Courtroom Confrontation III: Prosecutor as Eyewitness

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The Devil of the TV Station List of Episodes Heiji Hattori vs. Shinichi Kudo: Deduction Battle on the Ski Slope!
Episode 489
(Int. Episode 534-535)

TV Episode 489.jpg

Title: Courtroom Confrontation III: Prosecutor as Eyewitness
Japanese title: 法廷の対決Ⅲ 目撃者は検察官
(Hōtei no Taiketsu Surī: Mokugekisha wa Kensatsukan)
Original airdate: November 26, 2007 *
Broadcast rating: 10.1%
Filler case: #159
Season: 12
Manga source: TV Original
Cast: Conan Edogawa
Eri Kisaki
Reiko Kujo
Kogoro Mouri
Ran Mouri
Midori Kuriyama
Miwako Sato
Wataru Takagi
Case solved by: Kogoro Mouri (via Conan)
Next Conan's Hint: Jacket
Director: Masato Sato
Screenplay: Yutaka Kaneko
Storyboard: Yasuichiro Yamamoto
Episode director: Yasuichiro Yamamoto
Animation director: Kumiko Shishido (chief)
Kazumi Kobayashi
Rie Ogasawara
Character design: Mari Tominaga
Keiko Sasaki (sub-character)
Kumiko Shishido (design works)
Production cooperation: Minamimachi Bugyosho
Opening song: Glorious Mind
Closing song: Sekai wa Mawaru to Yū Keredo
* 1 Hour Special

Courtroom Confrontation III: Prosecutor as Eyewitness (法廷の対決Ⅲ 目撃者は検察官 Hōtei no Taiketsu Surī: Mokugekisha wa Kensatsukan?) is the 489th episode of the Detective Conan anime.

Characters introduced





Eri Kisaki is asked to defend Hiroaki Takeuchi who had been accused of hit-and-run incident. However, the evidence suggests it was his wife, Mariko Takeuchi, who has committed the crime. Hiroaki calls Reiko Kujo and tells her to meet him and he will tell her the truth. Reiko, accompanied by Mariko, visits Hiroaki and sees him fall off his balcony to his death.


EP489 Case1.jpg

Location: Street
Victim: Yasuyuki Matsukawa
Cause of death: Car crash
Suspects: Hiroaki Takeuchi

EP489 Case.jpg

Location: Takeuchi apartment
Victim: Hiroaki Takeuchi
Cause of death: Fell from the apartment balcony

Believing her questioning motivated his suicide, Reiko quits her job as a prosecutor.


  • Resolution


    • Mariko Takeuchi drives an Aluminium Silver Peugeot 206 GRIFFE Hatchback. The license plate number is 新宿 500, め 10-56 (Shinjuku 500, Me 10-56).
    • The door to Eri's office is spelled wrong: it says "Kisaki Attorney at Low", but the last word should be "Law".

    BGM listing

    # Song Title Romaji Translation OST
    4:58 - 6:27 犯人のアジト1 Hannin no Ajito 1 The Culprit's Hideout 1 Detective Conan Original Soundtrack 2
    7:03 - 8:04 推理1 Suiri 1 Deduction 1 Detective Conan Original Soundtrack 2
    8:36 - 9:26 忍び寄る影 Shinobiyoru Kage Creeping Shadow Detective Conan Original Soundtrack 3
    10:02 - 10:38 事件現場 (謎ver.) Jiken Genba (Nazo ver.) Scene of the Case (Mystery ver.) Detective Conan Original Soundtrack 2
    10:50 - 11:17 トロピカルランド'07 Toropikaru Rando '07 Tropical Land '07 Detective Conan TV Original Soundtrack Selection Best
    11:23 - 12:07 尋問 Jinmon Interrogation Detective Conan "The Last Wizard of the Century" Original Soundtrack
    12:20 - 13:15 緊迫 Kinpaku Tension Detective Conan Original Soundtrack 2
    14:10 - 15:11 推理1 Suiri 1 Deduction 1 Detective Conan Original Soundtrack 2
    16:04 - 16:50 暗殺者のテーマ─事件の予感 Ansatsusha no Tēma - Jiken no Yokan Assassin's Theme - Foreboding Case Detective Conan "Captured in Her Eyes" Original Soundtrack
    17:42 - 19:18 コナンの直感 Konan no Chokkan Conan's Intuition Detective Conan "Countdown to Heaven" Original Soundtrack
    20:39 - 21:53 驚愕の真実 Kyōgaku no Shinjitsu Surprising Truth Detective Conan "Captured in Her Eyes" Original Soundtrack
    22:21 - 22:58 それいけコナン (哀愁ヴァージョン) Soreike Konan (Aishū Vājon) Let's Go Conan (Sorrow Version) Detective Conan Original Soundtrack 1
    23:51 - 24:59 迷路 Meiro Labyrinth Detective Conan Original Soundtrack 4 ~Isoge! Shōnen Tanteidan~
    25:52 - 27:20 古城のテーマ Kojō no Tēma The Old Castle's Theme Detective Conan "The Last Wizard of the Century" Original Soundtrack
    27:26 - 28:01 オセンチな歩美 Osenchina Ayumi Sentimental Ayumi Detective Conan Original Soundtrack 4 ~Isoge! Shōnen Tanteidan~
    28:31 - 29:33 和葉の気持ち Kazuha no Kimochi Kazuha's Feelings Detective Conan "Crossroad in the Ancient Capital" Original Soundtrack
    31:13 - 33:27 トリック Torikku Trick Detective Conan "The Fourteenth Target" Original Soundtrack
    33:49 - 34:05 ターゲット サスペンスD Tāgetto Sasupensu D Target Suspense D Detective Conan "The Fourteenth Target" Original Soundtrack
    34:10 - 34:20 ターゲット サスペンスD Tāgetto Sasupensu D Target Suspense D Detective Conan "The Fourteenth Target" Original Soundtrack
    34:49 - 35:47 カギを探せ! Kagi o Sagase! Search for the Key! Detective Conan Original Soundtrack 4 ~Isoge! Shōnen Tanteidan~
    36:27 - 37:44 忍び寄る危機 Shinobiyoru Kiki Incoming Crisis Detective Conan "The Time-Bombed Skyscraper" Original Soundtrack
    38:34 - 39:34 古城のテーマ Kojō no Tēma The Old Castle's Theme Detective Conan "The Last Wizard of the Century" Original Soundtrack
    39:58 - 40:56 ジンのテーマC Jin no Tēma C Gin's Theme C Detective Conan "Countdown to Heaven" Original Soundtrack
    41:04 - 41:23 犯人からの電話 Hannin Kara no Denwa Phone Call From the Culprit Detective Conan "The Time-Bombed Skyscraper" Original Soundtrack
    41:36 - 42:55 事件現場3 Jiken Genba 3 Scene of the Case 3 Detective Conan Original Soundtrack 2
    43:06 - 43:56 コナン推理 Konan Suiri Conan's Deduction Detective Conan "Countdown to Heaven" Original Soundtrack
    44:05 - 44:36 対決のテーマ (摩天楼ヴァージョン) Taiketsu no Tēma (Matenrō Vājon) Showdown Theme (Skyscraper Version) Detective Conan "The Time-Bombed Skyscraper" Original Soundtrack
    46:34 - 47:23 ????


    In other languages

    Language Title Translation
    Flag of Catalonia Catalan (Catalan dub) Confontració al tribunal 3. Una fiscal com a testimoni Courtroom confrontation 3. Prosecutor as a witness
    Flag of Indonesia Indonesian (subbed) Konfrontasi di Ruang Sidang III. Jaksa sebagai Saksi Confrontation in Court III. Prosecutor is Witness
    Flag of Italy Italian Colpevole, innocente Guilty, not guilty
    Flag of Thailand Thai การเผชิญหน้าในศาลภาค 3 พยานที่เห็นเหตุการณ์คือตำรวจ Confrontation in the court - Part 3: The eyewitness is a police
    Flag of Vietnam Vietnamese Trận chiến phòng xét xử 3: Công tố viên là nhân chứng Courtroom Confrontation III: Prosecutor as Eyewitness

    See also

    Collapse Episodes of Season 12
    Episode 460461462463464465466467468469470471472473474475476477478479480481482483484485486487488489490