The Séance's Double Locked Room Mystery Case

From Detective Conan Wiki
(Redirected from Episode 604)
The Devil Hidden in the Tennis Court List of Episodes Courtroom Confrontation IV: Juror Sumiko Kobayashi
Episode 603-605
(Int. Episode 654-656)

TV Episode 603-605.jpg

Title: The Séance Double Locked Room Mystery Case
603 First Locked Room
604 Second Locked Room
605 Opened Locked Room
Japanese title: 降霊会W(ダブル)密室事件
(Kōrei-kai Daburu Misshitsu Jiken)
603 第一の密室
604 第二の密室
605 密室開放
Original airdate: January 29, 2011 (603)
February 5, 2011 (604)
February 12, 2011 (605)
Broadcast rating: 8,60%
Filler case: #185
Season: 16
Manga source: TV Original
Cast: Conan Edogawa
Ran Mouri
Kogoro Mouri
Koji Yatsukawa
Juzo Megure
Wataru Takagi
Kazunobu Chiba
Officer Tome
Female forensics member
Kira Miyahara
Kamen Yaiba
Case solved by: Kogoro Mouri (via Conan)
Next Conan's Hint: Black magic (First Locked Room)
Poster (Second Locked Room)
Ninja techniques (Opened Locked Room)
Director: Koujin Ochi
Screenplay: Chiko Uonji
Storyboard: 603 Shigenori Kageyama
604 Masaki Ozora
605 Shigenori Kageyama
Episode director: 603 Minoru Tozawa
604 Akira Yoshimura
605 Koichiro Kuroda
Animation director: 603 Chiemi Hironaka
604 Nobuyuki Iwai
605 Michitaka Yamamoto, Masashi Hasegawa
Character design: Masatomo Sudo
Nobuyuki Iwai (sub-character)
Kumiko Shishido (design works)
Production cooperation: 605 Azeta Pictures
Opening song: tear drops
Closing song: Jūgoya Crisis ~ Kimi ni Aitai ~

The Séance's Double Locked Room Mystery Case (降霊会W(ダブル)密室事件 Kōrei-kai Daburu Misshitsu Jiken?) is the 603rd, 604th, and 605th episodes of Detective Conan anime.





First Locked Room

Conan, Ran, and Kogoro knocked on a mansion door at night as they were lost. The door is open and a man in a hood is seen which makes them scream. They see behind the mysterious man more people dressed like him. One of them notices Kogoro and shows himself as Koji Yatsukawa. They are allowed to come in and everyone tells Kogoro who they are. Hirasaka tells them that they will be holding a séance for their idol, who was supposed to be a star in the Black Magic Girl Movie. They decided to hold a séance as rumors have come up saying if people ditched the club, they will be suffered with illness. They also brought up a murder who was supposed to be related to the death of Kira. So they decided to have the séance to ask Kira herself.

Accident? (Past)

EP603-605 Case3.jpg

Location: Cliff
Victim: Kira Miyahara
Cause of death: Car crash after falling
Kira Miyahara was driving her BMW Z4 Coupé [E86] but fell from the hill killing herself. Murder is suspected as Kira was a skilled driver.

During the séance, they call out to Kira and voices of her coming out from the paintings around them telling them that one of them here has killed her and she shall have her vengeance. Soon the tables start shaking and things start breaking. Kogoro deducts that the person moving these objects (from a remote control) was Hirasaka which is proven to be right. He claims it was just a little performance but says that someone switched the audio as thats not what he put on the tape. Soon after Hirasaka and Honogi are in a room talking to each other. It seems that Honogi did or saw something a while ago. While eating with some other guests Conan asks questions about Kira and the previous murder. They learn the person who saw the body was Shouko. When they call her cellphone to see if she will talk to Kogoro a bit she says she has a headache and not now.

Murder (Past)

EP603-605 Case4.jpg

Location: Condo
Victim: Ichiro Sawanami
Cause of death: Stab wound
Suspects: Kira Miyahara

Later that night when everyone is sleeping. The club members get a message saying "I have returned to life" ~Kira from Shouko's phone. After breaking into the meditation room she is on the table dead.


EP603-605 Case1.jpg

Location: Hirasaka household's meditation room
Victim: Shouko Utakura
Age: 22 years old
Time: Between 11:00 PM and 1:00 AM
Cause of death: Strangulation
Suspects: Koji Yatsukawa, Reiki Hirasaka, Yutaka Kani, Kazuo Honogi, Maho Izumi, and Ryuichi Mifune
Shouko is found lying dead on the meditation room's table.

Conan quickly notices that this was a sealed door murder. Yutaka than lets out an evil laugh saying "Kira has returned."

Second Locked Room

Honogi reveals that he discovered Hirasaka in his room dead. Kogoro breaks open the room and confirms Hirasaka died from drinking poisoned wine.


EP603-605 Case2.jpg

Location: Hirasaka household
Victim: Reiki Hirasaka
Age: 28 years old
Time: Between 11:00 PM and 1:00 AM
Cause of death: Cyanide poisoning
Suspects: Koji Yatsukawa, Yutaka Kani, Kazuo Honogi, Maho Izumi, and Ryuichi Mifune

The police arrive at the mansion where Kogoro shows them both locked rooms. In the séance room, Kogoro explains that the front door was padlocked from the inside and the only way out is through high window. The high window can only be opened with a switch in the room. In Hirasaka's room, a small window is found above the door but too small to fit a person through. On the floor of the room were the ripped posters of Kira from the séance room. The keys to both rooms were found in Hirasaka's drawer. The police interview the club members and discover Hirasaka, Honogi, and Sawanami have received threatening messages from a fan of Kira and their goal with the séance was to find the culprit. They deduce that the one sending the messages, swapped the recording, is the same person who committed the murders. Takagi shows Kogoro and Conan Sawanami's dying message written as キラ; Conan then discovers the identity of the culprit. 

Opened Locked Room

Conan investigates the two rooms one last time and brings Kogoro to the séance room and tranquilizes him.


  • Resolution


    Episode 935

    BGM listing

    First Locked Room

    # Song Title Romaji Translation OST
    2:52 - 3:03 古城の探索 Kojō no Tansaku Exploration of the Old Castle Detective Conan "The Last Wizard of the Century" Original Soundtrack
    3:33 - 4:35 ????
    6:27 - 8:10 ????
    8:19 - 8:44 古城のテーマ Kojō no Tēma The Old Castle's Theme Detective Conan "The Last Wizard of the Century" Original Soundtrack
    11:29 - 12:42 犯人のアジト (忍び込みver.) Hannin no Ajito (Shinobikomi ver.) The Culprit's Hideout (Creeping In ver.) Detective Conan Original Soundtrack 2
    13:13 - 13:54 ベルモット Berumotto Vermouth Detective Conan "The Raven Chaser" Original Soundtrack
    14:10 - 14:48 何だこの痕跡は?」 Nanda Kono Konseki wa? What Is This a Trace Of? Detective Conan Original Soundtrack 4 ~Isoge! Shōnen Tanteidan~
    15:24 - 16:25 ????
    17:44 - 18:33 ダークな予感 Dāku na Yokan Foreboding Darkness Detective Conan "The Raven Chaser" Original Soundtrack
    19:18 - 21:06 キープアウト Kiipu Auto Keep Out Detective Conan "The Raven Chaser" Original Soundtrack
    21:34 - 22:39 何かが起きる… Nanika ga Okiru... Something Happened... Detective Conan "The Fourteenth Target" Original Soundtrack

    Second Locked Room

    # Song Title Romaji Translation OST
    0:01 - 0:22 テーブルの下に爆弾~急げ Tēburu no Shita ni Bakudan ~ Isoge Bomb Under the Table ~ Hurry Detective Conan "Countdown to Heaven" Original Soundtrack
    2:18 - 2:58 真相究明 Shinsō Kyūmei Investigating the Truth Detective Conan "The Fourteenth Target" Original Soundtrack
    3:10 - 4:25 古城の探索 Kojō no Tansaku Exploration of the Old Castle Detective Conan "The Last Wizard of the Century" Original Soundtrack
    5:31 - 5:18 どこだどこだ!! Doko da Doko da!! Where is it Where is it!! Detective Conan "Magician of the Silver Sky" Original Soundtrack
    6:13 - 7:53 ????
    9:03 - 10:35 ラルゴ サスペンス Rarugo Sasupensu Largo Suspense Detective Conan "Full Score of Fear" Original Soundtrack
    10:54 - 13:05 ワッツ ハプニング Wattsu Hapuningu What's Happening Detective Conan "Jolly Roger in the Deep Azure" Original Soundtrack
    13:15 - 14:51 ????
    14:57 - 16:56 ????
    17:50 - 19:01 ベルモット Berumotto Vermouth Detective Conan "The Raven Chaser" Original Soundtrack
    19:28 - 21:21 ????

    Opened Locked Room

    # Song Title Romaji Translation OST
    0:01 - 0:15 クリスタル Kurisutaru Crystal Detective Conan "The Raven Chaser" Original Soundtrack
    2:12 - 2:38 不透明な果実1 Futōmeina Kajitsu 1 Opaque Fruit 1 Detective Conan "The Raven Chaser" Original Soundtrack
    3:09 - 4:00 ダークな予感 Dāku na Yokan Foreboding Darkness Detective Conan "The Raven Chaser" Original Soundtrack
    4:17 - 5:33 しなやかな刑事たち Shinayakana Keijitachi Pliant Detectives Detective Conan "The Raven Chaser" Original Soundtrack
    6:26 - 6:46 ????
    6:54 - 8:28 ????
    9:11 - 10:00 インターナショナル ケース(インシデント) Intānashonaru Kēsu (Inshidento) International Case (Incident) Detective Conan "Jolly Roger in the Deep Azure" Original Soundtrack
    10:25 - 11:04 グラーヴェ サイド Gurāve Saido Grave Side Detective Conan "Full Score of Fear" Original Soundtrack
    11:15 - 11:56 クレシェンド Kureshendo Crescendo Detective Conan "Full Score of Fear" Original Soundtrack
    12:10 - 12:55 バイクの脅威 Baiku no Kyōi The Bike's Threat Detective Conan "The Private Eyes' Requiem" Original Soundtrack
    12:56 - 13:33 事件の手がかり Jiken no Tegakari A Clue to the Case Detective Conan "The Raven Chaser" Original Soundtrack
    13:52 - 14:15 ????
    14:24 - 14:49 ????
    14:51 - 16:11 ????
    16:25 - 17:38 ????
    17:53 - 18:24 謎解き(その1) Nazotoki (Sono 1) Riddle Solution (Part 1) Detective Conan Original Soundtrack 3
    19:08 - 20:06 ????
    20:26 - 22:02 ????


    In other languages

    Language Title Translation
    Flag of Catalonia Catalan (Catalan dub) El misteri de la sala tancada de la sessió d'espiritisme
    (1a sala tancada) / (2a sala tancada) / (S'obre la sala!)
    The mystery of the closed hall at the séance
    (1st closed hall) / (2nd closed hall) / (The hall is open!)
    Flag of Indonesia Indonesian (subbed) Misteri Pemanggilan Roh di Ruangan Kunci Ganda
    (Ruang Terkunci Pertama / Ruang Terkunci Kedua / Ruangan Terkunci Terbuka)
    Mystery of the Double Locked Room Seance
    (First Locked Room / Second Locked Room / Locked Room Opened)
    Flag of Italy Italian Il mistero della seduta spiritica The mystery of the séance
    Flag of Thailand Thai พิธีเชิญวิญญาณและคดีฆาตกรรมในห้องปิดตาย
    (ห้องปิดตายที่ 1 / ห้องปิดตายที่ 2 / ไขปริศนาห้องปิดตาย)
    The spirit summoning ritual and the murder case in a locked room
    (1st locked room / 2nd locked room / Locked rooms solved)
    Flag of Vietnam Vietnamese Vụ án phòng kín kép ở buổi cầu hồn (Phòng kín thứ nhất)
    Vụ án phòng kín kép ở buổi cầu hồn (Phòng kín thứ hai)
    Vụ án phòng kín kép ở buổi cầu hồn (Mở khóa phòng kín)
    The Séance Double Locked Room Case (First Locked Room)
    The Séance Double Locked Room Case (Second Locked Room)
    The Séance Double Locked Room Case (Opened Locked Room)

    See also

    Episodes of Season 16
    Episode 602603604605606607608609610611612613614615616617618619620621622623624625626627628629630631632633634635636637638639640641