Ran Mouri

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Ran Mouri

Ran Mouri Profile.jpg

Japanese name: 毛利 蘭
(Mōri Ran)
English name: Rachel Moore
Age: 16[1]
Gender: Female
Height: 160 cm[2]
Weight: Unknown[2]
Date of birth: Unknown[1][3][4][5]
Relatives: Kogoro Mouri (father)
Eri Kisaki (mother)
Nicknames: Ran-neechan (Conan)
Ran-kun (Agasa, Megure)
Ran-chan (Kazuha)
Angel (Vermouth)
First appearance: Manga: File 1
Anime: Episode 1
Appearances: Chapters: 798
Chapters: 1

Episodes: 781
Episodes: 2
Movies: 28
Episodes: 5
OVAs: 19
Specials: 4
Specials: 17
Openings: 59
Closings: 70

Cases solved: 3 (on her own)
Keyhole number: Volume 2
Japanese voice: Wakana Yamazaki
English voice: Colleen Clinkenbeard
Drama actor: Tomoka Kurokawa (1st)
Shiori Kutsuna (2nd)

Ran Mouri (毛利 蘭 Mōri Ran?), also known as Rachel Moore in the Funimation dub, is the 2nd protagonist in the manga and anime series, Detective Conan. She is the childhood friend and the romantic interest of Shinichi Kudo.


First Grade Ran meets Fusae Campbell ten years ago and borrows her umbrella

Ran is a childhood friend of Shinichi Kudo. She is the daughter of Kogoro Mouri, a private detective, and Eri Kisaki, a lawyer. Her parents separated when she was seven,[6] and one of her biggest goals is to get them back together. Her best friend besides Shinichi is her classmate Sonoko, who often teases her about her relationship with Shinichi.

Over a year before the series' start, Ran and Shinichi visited Shinichi's parents in New York. They met his mother and her actress friend, Sharon Vineyard (also known as Vermouth, a member of the Black Organization). Later that evening, Vermouth disguised as a serial killer to do BO work, and was saved by Ran and Shinichi who encountered her on their way back from a show-turned-murder case. Vermouth have fallen to her death, but Ran caught her arm and Shinichi helped her pull Vermouth to safety. Due to this, Sharon gave Ran the nickname "Angel", and Shinichi the nickname "Cool Guy".[7] Vermouth later showed hesitance to kill Ran and later Conan as well,[8] but whether or not it was because of any emotional attachment is unclear. It was during this trip that Ran realized her feelings for Shinichi.

After Shinichi's disappearance, Ran met Conan Edogawa, who was introduced by Professor Agasa as a "distant relative". At Agasa's request, Ran agreed to look after him, and immediately came to think of him as a surrogate little brother.[9] Ran has come to suspect Conan's identity multiple times, but Conan always manages a sufficient alibi to satisfy her concerns.


Ran's greatest personality trait is that she genuinely cares for those she loves. She is also patient, kind, and nurturing. Like Shinichi, she highly values justice to the point of idealism. To avoid making Shinichi choose between her and his important case (really an excuse because Shinichi has turned into Conan and can't return), she has decided to wait for him to finish it, trusting his promise that he will come back despite their separation causing Ran a lot of emotional pain. Ran is also very hot-blooded and tends to act on impulses when the people she cares about are involved; the combination of jumping to conclusions and not hesitating to use karate on those who she perceives to have wronged someone have led to several "near-miss" misunderstandings. Early on, she would become violently suspicious if she thought Shinichi was philandering, although more recently his confessions have lead her to trust his intentions.

Ran can be very brave and resourceful when she wants to be, and rescues Conan from trouble on occasion. However, she has an irrational fear of the supernatural and is thus—unlike her friend Sonoko—absolutely no fan of anything related to the horror genre.[10] She also constantly tries to reunite her father and mother again, though with little success, thanks to the mutual stubbornness of both parents. Ran is typically unaware of her attractiveness, and usually remains oblivious when men try to flirt with her, often to Sonoko's exasperation. If made aware, Ran doesn't respond in kind due to her feelings for Shinichi. Even though Ran is in love with Shinichi, she has repeatedly failed to convey her feelings because she suddenly becomes self conscious.

Ran is very self-sufficient for her age, since her father is often drunk, slovenly, and fiscally irresponsible. She handles many of the Mouri household's financial affairs and all the cooking and housework. She also ensures Kogoro doesn't slack off on his job, is on his best behavior for client meetings, and she often greets and provides refreshments for potential clients. She also appreciates fine art. Ran is noted by both Shinichi and Shuichi Akai to cry a lot. [11]

ran has very bad personality.always getting the others in trouble,she is ugly,cry baby,always think that she is the queen of the world,always show-off,always think that she is good at karate,hot-head,and her karate is useless in the critical moments,because she always become the hoststage!she also has a -weird-loking-hair-,her hair is weird!what kind of hair is she?!a triangle hair?!that so weird!!!!!!!i wonder,why everyone call her "angel",the right one is "devil",and why everyone said that she beautiful?!i wonder why shinichi likes someone like her?!shinichi is suit for shiho!not ran!just go to hell,you bastard ran!


Ran's most notable ability is her great prowess in martial arts; she is skilled enough in karate to win regional tournaments at the high-school level. Ran is the captain and ace of the karate team of Teitan High School.[12] Her deceptive strength and skill have been seen repeatedly, both from her ability to effortlessly smash stone and other very sturdy objects and also take out various assailants. In the ninth movie, Strategy Above the Depths, Conan states that Ran has an unusual amount of stamina.[13] Despite her prowess, she may not always be able to use karate if scared or shaken.[6] In the fourth movie (Captured in Her Eyes), Ran also was unable to use karate due to suffering of amnesia at the time, but as soon as she recovered her memories she also got the use of her abilities back and incapacitated the culprit who was about to kill her and Conan.[14]

Ran is also very skilled in running a household, including sewing and cooking. She is musically talented, able to memorize and transcrive the notes for the song Come Spring, and she can also play the piano well. She also is astonishingly lucky at gambling, lotteries, and any game of chance, including poker.[15][16] Ran is also considered very beautiful as, noted by Sonoko (to Sonoko's annoyance); Ran was once even offered a modeling job. Ran also has a very good memory for history, and has used her knowledge to contribute to a case investigation more than once.


In the Detective Conan Franchise, most characters simply call Ran by her name, but characters have another way of calling her. This table shows what Ran call other characters and what they call her.

Plot overview

Doubts about Conan's identity

In time, Ran comes to suspect that Conan is actually Shinichi, despite what her common sense would say, but he always manages to trick her and prove her wrong. There are, however, occasions where she appears to be sure that Shinichi and Conan are one and the same.

The first time Ran suspects Conan is episode 7. After seeing how Conan, like Shinichi, can deduce someone's occupation by just touching the person's hand, Ran becomes very suspicious and keeps an eye on Conan during the whole case. However, Professor Agasa calls Ran with the voice changing bowtie at the end, freeing Conan of suspicion for a while.

Another time, when Ran finds Conan asleep on the sofa, she takes off his glasses and notices the striking resemblance he has to Shinichi as a child. She later confronts Conan about this resemblance, his similar powers of deduction, and even his shared lack of any musical knowledge. However, Shinichi's mother unexpectedly shows up and covers for Conan by explaining that Conan resembles Shinichi because they are distant relatives and that Conan possesses Shinichi's deductive ability because he admires Shinichi and learns from him.

Despite apologizing to Conan for doubting him, Ran does not lose her suspicions, but keeps them to herself for awhile.[18] When Conan is critically injured and requires a blood donation, Ran donates her blood without hesitation, knowing she and Shinichi share the same rare blood type. Since this act proves Ran's suspicions are correct, with the help of Ai Haibara, Conan manages to fool Ran by allowing Shinichi to appear before her while Conan (Ai Haibara in disguise) is present.

Ran suspecting Conan's identity

In Ran's Suspicions, Conan once forgets his cell phone on the couch and Ran, in the room at the time, remembers to send an email to Shinichi to let him know that she's going with her father on a case and that his presence would be most welcome as Kogoro could use the help. Right after sending the message, Conan's phone starts vibrating. Ran, quite perplexed by the perfect timing, checks his phone only to discover a new email (she hasn't seen the content yet). At that moment, Conan enters the room, and seeing his phone in Ran's hands, rushes towards it while shouting and grabs it back asking: "Did you look?". He quickly understands that Ran's email may have risen doubts about his identity.[19]

Following this event, Ran first believes that Shinichi often contacts Conan without her knowing, which would in some way explain how he always seems to help out on cases. Later on, after seeing Conan give an important clue to the investigation team without making use of his cell phone (to eventually contact Shinichi like she was suspecting), she starts to believe that Conan is actually Shinichi thinking that past occurrences of both being present at the same time was just a trick he used to fool her.[19]

At the end of the day, Ran is able to retrieve Conan's phone. Late at night, after waiting for everybody to go to bed, she tries to get past the phone's PIN code to check whether her email is there or not. This, to her, would be undeniable proof that Conan is indeed Shinichi. After finally guessing the number equivalent of "Sherlock" to be the PIN code, she's surprised not to see her email there. She instantly tries a few times to resend another email but nothing comes up on Conan's phone. That's when Shinichi calls her complaining about the numerous emails she's been sending. Conan, then knocks at the door and claims back his phone saying that he didn't want people looking inside because of messages he received from a girl he likes. It is later showed that Conan actually exchanged his phone with Agasa's (which are both of the same model) and used his phone upstairs to call Ran, while she was experimenting with the Professor's phone, to create this whole alibi. Shinichi then tells Ran that she now knows his phone number. And Ran, pleased with the situation, clears her mind out of all suspicions she had about Conan's identity[20] - at least, consciously.

During "The Whereabouts of the Embarrassing Charm" case we can see that Ran's suspicions are arising again. This is thanks to Heiji, openly revealed the fingerprint matching during the "Murder, Shinichi Kudo" case. Kazuha gave a likely, but not to Conan or Heiji, explanation on how Shinichi's fingerprints got onto the handcuff's piece of chain. However, for some reason Ran talked directly to Conan, which he pointed out that she is talking to the wrong person. Unconsciously she thinks she is talking to Shinichi.

In manga chapter 814, Conan and the girls solve a case similar to one Yusaku Kudo abandoned 10 years ago. While explaining the solution, Conan talks so convincingly that Ran feels a strong impression that Shinichi is the one speaking. It unnerves her to the point where she stops Conan, but he states that he's only reading Shinichi's e-mail.

Relationships analysis

Family & Friends

Shinichi Kudo

Shinichi and Ran

Shinichi Kudo and Ran Mouri have been friends ever since childhood.[21] As teenagers, their closeness has developed into romantic feelings for each other. Ran recalls that she realized she loved Shinichi during their trip to New York together.[22] However, when Shinichi vanishes and Conan appears, her regard for Shinichi is mostly subsumed by her worry for his well-being. Conan tries to call her using his bowtie to impersonate his usual voice in order to allay her fears, but his long absence with no explanation other than a "tough case to solve" leaves her worried and hurt that even the times he does briefly appear, he vanishes before anything meaningful can be said. Shinichi also loves Ran and hates to see her hurt either emotionally or physically. Even as Conan he is very protective of her. For a long time, Shinichi has said nothing of his feelings so that his absence won't hurt Ran worse than it already does; he also wishes to tell Ran the truth about his identity but chooses her safety above their happiness.

Shinichi reveals his feelings for Ran.

Ran and Shinichi have shared many romantic moments, such as when Shinichi bought Ran a pair of red gloves for Christmas,[23] or when he pretended that as Shinichi, while she was asleep he ate the Valentine's Day chocolate that she had made for him.[24] In London, Ran's distress at Shinichi's seeming coldness to her care for him led Shinichi to confess his feelings for her—an act that left Ran so stunned that she didn't say anything about her own feelings in return. Sonoko speculates that Ran's omission will make Shinichi move on, but Conan is well aware of Ran's feelings already. Shinichi and Ran also appear to share a close empathic link due to their strong feelings for each other, making them almost impossibly aware of when the other is in extreme danger, and often able to sense the other's worried thoughts.[25]

Kogoro Mouri and Eri Kisaki

Ran remains close to both Kogoro and Eri even though they have been separated for ten years. Her constant hope is that they finally get together again, and on occasion she even plays (re-)matchmaker by arranging not-so-accidental meetings between them. However, while possible, any reunion has so far been constantly hampered by their mutual stubbornness as well as the occasional criminal incident taking place in the immediate vicinity.

Sonoko Suzuki

Ran and Sonoko

Sonoko and Ran have been best friends ever since they were children.[26] Sonoko was often there to help Ran whenever she was bullied by other school children, more so than even Shinichi.[26] Sonoko and Ran are often shown walking together after school. Sonoko often invites Ran to join her on trips or events hosted by the Suzuki family (most commonly her uncle's showdowns with Kaitou Kid). They also go out shopping or to karaoke together.[23]

Sonoko once said to a murderer what she thought about friendship: "So what if friendship is unreliable and fragile! That way when you communicate with your heart, you can feel the warmth inside. If it were as hard as some chattering iron plate, you wouldn’t feel the warmth, y’know?"[27]

Meanwhile, even though Ran knows that Sonoko has a lot of money, she always makes sure that money never gets involved in their friendship, not going to ski vacations with Sonoko because she doesn't have the money, when she knows that Sonoko would pay for her to go.[28] This, along with other things, has helped strengthen the bond between both Ran and Sonoko.

Before meeting her boyfriend, Sonoko was sometimes envious that Ran always got more attention from boys,[29] but this didn't affect the deep friendship between them.

Detective Boys

Ai Haibara

Ran saved Ai Haibara as she was about to be shot by Vermouth and Calvados.

There are instances where Haibara will caution Conan from actions that involve Ran, though it's assumed this is due merely to the fact that she wants to keep her identity hidden. At one point, she was very cold and distant towards Ran, just like she was to most other people. Ran believed that it was because that Haibara had hated her.[30] However, later that day, after hearing Ran speak about the nature of justice to a criminal, Haibara finally properly introduced herself to Ran and they slowly became friends.

Haibara considers Ran to resemble her older sister, Akemi Miyano, so she takes special interest in protecting her. These feelings began after Ran jumped through a slew of bullets from Calvados (and later Vermouth), to save Haibara and hold her down to the ground to shield her from the gunfire.[8] Haibara is reminded of Akemi, and begins to treat Ran with more personal investment. When at a later point Haibara learns that Korn, Chianti, and the rest of the Black Organization are lurking about, Haibara begs for Ran to stay at Agasa's house, immediately thinking of her own sister's death, and wanting to keep Ran safe.[31]

Black Organization


Ran saved Vermouth (who was disguising as a serial killer) back in New York

Ran was a fan of the actress Sharon Vineyard and is currently unaware about Sharon's double-life as Chris Vineyard and Vermouth. Vermouth has a great deal of respect for Ran and protects her from the Organization's activities because Ran unknowingly saved a disguised Vermouth from falling to her death during the Golden Apple case (even though she was about to kill Ran)[32]. Vermouth's codename for Ran is "Angel".


Eisuke Hondou

In The Blind Spot in the Karaoke Box, Eisuke expresses romantic interest in Ran. He admits to Conan that he loves Ran and claims that he wants take Ran to America to live happily ever after there, and to ask for Shinichi's permission. Conan, without hesitating, refuses his permission, which confirms his true identity to Eisuke.

Character popularity

  • eBookJapan held a character popularity poll from April 12, 2011 to May 12, 2011 in which readers of Detective Conan (international included) could vote for their favorite character. Ran placed 5th in the poll with 347 votes out of the 5,883 that were cast.[33]
  • In honor of the release of the 15th movie, Quarter of Silence, the official Conan movie website held a popularity poll for the top 10 Detective Conan characters. Ran placed 5th out of 10.[34]
  • In honor of the release of the 800th manga chapter, Shonen Sunday held a popularity poll/contest containing 91 Detective Conan characters to choose from. Ran placed 6th overall with 612 votes.[35]

Fan theories

  • Ran's 17th birthday will play a major role during the main plot of Detective Conan.

In an interview given on January 3, 2012, Gosho Aoyama revealed that there is an "obstacle" preventing him from revealing Ran's birth date, "but since the birthday hasn't passed Ran is 16 right now".[1]

Name origin

Ran's Japanese name derives from the Japanese rendering of Maurice Leblanc (from Mourisu Ruburan, according to Aoyama).

Different looks

Ran's "Before" Appearance (Episode 1)
Ran's "After" Appearance (Episode 625)


Courage is a word of justice. It means the quality of mind that enables one to face apprehension with confidence and resolution. It is not right to use it as an excuse to kill someone.[36]
There are things one cannot do no matter the circumstances.
I don't mind waiting for people. Because the longer you wait, when you do meet... You'll be more happy.
Don't say stupid things like that, who would like that mystery fanatic anyway. (Sonoko teasing Ran)


  • Her first phone (the pink one) was given by Shinichi Kudo.
  • Gosho Aoyama, the creator of the Detective Conan series, stated that Ran is one of his favorite female characters.[37]
  • On her phone, there is a blissful sea cucumber key-ring.

In other languages

Language Given Name Family Name
Flag of Japan Japanese 蘭 Ran 毛利 Mouri
Flag of US English Rachel Moore
Flag of Catalonia Catalan Ran Mouri
Flag of France French Ran Mouri
Flag of Philippines Filipino Ran Mouri
Flag of Italy Italian Ran Mouri
Flag of Spain Spanish Ran Mouri
Flag of Spain Spanish Latin America Claudia Guzmán
Flag of Sweden Swedish Ran Mori
Flag of Germany German Ran Mouri
Flag of Malaysia Malay Ran Mouri
Flag of Vietnam Vietnamese Ran Mori
Flag of Saudi Arabia Arabic ران  Ran موري Mori
Flag of North KoreaFlag of South Korea Korean 미란 Miran 유 Yoo
Flag of China Chinese 兰 Lan 毛利 Maoli
Flag of Republic of China Traditional Chinese 蘭 Lan 毛利 Maoli
Flag of Thailand Thai รัน rạn โมริ Mori
Flag of Finland Finnish Ran Mori
Flag of Indonesia Indonesia Ran Mouri
Flag of Russia Russian Ран Мори


See also


  1. ^ a b c "Translating Interviews - Let's Talk with Gosho Aoyama-sensei Day". 2012-01-05. http://www.detectiveconanworld.com/forum/topic/1555-translating-interviews/page__st__20__p__245256#entry245256. Retrieved on 2012-01-05. 
  2. ^ a b Conan Drill Page 44
  3. ^ Conan Drill page 44 "生年月日不明" - translates to "birthday unknown"
  4. ^ Note: Movie 1 shows Ran looking at a horoscope for Taurus with the dates listed between April 20 and May 20 and remarking that she and Shinichi share May's lucky color red.
  5. ^ The live action drama uses October 1st as Ran's birthday; however, the drama is not canon and Ran stated in the manga that her birthday is a ways away from Eri's October 10th birthday in Manga Volume 68, File 2, pg 3
  6. ^ a b Movie 2: The Fourteenth Target
  7. ^ Volumes 34-35, Files 350-354: "Golden Apple 1"
  8. ^ a b Episode 345: Head-to-Head Match With the Black Organization; Two Mysteries of the Night of the Full Moon
  9. ^ Volume 1, File 2: "The Great Detective Turned Small"
  10. ^ Episode 274-275: Truth About the Haunted House
  11. ^ Manga file: "Ran's Tears"
  12. ^ Volume 1, File 1: "The Heisei Holmes"
  13. ^ Movie 9: Strategy Above the Depths
  14. ^ Movie 4: Captured in Her Eyes
  15. ^ Volume 8
  16. ^ Episode 75: Loan Company President's Murder Case
  17. ^ Volume 35, File 353, Page 6
  18. ^ Volume 26, File 254: "An Infatuated Heart"
  19. ^ a b Episode 398-399: The Weird Family's Commission
  20. ^ Episode 400: Ran's Suspicions
  21. ^ Episode 472-473: Shinichi Kudo's Childhood Adventure
  22. ^ Episode 286-288: Shinichi Kudo's New York Case
  23. ^ a b Episode 42: Karaoke Box Murder Case
  24. ^ Episode 266-268: The Truth Behind Valentine's
  25. ^ Volume 36, File 372: "The Most in This World..." and Volume 37, File 373: "Bye-Bye"
  26. ^ a b Magic File 3: Mahjong Pieces and the Memories from Tanabata
  27. ^ Episode 576: "The Alibi of the Black Dress"
  28. ^ Episode 329-330: Friendship Can't Be Bought With Money
  29. ^ Volume 22, File 219, Page 4.
  30. ^ Episode 246-247: The Mystery in the Net
  31. ^ Episode 425: Black Impact! The Moment the Black Organization Reaches Out!
  32. ^ Episode 286-288: Shinichi Kudo's New York Case
  33. ^ "『名探偵コナン』 人気投票結". eBookJapan. 2011-05-12. http://www.ebookjapan.jp/ebj/special/conan/vote_kekka2.asp. Retrieved on 2011-05-15. 
  34. ^ "名探偵コナン「キャラクター人気投票」". www.conan-movie.jp. 2011. http://www.conan-movie.jp/camp_chara/camp15th_res.html. Retrieved on 2011-08-12. 
  35. ^ "Shonen magazine detective conan official poll results published [magazine pic"]. eva. 2012-02-28. http://forum.dctp.ws/index.php?topic=8024.msg651566#msg651566. Retrieved on 2012-02-29. 
  36. ^ Volume 31, File 313: "A Courageous Decision"
  37. ^ Monthly B.L.T. magazine interview for the 16th Movie Eleventh Striker (approx April 29, 2012)
    Q. 兰など素敌な女の子たちが登场しているが、『名探侦コナン』という作品の中で特に好きな女の子は谁か?
    Q. Charming girls like Ran appears (in your work). In the work called Detective Conan, which female character do you especially like?
    A. I guess it would have to be the heroine, Ran. I like Ran, and the special girl would be Haibara. I think about Haibara's comments in the Conan News Agency, too; she's become my spokeswoman, hasn't she? Ran is full of courage, and she waits for Shinichi, which makes (Gosho?) happy . . . she's strong, too. By the way, I feel happy drawing scenes where girls are strong. Right now, Sera-chan is appearing, too, and it's fun to draw (her) . . . although, she has bags under her eyes (laughs).
Main Characters
Protagonists Shinichi KudoConan EdogawaRan MouriKogoro Mouri
Detective Boys Ai HaibaraAyumi YoshidaMitsuhiko TsuburayaGenta Kojima
Family & Friends Hiroshi AgasaSonoko SuzukiEri KisakiYusaku KudoYukiko KudoHeiji HattoriKazuha ToyamaYoko OkinoSumiko KobayashiTomoaki AraideMakoto KyogokuShizuka HattoriJirokichi SuzukiEisuke HondouAzusa EnomotoSubaru OkiyaMasumi SeraShukichi HanedaSakurako YoneharaRumi WakasaMomiji OokaMuga Iori
Tokyo Metropolitan Police District Juzo MegureWataru TakagiMiwako SatoNinzaburo ShiratoriYumi MiyamotoKazunobu ChibaNaeko MiikeKiyonaga MatsumotoInspector YuminagaShintaro ChakiHyoue KurodaKenji HagiwaraJinpei MatsudaWataru Date
Osaka Police District Heizo HattoriGinshiro ToyamaGoro Otaki
Nagano Police District Kansuke YamatoYui UeharaTaka'aki Morofushi
Other police districts Sango YokomizoMisao YamamuraJugo YokomizoChihaya HagiwaraFumimaro Ayanokoji
NPA and Public Security Bureau Rei Furuya (Bourbon)Hiromitsu MorofushiYuya Kazami
FBI Shuichi AkaiJodie StarlingJames BlackAndre Camel
CIA Hidemi Hondou (Kir)Ethan Hondou
MI6 Mary SeraTsutomu Akai
Black Organization The BossRumGinVodkaVermouthChiantiKornShiho MiyanoAkemi MiyanoElena MiyanoAtsushi MiyanoTequilaPiscoCalvadosRikumichi KusudaKi'ichiro Numabuchi
Magic Kaito Kaito KurobaKaitou KidAoko NakamoriGinzo NakamoriMidoriko NakamoriToichi KurobaChikage KurobaKonosuke JiiKeiko MomoiAkako KoizumiSaguru HakubaSnake
Others "The Criminal"Hideo AkagiRyusuke HigoTakahiro SanadaScar AkaiKohji HanedaKamen YaibaAmanda Hughes