High School Girl Detective Sonoko Suzuki (JK探偵鈴木園子) is the 915th episode of the Detective Conan anime.
Murder? / Crime? / Accident?
Yoshimura or Sasaki building?
Nanae Yoshimura?
Between 6:30 and now
Cause of death:
Hiroto Sasaki and Rina Minakami
On a starry night of summer, Sonoko, Ran and Conan are stargazing to find the milky way and the north star when, through her binoculars, Sonoko seemingly witnesses a human's corpse's hand which was lying in the flowerbed. Astonished, she tries to find the place where the corpse was to unmask the criminal. Arrived to the place where she thought the body in the flowerbed was, Sonoko quickly points out that the owner of the building, Hiroto Sasaki, is the culprit to which he says he isn't and that he couldn't be the possible murderer since it wouldn't be possible that she saw the house from the top of the slide. He then suggest they take a rest in his house and production studios. They are served fresh coffee by his assistant Rika Minakami. Then, Sasaki shows her a mannequin arm to ask if it was the arm she saw. She replies by the negative and just then, Sasaki remembers that the house behind his has the same flowerbed but this time, on the rooftop where she could easily have seen it. He says that his house had been larger but he conceded part of his land to his friend Yoshimura who built the house. Yoshimura was Sasaki's college friend just like his wife Nanae. He was the one who had done both flowerbeds since he is a home and garden scape artist. Sasaki then calls his friend to ask him if he could go to his house since Yoshimura was out on business and her wife didn't seem to asnwer the doorbell to which Yoshimura accepts. Since Sasaki had a spare key of the Yoshimura building, the entered and call for Nanae but no one answered. They went to the rooftop but Sonoko found out the earth was not deep enough so a body could be buried. She concludes that the body must have been hidden in the house but everyone (including Conan) just finds her really weird. As the search was finished, Sasaki gets angry and ask them to leave his friend's house since they just wasted his time. They excuse themselves and leave to take a snack at a nearby cafe. Sonoko then headed home alone but saw a ring through a jewelry store window. She then remembered seeing a hand taking off a wedding ring from the body's hand and that it was surely a body since mannequins don't wear rings. She then accidentally pushed the jewelry employee that was folding a panel while she was thinking that Sasaki must have been the culprit since he got angry each time they mentionned a body and was wondering where could it have been hidden. She then tries to put the panel back but put it backwards and then corrects her mistake. She then finds out the truth and yells while running on the streets which scares the employee. At the same time, as Conan walks with Ran, Ran ask Conan if he was thinking about Sonoko. She tells that it would've been easier to find the truth if there was a bridge connecting both houses. Right then, Conan remembers that there was a bridge since when the moon passed upon Sasaki calling his friend, he saw the shadow of a bridge and finds the truth too. He then tells her to run because he found the truth behind the case.
Understanding the real plan and what happened, Conan tells Ran they need to go quickly to the place to confront the culprit. In fact, the culprit was able to dispose of the body and cross to the other side. At the same time, Sonoko meets with Rina Minakami and ask her if she could open her the door to the Yoshimura building so she can find the body. She tells her to be quiet since the director was sleeping and brings her inside. After the culprit killed Nanae, the culprit returned to the building by building a bridge between the two buildings by using the scaffolding for the Yoshimura building repairs. The culprit then returned it to the building when they were finished using a rope system. The culprit was the one who had to return to the Sasaki building for some last minute details, Rina Minakami since she was able to hide the body before the group went to the Yoshimura building.
Yoshimura building
Nanae Yoshimura
6:30 PM
Cause of death:
Stab wound
Rina Minakami
How she killed Nanae.
At the same time, Sonoko explains her version of the story to Rina without knowing the facts and tells that the culprit must have been really troubled with the undergoing renovations since she couldn't bring the body by car. So, she tells that the culprit went to the Yoshimura flowerbed to bury the corpse but the dirt was too shallow. The culprit removed the ring becuase it looked really expensive and the culprit wanted it so they took it as Sonoko said. If the culprit still had it on them, it would be an important piece of evidence. The body was in fact hidden behind the scaffholding used for the repairs. As Conan and Ran arrive, they see Sonoko and Rina on the scaffolding and Conan wants to stop Sonoko so she won't be attacked. As Sonoko continues her deduction, she says that the culprit could've moved the body by car if the renovations were done at night and they would move it early in the morning. As she prepares to kill Sonoko, Rina reveals that she killed Nanae because she was stupid and didn't know she had stolen her husband from her and she wanted Nanae to go out of the way. Yoshimura was also in the plan since his promises to Nanae were only talk. As she prepares to plant her knife, a drop of blood from the body on top of the scaffolding fall on Sonoko and she stresses and fall but manage to grab a pipe at the last second. Then, Rina moved her head and Conan drove his soccer ball from the street to her which knocked her out. Then, Ran climbs the scaffolding using her karate techniques and save Sonoko.
Attempted murder
Scaffolding behind Yoshimura building
Sonoko Suzuki
16-17 years old
late night
Offense weapon:
Knife (same used as for killing Nanae)
Rina Minakami
Rina tried to kill Sonoko since she knew too much.
After Rina is brought to the police, Hiroto brings the girls and Conan to his tudio to apologize and give them refreshments. Sonoko was still shocked and had a pack of tissues near her to swipe her tears. Impressed by her intelligence, Hiroto proposes that he would build a mannequin to celebrate her and Sonoko, relieved, ask him to name it the "Great High School Detective Sonoko Suzuki". Ran and Conan then laugh at how proud she was.
- Nanae Yoshimura's car is a blue Mitsubishi Lancer Cedia 2007 with the license plate being 新宿 500, に 34-14 (Shinjuku 500, Ni 34-14).
- Nanae Yoshimura and her husband's car is a Sand Toyota Alphard AH30 2016 with the license plate being 新宿 330, に 68-95 (Shinjuku 330, Ni 68-95).
See also