Chihaya Hagiwara, Goddess of the Wind

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Revision as of 13:50, 30 September 2023 by Jefflie (talk | contribs) (Manga to anime changes)
Did I Do It? List of Episodes TBD
Episode 1098-1099
(Int. Episode 1156-1157)

TV Episode 1098-1099.jpg

Title: Chihaya Hagiwara, Goddess of the Wind
Japanese title: 風の女神 · 萩原千速
(Kaze no Megami · Hagiwara Chihaya)
Original airdate: September 23, 2023 (Part 1)
September 30, 2023 (Part 2)
Broadcast rating: 6.7% (Part 1)
Manga case: #308
Season: 31
Manga source: Volume 101: Files 4-6 (1073 · 1074 · 1075)
Cast: Conan Edogawa
Hiroshi Agasa
Ran Mouri
Kogoro Mouri
Sonoko Suzuki
Jugo Yokomizo
Chihaya Hagiwara
Ai Haibara
Ayumi Yoshida
Mitsuhiko Tsuburaya
Genta Kojima
Subaru Okiya
Yoko Okino
Shou Murata
Next Conan's Hint: Feathers (Part 1)
Younger brother (Part 2)
Director: Yasuichiro Yamamoto
Nobuharu Kamanaka
Organizer: Yasuyuki Honda
Storyboard: Yasuyuki Honda
Episode director: 1098: Akira Yoshimura
1099: Masahiro Takada
Animation director: Masatomo Sudo (supervisor)
Asuka Tsubuki
Yui Ushinohama
Miho Tanaka
FALCO Suzuki
Akio Kawamura
Kenichi Otomo
Character design: Masatomo Sudo
Chie Saito (sub-character)
Hiroshi Ogawa (design works)
Production cooperation: 1099: BIG BANG
Opening song: RAISE INSIGHT
Closing song: …and Rescue Me

Chihaya Hagiwara, Goddess of the Wind (風の女神 · 萩原千速 Kaze no Megami · Hagiwara Chihaya?) is the 1098th and 1099th episode of the Detective Conan anime.





Part 1

A traffic cop that intercepted Professor for overspeeding.

Kogoro, Ran, and Sonoko went to Kanagawa to try out some French gourmet food in a restaurant called Déesse du Vent. The first intent of them going here was because Kogoro saw Yoko had come here before in one of her drama. Therefore it was rather popular and had a two-year waiting list of reservations; so how did they manage to go there instantly? The answer was obviously Sonoko - but as well as the fact that the head chef of that restaurant was a fan of the Sleeping Kogoro. Supposedly, they had also called the Detective Boys and Agasa to tag along. Unfortunately, Haibara got fairly afraid concerning the past incidents (The Time Capsule Case and FBI Serial Murder Case), in which she was on the brink of the explosure of her identity, so she decided to stay out this time, the other kids thus accompanied her in Professor's house and altogether they ate Subaru Okiya's curry. On Conan's end, he was still with Agasa inside the car, lost in orientation since Kanagawa was quite strangeness for them. Agasa was also caught for overspeeding in the middle of the road by a female traffic cop, who has a lock of red-brown long hair, wearing the police uniform and helmet. When they finally arrived there, Agasa and Conan explained the situation and the reason for there lateness. After that, they met a stout and strong old man, apparently having similar ages with Professor Agasa, who called himself Kinji Nanjo, the Suzuki Security representative director. he greeted Sonoko and went to the bathroom; Agasa, on the otehr hand, also intended to go to the bathroom.

Within the bathroom, President Nanjo and Professor Agasa were both washing their hands. They found out that they looked somewhat alike to each other, President Nanjo therefore entrusted Agasa with a little affair, which was to swap their clothes to impersonate each other. President Nanjo in fact wanted to sneak out of the restaurant before his family arrived, so he wanted to fool his guards so they would mistake Agasa for himself, so he could run away. The most dramatic consequence of this was that it did not fool the two guards of his, but instead, it fooled two criminals who were inside the restaurant precisely. A man with a long face, short hair, and a viscious look hijacked Agasa with a gun and took him to the garage forcefully, along with his accomplice.

Kidnapping / Attempted-murder

EP1098-1099 Case1.jpg

Location: Kanagawa Prefecture (Déesse du Vent, Yokohama-Tokyo Highway)
Victim: Hiroshi Agasa
Age: 53 years old
Cause: Gunshot
Culprits: Daiya and Rokue Chien
The two kidnappers astounded by Conan's arrival.

Just as Conan was puzzling about it, wondering why he saw "two President Nanjos" outside the bathroom, a sharp sound of gunfire burst in. By judging the establishment point of this gunfire, Conan persuited and got to the garage. Conan then found a drop of the professor's fresh blood on the ground, and he understood what was going on with Agasa, so he activated his glasses to track the location of Agasa since he had a detective badge with him. He then urged Kogoro and Ran to inform the police, and he had stepped onto his skateboard and gone straight towards the highway. He then used the detective badge to communicate with the professor. Agasa said that evidently there were two criminals involved in this abduction case; the first was the man, who pointed at him with the gun initially; the second was a woman, who was driving the car. Conan also got the indication that the car in which Agasa was kidnapped was a yellow one. Conan afterwards found the car and noticed some stains of blood on the truck, so it was assumed that Agasa was inside.

The woman who was driving the car attempted to ditch Conan by insanely turning the steering wheel, which bounced Conan midst the sky. At that instance, Conan was swinging in the hollow sky, and his helplessness has genuinely manifested. Kogoro and Ran, who were driving behind, also witnessed that, and they were utterly shocked. Suddenly, the traffic cop who intercepted Agasa earlier grabbed Conan in the middle of the sky with her motorcycle and saved him timely. Ran felt that the traffic cop had grown a pair of angel wings, which lingered back and forth. "Thud..." The motorcycle landed on the road, Conan was successfully saved by the traffic cop, who seemingly had "wings" on her back. She took off the police helmet and actually introduced herself properly to everyone: her name is Chihaya Hagiwara, who is from the Kanagawa Police Traffic Division. Hagiwara then analysed the situation: Professor Agasa was kidnapped due to his similar appearances with President Nanjo, who was the real target of the two criminals. President Nanjo once bragged about how good his safes were by saying "No one is able to open it unless it's him; then go and steal me as well", which somewhat provoked the robbery thieves, so the two criminals here might have robbed one of these safes and wanted to rob President Nanjo as well in order to open his safe.



Location: Kanagawa Prefecture (Déesse du Vent, unknown location in Yokohama)
Victims: Kinji Nanjou (non-fatal), unknown person (fatal)
Type: Safe robbery
Culprits: Daiya and Rokue Chien
Conan deduces that this isn't a real license since there's a hiragana symbol "shi" on it, and it sounds like "death", so it never got used for a legitimate car licence.

Hagiwara wanted to after the two criminals with Conan, since Conan had the location tracking glasses to know the exact location and the detective badge to communicate with Agasa directly. However, one of the criminals noticed that their hostage might have some sort of GPS technology on him apart from his phone, which they had gotten rid of in the first place. So they re-examined the truck and tossed the detective badge out of the car. At the same time, they also changed the car licence to minimise the probability of being discovered. Hagiwara flet quite discouraged, since now they could not know the location of that yellow car anymore and also that it would be impossible to intercept it with a different car license. Conan then told her that "there's another way; there's no need to give up yet". By means of this remark by Conan, Hagiwara got reminded by her younger brother, Kenji Hagiwara, who obviously said the same sentence before.

On the other hand, Kogoro, Ran, and Sonoko returned to the garage of that French restaurant; they were discussing the case as well. Kogoro found out that the criminals did not make a reservation to go to this restaurant; they just kncoked down two random people in the garage and pretended to be them. President Nanjo also leaked his schedule for today, so they got here easily. The two people were clearly knocked unconscious by stun gun, just like what they did with Professor Agasa when they tossed his detective badge.


EP1098-1099 Case3.jpg

Location: Déesse du Vent
Victims: Two people
Attack types: Stun-gun
Culprits: Daiya and Rokue Chien

Afterwards, the Kanagawa Prefecture police showed up; it was the familiar Jugo Yokomizo; he also commented on the Mouri family as the "family of reapers" in a playful tone. Later on, he quickly targeted the two criminals' identities; the woman was named Rokue Chien, and the man was named Daiya Chien. Ran then told him that Conan went along with a female traffic cop who possessed long red hair to persuade the criminals, and Inspector Yokomizo was fairly corried concerning Hagiwara...

Part 2


  • Resolution

    Manga to anime changes

    • The anime add some scene:
    • Agasa ask Conan if he found something matter after Chihaya salutes him.
    • Sonoko asking first about the men accompanying Nanjo.
    • A big screen annoucing the news about Nanjo being with the police.
    • Jugo tell Kogoro to put on the sirene after hearing about the kidnappers' position.
    • Ran, Sonoko, and Jugo reacting to Chihaya doing stoppie.
    • Some dialogues changes:
    • Chihaya specified the fine Agasa got in the manga, while in the anime she only scold and warn him.
    • Because Sonoko ask about the men accompany Nanjo first in the anime, Nanjo only says that those men are bodyguards. In the manga, he said that without being asked and thought that the bodyguards are a bit much.
    • In the manga, Agasa knew the car model, and the car is white. In the anime, Agasa doesn't know the car model and the car is yellow.
    • In the manga, Kogoro's rental car is a Nissan Sentra, while in the anime, it is his usual Toyota Crown.


    • The kidnappers' car is a lime-yellow Toyota Camry (XV70). The fake license plate is 川崎 320, し 56 - 48 (Kawasaki 320, Shi 56-48), and the real license plate is 神奈川 320, は 80 · 20 (Kanagawa 320, Ha 80-20).
    • Chihaya's motorcycle is a Honda CB1300P. The license plate is 🟦 ǀ 神奈川 ち 11 · 14 (I Kanagawa Chi, 11-14).
    • The car of the people Rokue and Daiya Chien knocked out in the parking lot is a charcoal grey Toyota Crown 12th Generation. The license plate is 神奈川 300, う 48 · 199 (Kanagawa 300, U 48-99).
    • The names of the people involved come from "locks"[1] :
      • Kinji Nanjō (南條 欽治) comes from "padlocks" (南京錠 nankinjō?) ;
      • Daiya Chien (知苑 大哉) comes from "chain locks" (チェーンロック chēnrokku?) and "combination locks" (ダイヤル錠 daiyarurokku?) ;
      • Rokue Chien (知苑 禄江) comes from "chain locks" (チェーンロック chēnrokku?).



    • Famous scene: Kogoro tells Ran to call the police in the car:

    Kogoro Mouri: Ran, get in!

    Ran Mouri: But I need to call the police...

    Kogoro Mouri: You can use your phone while riding in a car!

    • Ran describes Chihaya Hagiwara as a goddess of wind:

    In that moment, I thought if there's a goddess of the wind in our world, then she must look like this.

    Ran Mouri

    In other languages

    Language Title Translation
    Flag of France French (Subbed) Chihaya Hagiwara, la déesse du vent Chihaya Hagiwara, the goddess of the wind


    See also

    Template:Season 31