A Jewel Thief Caught Red-Handed (宝石強盗現行犯 ,Hōseki Gōtō Genkōhan?) is the 401st and 402nd episode of Detective Conan anime.
Part 1
Conan is talking to Haibara about the situation of last episode. Conan gives his replica phone to Haibara and tells her to thank Professor Agasa for it. Haibara says that Conan wouldn't have fooled Ran if she didn't send lots of messages that belongs to him.
Conan and the Detective Boys meet Takagi in a jewelry store, and soon after, they witness the store being robbed. They chase him to a nearby roof, which he jumps off of, killing himself.
Takanasi jewelry
Jewelry employees and Wataru Takagi
Robbed items:
Atomura and Sakanobu Nekota
As Takagi wanted to buy a brooch for Sato, someone went inside the jewelry and robbed its content including the brooch prompting him to chase the robber.
Accident? or Suicide?
On top of the truck
Cause of death:
Sakanobu Nekota
The robber of jewelry store was found dead during the escaping. Is this an accident or suicide?
Conan notices several suspicious things about the incident, leading the police to believe that it wasn't as simple of a case as it first appeared to be, including the fact that the van he fell onto was being used by the culprit's former boss. At the end, Conan realizes that it was a murder, and who did it.
Part 2
The Detective Boys and Conan solve the case and show the police that they were wrong about almost everything that happened. The culprit is
Sakanobu Nekota. It was revealed that Atomura was not the robber they saw, but Nekota was actually the one.
- First, Nekota called the moving workers to the 9th floor of his old office and pushed Atomura to his doom. After he had confirmed that the body landed on the truck, he set up the rope used for the escape and had the workers continue the moving.
- Next, he went to rob the jewelry store in disguise, and lured Takagi to the top of the building across the old office. After tying the rope around his waist, he fired the gun to distract Takagi while utilizing the same moment to swing across to his room which he had placed mattresses on the balcony in advance as cushoner. Because Nekota was a former Triathlonist, he had no problem in performing the stated stunts. Additionally, he also threw the bag containing robbed jewelries and spare helmet down on the truck to make the people in the area think that Atomura, who had robbed the jewelry store, fell to his doom due to being chased by the police.
- Because he had to join up with those that discover Atomura's body as fast as possible, he is unable to dispose of the disguises, rope, or the broach that he had kept in the coat's pocket during the robbery.
Nekota's company is on its last leg, forcing him to retire employees with decrease in performance with Atomura being among them. Atomura however, threatened to expose about the corruption that had happened in the company, unless Nekota backdown and let him continue until retirement as he wanted to buy a broach his wife wants, but also added that he might requires additional "monetary help" from Nekota post-retirement. Not willing to be blackmailed, Nekota decided to silence Atomura. However, Nekota also feels guity about murdering Atomura, as he had gone through hardship and worked alongside him since the day they founded the company, and decides to keep the broach until the situation die down and gives it to Atomura's wife as the "present from her late husband".
Takagi asks Sato to check out the same broach inside Nekota's coat, as it was the one he planned to buy for her. However, as Sato inspects the broach she realizes that it's the very same one Yumi wants when she saw it in the jewelry magazine. Overhearing this, Shiratori remembers about an expensive bracelet that he bought for Sato which was worn by Yumi a few days ago, which Sato replies that she let her borrow it as she doesn't feel that expensive jewelries are fitting for a person like her. Elsewhere, Yumi is scheming for another officer to fall for her trick again.
BGM listing
Part 1
Part 2
In other languages
Arabic |
سارق المجوهرات |
The Jewel Thief
Catalan (Catalan dub) |
El cas del veritable atracament a la joieria |
The real hold-up in a jewellery case
Catalan (Valencian dub) |
El suïcidi de l'atracador de la joieria |
The jewellery robber suicide
German |
Juwelendieb auf frischer Tat ertappt |
Jewel thief caught in the act
Italian |
Furto in gioielleria |
Theft in the Jewelry Store
Thai |
คดีโจรปล้นเพชร |
The Jewel Robbery Case
Vietnamese |
Tên Cướp Đá Quý Bị Bắt Quả Tang |
A Jewel Robber Caught Red-Handed
See also