Shinichi Kudo and Ran Mouri

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Relationship analysis

Shinichi and Ran

Ran Mouri and Shinichi Kudo are childhood friends and each other's canonical love interest. They have been friends and playmates since kindergarten.[1] Their friendship has received some censure from Ran’s mother, Eri Kisaki, when Shinichi would convince Ran to do things that could be considered dangerous, such as walking to and from their elementary school after dark[1]. They are very close to each other: even as students in their second year of high school, they address each other by first names without any honorific. Ran is occasionally annoyed by Shinichi's obsession with Holmes, and Shinichi is a bit disturbed by Ran's ability to crack concrete when she's unhappy,[2] but they generally get along well. Prior to the storyline beginning, both seem to have been clueless about each other's feelings. However, when Ran first meets Conan (whom she's unaware is really Shinichi), she confesses that despite his flaws, she really likes Shinichi — which causes him to blush and nearly confess his real identity despite his resolution to hide it.[2]

Conan currently lives with Ran and her father, Kogoro Mouri, who is a private detective. Ran treats Conan like a little brother, including often holding his hand or hugging him, once sleeping in the same bed, and once even dragging him into a hot spring bath together (the mere memory of it gives Conan a nosebleed and a healthy fear of Ran ever discovering his true identity).[3] Conan is very protective of Ran and jealous of her receiving any attention from other guys, going so far as to admit to Eisuke Hondou that he is Shinichi in order to forbid Eisuke from asking Ran out (and eventually to go to America with him).[4]

Non-canonically, Shinichi has confessed to Ran in the 4th movie 'Captured In Her Eyes', which she mistook as his attempt to get her memory back due to him unknowingly using the same words Kogoro used to propose to Eri. Canonically, Shinichi nearly confessed to her during the Desperate Revival arc, where it was implied that if he hadn't been interrupted by a murder case and then reverting to Conan, he would have proposed.[5] Additionally, during the visit to London, Shinichi finally revealed his feelings to Ran; while she didn't explicitly respond in kind, Shinichi figured out her feelings by the way she prompted his own confession.[6]

Shinichi continues to hide his identity from Ran because if the Black Organization discovers Conan's true identity, anyone connected to Conan or Shinichi would likely be killed to maintain the Organization's secrecy.[7] Ran has nearly figured out that Conan is Shinichi several times in the series, but each time Conan manages to create an alibi that she'll accept, since Ran seems to prefer that Conan not be Shinichi.[8] Ran would not be in danger just for knowing the truth, but as has been seen in the series Ran's behavior toward Conan changes the more suspicious she is about whether he is Shinichi.[9] If it were confirmed, one slip could be enough to tip off the organization, and Conan will keep up the charade rather than put her in danger that way, no matter how much he wants to tell her. However, he still remains in contact with her over the phone using the Voice-Changing Bowtie, despite the inherent dangers of staying in contact.[10]

Shinichi/Conan and Ran moments


Movie 1: The Time-Bombed Skyscraper

Conan and Ran (and Shinichi)
  • After rushing into a collapsed building intent on saving Ran, Conan (as Shinichi via cellphone) walks her through disarming a time bomb located where she's trapped alone. A red and blue wire are unaccounted for in the blueprints Conan has for it, so he tells her to just cut her favorite color, which is red. Right before the bomb is set to go off, Conan realizes that he's instructed Ran to cut the detonator wire but there's no time to tell her. However, the bomb doesn't go off because Ran cut the blue wire instead — to her, red is her and Shinichi's lucky color, and cutting the red wire would have been like cutting the 'red thread of fate' that connects them together.
Don't worry. I'll stay here until you cut it. If we die, we die together.

— Conan to Ran, waiting for her to cut the last wire, Movie 1

Movie 2: The Fourteenth Target

Conan and Ran "kissing"
  • When a bomb goes off inside the underwater restaurant, Conan realizes that Ran is nowhere to be seen above the rising water. He grabs an empty wine bottle and dives after her, to discover that her foot was trapped by a car that had been on display in the restaurant. When he uses the bottle to give her air, Ran thinks she sees Shinichi at first before realizing that it's Conan. Conan tries to move the car, but gets trapped himself and runs out of air. Ran gives Conan a 'kiss' of mouth-to-mouth resuscitation, and faints again when he revives from having sacrificed all of her air. However, Conan is able to quickly free himself and then use the Elasticity Suspenders to lever the car off and get them both back to the surface. Ran recovers and thanks Conan, causing him to blush.
  • When the culprit is identified he grabs the still-unrecovered Ran as a hostage and orders Conan to bring him Inspector Shiratori's gun. Conan does so, but only to take aim and graze Ran in the leg to make her a useless hostage, and so save her. As he does, Ran sees an echo of Shinichi in Conan, and she believes that Shinichi would have done the same in that situation. Ran tells Kogoro that she'd held the Ace of Spades card the culprit had intended to represent Shinichi while she was hostage, and she'd felt like Shinichi was protecting her. Conan recalls the air she gave him earlier and thinks to himself that he was the one who was saved.

Movie 3: The Last Wizard of the Century

Conan about to admit he's Shinichi
  • When the assassin Scorpion attempts to kill Ran, Conan yells Ran's name (without Conan's -neechan) and bodily knocks her out of the way. Ran sees an overlay of Shinichi for a moment when he does.
  • After the events in the castle, Ran confronts Conan over whether he is Shinichi. With no way to fool her, Conan recalls his earlier fortune that "A secret will be revealed", and resigns himself to telling the truth. He's saved only by the appearance of Kaitou Kid disguised as Shinichi, but Kid walks back out while Ran hurries to get him a dry shirt, and vanishes back into the rain just as she runs out after him. Ran angrily threatens to karate-chop Shinichi the next time she sees him for just walking away without saying goodbye, and Conan decides that for the time being he's better off not telling her that he's Shinichi.

Movie 5: Captured in Her Eyes

Conan's confession to Ran
  • Via flashback, Ran and Shinichi share a moment together at Tropical Land — Shinichi surprises Ran with being in the center of a water fountain display, part of his gift for her winning the karate tournament. When they attempt to toast with sodas after the performance ends, the carbonation produced from when they were running to arrive at the fountain on time causes the drinks to soak them both, to their mutual amusement.
  • During Ran's bout of trauma-induced amnesia, Conan saves her from being run over by a train by jumping down onto the tracks where she'd been pushed and dragging her to safety in the nick of time.
  • While running together from the culprit through Tropical Land, Ran asks Conan why he keeps protecting her. Conan smiles at her replies, "Because I love you. I love you more than anyone else in this world."
  • A soda in Ran's backpack gets hit by a bullet and starts to fizz out, causing Conan to remember the events in the flashback above. He lures the culprit to the fountain just in time for another performance, and the sight of the gun poking through the wall of water triggers Ran's memory of the culprit shooting Detective Sato through a hole cut in a clear plastic umbrella. As her memory returns, the first two images are of Shinichi at Tropical Land the first time announcing the start of the fountain display, and then Conan, laughing.
  • Conan disarms and seemingly knocks out the culprit with a kicked soda can. Ran says his name, and just from the way she speaks he realizes that her memory is back, taking him off guard. The culprit seizes the chance to grab Conan and is about to stab him with a knife, but Ran kicks the knife in half to protect Conan and proceeds to knock the culprit flat.

Movie 5: Countdown to Heaven

Ran and Conan about to jump
  • Ran and Conan are trapped high up in the bombed and burning hi-rise Tower A, forced to 'bungee jump' with a fire hose to the lower floors to reach safety. Ran hesitates at the edge, but Conan's encouragement give her the impetus to take the risk, and they land safely together.
  • Conan goes back into the building after the trapped Detective Boys, and is forced to gamble with using the remaining time bombs set to go off to provide enough lift to fly a car from the height of Tower A to the rooftop pool of shorter Tower B. During Conan's phone call explaining his plan, he promises a worried Ran that he'll survive and come back to her.

Movie 6: Phantom of the Baker Street

Ran's sacrifice
  • Much of the virtual Victorian London, and Conan's behavior within it, remind Ran of Shinichi. Her memory of Shinichi quoting Sherlock Holmes, that Holmes would happily die if it meant stopping Moriarity, leads her to sacrifice her (virtual) self to allow Conan to survive and complete the simulation in order to save everyone trapped in the game.
If I were assured of your eventual destruction I would, in the interests of the public, cheerfully accept my own.

— Shinichi to Ran and Ran to Conan, both quoting Holmes to Moriarty, Movie 6

Movie 7: Crossroad of the Ancient Capital

Shinichi and Ran in the woods
  • Conan reminisces to Heiji a time prior to his shrinking when he accidentally forgot a promise to meet with Ran, and arrived two hours late. Rather than be angry, Ran was relieved that Shinichi was all right. Heiji suggests that Shinichi realized his feelings for her then, but Conan thinks to himself that he knew she was more than a childhood friend much earlier.
  • As Ran runs through the woods, worried about Conan, Shinichi grabs her to prevent her from being found by enemies. Her happiness and relief at seeing him reminds Shinichi of the other time she waited, and he smiles. When he knock her out to prevent her from seeing him revert to Conan, he catches her in a hug.

Movie 8: The Magician of the Silver Sky

Conan talking to Ran as Shinichi to assist her
  • When Kid impersonates Shinichi, Conan is particularly annoyed by his friendliness with Ran and tries to interfere, even acting like a little kid to do so.
  • While trying to land a pilot-less plane, Ran is overwhelmed by the pressure of responsibility for the lives of everyone on board. Conan has Sonoko replace him as co-pilot, and uses the ship's comm system to talk with Ran's headset as Shinichi. He promises to protect her and guide her through a safe landing. Ran objects at his carefree confidence, and how he's never more than a voice when she needs him, and if he does appear he leaves again to leave her behind… which she hates because she really likes him (好き suki). Before Conan can reply, they are interrupted by the chance to land the plane safely.
  • After the landing, Kid checks on Ran in the disguise of a Medic, and compliments her on the landing. When Conan calls Ran's phone as Shinichi, she's convinced herself, to her relief, that the 'Shinichi' that helped guide her through the landing and seemed to be there on the plane with her (close enough that she heard Conan yell during turbulence) was Kid, and her secret is safe. Shinichi asks about the secret, but she tells him to deduce it, since he's a detective. Shinichi demands how he could, and she replies that he should arrest Kid and ask him, then. The movie ends with Shinichi protesting.

Movie 9: Strategy Above the Depths

Ran teasing Conan
  • Ran, Sonoko, Conan, and the Detective Boys play hide-and-seek. Conan initially doesn't want to play, but when Ran mentions that his refusal is just like Shinichi once did, he immediately changes his mind. During the game Conan is distracted by a volleyball, and after it ends Ran announces that she knew it was Conan. She taps him on the nose with a smile, causing him to blush.
  • Ran tells Sonoko about a time when she and Shinichi were in first grade, and during a game of hide-and-seek she got stuck in a storage area in the school's gym. When no one could find her, Shinichi, who had originally refused to play, easily deduced where Ran had hid based on his observations of her. When he explained how he knew, Ran declared that he was always taking care of her, causing young Shinichi to blush, deny it, and run off. In the present, Ran blushes and smiles at the memory, then blushes more when Sonoko declares that Ran thinks only Shinichi can find her, and uses young Shinichi's denial that the blush is only the sunset.
  • After Ran is trapped on the sinking cruiser, Conan has a feeling that he's in danger of losing something he can never get back. Alone, Ran asks Shinichi to find her, just like last time. Conan realizes she's under the deck, and rescues her with Kogoro. A helicopter comes to provide an airlift, but an antenna prow hits them as they rise and Conan drops back to the ship. On the last chance to be rescued, Conan jumps and misses Kogoro's hand, but Ran grabs him before he can fall, saving his life.

Movie 10: The Detective Eyes' Requiem

Heiji teasing Conan about Ran
  • Kogoro's client holds Ran and the Detective Boys' lives hostage to force the cooperation of Kogoro and Conan (whom the client knows is Shinichi due to computer analysis of fingerprints, but not that he's currently Conan due to being nearly blind and Conan using the bowtie). Conan promises to solve the case and begs for the release of the hostages, but the client's only reply is to mention how painful it is to lose a loved one, and Shinichi should do his best to prevent that outcome.
  • Conan fractures his leg during the case, and Heiji teases him after the danger passes that the best medicine for Conan is to be carried piggyback by Ran. Conan blushes deeply and swipes at Heiji from where Ran is carrying him while Heiji laughs.

Movie 11: Jolly Roger in the Deep Azure

  • Ran and Sonoko go diving while the Detective Boys and Conan go treasure hunting. Partway through, Ai informs Conan she saw a bleeding figure in a wetsuit carried out of a boat that left the diving area. Conan immediately abandons everything to rush to the island's clinic, arriving out of breath to discover with relief that Ran remains unhurt.
  • Treasure hunters kidnap Ran and Sonoko to help them reach some hidden treasure supposedly belonging to legendary pirates Anne Bonnie and Mary Read. Agasa doesn't even try to dissuade Shinichi from to rescue Ran, and Conan arrives with his inflatable soccer ball just in the nick of time to save them from being shot. When they try to escape the underwater cave, an earthquake causes it to start floodinh. Conan gives Sonoko and Ran mini airtanks given by Agasa, and lies that he has a third in his pocket when Ran asks how he'll breathe. His face gives Ran a flashback to a memory of Shinichi, and when the ship bearing them to the surface floods, Ran uses her minitank to give Conan oxygen after he passes out from lack of air. After the police and Kogoro rescue them, Conan asks how Ran knew he didn't really have a tank. Ran explains that in Middle School, Shinichi lent her an umbrella during a surprise rainstorm and promised he had a second in his schoolbag. He didn't, and ended up catching a cold, and Conan's expression reminded Ran of Shinichi's back then, which convinced her that Conan was lying..

Movie 12: Full Score of Fear

  • When the concert hall's outer pillars are bombed, Conan first concern is whether Ran is safe. When he and Reiko Akinawa managed to enter the hall, Conan checks for himself that Ran is undisturbed due to the hall being soundproofed and silently begs her to wait for him.
  • To prevent the final explosions, triggered by pressing a certain organ key enough times, Reiko interrupts the current performance by singing "Amazing Grace". Ran realizes the song is familiar, and she recalls a time in Middle School when she and Shinichi heard a similar performance while walking home from school together — just hearing it was enough to make the argument between them at the time forgiven and forgotten.[11]
  • After the culprit was caught and the day was saved, Ran heard a distant violin rendition of "Amazing Grace" and searches for the musician, expecting to find Shinichi. She finds Conan holding a violin instead, and he tells her that Shinichi had been there to play the song but already left. Ran declares she knew it was Shinichi, because he has a particular habit when he plays the violin. Conan is surprised, and later plays the violin alone in his house's study, trying to figure out what the distinctive mannerism is.

Movie 13: The Raven Chaser

  • Irish has the upper hand in a fight with Conan when Ran dives in to the rescue, despite an injured Conan telling her to run. Irish threatens her with a gun, but to protect Conan, Ran remembers a lecture Shinichi gave on how someone could try to dodge a bullet, and has the confidence to try and succeed. Irish still nearly manages to beat her in hand to hand after she's shocked to see his disguise rip, until Conan calls encouragement in Shinichi's voice and distracts him.
  • In the aftermath, Conan informs Ran that Shinichi already left, but that he finished the one dangerous case Conan earlier used as an excuse for her to not call him and that she 'could call him again'. At Ran's narrowed eyes, Conan quickly corrects himself to say Shinichi specifically asked her to call, and Ran smiles and says just hearing Shinichi's voice is enough for now, since there are other people who also can only meet once a year (the myth of Orihime and Hikoboshi).

Movie 14: The Lost Ship in the Sky

  • Due to a gamble by Kaitou Kid after Ran deduces his identity despite a disguise, Ran spends most of the movie believing that Shinichi is and has always been Kid. When Sonoko fantasized about receiving a kiss from Kid, Ran blushes and strongly objects but refuses to explain why.
  • When Conan gets thrown out of the blimp by the head terrorist, Ran nearly dives after him, only stopping when the still-disguised Kid goes out the window before she can reach it. She whispers Shinichi's name as she watches them fall, and is very relieved when it becomes clear that Kid succeeded in saving Conan.
  • After Ran believes she is infected with the terrorists' deadly virus, she tries to keep Conan away from her to keep him safe until he happily explains that the 'virus' is a reaction to lacquer, and she's safe.
  • After the danger is over, Ran finds 'Shinichi' and begs him to stop stealing, going so far as to embrace Kid from behind. Kid implies that he'll do it for her, for a kiss, and she willingly goes along until Kid puts his hand on her butt – proving to her that Kid is not Shinichi. When Conan tries to figure out what Kid did, she only blushes and tells him that Kid did something Shinichi would never do, which Conan doesn't get.

Movie 15: Quarter of Silence

Ran begs just-rescued Conan to wake up
  • While browsing the inn's souvenir shop with Conan and the Detective Boys, Sonoko convinces Ran to call Shinichi about what souvenir he would like from there. Conan runs outside before his phone can ring, only to be forced to hide behind a nearby tree because Ran also walks out to make the call. She wishes Shinichi could be there to see the way the trees have been illuminated in the dark, and she unknowingly shares a moment with Conan as he appreciates them as well. Conan writes the souvenir options she gives him in the snow and circles his choice, but then forgets to erase it as he runs off to try to keep Genta, Ayumi and Mitsuhiko out of mischief. Ran discovers the list and wonders if Shinichi came to the lodge too, without telling her.
  • Ran, Sonoko, Kogoro, Agasa, Takehiko Muto, Mizuki Tono, and two dam workers watch from a car as Conan succeeds in causing an avalanche to try to save the village from the approaching flood. As he tries to outrace the snow on his snowboard, Ran screams for him to "LOOK OUT!", which Conan, impossibly, hears. He sees her worried face in the distance and thinks her name just before the avalanche overtakes him. As the 15-minute mark that denotes a poor prognosis for an avalanche victim approaches, Ran calls Conan's cell and digs until her fingers bleed. Unsuccessful, she tries to call Shinichi's phone as a last desperate gamble, since she thought he was in the village area. The ring-tone pulls Conan back to consciousness, and he signals his location with the soccer ball belt. Ran digs him free and pulls him into a hug, crying for him to wake up, which he manages to do with a weak smile.


File 1/Episode 1: Roller Coaster Murder Case

  • One the way home from school, Ran is annoyed at Shinichi's glee over his fan-letters and asks why he doesn't settle on one girl to like. Shinichi looks at her with a blush but when caught by Ran, he immediately dismisses it as nothing. Later, at Tropical Land, Shinichi sees a couple kissing, and he imagines holding Ran in his arms as they confess their love to each other. Ran gets angry at his continual references to Holmes and asks why he can't understand her feelings, which makes Shinichi blush and imagine the two of them kissing.
  • As they first ascend to the top of the roller coaster, Ran grabs Shinichi's hand in anticipation of the drop, making him blush again.
  • After the murder case is solved, Shinichi runs off after the suspicious man in black. Ran attempts to chase him but her shoelace breaks, and as Shinichi disappears Ran gets a sense of premonition that she will never see him again.

Files 2-5/Episode 2: Company President's Daughter Kidnapping Case

  • Ran first reaction to the sight of Conan in disguise is to call him cute and hug him. Conan blushes because he's been pulled against her chest.
  • On the walk home, Ran asks Conan if he has a person he likes, explaining that she does. Intending to tease her, Conan asks if she is talking about Shinichi. To his surprise, she admits that she is, and that despite his faults she really likes Shinichi, but asks Conan to not tell him. This revelation causes Conan to blush furiously and almost admit his identity to her.

Files 20-25/Episode 22-23: Luxury Liner Serial Murder Case

  • When Natsue Hatamoto asks Ran if she has a boyfriend, Conan and Ran are both surprised. Kogoro declares Ran is too young, but Ran counters that she does like someone, checking with a darkly blushing Conan for confirmation. Natsue asks what kind of person he is, and Ran replies:
Well, he's smart, great at soccer, and you can count on him in a pinch. He's so cool!

— Ran's description of Shinichi to Natsue.

  • Her description creates an elated, but still blushing Conan.

Files 84-86/Episode 27-28: Kogoro's Class Reunion Murder Case

  • Ran praises Conan for helping Kogoro capture the robber.
  • Ran drags Conan into a mixed-gender hot springs bath, despite his embarrassed protestations and attempt to avoid it. Ran tells Kogoro that they washed each other's backs and innocently assumes Conan's blush and then nosebleed at remembering the experience is due to the heat rather than hormonal, because of his apparent age. Conan privately thinks that if she ever learns his true identity, he's a dead man.
  • Ran holds Conan's hand as they walk through the crowds to see the fireworks.
  • After Kogoro solves the case and catches the murderer, Ran stops Conan from trying to interrupt Kogoro's melancholy mood by putting her arms around Conan's shoulders.

Files 40-44/Episode 34-35: Mountain Villa Bandaged Man Murder Case

  • Ran's friend Sonoko Suzuki intends to flirt with her older sister's former college club friend. Ran's noncommittal opinion of him prompts Sonoko to teas Ran that Ran already has Shinichi. Ran and Conan both react to the statement, and Ran declares that if Shinichi were there, she'd kick him (presumably for having been gone).
  • When Masaru Oota flirts heavily with Ran and convinces her to go out walking in the rain, Conan fumes at the sight and swears that Ohta won't get away with it. He and Sonoko follow, though they're too far away to overhear Ran explaining to Oota about her feeling for Shinichi.
  • Ran asks Conan to let her sleep in his bed of their shared room, though she tries to deny that she's scared. She quickly falls asleep, and while Conan tries to continue pondering the case Ran's close proximity completely ruins his concentration. He decides to sleep rather than keep staring at Ran's lips, but isn't sure he'll be able to.
  • When the bandaged man breaks in to attack Ran, Conan gets a twisted ankle in the process of protecting her. Ran treats it and insists on carrying him around piggyback, despite his protests.
  • Oota tries to flirt with Ran again by assuring her that they can defeat the murderer, prompting Conan to push between them. Oota dismisses Conan as a brat, but Ran defends Conan and thanks him for trying to save her. Conan shoots Oota a smug look, before sweetly smiling back at Ran for thanking him.
  • Conan originally planned to make Ran a "sleeping detective", but accidentally hit Sonoko instead.

Episode 39-40: The Wealthy Daughter Murder Case Arc

  • While playing cards with Kogoro and some of Reika's suitors, Conan is seen sitting comfortably in Ran's lap.
  • Conan looks up sadly to Ran, after she describes how horrible Nikaido's murder is.
  • Unbeknownst to Ran and the others, except the murderer, Ran is drugged with a sleeping pill, that quickly makes her tired. Later on, she's carried by the culprit and almost dies by attempted drowning, then she faints. In the forest, after the men went after the criminal who "Vanished", Yone appeared, to make sure everyone is alright, after the lights went out, then Conan realizes that Ran is alone with the murderer, and hastily dashes back to the mansion, and finds Ran, presumably deceased, and worriedly calls out her name. Ran wakes up, and sees Shinichi's face, and him calling out to her, Conan holds her close, and questions her what happened, and she replies, "Someone tried to drown me", and thanks "Shinichi" for coming to her before she closes her eyes. Conan thought she was dying for a moment, but learned she only fell asleep.
  • Ran tells Sonoko, while walking to school with her and Conan, that she felt Shinichi had came to save her, after she nearly drowned, but then, dismisses it.

Episode 101

In the final scene after the ending song, the senpai confessed to Ran and Sonoko that she was the one who confessed to Shinichi but got rejected. She even spread lies about Shinichi liking her so that Shinichi would notice her, but he didn't seem to care. When Sonoko asked what characteristics of Shinichi appealed to her, the senpai replied, "Let's see...I didn't really notice him at first. I just thought that he was an extraordinary rookie, making the team and becoming mid-fielder in his first year. One day, I shared a lemon pie I had made with the soccer club. Everyone else said it was good, but he said, 'Huh? This tastes like crap'." Ran apologized, saying, "He just has a weird sense of taste." The senpai objected. "No. It actually did taste bad back then. When I asked the others later, they told me they were just being polite. I was mad so I baked a lemon pie every day for three months until he told me it was good. Before I knew it, I was the manager of the soccer club and madly in love with him. Although a certain person here succeeded on her first try." She looked at Ran. Confused, Ran asked, "Huh?" The senpai continued. "Did you know? I was being mean and gave you the wrong baking instructions." Ran was surprised and asked, "What? Why?" The senpai replied, "Jeez. Do you want me to spell it out for you? Do you want to know what he said after I confessed?" Conan began blushing and started saying, "Um, hey!" when Sonoko covered his mouth and demanded for him to shut up. The senpai didn't seem to notice. "He said shyly, 'Ah, sorry senpai. I already have someone I've liked since I was little. She's strong-willed and stubborn but cries a lot. She's weird like that.' What do you think?" Sonoko turned to Ran and asked, "H-Hey, Ran. Isn't that..." A completely oblivious Ran simply said, "I don't remember anyone like that..." Both Sonoko and Conan sighed at this statement.

Episode 118: Naniwa Serial Murder Case

  • Conan and Ran sit next to each other in the police car and Osaka ramen shop, while on their "Osaka Tour".
  • Conan was highly annoyed that the ramen shop owner, had confused Ran as Heiji Hattori's new girlfriend.
  • Conan and Ran both blush, when Heiji referred Ran as "Kudo's girlfriend".
  • Ran calls out to Conan, when he goes to investigate, with Heiji.
  • Ran reprimands Conan for disappearing suddenly, without telling her.
  • Ran and Conan hold hands with each other, before leaving and saying goodbye to Heiji.
  • Ran notices Conan has vanished again. She then tells him, he worried her for going off on his own once again.
  • When Ran was about to be stabbed by famed and escaped serial killer, Kichiro Numabuchi, Conan shielded her, without any hesitation and took the blow of the knife Numabuchi had with him. Conan claims that he was alright, however Ran lifts up his shirt, thinking he was only acting tough, but doesn't see any blood. Conan tells her it was because of the charm Heiji gave him, before he left.

Episode 132 Magic Lover's Case

Conan and Kogoro leave Ran and Sonoko together with the Magic lovers club members. While they're heading back home they listen to the radio and heard the news that related to the club. They hastily went back but they saw the bridge's burning. Conan thought that even the mansion was burning so even though he has a flu he fastly ran to the bridge and shouting," Ran!" Ran heard it and when she goes outside the house, Conan was there on the floor lying down. She thought Conan died, luckily, he didn't. Then before Conan lost consciousness, he said, " Hurry! Ran! Run!" After many minutes later Ran didn't leave the room where Conan had his rest.

Episode 141-142: The Night Before the Wedding Locked Room Murder Case Arc

  • Conan notices Ran isn't wearing the shirt her mother sent to her, along with Kogoro.
  • Conan and Ran are walking next to each other at the Morisono Mansion.
  • After a window, from the Morisono Mansion, was suddenly broken, Conan told Ran to wait outside and see if anything else happens, while they were inside.
  • Ran was visibly surprised when Conan was dangling off the balcony, and was scared to death when Conan almost fell to his death, but thankfully, he was rescued by Sakuraba.

Episode 153-154: Sonoko's Dangerous Summer Story Arc

  • Sonoko takes a picture of Ran fixing her bikini, with the intention of sending it to Shinichi, Ran heavily blushes, and asks why Shinichi would get excited over a weird picture, and then asks Conan to vouch for her. The young man is mildly shocked by her question, which is probably from him staring at Ran, in her bikini outfit, and blushes as he agrees with her.
  • Conan Ran are surprised when reveals she took a picture of Ran changing her clothes, and planned to mail the photos to Shinichi, but it turned out to be a lie. While Ran was a little mad at Sonoko's behavior, Conan was disappointed that what she said was false. His thought on the matter, was a strong moment of his great attraction toward Ran, that he even enjoys seeing her half naked or in "sexy" outfits.
  • Conan was very surprised when Sonoko "gave" Ran away to Tadahiko Michiwaki.
  • Sonoko teases Ran about her "picture", that she was going to send to Shinichi, making Ran blush slightly.
  • Conan notices something wrong with Ran.

Episode 162: the sealed Chamber in the Sky

  • While on a plane, with her father, Conan, and the Detective Boys, Ran falls asleep and dreams about Shinichi's first murder investigation, which happened on a plane.
  • PAST: Shinichi couldn't fall asleep because Ran was sleeping very close to him, on his shoulder.
  • Ran asked if Shinichi was really concentrating on the main suspects involved in the case, but Shinichi reveals that he had a little problem, because Ran was on his shoulder, sleeping.
  • Shinichi asked Ran some questions about bras, causing the latter to furiously blush. Ran is reluctant to do so, but is still blushing.
  • PRESENT: Ran begins to blush, while sleep talking, in a slightly irritated voice, of how Shinichi asked to see her bra.

Episode 170-171: The Blind Spot In the Darkness Arc

  • Conan/Shinichi calls Ran, but after a little conversation, Ran tells Conan/Shinichi she has to go somewhere and says goodbye. Conan reveals that Ran has been acting strange, with late night routines and her unusual happy attitude lately. As Conan enters the "Mouri Detective Agency", Ran appears before him, telling him, she's going somewhere and dinner is in the fridge. After she leaves, Conan, with Kogoro, look suspiciously at Ran, as she leaves, wondering what's going on with her.
  • Conan finally realizes that something is up with Ran, when she decided to miss karate practice, after the trio were invited to stay for dinner, by Mouri's physician, Yoshiteru Araide.
  • At dinner, Conan's irritated, since he thinks, Tomoaki Araide, or simply known as, Araide-sensei, was the main reason Ran decided to take the invitation. Conan then tried to make a joke with her, about Kogoro, but notices Ran was staring at Araide-sensei, and is speechless, thinking Ran had started to like him.
  • After the lights came back on, Ran was holding onto Araide-sensei's arm, which she mistook for her father's. This causes Conan to become very jealous.
  • After the murder of Yoshiteru Araide-sensei was committed, the four in the house, became the prime suspects. When Araide was questioned if he could confirm his alibi that he was in the kitchen, Ran spoke up and said that he was holding his arm the entire time, since she was frightened by the blackout. Conan still questions her if it's true and ask, "Why?", in a slightly, angry tone.
  • Araide-sensei tells Megure, that he was at Teitan High School, before the crime, as the basketball coach, and Ran confirmed what he was saying was true. This made Conan/Shinichi worried and pondered, if the reason she was acting so strange and happy all the time was because of going to see Araide-sensei at school.
  • Ran asks if she can go to check up room, so she can help Araide-sensei with Hikaru and his grandmother, this caused Conan to look up at her, shocked and wondering why she would do this, all of a sudden.
  • Ran reveals that Shinichi would often get hurt as a child, and she'd often give him medical care.
  • Conan is shocked that Araide-sensei was holding Ran's hand, thinking it was the two of them becoming closer, but in reality, Araide-sensei was only checking to see if Ran's hand was injured badly, when she scratched it.
  • Ran warns Conan about some broken vase chippings on the floor.
  • Conan started to ask Ran why she kept staring at Araide-sensei, but is interrupted.
  • Conan and Kogoro spy on Araide-sensei and Ran's conversation, the younger one thinking Araide-sensei and Ran were going to become a couple, but Ran only asked to borrow his homemade sweater. Sometime later, Ran was at her mother's law firm and it was revealed that Ran was making a homemade sweater for Shinichi, and borrowed Araide-sensei's to copy a design, she thought Shinichi might like. When her mother, Eri Kisaki, questioned why bother doing this for him, Ran shyly replied, "He's working hard too, on his hard cases, without complainig". Months later, in the winter, Conan was wearing the sweater Ran made for him, and Conan/Shinichi thanked her for the effort. Ran, for some reason, giggled, when Conan/Shinichi asked why, she playfully refused to tell, leaving the boy feigning hurt feelings, in his own style.

Episode 172-173: The Resurrected Dying Message Arc

  • Sonoko teases Ran about, "how she's been waiting forever, holding onto hope, waiting for her husband's return." Ran retorts that, "I'm not waiting for Shinichi!" Sonoko then slyly adds, "I didn't say anything about Shinichi", making Ran even more angry and Conan irritated.
  • She continues to tease Ran about the ice rink she chose, the place Shinichi had taught her to ice-skate, and the "many good memories she had", but Ran explains there's no "good" memories, since Shinichi kept making fun of her, while saying this, Ran is slightly blushing.
  • After being asked if he knew how to skate, since it was Conan's first trip to an ice rink, in order to protect his identity, Conan purposely tripped himself. After his "fall", while Sonoko went to see if he was unhurt, Ran was staring at him, with a surprise look, on her face, as if she's seen Shinichi do this before, and that it was odd that Conan did the exact same thing.
  • Ran helps Conan after he "fell" down, with the boy's cheeks flaring up.
  • Conan and Ran watch the display of fireworks.
  • After hearing Sonoko's screams, Conan immediately rushes to find out what's wrong, and skillfully skates through the crowd. Ran watches as he does, and again, has the same expression she had when he "fell", she probably remembered Shinichi doing the same thing, and ponders, if Conan could skate so fluently on ice, why did he fall in the first place?
  • After Sonoko got a call from Makoto, Ran admitted she envied them, for having their own "phones for each other", with a sad look on her face, which Conan notices. A few days later, Conan, pretending to be Shinichi, sends Ran a cell phone, in order to thank her for making him a sweater, at first she was unsettled, but then, was overjoyed.

Episode 174: The 20 Year Old Murder Case, The Symphony Serial Murders

  • By some pleadings by Ran, Conan decides to go on the cruise.
  • Ran tells Conan to hurry, so he won't be left behind.
  • Conan and Ran smile at each other, when they supposedly meet the director of the cruise ship tour.
  • Conan comments that Ran has always wanted to say, "I am the king of the world!", at a boat's "tip".
  • Heiji comments that his relationship with Kazuha isn't "like Ran and Shinichi", but is stopped from continuing by Conan.
  • Conan runs off to investigate, and Ran goes off to search for him. Doing her search, Ran becomes terrified of the eerie ship, but winds up finding the small detective. She goes off on him for running around, and then pleads with him and says, "Please...don't leave me alone." As she says this, Conan and Ran are illuminated in the night sky, in a romantic setting. Ran grabs his hand, explaining she's easily scared, and wants Conan with her, this causes the latter to apologize.
  • Conan is seen irritated when Heiji showed he only had his pants on to Ran.

Episodes 188-193: The Desperate Revival Series

During the arc, Conan changes back into Shinichi to preserve his identity. He first solves the case at the high school play, where they almost kissed, then takes Ran to a date at an expensive restaurant in attempt to confess his love to her. Unfortunately, a case occurs at the restaurant and Shinichi goes off to solve it. Afterwards, the antidote wears off. When Conan tries to explain that Shinichi left, and Ran tries to shut him out, Conan says that Shinichi said to "Wait for me. Even if I die, I'll find a way back to you."

With that, Ran's mood improves, but wonders what Shinichi was going to ask her. Conan blushes and remembers his father proposing to his mother in that restaurant.

Episode 222-224: And Then There Were No More Mermaids Arc

  • Conan and Ran shop together, at the mermaid shop, on Fukui Island.
  • Ran and Conan sit next to each other, at Kimie's grandmother's house.
  • Conan is seen with Ran throughout most of the entire special.

Episode 238-239: The 3 "K's" of Osaka Case Arc

  • Conan welcomes Ran home from school.
  • Ran asks if Ray Curtis, a famous goalkeeper, if he could write: "To Shinichi", on his uniform. Ray asks if "Shinichi" is her boyfriend, which she shyly denies. Conan, who overheard this, blushes, as he's surprised that Ran knew about Ray being his favorite soccer player.Heiji, standing behind him, tells him to make sure he calls her, to which, Conan seriously says he will. She later announced that it was going to be a surprise for Shinichi.
  • Ran gives Conan a ticket to his next game, which an excited Conan is glad to receive.
  • Ran grabs Conan, and holds him, to stop him from interfering with the case.
  • After Ray Curtis, Conan/Shinichi's soccer idol, was arrested for murder, Conan instantly became depressed over the matter. Ran noticed that Conan has the same, "sad, childish face, Shinichi has whenever he lost something precious to him", and begins to question that if Conan is exactly like Shinichi.

Episode 263: The Osaka Double Mystery- The Swordsman and Toyotami's Castle

  • While on the train ride to Osaka, to see Heiji compete in his Kendo tournament, Ran and Conan were eating some bentos when Ran notices rice on Conan's cheek. As she removes it, Ran playfully tells Conan him about it. Her action causes him to blush slightly.
  • Ran asked where Conan is going, with Kazuha.
  • Conan and Ran are seen eating Shizuka Hattori's blowfish dinner, next to each other.
  • Ran tells Kazuha, she too, enjoys watching Shinichi's face when he has solved a case, explaining, "There's just something about seeing Shinichi like that".
  • Ran notices Conan is missing.
  • Conan asks questions to Ran if anything "suspicious" happen after the "suicide".

Episode 284-285: Chinatown Deja Vu in the Rain Arc

  • After Ran holds her head with her hand, seemingly in pain, Conan asks if Ran still, when reading in a moving vehicle, gets carsick, but she reassures him she doesn't anymore.
  • Ran pictures Shinichi, with a sad face, in the rain, and can't remember what he's doing. Conan pulls her out of her thoughts and asks what's wrong.
  • Conan notices Ran looking sick, and wonders if she'll be alright.
  • Conan becomes protective over Ran when a strange man, named Mike Hama, asked for her name.
  • Ran was offered a job as a movie heroine. If she took on the role, she'd be able to meet famous people of all careers and travel the whole world. At first, Conan and Kogoro encourage her to join, but after hearing about a "love scene", they both tell her to forget about the idea. While Kogoro did it to protect her daughter from lustful men, Conan didn't want to watch her kissing another man.
  • After Ran accidentally dropped a bowl, she bent down to pick it up, but stopped and her vision got blurry again, Conan appeared and said she was having a fever and maybe they should go home, but his efforts failed, when she said she was fine. He tried to tell her she might faint like last time, Ran questioned what he meant before he could finish, thus he had to stop, because it involved his real identity. He tried once again by wanting to order curry rice, even though it was a Chinese restaurant, this was in order to trick Ran into go home, so he could then persuade her into resting, and not let her current condition worsen. Again failure, when Ran suggested pork buns, Conan's favorite Chinese delicacy.
  • Ran begins to lose consciousness for a minute and almost loses her balance. Conan is the only one who notices and asks if she is alright. Although Ran says yes, Conan is still worried about her health. He guides her to a nearby seat while holding her hand and promises that Uncle Kogoro will solve the case very soon. Despite Ran pleads on not worrying about her, Conan can't help but know something's wrong with Ran and he should take her to a hospital quickly.
  • Conan tries to tell Jugo Yokomizo about Ran's condition, but is cut off by one of the police officer.
  • About to solve the case, Kogoro, actually Conan with his voice changing bowtie, requests a police officer to pretend to be his daughter, Ran, since she's isn't feeling very well. However, Ran returns, seemingly better, convincing them she's ready for whatever they need her to do. Conan is surprised by her action and his worries begin to increase.
  • At the end of the case, a worried Conan watches as Ran becomes more ill. Then, Conan starts to panic after Ran faints from her sickness. As she fell to the ground, he called out, "RAN!", at the top of his lungs.

Episode 286-288: Kudo Shinichi's New York Case Arc

  • Leaving off from the previous Arc, Ran collapses over her sickness, Conan rushes out to her, desperately asking for some reply from her. As Conan calls for her to wake up, Ran's eyes slowly open up. Before she faints, She hears, then only sees Shinichi's worried expression. Ran then tells herself she owes him, and that whenever she was in trouble, he would always come to her rescue. Then, she falls asleep, dreaming about her adventure in New York, with Shinichi.
  • PAST: Ran is asleep with a jacket on her, Shinichi possibly did this, because of his caring nature towards her.
  • Shinichi and Ran have a "love fight". Yukiko Kudo, Shinichi's mother, informs the two there arguing over the place were it's famous for dating spots.
  • Ran holds onto Shinichi's seat in Yukiko's Jaguar, by Yukiko's order, so she wouldn't get hurt, when she increases the speed. Also, by Yukiko's pleads, Shinichi asks Ran to come over to him, out the window. Ran reluctantly agrees, after Shinichi tells her it won't be scary for long. As Yukiko "tilts" the Jaguar, Ran holds on to Shinichi's shoulders and he holds on the side of the car. Ran has her head buried in one of his shoulders. After the "ride", Shinichi smiles at her and says, "See, not bad at all". Ran asks in heated anger if they're all crazy, causing Shinichi to smile.
  • Yukiko makes a comment to the actresses, that even though Ran isn't her daughter, she might be her future DAUGHTER-IN-LAW.
  • After Ran saved an actress from a falling, knight costume, Shinichi turned around and yelled out for.
  • PRESENT: In the car with Inspector Yokomizo and Kogoro, Ran is still asleep and Conan keenly watches her for any changes. He then tells her to hang on for a little bit longer.
  • PAST: Leaving from the last scene of the previous episode, Shinichi runs over to Ran, quickly and worriedly asks if she's unhurt, to which she replies, "Yes".
  • Shinichi tries to find tissue for Ran's bleeding wrist, but Sharon Vineyard, gives Ran, her handkerchief. Shinichi looks slightly irritated at the gesture.
  • Shinichi and Ran sit next to each other, during the play.
  • After the murder was committed, Shinichi asks his mother, to take care of Ran, before he ran off to go and investigate.
  • Ran asks the New York police chief and Yukiko, if Shinichi can help with the case. At first, Yukiko had disagreed, saying he's just a "kid", but Ran explains that he solved a complicated, murder case on the plane, by himself.
  • Ran could tell that Shinichi had figured out something in the case. She constantly asks him what he deduced, but Shinichi then asked her to help him with figuring out the case. Shinichi surprises Ran, by getting very near her face, close enough to kiss, but he seems not to notice their closeness.
  • PAST: During the case's resolution, the light accidentally shines on Shinichi and Ran together, and not Yukiko. Shinichi also explained how the case happened, who was the culprit, and their reason for committing the act.
  • Shinichi was highly irritated at the culprit's comment on how Ran helped her commit the murder by saving her from the falling knight costume.
  • Shinichi and Ran take a taxi ride to their hotel, with Shinichi blabbing on about Holmes, then he stopped and asked Ran what's wrong, then he said, if it was about what Rose had said, he told her to forget about her. He also said the her words didn't mean anything special, after Ran asked him what the culprit told her, but he lied in order to spare her feelings.
  • Shinichi then tries to get Ran to close the taxi's windows, so she her fever won't worsen, but he fails.
  • When Ran loses her handkerchief, Shinichi goes after it. Ran later worries that Shinichi may have been killed by the serial killer, and later Shinichi yells at her to watch out, but Ran finds the serial killer. Ran then saves the serial killer with Shinichi's help. The killer asks in confusion, why they saved him, after all he's done. Shinichi cooly explains:
Is a reason necessary? I don't know why you would kill someone, but as for helping someone, a logical mind isn't needed, right?

— Shinichi, explaining to Vermouth, in disguise, why he tried to save her.

After hearing this Ran realizes that what she did earlier wasn't her fault for the victim's death, it only proved how human she was, but she loses her eyesight and faints. Shinichi catches Ran after she faints, and carries her away.

  • In the morning, Shinichi is entertaining Ran by playing with a chipmunk. He later notices Ran covering her head with her hand, and asks if her fever's bothering her. Despite protests, Shinichi tries to touch her head with his to see if her fever's bad.
  • PRESENT: Conan places his head on Ran's, to see if she's getting better.
  • Ran reveals that the words "logical mind" and "helping people", were her favorite words, since she learned them from Shinichi. This causes Conan to shyly blush.
  • At the end of the episode, Ran admits, that on that night, was the first time she finally realized she fell in love with Shinichi.
  • Conan/Shinichi talks to Ran about her recent fever and asks if she's feeling better and she replies with a "yes".

Episode 294-295: Smash of Love and Determination Arc

  • After Ran convinced Mitsuhiko to take a break with the others, Sonoko commented that she'd make a good mother one day. Conan smiles at the comment
  • Conan notices Ran and Sonoko missing, and asked Ai, if she knows anything about it.
  • Conan became worried after he heard from Sonoko, that Ran had disappeared. Then, his worries only increased when Ai suggest that she might've been kidnapped.
  • Ran had called on her cellphone, and Sonoko answered it, Ran then said she'd been kidnapped, and Conan takes the phone from Sonoko, asking hurried questions, about Ran's location in details. However, her kidnappers turned off the cellphone, before she could give out any more information.
  • Conan quit the tennis tournament, in order to find Ran, with Ai. Also, while searching for the billboard she mentioned, Conan frantically began searching for it, this caused Ai to be somewhat amused by how Conan became so worried and stressed in matters of Ran, so easily.
  • Conan waves at Ran, when he came to rescue, and tells her to be quiet for a minute.Then, after incapacitating one of the kidnappers, Conan immediately goes to Ran and asks if she's alright, as he unties her.
  • Later, when the second kidnapper came by, Conan dropped a bucket on his head and kicked him, while saying,"This is payback!".This definetly means Conan was "avenging" Ran, because he helped in abducting Ran.

The Red Horse Inside the Flames Arc

  • When Kogoro commented that since it's still heavily raining,Conan might not be able to go on his field trip,Ran reveals the terutreubozu, that she used for Shinichi's important soccer games, and it would always work. Kazuha teased Ran about it, and Ran tried to cover it up, all the while, she and Conan are putting on a tinge of red on his cheeks.
  • Kazuha commented that, maybe, the reason the teruterubozu didn't work, because it wasn't for Shinichi,making Ran quickly deny her proposal.

Episode 376

In this episode Conan tries his best to save Ran.

Episode 381-382: Whose Reasoning Show Arc

  • Ran is behind Conan during the investigation.
  • Ran tries to persuade Conan into letting Kazuha win,since she wants to go to Takarazuka very badly,she even does the "please hands",while smiling at him.Conan deeply blushes at the sight, and almost considers the idea, but is dragged off by Heiji, before he can answer.
  • Conan decides to let the girls win in the competition.

Episode 383: Miracle at Koshien Park,The Defiants Face the Dark Demon

  • Ran stands besdides Conan, during the ending of the special episode's opening sequence, making him faintly blush.
  • After Conan's introduction, Ran was standing on the same side as Conan.
  • "Don't worry! We'll definetly find him! Just wait a little longer",is what Conan says, while looking at Ran, telling her in secret that he won't let her or anyone else get hurt. Moments after Conan, while taking Kogoro's radio earphones, Ran begins to think that his face was very similar to Shinichi's.
  • Ran thinks about Shinichi, as she compares him to the 3rd baseman of Kohnan.
  • Ran compares the two boys who are challenging each other to Shinichi.Ran tells her father and Kazuha about how Shinichi and his team competed in the finals of the soccer tournament, and that they were down by two points.When, she looked through her binoculars,he was smiling and saying something, and later learned from his teammates, that he said,in a cool manner, that if they'd pulled off a win,they'd become legends. Ran tells the two, they managed to win,and she saw Shinichi,with his back turned smiling,and how cool he looked doing it, as well.After hearing herself say that in front of Kogoro and Kazuha, she immediately says it was only cool a little.
  • After they figure out the third phone is near where they saat,Conan immediately thinks of Ran, even though, Kogoro and Kazuha are also involved. He tries to call her, but she doesn't hear the ringing.

Episode 406-408: Conan and Heiji's Mysterious Magic Arc

  • Ran gives Conan a peculiar look, when he commented that women in the magic show, "looked great", almost as if she was warning him not to say that.
  • Heiji and Conan dash to where they heard Kazuha and Ran scream.
  • Conan becomes confused, after Ran explains that Hoshikawa couldn't be the criminal, then he explodes with shock and anger, when the two girls said was because they hugged him, when the crime was happened.
  • Conan was shocked at the fact Ran spoke with Hoshikawa, and then he was shown very angry at that fact.
  • Ran texts Conan/Shinichi, to ask if he thought of her as a follower, thinking about Heiji and Kazuha's moment before.

Episode 521

In most of these few episodes, Shinichi was disguised by a criminal who hated him and mistaken him for wrongly solving a murder many years before. During one part, Ran falls off a cliff while searching for Shiragami so he could help bring Shinichi's memories back. Conan, already back in his Shinichi form, disguised as Shiragami to remain hidden and solve the case, saved Ran and helped bandage her up. Later, when the case is solved, and Haibara gave him an antidote so he can remain Shinichi for a bit longer, Ran was about to confess her feelings to him and he to her. However, due to another sudden case, Shinichi had to leave and asked Ran to wait a bit longer, saying, "I'm sure the question you wanted to ask is the same is mine." When he is turning back to Conan, Ran holds his hand and refuses to let him leave again. She was knocked out by his wristwatch, and was still holding his hand -Shinichi now as Conan- when she woke up Shinichi had turned back to Conan.

Episode 616-:Holmes's Revelation Arc

  • Conan and Ran are sitting together at a parfait shop.
  • Kogoro tells Ran not spend all her money to buy souvenirs for the "detective geek" (Shinichi). Ran blushes after he stated this, quickly saying she wasn't going to buy a whole lot for him, this means she thought of purchasing Shinichi a present from London, since it's the home of his childhood idol, Sherlock Holmes.Ran aslo comments to herself, that it would've been nice if Shinichi had come since his most of Holmes's life was in London, and maybe she thought that she'd enjoyed his company.
  • Conan happily greets Ran, after he and Professor Agasa, arrived at the airport.
  • When Conan became excited over, "The Sherlock Holmes Museum", Ran commented that, if Shinichi was here, he'd be just as cheerful. Ran reveals that Shinichi sent an email, saying he didn't want any gifts, but Ran already has a list of gifts to buy for him.
  • After calling Shinichi, to make him jealous, Conan/Shinichi, gives an unexpected reaction, since he's already there, but as Conan. Ran then asked Shinichi if he'd like for her to buy something for him, but he tells her he doesn't want anything, leading Ran to yell and call him "stupid", in a rather loud voice, thinking he was being inappreciative.
  • Ran thinks about asking help from Shinichi, on the case in London, but is hesitant to do so, from her earlier outburst at him, for not being excited about the place he's always wanted to go to. She then thought that he was only acting that way, out of irritation of being "too busy on cases", to visit London. Ran then proceeded to call herself an idiot for her previous assumption, and sheds a few tears.
  • Minerva Glass, a famous tennis player, tells Ran the reason she she had "love troubles", was because she, too experienced the same heartache as well. Minerva also said that, while quoting a quote from Sherlock Holmes, that love isn't easy, and in the end, you lose in love.
  • Ran calls Conan to remind him of their scheduled dinner, but he tells he's going to investigate the code more, along with Agasa, and hangs up. Ran continues to berate Conan, while looking for him, for getting so much into a case, he winds up forgetting to eat, just like Shinichi.
Shinichi somewhat and somehow confesses his feelings for Ran to her under the Big Ben in London, during the Holmes' Revelation Arc.
  • Ran finally calls Shinichi, to ask him about the code, Conan/Shinichi do figure out the first line, but end up making Ran think Shinichi is in London, and didn't tell. She goes on a run to find him, making Conan and Agasa run for it. She winds up finding Conan in a phone booth, and angrily asks him why he didn't tell her he was in London. Left with no other choices available, Conan hastily takes the pill that turns him back into Shinichi, that was originally planned for the return trip. Shinichi comes out, trying to cooly explain his reasons for not telling her. Ran, however, is angry and sad, beyond compare, and calls herself an idiot for worrying about him and trying to get him some gifts. Ran abruptly discloses that Minerva Glass was right about "Love is 0", meaning that no matter how hard you try, you'll never win. (It is also worth noting that in Tennis, "Love" means Zero points are scored for the set, making the phrase a pun.) Surprised at hearing she met Minerva Glass, Shinichi asked her if someone else came to meet and she answers, saying her younger brother, Apollo came to meet her. Shinichi tries to get more information out of her, but Ran is still crying, and Shinichi asks her to calm down, confused at why she was so upset. She then states:
If you're a detective, you should be able to deduce what's in my heart! Idiot!

— Ran's words to Shinchi for not figuring out why she was so sad and angry.

Then, she runs away, with Shinichi trying to catch up to her.

  • At the resolution of the case, it was revealed that Shinichi did catch up to her and he was able to counter Minerva's words with his own. He came up with his own reply for Ran as well.
You're a tough, troublesome case, you know! With all these distracting emotions... Even if I were Holmes it'd still be impossible to figure out! The heart of a woman whom one loves... How can anyone accurately deduce that?

— Shinichi's confession.

He also explains what Minerva said is that she means zero is where every love starts.



  • While Shinichi/Conan, raced down a long hallway, he turned to the side and seemed to notice that Ran was in danger.
  • Ran nearly fell to her death, but Conan managed to rescue her. He then smiled, relieved that she was safe.
  • Ran gave a smile to Conan, when he tried to grab some books, but he only ended up crashing down.
  • At the end, Ran tightly hugs Conan, then possibly spoke about her secret crush, Shinichi Kudo. He was very suprised at the sudden contact. Behind them was Conan's true identity, Shinichi Kudo, with the same expression as his "child self".


  • In a couple of shots, Ran was beautifully posed , and Conan kept turning his head and shouting, probably calling out for her name, worrying about her health or safety.
  • Then, Ran imagined the look on Shinichi's face whenever he solved a case, and how she admired that trademark of his.


  • As Ran picked up the phone, she starts to cry, but out of relief. The next scene shows Conan using his voice changing bowtie to call her as Shinichi, probably to stop her worrying over him.


  • Conan and Ran are seen together, watching the sun as it begins to rise.
  • Ran became a hostage by the "culprit",however, Conan manages to free her by kicking a soccer ball to his/her face.
  • Then, in the end, Ran held the "key" that helps her "watch" over Shinichi, who is actually the child Conan Edogawa.


  • Ran is seen with Conan and Shinichi at different times. Then, she was in the middle of the two. This might symbolize that she has some sort subconcious konwing of their actual relationship.
  • Ran is seen in a park, being depressed over Shinichi's "work". Conan appears and looks over to her side, wondering if he's doing the responsible choice, by not telling her the truth.
  • Ran shedded tears during the song,due to her missing Shinichi very much.
  • Ran ran over to a construction site,catching a glimpse at Shinichi and wanting to see him.
  • Conan then shows up, smiling and running towards her, but then trips, but falls into Ran's arms.
  • After catching him, Ran smiles over to the site that Shinichi was on, this leaves Conan slightly confused.


  • In a few clips, there are scenes of Shinichi/Conan and Ran from previous openings.
  • Ran crying after hearing from Shinichi,by Conan using his bowtie, then Ran captured by the "culprit". However, Shinichi/Conan comes racing to save her. (Openings 3 and 4)
  • Conan, grabbing Ran's hand from falling to her death. (Opening 1)
  • Conan, wondering if keeping the truth from ran was the right choice. (Opening 5)
  • Ran standing between Conan and Shinichi. (Opening 5)
  • Ran "watching" over Shinichi, Ran catching Conan, and hugging him, while talking about Shinichi.

(Openings 4,5, and 1)


  • Conan and Ran chat with each other, before Conan leaves to go to school with his friends, and waves goodbye, until later.
  • At school, Conan looks out the window, and sees some of his friends, the last being Ran, his first and only love.
  • Ran, along with Genta, Ayumi, and Mitsuhiko, are seen watching amused at Conan asleep.


  • The only two characters seen as silhouettes are: Shinichi Kudo and Ran Mouri.
  • Shinichi's figure is frustrated that he can't be with the girl of his dreams, Ran Mouri. Then, Ran's figure is reaching out,to be with the love of her life, Shinichi Kudo.


  • As Conan and the Detective Boys, are running, he looks over and is happy to see Ran, besides him.
  • Then, a depressed Conan is saddened at the fact he's making Ran suffer by not telling her the truth,in the next scene Ran is alone, wondering when and if, Shinichi is going to return, finally Shinichi is shown angered that he's not with Ran.
  • In a couple of pictures are episodes that center on their "moments":Ran asking Conan not to leave her side, the Conan telling a distraught Ran to wait for Shinichi a bit longer.
  • Shinichi and Ran have thier own "sexy" pose.
  • At the end of the opening, Conan/Shinichi and Ran are together.


  • Conan and Ran are happily talking with each other, before Kogoro hits him on the head. After the Conan's "punishment", Ran chatised her father for hitting Conan.
  • Ran is very close to Conan at the opening's end.


  • In the beginning, Conan and Ran are running with each other, while being delighted at each other company.
  • Flash forwarding back to when Shinichi was poisoned by Gin, unlike the original way of how Conan met Ran, she was shown with his shrunken form, about to touch his cheek, slowly knowing it was Shinichi.
  • Conan and Ran were holding each others hands while walking, along with the majority of the Detective Conan cast.
  • Ran and Ai look over to Shinichi, Ran's secret love and possible love interest of Ai's.


  • Ran waits for Conan, so they can go to their schools, as they continue to walk, both begin to speak.
  • Simultaneously, Ran and Conan look up to the sky, thinking about the other.
  • A saddened Ran ponders about Shinichi's return and Conan is guilt ridden over her depression.
  • Still thinking of Shinichi, Ran is cheered up by Conan, to be more happy.
  • In a brief moment, Conan and Ran smile at each other.


  • While running in the opening at some point, Conan thinks about Ran.


  • Ran bends down and speaks to Conan.
  • Ran "finds" Shinichi, who smiles and laughs.
  • As ran talks to Sonoko, Conan warmly smiles over her.


  • Even after Shinichi called her(Conan with his bowtie), Ran is still wonders sadly when he'll return. Conan notices her reaction.
  • Sonoko and Kazuha tease Ran over Shinichi, which she trie to deny, but fails due to the "blushing marks" on her face.
  • Ran yells at Shinichi for either saying something rude or not caliing her for awhile.


  • Ran comes after Conan at the beginning.
  • Shinichi/Conan and Ran have their own "walking sequences".
  • Conan and Ran try to grab and hold on to each other, as they fall.
  • Ran is seen near the end,trying to reach out for Shinichi/Conan.


  • Previous clips from past openings, some feauting Shinichi/Conan and Ran.
  • Conan warmly smiles above Ran. (Opening 14)
  • Ran is teased about Shinichi by Sonoko and Kazuha. (Opening 15)
  • Ran "finds" Shinichi. (Opening 14)
  • Ran is still saddened of Shinichi's departure. (Opening 15)
  • Conan reveals who the culprit is, shocking Ran, who's standing behind him.
  • Ran is standing in the middle of Conan and Shinichi.


  • Ran's "square" picture is shown after Conan/Shinichi's.


  • Conan runs to Ran, while smiling.
  • Conan calls Ran, as Shinichi, using his bowtie. After he makes the call, Ran's teased by Sonoko.
  • The Detective Boys and Conan, are frightened by Ran's great Karate skills.
  • Conan is teased by the Detective Boys, of his obvious crush on Ran, which he tries to deny, but ends up speechless and blushing.
  • Conan idly stares at Ran, before he's hit by a ball.
  • Conan smiles at Ran and she smiles at Conan, then Shinichi appears and smiles at Ran.


  • On the beach, Ran spots Shinichi, and starts to run to him, but meets up with Conan.
  • Ran and Conan look and smile towards one another.
  • Shinichi and Ran stand back to back to each other.
  • While Ran begins to run to Conan, he smiles at her.


  • Ran and Shinichi are presented.


  • On Ran's desk is her cellphone, and a picture of her, with trees in the background.Then, Shinichi's picture flies down, with the same background next to Ran. After landing next to each other, both are startled that they met up with each other.
  • Ran and Conan sit next to each other, while eating ice cream.


  • Shinichi smiles as Ran is behind him,who's also smiling.
  • Shinichi holds a cold drink to Ran's cheek, scaring her,but he's still smirking and laughing.
  • Then, Shinichi, in his "blue, hero" costume, holds Ran's hand, as she's wearing her "princess" costume.
  • Conan smiles at Ran, as she's smiling, while she's thinking about Shinichi. All this is happening while "fall" leaves are falling.
  • Ran grabs Conan's hand, to go some place, that might be fun for the two.Then, an image of Ran asking Conan not to leave her alone, on a previous case, is presented.
  • Shinichi and Ran fall away from each other, and Conan is standing in the middle. This means that two currently can't be with each other, and the only way these can be connected is Conan, who knows how both of them feel. Notice that all three characters are wearing long sleeved, white shirts and facial expressions are somber like or tired.
  • Both of their hands are holding each other. However, the next scene shows that Shinichi and Ran desperately want to be with the other.Then, Shinichi and Ran are facing the opposite of one another, with Conan in the middle.
  • Ran is wearing white clothing, while asleep soundly, with Shinichi and Conan next to one another.


  • The scene where Ran met Conan. Then, both of them next to each other, with the "time sand", is next to them both, this most likely means how long it'll take before Conan finally is able to tell the truth to Ran.
  • Conan starts running,down a dark alleyway, while Ai and Ran look over to him, with sadness in their eyes. Then, he turns around, and tries to grab Ran,but she keeps moving farther away, before he can. As she begins to move further, Conan starts to become Shinichi, calling out to her.
  • Ran holds onto her cellphone, while thinking about Shinichi.
  • Images: Shinichi and Ran's "date" and Conan asking Ran to wait for Shinichi.
  • Conan arrives, much to Ran's happiness, that drives her to tears. As they approach, Conan believes that his secret is revealed, since he removed his glasses, showing his striking resemblance to Shinichi and bowtie voice changer, to not decieve her anymore. However, much to his suprise, she puts on his trademark glasses, and smiles warmly, glad he was safe and back with her.


  • Image: Shinichi assissting Ran, in New York, when his mother "tilts" the car.
  • Ran calls over to Conan and his friends, then he takes off his glasses, revealing his true identity.
  • In a "stair maze", Conan tries to find Ran, he manages to and falls, to await being caught in her arms.
  • In a dark alley, Conan watches as Ran speaks to Shinichi, but hates the fact of what he's doing to her.
  • Then, on the beach, Shinichi meets up with Ran, and confesses to her, his tue feelings.
  • On the day of his transformation, Ran is spoted alone on the ferris wheel, saddened that Shinichi had left her.
  • Conan and Ran are running ti go somewhere, while holding hands with each other, Conan leading the way. He then turns around towards her, smiling, with her smiling back.
  • In the next scene, at night, Shinichi is carrying a sleeping Ran, in his arms, then she begins to awake. The first thing she sees, is Shinichi smiling down to her. Then, the scene fades out, into Conan's glasses. This is a slight prediction, that as soon as he returns to his original body, he'll confess to Ran, in a romantic gesture.


  • In her room, Ran is speaking to Shinichi, on her cellphone, the next scene cuts to Shinichi, on the streets,but it's actually Conan, in his room,which is next doors to Ran using his voice changing bowtie, to talk to her as Shinichi.
  • Image: Shinichi investigating the "mysterious, men in black", but Ran tries to stop him.
  • Conan is snapped out of the terrible memory of how he was transformed. Only to gaze at Ran's beautiful smile towards him, making him forget, as they walk to her house, hand in hand. They're given a brief "spot light" together.
  • As Conan, with Heiji, race to find a clue in a case, Kazuha and Ran ask them what's wrong, but instead wish them good luck.
  • Conan tries to make Ran remember her school bag and Karate equipment.
  • Sometime in the fall, Ran races to Shinichi, giving him a suprising hug. However, he disappears as she hugged him, leaving Ran disappointed and hurt. Then, she's greeted with the company of Conan, smiling towards her.
  • The last scene, features the scarf Ran was wearing, when she went to hug Shinichi, and Conan's glasses. Her scarf was "hugging" his glasses.


  • Conan and Ran are beside each other, both sad, then Conan abruptly takes off his glasse, at that moment, Ran tries to recah for him.
  • While walking with her father, Sonoko, Conan, and the Detective Boys, ran softly smiles down at Conan.
  • Conan meets up with Ran, as the sky clears, smiling. Shinichi is shown in the middle of them.


  • As Conan faces the east, Ran is seen on the west, suprised. Then, Shinichi is to the west, with Ran to east, she's seen looking at him, but turns her head, seemingly angry.
  • At a station with Kogoro and Kazuha, Ran gets a suprise call Shinichi, and Kazuha notice, making Ran blush. At the other line, Conan, being Shinichi with his bowtie, begins to talk to her. Heiji starts teasing him, causing Conan to blush, slightly and turn the other way, in irritation.
  • Ran is at home, near the window, then looks at seashells, which might be some reminder of Shinichi.
  • Image: Conan and Ran are visited by Shuichi Akai, not knowing his ture nature, Conan attepts to shield her from Akai.
  • Conan begins to run away from Ran, she tries to stop him. She's then reminded of the day Shinichi "disappeared" from her eyes.


  • As Ran is asleep, with her cellphone next to her, probably waiting for Shinichi to call, Conan places a blanket on her, then notices the choclate she wanted to give to Shinichi. Conan eats the entire chocolate and sends a picture of Ran sleeping, to Ran herself, telling her he was there.
  • Then, Shinichi and Ran's backs are turn to each other, both pondering if they'll ever see each other again.
  • When Conan is tracking a criminal, he looks up to the sky, and sees Ran, briefly forgetting about his initial mission.
  • Ran is crying over Shinichi, and her tears become shooting stars. Conan watches as this is happening and looks in pity as he can't stand her inner turmoil, over his departure, even though he's always by her side.
  • In three intances, Ran turns around, and in the third she smiles. Shinichi is then seen,

finally in his original body,and walks to where Ran is, without Conan's glasses,watch, and bowtie.


  • Ran speaks to Shinichi, who's actually Conan with his voice changing bowtie.
  • Images: Shinichi and Ran as children~as middle schoolers on a field trip, when a case was born~On the airplane together, which was Shinichi's first murder case, Ran was sleeping on his shoulder, and Shinichi was gazing at her sleeping~In New York, when Shinichi carried Ran away from the serial murderer~ Shinichi disguised as a "knight", in a school play, embracing Ran, which naturally suprised her.
  • As shooting stars begin to fall, Conan and Ran gaze at them, side by side, then turn smiling at each other.
  • In London, Ran is confronted by Shinichi,then, Conan appears, looking from the background.



  • Ran and Conan, in London, are having lunch together, without Ran's father, Kogoro Mouri.
  • Shinichi/Conan, back to back,then turn their heads, and in Ran's direction. Ran is then seen, smiling up at the sky, probably thinking about Shinichi.


  • Ran and Shinichi are facing each other, presumbably about to kiss, but they fade through each other, with their heads, now, back to back.


  • At night, Ran is standing at a pier. She starts to think about Shinichi, dreamily, while smiling.


  • Near a small, grassy field,Ran is present, in a summer dress and hat.Then, a strong wind comes through, and Ran's hat is blown away, and she begins to chase after it. The hat lands next to someone, Ran also has a happy look on her face, since it turns out to be Shinichi, with the same smirk on his face.
  • However, it was actually Conan, and he smiles, as he gives her hat back.


  • A picture of Ran and Shinichi, together, in high school, is shown.
  • Ran stands outside of Shinichi's house, hoping he'll retun, to whereever he wnt.
  • In the next scene, Ran and Shinichi are on a "date", watching the sunset. At first, Ran stares at Shinichi's face as it "glows" in the sunset, but then turns her head and watches the sunset with him.
  • Still outside his house, Ran is greeted by Shinichi himself, who holds an umbrella over her head, after realizing who it was, her attitude became more brighter.Then, the next scene, is Ran in her home, dreaming about being with Shinichi, with a picture of them, close to her side.


  • A saddened Ran is awaiting Shinichi's return, in pain.
  • Ran touches Shinichi's face, but he vanishes, leaving her longing for him. Conan sees her in agony, and can't help, but feel guilty.


  • Ran and Shinichi are walking away from each other, both with equally sad faces on.This symbolizes the night that Shinichi had "vanished", and that the two were starting to grow further apart from one another.
  • Ran then stops and gasps, as if she feels or hears someone calling out to her.She turns around and sees Shinichi in a spotlight, for a second, but then notices Conan, smiling at her.


  • At the start, both Ran and Conan are surprised, and seem to be looking sor something or someone.
  • Ran begins to sadly wonder why Shinichi hasn't returned yet, and doesn't notices a "shiny rope", passing her to Conan, who's secretly watching her.Then, as the "shiny rope" passes him, Conan takes off his glasses, possibly planning to reveal his ture identity, in order no to make her so sad.


  • In this ending, more of Shinichi and Ran's moments together are explored.
  • A picture format shows,seperately, Shinichi and Ran photographed, in their high school unifroms.
  • Then, Shinchi is seen in class, about to fall asleep, Ran tries to stop him, but ends up smiling at his sleeping moment instead.
  • Ran and Shinichi are at a skate rink, with the latter trying to teach Ran how to ice skate. Ran is tightly holding onto Shinichi's arm, and speaking, probably saying that it's not a good idea for her to skate, and Shinichi is probably teasing her over it.
  • Then,the scene of when the two,"last saw each other", at the carnival.
  • Ran "sings" in this ending, about the "secret of my(her) heart", which is Shinichi.
  • Then, in the clothes he was transformed in, Conaa/Shinichi looks back and smiles at Ran.
  • Ran and Shinichi take a picture together under a cherry blossom tree at Teitan High School before Shinichi becomes Conan. Conan later takes a picture with Ran under the same tree.


  • Shinichi was the first of the two, to realize his feelings for her, while Ran realized her feelings for him a year prior to the story.
  • Ran and Shinichi are each others favorite person or the person they like the most.
  • Even though Ran can get jealous of Shinichi being in the presence of another girl, Shinichi is more childish about Ran being accompanied with or talking to another man, such as Dr. Araide and Eisuke Hondou.
  • Both can play an instrument very well (Ran with the piano and Shinichi with both piano and violin, though he can presumably play all instruments well, due to his perfect pitch).
  • The couple was the first to be introduced as childhood friends, that developed a romantic relationship over time. The others include: Heiji/Kazuha, Kogoro/Eri, Agasa/Fusae Campbell, Kaito/Aoko, Shiratori/Kobayashi and Chiba/Naeko.
  • Both of them have confessed their love for each other in the movies. But for some reason, despite that one of them had confessed their love for the other, their relationship didn't progress at the movie's end.

See also
