Conan & Kid's Battle For Ryoma's Treasure

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The Screaming Operation Room List of Episodes The Promo Video Shooting Case
Episode 627-628
(Int. Episode {{{int-episode}}})

TV Episode 627-628.jpg

Title: Conan & Kid's Battle For Ryoma's Treasure
Japanese title: コナンキッドの龍馬お宝攻防戦
(Konan Kiddo no Ryōma Otakara Kōbō-sen)
Original airdate: August 20, 2011 (Part 1)
August 27, 2011 (Part 2)
Broadcast rating: 5,40%
Manga case: #214
Season: 20
Manga source: Volume 70: Files 2-4 (731-733)
Cast: Conan Edogawa
Kaitou Kid
Ran Mouri
Sonoko Suzuki
Ginzo Nakamori
Shintaro Chaki
Jirokichi Suzuki
Yukiko Kudo
Phantom Lady
Naomichi Mugikura
Kaito Kuroba
Masanosuke Hanamura
Detective Konno
Yoko Okino
Case solved by: Conan Edogawa
Next Conan's Hint: Rain (Part 1)
Watercolor paint (Part 2)
Director: Koujin Ochi
Organizer: Yasuichiro Yamamoto
Storyboard: Yasuichiro Yamamoto
Episode director: 627 Minoru Tozawa
628 Yasuichiro Yamamoto
Animation director: 627 Chiemi Hironaka
628 Nobuyuki Iwai
Opening song: Misty Mystery
Closing song: Pilgrim

Characters introduced





Part 1

Due to a recent fad, Sakamoto Ryoma histories have become popular. Capitalizing on this, Jirokichi Suzuki's museum has set up a Ryoma exhibit. Jirokichi wanted to purchase a prize item of Ryoma's for the exhibit, a gun belt with a large ruby, from the current owners Shishihiko Tarumi and Masanosuke Hanamura. Not wanting to buy it before having it evaluated by his own appraiser, Jirokichi instead arranged a space at the exhibit for the owners to display the gunbelt in the meanwhile. Elsewhere, Sonoko tells Ran that Kaitou Kid has sent an advance notice that he will be at the exhibit to return some items that were stolen 20 years ago from Shishihiko Tarumi's Ryoma exhibit by the thief Phantom Lady: Ryoma's letter to his wife talking about the belt, a pistol Ryoma carried, and a sake cup with a bloodstain from when Ryoma was assassinated. Inspector Ginzo Nakamori and Superintendent Shintaro Chaki discuss the best strategy to capture Kid: lure Kid in to allow him to to return what was stolen, but then prevent him from leaving.

Part 2

On the day of the heist, Conan is confronted by Kid in the bathroom stalls who reveals he was able to bypass the metal detectors by removing the lead from the pistol. As Kid leaves, Conan overhears Tarumi and his appraiser hoping Kid succeeds in his plot. Kid appears at the announced time and publicly claims he is cleaning up before setting off the fire sprinklers; he blends into the crowd who are also soaked from the rain and makes his escape.


  • Resolution

    BGM listing

    Part 1

    # Song Title Romaji Translation OST
    0:16 - 0:57 ????
    1:28 - 1:49 ディスティニー アイランド Disutinii Airando Destiny Island Detective Conan "Jolly Roger in the Deep Azure" Original Soundtrack
    4:16 - 4:36 ????
    4:37 - 5:30 古城のテーマ Kojō no Tēma The Old Castle's Theme Detective Conan "The Last Wizard of the Century" Original Soundtrack
    7:11 - 8:35 夜の探索 Yoru no Tansaku Night Search Detective Conan Original Soundtrack 4 ~Isoge! Shōnen Tanteidan~
    8:48 - 10:13 アット ミッドタウン Atto Middotaun At Midtown Detective Conan "Jolly Roger in the Deep Azure" Original Soundtrack
    11:11 - 11:16 記憶の色 Kioku no Iro Colour of Memory Detective Conan "The Raven Chaser" Original Soundtrack
    11:36 - 11:39 THE END(あれまぁ~) THE END (Aremā~) THE END ("Good Heavens!") Detective Conan "Captured in Her Eyes" Original Soundtrack
    12:35 - 13:08 ロマンス ラプソディ Romansu Rapusodi Romance Rhapsody Detective Conan "Full Score of Fear" Original Soundtrack
    13:52 - 14:28 出動のテーマ2~サイレンサー Shutsudō no Tēma 2 ~ Sairensā Mission Theme 2 ~ Silencer Detective Conan "The Last Wizard of the Century" Original Soundtrack
    14:43 - 14:58 怪盗キッド出現 Kaitō Kiddo Shutsugen Kaitou Kid Appears Detective Conan "The Last Wizard of the Century" Original Soundtrack
    15:05 - 15:42 ビートルジュース Biitorujūsu Betelgeuse Detective Conan "The Raven Chaser" Original Soundtrack
    15:51 - 16:54 犯人のアジト1 Hannin no Ajito 1 The Culprit's Hideout 1 Detective Conan Original Soundtrack 2
    17:19 - 18:31 推理1 Suiri 1 Deduction 1 Detective Conan Original Soundtrack 2
    19:10 - 20:54 シャーク テラー Shāku Terā Terror Shark Detective Conan "Jolly Roger in the Deep Azure" Original Soundtrack
    22:00 - 22:44 殺意 Satsui Murderous Intent Detective Conan "The Fourteenth Target" Original Soundtrack

    Part 2

    # Song Title Romaji Translation OST
    0:06 - 0:56 夜の探索 Yoru no Tansaku Night Search Detective Conan Original Soundtrack 4 ~Isoge! Shōnen Tanteidan~
    2:58 - 3:38 謎解き(その1) Nazotoki (Sono 1) Riddle Solution (Part 1) Detective Conan Original Soundtrack 3
    3:55 - 5:03 事件現場 (謎ver.) Jiken Genba (Nazo ver.) Scene of the Case (Mystery ver.) Detective Conan Original Soundtrack 2
    5:46 - 6:47 コンシダレーション Konshidarēshon Consideration Detective Conan "Jolly Roger in the Deep Azure" Original Soundtrack
    7:43 - 8:45 殺意 Satsui Murderous Intent Detective Conan "The Fourteenth Target" Original Soundtrack
    8:54 - 9:16 イン モルティス 1 In Morutisu 1 In Mortis 1 Detective Conan "Full Score of Fear" Original Soundtrack
    9:25 - 9:36 アクセント タッチ~コンティニュー Akusento Tacchi ~ Kontinyū Accent Touch ~ Continue Detective Conan "Jolly Roger in the Deep Azure" Original Soundtrack
    10:09 - 10:43 スズランの花 Suzuran no Hana The Lily of the Valley Flower Detective Conan "The Raven Chaser" Original Soundtrack
    11:14 - 12:17 しなやかな刑事たち Shinayakana Keijitachi Pliant Detectives Detective Conan "The Raven Chaser" Original Soundtrack
    12:38 - 12:55 怪盗キッドの予告状1 Kaitō Kiddo no Yokokujō 1 Kaitou Kid's Manifesto 1 Detective Conan "The Last Wizard of the Century" Original Soundtrack
    13:01 - 14:16 走るリムジン1 Hashiru Rimujin 1 Limousine Ride 1 Detective Conan "The Last Wizard of the Century" Original Soundtrack
    16:45 - 18:08 サスベージュ Sasu Bēju Beige Suspense Detective Conan "The Lost Ship in the Sky" Original Soundtrack
    18:30 - 19:24 ????
    19:54 - 21:00 緊迫 Kinpaku Tension Detective Conan Original Soundtrack 2
    22:20 - 22:28 アラーマ Arāma Alarm Detective Conan "The Lost Ship in the Sky" Original Soundtrack
    22:42 - 23:26 タイマント Tai Manto Tie Cape Detective Conan "The Lost Ship in the Sky" Original Soundtrack
    23:59 - 24:04 ????


    See also

    Episodes of Season 20
    Episode 763764765766767768769770771772773774775776777778779780781782783784785786787788789790791792793794795796797798799800801802803
    Kaitou Kid in Detective Conan
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