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| colspan="8" align="center" style="background: #9FC0FF"|Balearic dub
| colspan="8" align="center" style="background: #9FC0FF"|Balearic dub
{{BroadcastItem|1|IB3|Free to view.<br/>Public TV:<br/>EPRTVB|Yes|2007-2008|[[Episode 1|1]] - [[Episode 49|49]]|Summer 2007|}}
{{BroadcastItem|1|IB3|Free to view.<br/>Public TV:<br/>EPRTVB|Yes|2007-2008|[[Episode 1|1]] - [[Episode 49|49]]|July 15 2007|}}
| colspan="8" align="center" style="background: #9FC0FF"|Basque dub
| colspan="8" align="center" style="background: #9FC0FF"|Basque dub

Revision as of 23:04, 12 August 2020

Detective Conan in Spain

Detective Conan Spanish logo.PNG

Language: Spanish, Catalan, Galician, Basque, Valencia and Balear
Continents: Europe
No. of Episodes: 376 (407) [Spanish]
854 (909) [Catalan]
422 (456) [Valencian]
278 (300) [Galician]
98 (104) [Basque]
49 (50) [Balear]
No. of Volumes: 92 (as January 2017) [Spanish]
8 [Catalan]
No. of Magic Kaito Volumes: 4
Published by: Planeta Cómic

The Detective Conan manga is published in Spain by Planeta Cómic (until 2014, under the name Planeta DeAgostini) in 1998 and the Anime was broadcasted firstly on Cartoon Network in 2001.


The manga was first published in 1998, with 13 volumes released as of 2000 before its cancellation. With the success of the Spanish dub of the series, the manga continued being released, in a bigger format and under the title Volume 2. Issues 1 to 32 of the second volume were only half of a Japanese volume (meaning the 32 Spanish issues were 16 Japanese issues). From 33 onward, they're the same length as the Japanese release. For the sake of continuity (apart from the fact that the first 13 volumes were hard to find) Volume 1 was re-released in the new format on 2004.

Also, 31 volumes of Detective Conan Special have been released between November 2006 and October 2009, albeit with less success than the mainstream series.

The first 2 novels have been released by Timun Mas (a label from Grupo Planeta) on October 2008.

The Magic Kaito manga has been also published. The first 3 volumes we're released on 2004, and volume 4 on November 2008. All four were republished on March 2016 and Volume 5 will be in stores on May 2020. The special Magic Kaito vs. Detective Conan was also available on April 2008, with a 2nd edition on July 2017.

In 2011, a new edition has been released, called Detective Conan: Nueva Edición (New Edition) which has two Japanese volumes in one Spanish volume. As of March 2020, 29 volumes have been released.

The anime-comic of the 14th movie was published on January 2020.

A Catalan version was also created, based on the Spanish translation. The first 4 volumes were released between November 2004 and May 2005. This version was cancel due to weak sales, but the Published decided to give a second chance on 2008 with 4 more volumes, but it didn't reach the sales expectations and was cancel again. Two new volumes have been announced for 2020, being Volume 9 the first available on April 7th.

Curiously, all Spanish manga releases are inverted so they can be read as a Western comic. This leads to changing some dialogue in order to fit the pictures (for example, all instances of mentioning someone is left-handed are changed to right-handed, and vice versa or some explanation if not like "the direction of reading has been inverted").


In Spain, apart from Spanish Language, in some parts of the country, people speak another languages and dialects: Catalan, Galician, Basque, Valencian and Balear. These languages have a particular dub of Detective Conan:

Language Name Notes
Flag of Catalonia Catalan El detectiu Conan 854 episodes + Movies 1-23 + Episode One + The Disappearance of Conan Edogawa Detective Conan
Flag of Valencia Valencian Detectiu Conan 422 episodes Detective Conan
Flag of Spain Spanish Detective Conan 376 episodes + Movies 1, 2, 4 and 22-23 + Lupin III vs. Detective Conan: The Movie Detective Conan
Flag of Galicia Galician O detective Conan 278 episodes + Movies 1-8 Detective Conan
Flag of Basque Country Basque Conan detektibea 98 episodes + Movies 5 and 6 Detective Conan
Flag of Balearic Islands Balear El detectiu Conan 49 episodes Detective Conan

It has been broadcast in the following channels:

TV Station Name Channel type and company Censure Transmissions periods Seasons Season premiere Notes
Spanish dub
Cartoon Network.png Cartoon Network Pay to view.
Private TV:
No 2001-2004?
1 - 42 March 5 2001
43 - 76 2002
1 - 114 September 11 2006
223 - September 13 2010
Movie 1 October 1 2010
Movie 2 2010
Movie 4 January 14 2011
Antena 3.png Antena 3 Free to view.
Private TV:
Antena 3
No 2002 1 - 36 June 29 2002 Only one run. A second run was announced but never

made. Last transmitted episode is unknown, shown here is calculated.

Animax.png Animax Pay to view.
Private TV:
No 2008-2009 114 - ? April 12 2008 AXN and Animax only broadcast these episodes because Cartoon Network was holding the pay rights for the others.
? - 222 June 2009
AXN.png AXN Pay to view.
Private TV:
No 2008 114 - ? April 19 2008 AXN and Animax only broadcast these episodes because Cartoon Network was holding the pay rights for the others.
Aragón TV.png Aragón TV Free to view.
Public TV:
Aragón TV
CMT.png CMT Free to view.
Public TV:
Castilla-La Mancha Televisión
2008 March 27 2008
Canal Extremadura.png Canal Extremadura Free to view.
Public TV:
Televisión Canaria.png Televisión Canaria Free to view.
Public TV:
Radio Televisión Canaria
Canal 2 Andalucía.png Canal 2 Andalucía Free to view.
Public TV:
Canal Sur
Yes 2006-2009 1 - 327 2006 Episodes 143 to 327 were broadcasted after a summer pause.
Reruns Channel name changed to Canal Sur 2.
Canal Sur 2.png Canal Sur 2 Free to view.
Public TV:
Canal Sur
Yes 2009-2011? Reruns
K30TV.png K30TV Free to view.
Private TV.
No 2011-2013
Arait Multimedia.png Arait Multimedia Free to view.
Official Youtube Channel
No 2016-2018 1 - 186 August 25 2016
187 - 202 December 24 2017 Account suspended due to show producers petition to the Spanish rights owners, also it was previously approved.
Catalan dub
K3.png K3 Free to view.
Public TV:
Televisió de Catalunya
No 2001-2009 1: 1 - 76 May 17 2001 Episode 77 dubbed, but not aired because it was a 2 parts case
2: 77 - 184 March 27 2003 Episode 185 dubbed, but not aired because it was a 2 parts case. Includes "Next Conan hint" in some episodes.
3: 185 - 278 December 23 2005 Epilogues were not dubbed nor aired in this season
4: 279 - 327 February 1 2007 Epilogues were not dubbed nor aired in this season. Some episodes only shows title for next episode preview.
5: 328 - 422 June 27 2007
6: 423 - 468 January 10 2009 Episodes were aired trying to conclude cases in same weekend.
Movie 4 April 10 2009
Movie 3 April 13 2009
7: 469 - 477 October 10 2009 Episodes were aired trying to conclude cases in same weekend.Channel name changed to Súper 3.
TVCi.png TVCi Free to view.
Public TV:
Televisió de Catalunya
No 2007-2009 4: 279 - 327 February 1 2007 TVCi was the international channel for TVC. This season was the only one with international rights, so it was broadcast in this channel as a loop.
Súper 3.png Súper 3 Free to view.
Public TV:
Televisió de Catalunya
No 2009-2012
7: 478 - 514 October 24 2009 Episodes were aired trying to conclude cases in same weekend.Episode 475 was aired in Súper 3 and never in K3.
3: 276 - 278 October 19 2009 It continued a rerun in K3.
4: 279 - 327 October 19 2009 First rerun in Súper 3.
5: 328 - 361 November 24 2009 First incomplete rerun in Súper 3.
Movie 1 January 17 2010
Movie 2 January 24 2010
Movie 3 January 31 2010
Movie 4 February 7 2010
Movie 5 February 14 2010
Movie 6 February 21 2010
Movie 7 February 28 2010
Movie 8 March 7 2010
6: 423 - 468 September 12 2011 First rerun in Súper 3.
7: 469 - 514 October 19 2011 First complete rerun in Súper 3.
1: 1 - 76 November 28 2011 First rerun in Súper 3.
2: 77 - 184 February 14 2012 First rerun in Súper 3.
1: 1 - 76 July 11 2016 First rerun after rights renewal.
2: 77 - 184 September 1 2012 First rerun after rights renewal. It also includes episodes 185 and 186
Movie 9 April 17 2017
Movie 10 May 1 2017
3: 185 - 278 June 22 2017 First rerun in Súper 3.
8: 515 - 590 September 12 2017
Movie 11 January 6 2018
Movie 12 January 7 2018
4: 279 - 327 January 16 2018 First rerun after rights renewal.
5: 328 - 422 February 20 2018 First complete rerun in Súper 3. Paused on episode 370
9: 590 - 668 April 3 2018 Episodes 646 to 668 were broadcast after a summer pause.
10: 669 - 815 January 8 2019 Episodes 791 to 815 were broadcasted after a summer pause.
5: 328 - 422 January 23 2019 From episode 371
6: 423 - 468 March 1 2019 First rerun after rights renewal.
7: 469 - 514 April 8 2019 First rerun after rights renewal. Paused on episode 485
Movie 13 November 09 2019
Movie 14 November 16 2019
Movie 15 November 23 2019
Movie 16 November 30 2019
11: 816 on January 19 2020 Paused in Episode 854. TV3 confirms that it has purchased "almost all the episodes broadcast in Japan in 2019".
Episode One March 22 2020
Movie 17 April 11 2020
Movie 18 April 12 2020
Movie 19 June 20 2020
Movie 20 June 27 2020
The Disappearance of Conan Edogawa July 04 2020
Galician dub
TVG.png TVG Free to view.
Public TV:
No 2006-2009 1 - 76 April 10 2006
2: 77 - 239 October 26 2006
3: 240 - 278 December 26 2007 Show moved to TVG2.
TVG2.png TVG2 Free to view.
Public TV:
No 2009-2013 1 - 278 February 2 2009 Reruns
Movie 1 December 25 2012
Movie 2 December 26 2012
Movie 5 December 31 2012
Movie 8 January 3 2013
Movie 3 July 5 2013
Movie 4 July 14 2013
Movie 6 July 31 2013
Movie 7 August 2 2013
Balearic dub
IB3.png IB3 Free to view.
Public TV:
Yes 2007-2008 1 - 49 July 15 2007
Basque dub
ETB1.png ETB1 Free to view.
Public TV:
60px Betizu Pay to view.
Public TV:
2007-2008 1 - 99
ETB3.png ETB3 Free to view.
Public TV:
2011 Movie 5
Movie 6
Valencian dub
Punt 2.png Punt 2 Free to view.
Public TV:
No 2010 1: 1 - 38 May 4 2010 Channel name changed to Canal Nou 2
Canal Nou 2.png Canal Nou 2 Free to view.
Public TV:
No 2010-2012 1:39 - 193 September 2 2010
2:194 - 304 July 13 2011 Episode 304 was split in 4 parts and the 4 part seems to be aired 4 months later.
3:304 - 360 January 23 2012
4:361 - 422 September 12 2012 In 2013 channel (July) and group (November) closed
À punt.png À punt Free to view.
Public TV:
No 2017- 1 - 53 December 17 2017 New Valencian TV, only online.
1 - 278 June 11 2018 New Valencian TV, TV regular transmissions.

Cast (Spanish Dub)

  • Dubbing: Episodes 1-76 were dubbed in Barcelona (International Soundstudio), while episodes 77-376 were dubbed in Madrid (Alamis).
  • Translation (Japanese-Spanish): Salomón Doncel and Alessandra Moura.
Character Voice actors
Picture Name Name Notes
Conan Edogawa 60px.jpg Conan Edogawa Victoria Ramos Manga Films version.
Isabel Valls Episodes 1-76 and movies 22-23.
Diana Torres Episodes 77-376 and movies 1-2, 4.
Joël Mulachs Lupin III vs. Detective Conan: The Movie.
Shinichi Kudo 60px.jpg Shinichi Kudo Jonatan López Manga Films version and episodes 1-76
Juan Navarro Episodes 77-376 and movies 1-2, 4, 22-23.
Óscar Muñoz Lupin III vs. Detective Conan: The Movie.
Ran Mouri 60px.jpg Ran Mouri Berta Cortés Manga Films version.
Diana de Guzmán Episodes 1-76.
Carolina Tak Episodes 77-376 and movies 1-2, 4, 22-23.
Eva Bau Lupin III vs. Detective Conan: The Movie.
Kogoro Mouri 60px.jpg Kogoro Mouri Luis Espinosa Manga Films version and episodes 1-76.
Ángel Amorós Episodes 77-376 and movies 1-2, 4.
César Lechiguero Lupin III vs. Detective Conan: The Movie.
José García Tos Movies 22-23.
Hiroshi Agasa 60px.jpg Hiroshi Agasa Tasio Alonso Manga Films version.
Javier Amilibia Episodes 1-76.
Salvador Serrano Episodes 77-376 and movies 1-2, 4.
Sergio Capelo Lupin III vs. Detective Conan: The Movie and movies 22-23.
Ayumi Yoshida 60px.jpg Ayumi Yoshida Geni Rey Manga Films version.
Pilar Mora Episodes 1-76 and movies 22-23.
Marta Sáinz Episodes 77-376 and movies 1-2, 4.
Eva Andrés Lupin III vs. Detective Conan: The Movie.
Genta Kojima 60px.jpg Genta Kojima Enrique Hernández Manga Films version and movies 22-23.
Lucas Cisneros Episodes 1-76.
José Carabias Episodes 77-376 and movies 1-2, 4.
Silvia Cabrera Lupin III vs. Detective Conan: The Movie.
Mitsuhiko Tsuburaya 60px.jpg Mitsuhiko Tsuburaya Mª Rosa Guillén Manga Films version, episodes 1-76 and movies 22-23.
Blanca Rada Episodes 77-345.
Gema Carballedo Episodes 346-376 and movies 1-2, 4.
Darío Torrent Lupin III vs. Detective Conan: The Movie.
Ai Haibara 60px.jpg Ai Haibara Silvia Sarmentera Episodes 129-376 and movie 4.
Miry Giner Lupin III vs. Detective Conan: The Movie.
Marta Moreno Movies 22-23.
Sonoko Suzuki 60px.jpg Sonoko Suzuki Aurora Ferrándiz Episodes 6-76.
Mercedes Espinosa Episodes 79-376 and movies 1-2, 4.
Eva Andrés Lupin III vs. Detective Conan: The Movie and movies 22-23.
Juzo Megure 60px.jpg Juzo Megure Francisco Alborch Manga Films version, episodes 1-76 and movies 22-23.
Francisco Andrés Valdivia Episodes 77-376 and movies 1-2, 4.
José Luis Siurana Lupin III vs. Detective Conan: The Movie.
Heiji Hattori 60px.jpg Heiji Hattori Claudi Domingo Episodes 48-58.
José María Carrero Episodes 77-376.
Kazuha Toyama 60px.jpg Kazuha Toyama Blanca Rada Episodes 118-376.
Wataru Takagi 60px.jpg Wataru Takagi Alfredo Martínez Episodes 77-376 and movie 4.
Enric Puig Lupin III vs. Detective Conan: The Movie.
José Manuel Oliva Movies 22-23.

Cast (Catalan Dub)

  • Dubbing: Episodes 1-854 (103 TODD-AO Estudios, Audioclip and Takemaker, Barcelona).
  • Translation (Japanese-Catalan): Marina Bornes, Verònica Calafell and Bàrbara Pesquer.
Character Voice actors
Picture Name Name Notes
Conan Edogawa 60px.jpg Conan Edogawa Joël Mulachs
Shinichi Kudo 60px.jpg Shinichi Kudo Óscar Muñoz Shinichi's voice is used for Conan's thoughts.

Also, in many cases Conan speaks with Shinichi's voice without using his bowtie while serious speak.

Ran Mouri 60px.jpg Ran Mouri Núria Trifol
Kogoro Mouri 60px.jpg Kogoro Mouri Jordi Royo
Mark Ullod
Jordi dubs Kogoro from episode 185 on, as well as in the movies.
Ai Haibara 60px.jpg Ai Haibara Roser Aldabó Same case as Shinichi/Conan. Her adult voice is used while in her thoughts and serious speak.
Genta Kojima 60px.jpg Genta Kojima Miquel Bonet
Ayumi Yoshida 60px.jpg Ayumi Yoshida Meritxell Ané
Berta Cortés
Berta dubs Ayumi from episode 80 on, as well as in the films.
Mitsuhiko Tsuburaya 60px.jpg Mitsuhiko Tsuburaya Elisabet Bargalló
Hiroshi Agasa 60px.jpg Hiroshi Agasa Fèlix Benito
Sonoko Suzuki 60px.jpg Sonoko Suzuki Berta Cortés
Ana María Camps
Eva Lluch
Berta dubbed Sonoko in episodes 6 and 18, while Ana María did it in episodes 34-35.
Heiji Hattori 60px.jpg Heiji Hattori Hernán Fernández
Kazuha Toyama 60px.jpg Kazuha Toyama Isabel Valls
Mònica Padrós
Mònica dubs Kazuha from episode 189 on, as well as in the movies.
Juzo Megure 60px.jpg Juzo Megure Ramon Canals
Wataru Takagi 60px.jpg Wataru Takagi David Corsellas
Marc Gómez
Marc dubs Takagi from episode 521 on and from movie 9 on.
Miwako Sato 60px.jpg Miwako Sato Teresa Soler
Meritxell Sota
Meritxell dubs Sato from episode 522 on and from movie 9 on.
Ninzaburo Shiratori 60px.jpg Ninzaburo Shiratori Josep Maria Mas
Kazunobu Chiba 60px.jpg Kazunobu Chiba Josep Maria Mas
Aleix Estadella
Aleix dubs Chiba from episode 526 on and from movie 9 on.
Yumi Miyamoto 60px.jpg Yumi Miyamoto Eva Martí
Irene Miràs
Irene dubs Yumi from episode 659 on.
Naeko Miike 60px.jpg Naeko Miike Elisabet Bargalló
Kiyonaga Matsumoto 60px.jpg Kiyonaga Matsumoto Enric Serra Frediani
Ángel de Río
Ángel dubs Matsumoto from episode 531 on, as well as in movie 13.
Hyoue Kuroda 60px.jpg Hyoue Kuroda Toni Sevilla
Ginzo Nakamori 60px.jpg Ginzo Nakamori Francesc Figuerola
Eduard Itchart
Eduard dubs Nakamori from episode 515 on, and from movie 14 on.
Shintaro Chaki 60px.jpg Shintaro Chaki Ivan Cànovas
Kaitou Kid 60px.jpg Kaitou Kid Claudi Domingo
Jordi Nogueras
Jordi dubs Kaito Kid from episode 515 on, and from movie 10 on.
Eri Kisaki 60px.jpg Eri Kisaki Teresa Manresa
Yukiko Kudo 60px.jpg Yukiko Kudo Rosa Guillén
Yusaku Kudo 60px.jpg Yusaku Kudo Germán José
Pau López
Santi Lorenz
Santi dubs Yusaku from episode 418 on, and in Episode One. Pau dubs Yusaku in flashbacks.
Tomoaki Araide 60px.jpg Tomoaki Araide Marc Zanni Episodes 170-171
Xavier Serrano Episodes 190-191
Pep Papell Episodes 230-231 and 253-254
David Brau Episode 274
Roger Vidal Episode 339
Roger Isasi-Isasmendi Episode 345
Santi Lorenz Episodes 361-362
Francesc Figuerola Episode 428
Eisuke Hondou 60px.jpg Eisuke Hondou Marcel Navarro
Subaru Okiya 60px.jpg Subaru Okiya Carles di Blasi
Daniel Albiac
Carles only dubbed Subaru in his fist appearance, in episodes 509 to 511.
Masumi Sera 60px.jpg Masumi Sera Clara Schwarze
Shukichi Haneda 60px.jpg Shukichi Haneda Héctor García
Mary Sera 60px.jpg Mary Sera Geni Rey
Gin 60px.jpg Gin Luis Grau
Vodka 60px.jpg Vodka Joan Pera Episode 1
Albert Socías Episodes 128 to 129 and 497 to 504
Jaume Costa Episodes 176 to 178
Amadeu Aguado Episode 230
Albert Roig Episodes 345, 425 and 464 to 465, and movie 5.
Domènech Farell Episodes 309 to 311 and 702 to 704 and movie 20
Joan Massotkleiner Episodes 579 to 571, movie 13 and Episode One
Vermouth 60px.jpg Vermouth Teresa Manresa
Lourdes Fabrés
Lourdes dubs Vermouth from episode 581, as well as in the movies.
Chianti 60px.jpg Chianti Mar Roca
Marta Moreno
Marta dubs Chianti in movies and in Episode One.
Korn 60px.jpg Korn Francesc Figuerola
Santi Lorenz
Santi dubs Korn in movies.
Tequila 60px.jpg Tequila Enric Serra Frediani
Pisco 60px.jpg Pisco Albert Socías
Ki'ichiro Numabuchi 60px.jpg Ki'ichiro Numabuchi Oriol de Balle
Francesc Figuerola
Oriol dubs Ki'ichiro in episode 118, while Francesc dubs him in episodes 289-290.
Rikumichi Kusuda 60px.jpg Rikumichi Kusuda Antoni Forteza
Akemi Miyano 60px.jpg Akemi Miyano Marta Ullod
Elvira García
Marta dubs Akemi in episode 13 and 128-129. Elvira dubs her in the Clash of Red and Black episodes.
Elena Miyano 60px.jpg Elena Miyano Maria Moscardó
Ethan Hondou 60px.jpg Ethan Hondou Oriol de Balle
Hidemi Hondou 60px.jpg Hidemi Hondou Elisa Beuter
Rei Furuya 60px.jpg Rei Furuya Roger Pera
Jodie Starling 60px.jpg Jodie Starling Teresa Manresa
Montse Puga
Montse dubs Jodie from episode 492 on, as well as in the movies and in Episode One.
Shuichi Akai 60px.jpg Shuichi Akai Manuel Gimeno
James Black 60px.jpg James Black Enric Isasi-Isasmendi
Andre Camel 60px.jpg Andre Camel Pep Ribas
Sango Yokomizo 60px.jpg Sango Yokomizo Abert Socías
Pep Ribas
Albert dubbed Sango until episode 443.
Jugo Yokomizo 60px.jpg Jugo Yokomizo Albert Socías
Pep Ribas
Albert dubbed Jugo until episode 444.
Misao Yamamura 60px.jpg Misao Yamamura Jaume Costa
Jaume Aguiló
Jaume Aguiló dubs Misao from episode 545 on, as well as in the movies.
Kansuke Yamato 60px.jpg Kansuke Yamato Oriol Rafel
Yui Uehara 60px.jpg Yui Uehara Carme Calvell
Taka'aki Morofushi 60px.jpg Taka'aki Morofushi Sergi Zamora
Goro Otaki 60px.jpg Goro Otaki Jaume Lleal
Yuya Kazami 60px.jpg Yuya Kazami Sergi Zamora
Sumiko Kobayashi 60px.jpg Sumiko Kobayashi Teresa Manresa
Sívia Vilarrasa
Sílvia dubs Sumiko from episode 569 on, as well as in movie 15.
Azusa Enomoto 60px.jpg Azusa Enomoto Mar Roca
Irene Miràs
Irene dubs Azusa from episode 537 on, as well as in the movies.
Makoto Kyogoku 60px.jpg Makoto Kyogoku Àlex de Porrata
Sakurako Yonehara 60px.jpg Sakurako Yonehara Lourdes Fabrés
Saguru Hakuba 60px.jpg Saguru Hakuba Masumi Mutsuda
Jirokichi Suzuki 60px.jpg Jirokichi Suzuki Joan Massotkleiner
Shiro Suzuki 60px.jpg Shiro Suzuki Josep Antequera
Midori Megure 60px.jpg Midori Megure Glòria González
Ryusuke Higo 60px.jpg Ryusuke Higo Jordi Nogueras
Takahiro Sanada 60px.jpg Takahiro Sanada Masumi Mutsuda

Cast (Galician Dub)

  • Dubbing: Episodes 1-278 (Sodinor S.A., Vigo).
  • Translation (Japanese-Galican): María Alonso.
Character Voice actors
Picture Name Name Notes
Conan Edogawa 60px.jpg Conan Edogawa Teresa Santamaría
Shinichi Kudo 60px.jpg Shinichi Kudo Gaspar Somoza Shinichi's voice is used for Conan's thoughts.
Ran Mouri 60px.jpg Ran Mouri Isabel Vallejo
Kogoro Mouri 60px.jpg Kogoro Mouri Matías Brea
Eri Kisaki 60px.jpg Eri Kisaki Charo Pena
Ai Haibara 60px.jpg Ai Haibara Consuelo Díaz
Helena Amoedo
Helena dubs Ai in the movies 3, 4, 6 and 7.
Hiroshi Agasa 60px.jpg Hiroshi Agasa Paco Barreiro
Genta Kojima 60px.jpg Genta Kojima Antonio Rey
Ayumi Yoshida 60px.jpg Ayumi Yoshida Marián Muíño
Mitsuhiko Tsuburaya 60px.jpg Mitsuhiko Tsuburaya Patricia de Lorenzo
Montse Davila
Montse dubs Mitsuhiko in the movies.
Heiji Hattori 60px.jpg Heiji Hattori Monti Castiñeiras
Kazuha Toyama 60px.jpg Kazuha Toyama Ana Ouro
Ana Lemos
Xermana Carballido
Ana Lemos dubs Kazuha from episode 190 on. Xermana dubs Kazuha in the movies.
Sonoko Suzuki 60px.jpg Sonoko Suzuki Nora Abad
Juzo Megure 60px.jpg Juzo Megure Alfonso Valiño
Wataru Takagi 60px.jpg Wataru Takagi Manuel Pombal
Miwako Sato 60px.jpg Miwako Sato Montserrat Davila
Kaitou Kid 60px.jpg Kaitou Kid Raúl Dans
Chema Gagino
Óscar Fernández
Óscar dubs Kaitou in the movie 3.

Cast (Valencian Dub)

  • Dubbing: Episodes 1-422 (Estudi de Musica S.L., Valencia).
  • Translation (Japanese-Valencian): Carlos Ortega.
Character Voice actors
Picture Name Name Notes
Conan Edogawa 60px.jpg Conan Edogawa Inma Sancho
Shinichi Kudo 60px.jpg Shinichi Kudo Benja Figueres Shinichi's voice is used for Conan's thoughts.
Ran Mouri 60px.jpg Ran Mouri Rosa López
Kogoro Mouri 60px.jpg Kogoro Mouri José García Tos
Eri Kisaki 60px.jpg Eri Kisaki Marina Viñals
Ai Haibara 60px.jpg Ai Haibara Marta Aparicio
Hiroshi Agasa 60px.jpg Hiroshi Agasa Joan Espuig
Genta Kojima 60px.jpg Genta Kojima Ignasi Díaz
Ayumi Yoshida 60px.jpg Ayumi Yoshida Eva Bau
Mitsuhiko Tsuburaya 60px.jpg Mitsuhiko Tsuburaya Laura Violeta
Heiji Hattori 60px.jpg Heiji Hattori Dario Torrent
Kazuha Toyama 60px.jpg Kazuha Toyama Silvia Cabrera
Juzo Megure 60px.jpg Juzo Megure Rafael Ordoñez
Sonoko Suzuki 60px.jpg Sonoko Suzuki Laura Violeta
Wataru Takagi 60px.jpg Wataru Takagi Joan Montañana Called "Takegi" in this dub
Miwako Sato 60px.jpg Miwako Sato Silvia Cabrera
Kaitou Kid 60px.jpg Kaitou Kid Dario Torrent

Cast (Basque Dub)

  • Dubbing: Episodes 1-98 (Edertrack, Bilbao).
Character Voice actors
Picture Name Name Notes
Conan Edogawa 60px.jpg Conan Edogawa Xebe Atencia
Shinichi Kudo 60px.jpg Shinichi Kudo Xebe Atencia Shinichi and Conan voices are the same.
Ran Mouri 60px.jpg Ran Mouri Monica Erdocia
Kogoro Mouri 60px.jpg Kogoro Mouri Xeberri
Felix Arkarazo
Felix dubbed Kogoro in the movies 5 and 6.
Ai Haibara 60px.jpg Ai Haibara Maribel Legarreta Maribel didn't have the opportunity to dub Haibara in the regular series but she has interpretated her in movies 5 and 6, just the only movies dubbed in Basque.
Hiroshi Agasa 60px.jpg Hiroshi Agasa Eduardo Gorriño
Jesus Izeta
Jesus dubbed Agasa in movies 5 and 6.
Genta Kojima 60px.jpg Genta Kojima Beñat Narbaiza
Peio Artetxe
Peio dubbed Genta in the movies 5 and 6.
Ayumi Yoshida 60px.jpg Ayumi Yoshida Jaione Insausti
Mitsuhiko Tsuburaya 60px.jpg Mitsuhiko Tsuburaya Maribel Legarreta
Eba Ojanguren
Eba dubbed Mitsuhiko in the movies 5 and 6.
Heiji Hattori 60px.jpg Heiji Hattori Iker Díaz
Sonoko Suzuki 60px.jpg Sonoko Suzuki Ana Begoña Eguileor
Estíbaliz Lizárraga
Estíbaliz dubbed Sonoko in the movies 5 and 6.
Juzo Megure 60px.jpg Juzo Megure Javi Pombo
Wataru Takagi 60px.jpg Wataru Takagi Jon Goiri
Kaitou Kid 60px.jpg Kaitou Kid Xabier Alkiza

Cast (Balear Dub)

  • Dubbing: Episodes 1-50 (Graus Balear, Palma de Mallorca).
  • Translation (Japanese-Balear): Sarai María-Arias.
Character Voice actors
Picture Name Name Notes
Conan Edogawa 60px.jpg Conan Edogawa Unknown
Shinichi Kudo 60px.jpg Shinichi Kudo Miquel Ruíz Shinichi's voice is used for Conan's thoughts.
Ran Mouri 60px.jpg Ran Mouri Marga López
Kogoro Mouri 60px.jpg Kogoro Mouri Unknown
Sonoko Suzuki 60px.jpg Sonoko Suzuki Assumpta Massutí


  • The logo used is the same as the standard international logo.
  • Nearly all of the characters have the same name. An exception would be Sherry was once named Jerez in Spanish dub, which is just the spanish word for sherry.
  • In Spanish Manga Films dub, the currency is American Dollar.
  • During around 30 episodes of Spanish Dub, Professor Agasa is called Hakase Agasa. This is a translation mistake because Hakase means Professor in Japanese. After these episodes the mistake is fixed.
  • Kaito Kid was called "Kid el Ladrón" (Kid the Thief) in the spanish dub. In Catalan dub was called "Kid Cat el Lladre" in his debut, but then changed to "Kaito Kid" and "Kid el Lladre" interchangeably. In Galician dub "Caco Kid" and in Basque dub "Katalapur Gazterean".
  • The TV airing of Spanish dub and Balear Dub is slightly censored. lood is digitally erased or reduced, but there are no cuts. However, the dub itself is uncut, so there are references to the censored blood (for example, Conan may say "there's blood in the floor" even though the blood is erased). A possible explanation could be that the censors were made after the series was dubbed. In Catalan, Galician, Valencian and Basque the censorship doesn't exist.
  • In the Catalan dub Conan's voice changes depending on the situation. When he's pretending to be a kid, he has his child voice, but when he's talking to someone who knows his real identity, his voice changes to Shinichi's, as if his voice hadn't changed at all. This causes a severe plothole when he needs his bowtie to speak as Shinichi, which it may look like he wouldn't need at all. But it just may be "the tone" he uses while he do not pretend to be a kid and speak his real self, while actually his voice obviously cannot sound like his adult self.
  • In Catalan dub in Kaito Kid's first official appearance as Kaito Kuroba his name was misswritten as Kaiti Kuroha.
  • In Catalan dub when Conan says Haibara's real name for first time he omits the second H as in some latin languages the H is mute.
  • In Catalan dub Sato and Takagi are miscalled "Inspectors" instead of detectives. Although in few episodes are called "Investigadors" (investigators), a more related/closest word to the detective rank. The same happened with Chiba, although it has been refered more often as "agent" (officer).
  • In Spanish dub Kazuha was spelled "Kazuya". In Catalan it was pronounced "Kazua" (with a mute H) until episode 515, when it changed to the more accurate "Kazuha" (pronouncing the H).

See also

Detective Conan in Other Countries
North America USA & Canada
South America BrazilLatin America
Europe AlbaniaBelgiumDenmarkFranceFinlandGermanyGreeceHungaryItalythe NetherlandsNorwayPolandPortugalRussiaSpainSwedenUnited Kingdom
Middle East Arab WorldIran
Central Asia India
Southeast Asia IndonesiaMalaysiaPhilippinesSingaporeThailandVietnam
East Asia China (TaiwanHong Kong) • JapanKorea