Courtroom Confrontation: Kisaki vs. Kogoro

From Detective Conan Wiki
The Osaka Double Mystery - The Naniwa Swordsman and Toyotomi's Castle List of Episodes The Truth Behind Valentine's
Episode 264-265
(Int. Episode 286-287)

TV Episode 264-265.jpg

Title: Courtroom Confrontation: Kisaki vs. Kogoro
Japanese title: 法廷の対決 妃VS小五郎
(Hōtei no Taiketsu: Kisaki tai Kogoro)
Original airdate: January 14, 2002 (Part 1)
January 21, 2002 (Part 2)
Broadcast rating: 17.8%
Filler case: #93
Season: 7
Manga source: TV Original
Cast: Conan Edogawa
Eri Kisaki
Reiko Kujo
Kogoro Mouri
Ran Mouri
Juzo Megure
Wataru Takagi
Kazunobu Chiba
Officer Tome
Midori Kuriyama
Case solved by: Kogoro Mouri (via Conan)
Next Conan's Hint: Cellphone (Part 1)
Matches (Part 2)
Director: Yasuichiro Yamamoto
Screenplay: Yutaka Kaneko
Storyboard: 264: Kooji Kobayashi
265: Yasumi Mikamoto
Episode director: 264: Yoshio Suzuki
265: Mashu Ito
Animation director: 264: Atsushi Aono
265: Masayuki
Character design: Masatomo Sudo
Junko Yamanaka and Kumiko Shishido (design works)
Opening song: Winter Bells
Closing song: Aoi Aoi Kono Hoshi ni

Courtroom Confrontation: Kisaki vs. Kogoro (法廷の対決 妃VS小五郎 Hōtei no Taiketsu: Kisaki tai Kogoro?) is the 264th and 265th episode of the Detective Conan anime.

Characters introduced





Part 1

Eri Kisaki is the attorney for a man named Shinji Usami who is convicted for the murder of Tsuyoshi Hirasawa while in a drunken state.


EP264-265 Case.jpg

Location: Haido district construction site
Victim: Tsuyoshi Hirasawa
Age: 28 years old
Cause of death: Blunt force trauma
Suspects: Shinji Usami

The authenticity is doubted due to the fact Hirasawa murdered Shinji's son five years ago, but was not convicted because the murder was done while he was drunk.

Murder (Past)

EP264-265 Case (past).jpg

Victim: Masaki Usami
Age: 5 years old
Time: 5 years ago
Culprit: Tsuyoshi Hirasawa

Eri attempts to confirm Usami's alibi through his estranged wife Masako Kameda. Kameda reveals that Hiraswa visited her bar and that Kogoro should be able to confirm it. Kogoro reveals that he fell asleep at the bar, and was waken by Kameda who told him he had a phone call; The time on the phone proves that Usami was at the bar at the time of the murder. During the hearing, the prosecutor Reiko Kujo points to that fact that Kameda could have changed the time on Kogoro's phone to establish an alibi for her ex-husband. Kameda confesses to changing the time on Kogoro's phone and thus destroys Usami's alibi.

Part 2

After Kogoro was turned unwittingly from the defendant's witness to the prosecutor's witness Kogoro conducts his own investigation and investigates Usami's home while accompanied by Conan.


  • Resolution

    BGM listing

    Part 1

    # Song Title Romaji Translation OST
    1 Winter Bells Winter Bells Winter Bells Winter Bells
    2 昼下がりの天使たち (摩天楼ヴァージョン) Hirusagari no Tenshitachi (Mantenrō Vājon) Early Afternoon Angels (Skyscraper Version) Detective Conan "The Time-Bombed Skyscraper" Original Soundtrack
    3 夜の探索 Yoru no Tansaku Night Search Detective Conan Original Soundtrack 4 ~Isoge! Shōnen Tanteidan~
    4 コナンの夢 (夕暮れver.) Konan no Yume (Yūgure ver.) Conan's Dream (Twilight ver.) Detective Conan Original Soundtrack 2
    5 記憶喪失(影) Kiokusōshitsu (Kage) Amnesia (Shadow) Detective Conan "Captured in Her Eyes" Original Soundtrack
    6 エンディング Endingu Ending Detective Conan "Countdown to Heaven" Original Soundtrack
    7 とっておきクイズ Totte Oki Kuizu Take the Quiz Detective Conan "Captured in Her Eyes" Original Soundtrack
    8 悪のテーマ (パート2) Aku no Tēma (Pāto 2) Theme of Evil (Part 2) Detective Conan Original Soundtrack 2
    9 新少年探偵団のテーマ Shin Shōnen Tanteidan no Tēma The New Detective Boys' Theme Detective Conan "Captured in Her Eyes" Original Soundtrack
    10 とっておきクイズ Totte Oki Kuizu Take the Quiz Detective Conan "Captured in Her Eyes" Original Soundtrack
    11 新一の名推理 Shin'ichi no Meisuiri Shinichi's Great Deduction Detective Conan Original Soundtrack 3
    12 犯人のアジト (忍び込みver.) Hannin no Ajito (Shinobikomi ver.) The Culprit's Hideout (Creeping In ver.) Detective Conan Original Soundtrack 2
    13 驚愕の真実 Kyōgaku no Shinjitsu Surprising Truth Detective Conan "Captured in Her Eyes" Original Soundtrack
    14 とっておきクイズ Totte Oki Kuizu Take the Quiz Detective Conan "Captured in Her Eyes" Original Soundtrack
    15 小五郎の推理 Kogorō no Suiri Kogoro's Deduction Detective Conan "Countdown to Heaven" Original Soundtrack
    16 暗殺者のテーマ─狙撃 Ansatsusha no Tēma - Sogeki Assassin's Theme - Sniping Detective Conan "Captured in Her Eyes" Original Soundtrack
    17 青い青いこの地球に Aoi Aoi Kono Hoshi ni On This Blue, Blue Star Aoi Aoi Kono Hoshi ni

    Part 2

    # Song Title Romaji Translation OST
    1 Winter Bells Winter Bells Winter Bells Winter Bells
    2 謎解き (その2) Nazotoki (Sono 2) Riddle Solution (Part 2) Detective Conan Original Soundtrack 3
    3 驚愕の真実 Kyōgaku no Shinjitsu Surprising Truth Detective Conan "Captured in Her Eyes" Original Soundtrack
    4 小五郎の推理 Kogorō no Suiri Kogoro's Deduction Detective Conan "Countdown to Heaven" Original Soundtrack
    5 暗殺者のテーマ─忍び寄る魔手 Ansatsusha no Tēma - Shinobiyoru Mashu Assassin's Theme - The Devil's Hand Approaches Detective Conan "Captured in Her Eyes" Original Soundtrack
    6 推理 (オリジナルver.) Suiri (Orijinaru ver.) Deduction (Original ver.) Detective Conan Original Soundtrack 2
    7 犯人のアジト Hannin no Ajito The Culprit's Hideout Detective Conan Original Soundtrack 1
    8 黒い影─挑戦 Kuroi Kage - Chōsen Black Shadow - Challenge Detective Conan "Captured in Her Eyes" Original Soundtrack
    9 顛末(TENMATSU) Tenmatsu (TENMATSU) The Facts (TENMATSU) Detective Conan "Captured in Her Eyes" Original Soundtrack
    10 容疑者は? Yōgisha wa? The Suspect Is? Detective Conan "Countdown to Heaven" Original Soundtrack
    11 沈む夕陽 Shizumu Yūhi Depressing Sunset Detective Conan Original Soundtrack 1
    12 犯人の謎 Hannin no Nazo The Mystery of the Culprit Detective Conan "The Fourteenth Target" Original Soundtrack
    13 哀のテーマB (ピアノ・ヴァージョン) Ai no Tēma B (Piano Vājon) Ai's Theme B (Piano Version) Detective Conan "Countdown to Heaven" Original Soundtrack
    14 青い青いこの地球に Aoi Aoi Kono Hoshi ni On This Blue, Blue Star Aoi Aoi Kono Hoshi ni
    15 二人のデート Futari no Dēto Their Date Detective Conan "Captured in Her Eyes" Original Soundtrack
    16 コナンの勝利 Konan no Shōri Conan's Victory Detective Conan Original Soundtrack 1


    In other languages

    Language Title Translation
    Flag of Arabic Arabic معركة في قاعة المحكة A Battle in the Courtroom
    Flag of Catalonia Catalan (Catalan dub) La confrontació judicial de la Kisaki i en Kogoro Kisaki's and Kogoro's judicial confrontation
    Flag of Valencia Catalan (Valencian dub) Confrontació judicial: Eri contra Kogoro Judicial confrontation: Eri vs Kogoro
    Flag of Galicia Galician Batalla no xulgado: Kisaki contra Kogoro Battle in the courtroom: Kisaki vs Kogoro
    Flag of Germany German Kampf im Gericht Battle in the Courtroom
    Flag of Italy Italian Scontro in tribunale: Eri contro Goro Courtroom Confrontation: Eri vs. Goro
    Flag of Chile Spanish (American dub) Enfrentamiento en tribunales: Kisaki contra Kogoro Showdown in court: Kisaki vs Kogoro
    Flag of Spain Spanish (Castilian dub) Enfrentamiento en los tribunales: Kisaki contra Kogoro Showdown in the court: Kisaki vs Kogoro
    Flag of Thailand Thai ศึกในศาล คิซากิปะทะโคโกโร่ Battle in the court - Kisaki Vs. Kogoro
    Flag of Vietnam Vietnamese Trận chiến phòng xét xử: Kisaki và Kogoro Courtroom Battle: Kisaki and Kogoro

    See also

    Collapse Episodes of Season 7
    Episode 263264265266267268269270271272273274275276277278279280281282283284285286287288289290291292293294295296297298299300301302303