20, 17 August 2015

A Kidnapping Case... So It Seems List of Episodes Hot, Bitter, Sweet Soup
Episode 394-396
(Int. Episode {{{int-episode}}})

TV Episode 394-396.jpg

Title: Big Adventure in the Eccentric Mansion
Japanese title: 奇抜な屋敷の大冒険
(Kibatsu na Yashiki no Daibōken)
Original airdate: April 18, 2005 (The Seal)
April 25, 2005 (The Mechanism)
May 2, 2005 (The Resolution)
April 3, 2010 (The Seal) (Remastered version)
April 10, 2010 (The Mechanism) (Remastered version)
April 17, 2010 (The Resolution) (Remastered version)
Broadcast rating: 11.4% (394)
11.4% (395)
Manga case: #137
Season: 14
Manga source: Volume 46: Files 7-10 (475-478)
Cast: Conan Edogawa
Ai Haibara
Detective Boys
Professor Agasa
Kaitou Kid
Samizu Kichiemon
Case solved by: Conan Edogawa
Next Conan's Hint: Magatama stone (The Seal)
Three sacred treasures (The Mechanism)
Samizu Kichiemon (The Resolution)
Magatama (The Seal) (Remastered version)
Mirror (The Mechanism) (Remastered version)
Sword (The Resolution) (Remastered version)
Director: Masato Sato
Organizer: Rokou Ogiwara
Storyboard: Rokou Ogiwara
Episode director: 394 Rokou Ogiwara
395 Minoru Tozawa
396 Rokou Ogiwara
Animation director: 394 Keiko Sasaki (chief), Hiroaki Kawaguchi
395 Rei Masunaga
396 Akiko Kawashima
Opening song: Hoshi no Kagayaki yo
Closing song: Wasurezaki

Characters introduced





The Seal

Professor Agasa, Haibara, Conan, Ayumi, Mitsuhiko, and Genta went camping. While they're camping, they find a lantern in a pond with some writing inside. They show the stone lantern to Conan who determines that it is a code to finding a large diamond. The lantern is also hiding another secret...a dead body at the bottom of the pond.


EP394-396 Case.jpg

Location: Pond near Eccentric Mansion
Victim: Teruhisa Tamai
Cause of death: Strangulation
Suspects: Unzo Suto, Sarina Akutsu, and Eri Senju

After searching the body they find out that he was a treasure hunter who was straggled to death by another person looking for the treasure. They also find a tear-shaped stone with the kanji "inflammation" written on it and a notebook. The notebook suggests that he was murdered by his partner and that Kaitou Kid is also seeking the treasure. Professor Agasa goes back to camp to call the police.

The Mechanism

Conan, Haibara, and the kids decide to enter the house which belonged to Kichiemon a puppet maker and architect of the riddle. The house is filled with all kinds of booby-traps which Genta almost falls victim too until another treasure hunter saves him from a pit of spikes. As they continue to search the house they meet another treasure hunter, and end up falling down a trap door into the basement. Luckily they are saved by Conan's supersized soccerball. In the basement they find Kichiemon's grave, a bunch of human remains, and an old lady. The first treasure hunter reveals grudgingly that he found the mirror artifact and Conan reveals the tear-shaped stone. They continue looking for the sword, which is the last piece of the puzzle.

The Resolution

The old lady nearly gets chopped up by four swinging blades when she steps on a trap. Conan realizes that if one stands in the right spot the blades will not harm you and that one of the blades actually has a handle allowing him to swing over towards the sword. The sword contains the last clue, which leads everyone back to the pond.


  • Resolution

    Remastered version

    A remastered version of the entire case was aired over the span of April 3, 10, and 17, 2010. Instead of editing the episodes and combining them into an hour, all three standalone episodes were remastered.

    BGM listing

    Part 1

    # Song Title Romaji Translation OST
    1 星のかがやきよ Hoshi no Kagayaki yo The Brilliance of the Stars Hoshi no Kagayaki yo
    2 恋のトランプゲーム占い Koi no Toranpu Gēmu Uranai Love's Fortune-Telling Card Game Detective Conan "The Fourteenth Target" Original Soundtrack
    3 シンドラーのサスペンス Shindorā no Sasupensu Schindler's Suspense Detective Conan "The Phantom of Baker Street" Original Soundtrack
    4 バカンス気分 Bakansu Kibun Vacation Feeling Detective Conan Original Soundtrack 4 ~Isoge! Shōnen Tanteidan~
    5 驚愕の真実 Kyōgaku no Shinjitsu Surprising Truth Detective Conan "Captured in Her Eyes" Original Soundtrack
    6 暗号トリックの解読 (未収録ヴァージョン) Angō Torikku no Kaidoku (Mi Shūroku Vājon) The Trick to Deciphering the Code (Unreleased Version)
    7 ターゲット サスペンスB Tāgetto Sasupensu B Target Suspense B Detective Conan "The Fourteenth Target" Original Soundtrack
    8 赤い光のスナイパー1 Akai Hikari no Sunaipā 1 The Sniper's Red Light 1 Detective Conan "The Last Wizard of the Century" Original Soundtrack
    9 二世・三世の子供達 Nisei・Sansei no Kodomotachi The Second and Third Generation Children Detective Conan "The Phantom of Baker Street" Original Soundtrack
    10 古城のテーマ Kojō no Tēma The Old Castle's Theme Detective Conan "The Last Wizard of the Century" Original Soundtrack
    11 犯人のアジト (いよいよver.) Hannin no Ajito (Iyoiyo ver.) The Culprit's Hideout (More and More ver.) Detective Conan Original Soundtrack 2
    12 新一の事件解明 Shin'ichi no Jiken Kaimei Shinichi's Case Clarification Detective Conan Original Soundtrack 3
    13 緊迫 Kinpaku Tension Detective Conan Original Soundtrack 2
    14 怪盗キッドの予告状1 Kaitō Kiddo no Yokokujō 1 Kaitou Kid's Manifesto 1 Detective Conan "The Last Wizard of the Century" Original Soundtrack
    15 忘れ咲き Wasurezaki Forget-Me-Not Wasurezaki

    Part 2

    # Song Title Romaji Translation OST
    1 星のかがやきよ Hoshi no Kagayaki yo The Brilliance of the Stars Hoshi no Kagayaki yo
    2 謎解き (その2) Nazotoki (Sono 2) Riddle Solution (Part 2) Detective Conan Original Soundtrack 3
    3 ターゲット サスペンスD Tāgetto Sasupensu D Target Suspense D Detective Conan "The Fourteenth Target" Original Soundtrack
    4 推理 (不気味ver.) Suiri (Bukimi ver.) Deduction (Ominous ver.) Detective Conan Original Soundtrack 2
    5 容疑者は? Yōgisha wa? The Suspect Is? Detective Conan "Countdown to Heaven" Original Soundtrack
    6 犯人のアジト (いよいよver.) Hannin no Ajito (Iyoiyo ver.) The Culprit's Hideout (More and More ver.) Detective Conan Original Soundtrack 2
    7 容疑者は? Yōgisha wa? The Suspect Is? Detective Conan "Countdown to Heaven" Original Soundtrack
    8 出動のテーマ1~予感 Shutsudō no Tēma 1 ~ Yokan Mission Theme 1 ~ Premonition Detective Conan "The Last Wizard of the Century" Original Soundtrack
    9 夜の探索 Yoru no Tansaku Night Search Detective Conan Original Soundtrack 4 ~Isoge! Shōnen Tanteidan~
    10 容疑者は? Yōgisha wa? The Suspect Is? Detective Conan "Countdown to Heaven" Original Soundtrack
    11 秘密の地下室 Himitsu no Chikashitsu The Basement's Secrets Detective Conan "The Last Wizard of the Century" Original Soundtrack
    12 第2の殺人事件 Dai 2 no Satsujin Jiken The Second Murder Case Detective Conan "Countdown to Heaven" Original Soundtrack
    13 容疑者は? Yōgisha wa? The Suspect Is? Detective Conan "Countdown to Heaven" Original Soundtrack
    14 出動のテーマ1~予感 Shutsudō no Tēma 1 ~ Yokan Mission Theme 1 ~ Premonition Detective Conan "The Last Wizard of the Century" Original Soundtrack
    15 迫りくる悪 Semari Kuru Aku Imminent Evil Detective Conan "The Phantom of Baker Street" Original Soundtrack
    16 コナン推理 Konan Suiri Conan's Deduction Detective Conan "Countdown to Heaven" Original Soundtrack
    17 小五郎の推理 Kogorō no Suiri Kogoro's Deduction Detective Conan "Countdown to Heaven" Original Soundtrack
    18 二世・三世の子供達 Nisei・Sansei no Kodomotachi The Second and Third Generation Children Detective Conan "The Phantom of Baker Street" Original Soundtrack
    19 漆黒の殺意 Shikkoku no Satsui Jet Black Murderous Intent Detective Conan "Captured in Her Eyes" Original Soundtrack
    20 犯人(スナイパー)の正体 Hannin (Sunaipā) no Shōtai The Culprit's (Sniper's) Identity Detective Conan "Captured in Her Eyes" Original Soundtrack
    21 忘れ咲き Wasurezaki Forget-Me-Not Wasurezaki

    Part 3

    # Song Title Romaji Translation OST
    1 星のかがやきよ Hoshi no Kagayaki yo The Brilliance of the Stars Hoshi no Kagayaki yo
    2 殺意 Satsui Murderous Intent Detective Conan "The Fourteenth Target" Original Soundtrack
    3 ターゲット サスペンスD Tāgetto Sasupensu D Target Suspense D Detective Conan "The Fourteenth Target" Original Soundtrack
    4 犯人のアジト (忍び込みver.) Hannin no Ajito (Shinobikomi ver.) The Culprit's Hideout (Creeping In ver.) Detective Conan Original Soundtrack 2
    5 推理 (オリジナルver.) Suiri (Orijinaru ver.) Deduction (Original ver.) Detective Conan Original Soundtrack 2
    6 秘密の地下室 Himitsu no Chikashitsu The Basement's Secrets Detective Conan "The Last Wizard of the Century" Original Soundtrack
    7 赤い光のスナイパー1 Akai Hikari no Sunaipā 1 The Sniper's Red Light 1 Detective Conan "The Last Wizard of the Century" Original Soundtrack
    8 推理 (オリジナルver.) Suiri (Orijinaru ver.) Deduction (Original ver.) Detective Conan Original Soundtrack 2
    9 二世・三世の子供達 Nisei・Sansei no Kodomotachi The Second and Third Generation Children Detective Conan "The Phantom of Baker Street" Original Soundtrack
    10 犯人のアジト (忍び込みver.) Hannin no Ajito (Shinobikomi ver.) The Culprit's Hideout (Creeping In ver.) Detective Conan Original Soundtrack 2
    11 対決のテーマ (摩天楼ヴァージョン) Taiketsu no Tēma (Mantenrō Vājon) Showdown Theme (Skyscraper Version) Detective Conan "The Time-Bombed Skyscraper" Original Soundtrack
    12 容疑者は? Yōgisha wa? The Suspect Is? Detective Conan "Countdown to Heaven" Original Soundtrack
    13 コナン推理 Konan Suiri Conan's Deduction Detective Conan "Countdown to Heaven" Original Soundtrack
    14 犯人(スナイパー)の正体 Hannin (Sunaipā) no Shōtai The Culprit's (Sniper's) Identity Detective Conan "Captured in Her Eyes" Original Soundtrack
    15 名探偵コナン・メインテーマ Meitantei Konan・Mein Tēma Detective Conan Main Theme Detective Conan Original Soundtrack 1
    16 時計じかけの摩天楼 Tokei Jikake no Mantenrō The Time-Bombed Skyscraper Detective Conan "The Time-Bombed Skyscraper" Original Soundtrack
    17 怪盗キッドの予告状1 Kaitō Kiddo no Yokokujō 1 Kaitou Kid's Manifesto 1 Detective Conan "The Last Wizard of the Century" Original Soundtrack
    18 忘れ咲き Wasurezaki Forget-Me-Not Wasurezaki
    19 事件解決 Jiken Kaiketsu Case Resolution Detective Conan Original Soundtrack 1


    See also

    Episodes of Season 14
    Episode 521522523524525526527528529530531532533534535536537538539540541542543544545546547548549550551552553554555556557558559560561