The story starts when Sonoko fabricate a case in a park with Conan, Ran, Haibara and the Detective Boys. When Sonoko ran out of ideas about how to read the dying message and prove the culprit's guilt, the Detective Boys add their own version of the story. But Sonoko reject all the stories that they make. Ran calls Shinichi to help Sonoko make the story better. After Shinichi finished explaining the case that he made, Sonoko agrees to use Shinichi's settlement of cases. At the time of the day it came to staging, Ran into the role of a detective who should have played because of a cold and could not talk. After the perpetrators of the case revealed the story became end of the story was turned into action.
The writing of this is that the contents of the case in the script.
Weekly NEWS office
Takeo Oshita
Cause of death:
Stab wound
Naoya Higashida, Eiko Nishizaki, Tsuyoshi Kitano, and Junpei Minamisawa
The etymology of "NEWS" is said to come from "Touzainanboku (東西南北?, North, South, East and West)" as in "N" stands for Kita (北?, North), "E" stands for Higashi (東?, East), "W" stands for Nishi (西?, West) and "S" expresses Minami (南?, South).
When solar light came in through the window, the letters of "NEWS" written on the window appeared as shadows on the floor.
The left hand of Oshita is on the shadow of the "E", showing that the killer is the one who has "East" in his name, Naoya Higashida.
Oshita touched the watch of Higashida soon after having been stabbed.
He was eating pizza just before that, so a greasy fingerprint is on the watch.
Oshita who did not have a watch, so he placed his hand on his belt, signalling that the killer's (watch)belt should be checked.
See also