Sonoko's Dangerous Summer Story

From Detective Conan Wiki
The Mysterious Old Man Disappearance Case List of Episodes Underwater Key in the Locked Room Case
Episode 153-154
(Int. Episode 163-164)

TV Episode 153-154.jpg

Title: Sonoko's Dangerous Summer Story
Japanese title: 園子のアブない夏物語
(Sonoko no Abunai Natsumonogatari)
Original airdate: July 19, 1999 (Part 1)
July 26, 1999 (Part 2)
July 31, 2010 (Part 1) (Remastered version)
August 7, 2010 (Part 2) (Remastered version)
Broadcast rating: 18.3%
Remastered rating: 7.0%
Manga case: #63
Season: 4
Manga source: Volume 22: Files 8-10 (219-221)
Cast: Conan Edogawa
Sonoko Suzuki
Ran Mouri
Sango Yokomizo
Makoto Kyogoku
Case solved by: Conan Edogawa
Next Conan's Hint: Sonoko's camera (Part 1)
Bite mark (Part 2)
Spirit photo (Part 1) (Remastered version)
Pantograph (Part 2) (Remastered version)
Director: Yasuichiro Yamamoto
Kenji Kodama (chief)
Organizer: Kenji Kodama
Storyboard: Kenji Kodama
Episode director: 153: Nana Harada
154: Kazuo Nogami
Animation director: 153: Hirobi Muranaka
154: Masatomo Sudo
Character design: Masatomo Sudo
Yasuhiro Moriki (design works)
Opening song: Girigiri chop
Closing song: Free Magic

Sonoko's Dangerous Summer Story (園子のアブない夏物語 Sonoko no Abunai Natsumonogatari?) is the 153rd and 154th episode of Detective Conan anime.

Characters introduced




Part 1

Sonoko, Ran, and Conan go to Izu, Shizuoka Prefecture, because of Sonoko's schemes to get a man. At the beach, Sonoko takes a picture of Ran fixing her bathing suit and threatens to send the picture to Shinichi. Sonoko is upset about her lack of love life. However, a college student approaches the girls and asks Sonoko to lunch. He appears to be romantically interested and asks Sonoko to dinner as well. They agree to meet at their lodgings later that day. The college student tells the group a story about a brunette that was murdered a year ago and now haunts the restaurant he wants to dine at. Ran is frighten by the story and forbids Sonoko in using the camera to capture a ghost in it. Sonoko suggest that maybe they could show such a picture to Shinichi and see if he can figure something out, since she is going to show the other picture anyway. The group then finds out that another brunette was murdered in the woods recently in the same manner as the brunette from a year ago.

Murder (Past)

EP153 Case.jpg

Location: Izu, Shizuoka
Victim: A brown-haired woman
Time: A year ago
Cause of death: Stab wound in stomach
A woman was found killed, and the murderer was never caught.

EP153-154 Case2.jpg

Location: Near the railroad tracks
Victim: A brown-haired woman
Cause of death: Stab wound in stomach
Suspects: The murderer from a year ago

The group goes to the crime scene and meet Sango Yokomizo who cautions them to stay safe. Sonoko, Ran, and Conan are staying at a cheap inn because Sonoko doesn't want to scare men away by staying at an expensive luxury hotel. In the evening, the three of them wait for the college student to pick them up in his car. Sonoko realizes that she forgot something in her room and goes back up to get it. Here she discovers a suspicious figure searching her bags. The figure attacks her and is about to stab her with a knife when Ran and Conan, worried about the time Sonoko is taking, come to find her.

Robbery - Attempted Murder

EP153-154 Case3.jpg

Location: Conan, Ran, and Sonoko's room at the Kawaraya Inn
Victim: Sonoko Suzuki
Attack Type: Stabbing
Suspects: A panty thief?
When Sonoko opened the door to the hotel room, she saw a thief rummaging through the luggage. Just as she was about to scream, the thief caught her and was about to attack her with a knife before escaping through the window. Sonoko manage to bite her attacker in the arm. There was signs suggesting that the intruder was searching for the camera film, Sonoko had already develop them.

Sonoko is saved and the figure escapes through the window. The stoic, and somewhat unfriendly, high school student Makoto Kyogoku that is working at the inn moves the group to another room. Ran thinks she has seen this person somewhere before but cannot remember where. The college student shows up muddy and wet and Conan suspects him of attacking Sonoko. Sonoko says she bit the attacker's bicep in her struggle and Conan makes the college student take off his shirt. However, the college student does not have a bite mark on his arm. Makoto has a bandaged bicep and falls under suspicion but Sonoko says he wasn't the attacker since the attacker was hairy. The college student, Sonoko, Ran, and Conan decide to have dinner at the inn because the college student says his car broke down. Conan speculates that Sonoko's attacker was looking for the photographs she was taking during the trip, but cannot figure out why. Conan does not think there are any incriminating photos after Sonoko shows them, after taking out the one of Ran. Perhaps the murderer overheard Sonoko talking about the photographs and misunderstood. This case is still full of mysteries and Conan cannot figure out why Sonoko was attacked and why the killer would think that she took a picture, that needs to get rid of.

Part 2

Attempted Murder

EP153-154c Case.jpg

Location: Parking Road of The "Cursed" Restaurant
Victim: Sonoko Suzuki
Cause: Car fell from the cliff and exploded
Sonoko sleeps inside Michiwaki's Station Wagon, while Conan, Ran and Michiwaki are eating in the restaurant. Just then, Conan realizes that the car is moving and Sonoko is still in the car. Conan and Ran run to stop the car, and just when the car is about to fall into the cliff, Ran broke the window and saved Sonoko in time, and the car fell into the cliff. Conan believes the culprit was the serial killer who attacked Sonoko last night.

While they walk to the police station, Sonoko says that she does have one picture left, which is the one she wants to show Shinichi. Conan realizes that culprit still thinks that Sonoko has an incriminating picture and has sent the car over the cliff to destroy it along with the luggage. But he's still confused as to why the culprit thinks such a picture exist.


  • Resolution

    Remastered version

    A remastered version of both episodes aired on July 31st and August 7th, 2010. In the first part, the opening was As the Dew. It was changed to SUMMER TIME GONE in the second part.


    • Tadahiko Michiwaki's car is a caramel beige pearl 1995 Mitsubishi Libero Monte [CB5W].

    BGM listing

    Part 1

    # Song Title Romaji Translation OST
    1 ギリギリchop Girigiri chop On the edge chop Girigiri chop
    2 蘭のテーマ Ran no Tēma Ran's Theme Detective Conan Original Soundtrack 1
    3 毛利小五郎のテーマ Mōri Kogorō no Tēma Kogoro Mouri's Theme Detective Conan Original Soundtrack 1
    4 蘭・愛のテーマ Ran・Ai no Tēma Ran's Love Theme Detective Conan Original Soundtrack 1
    5 忍び寄る影 Shinobiyoru Kage Creeping Shadow Detective Conan Original Soundtrack 3
    6 事件現場 (謎ver.) Jiken Genba (Nazo ver.) Scene of the Case (Mystery ver.) Detective Conan Original Soundtrack 2
    7 何かが起きる… Nanika ga Okiru... Something Happened... Detective Conan "The Fourteenth Target" Original Soundtrack
    8 ターゲット サスペンスB Tāgetto Sasupensu B Target Suspense B Detective Conan "The Fourteenth Target" Original Soundtrack
    9 事件現場 (オリジナルver.) Jiken Genba (Orijinaru ver.) Scene of the Case (Original ver.) Detective Conan Original Soundtrack 2
    10 推理 (オリジナルver.) Suiri (Orijinaru ver.) Deduction (Original ver.) Detective Conan Original Soundtrack 2
    11 悪のテーマ (パート2) Aku no Tēma (Pāto 2) Theme of Evil (Part 2) Detective Conan Original Soundtrack 2
    12 怪人包帯男2 Kaijin Hōtai Otoko 2 The Mysterious Bandaged Man 2 Detective Conan Original Soundtrack 3
    13 Free Magic Free Magic Free Magic Free Magic

    Part 2

    # Song Title Romaji Translation OST
    1 ギリギリchop Girigiri chop On the edge chop Girigiri chop
    2 謎解き (その2) Nazotoki (Sono 2) Riddle Solution (Part 2) Detective Conan Original Soundtrack 3
    3 怪人包帯男2 Kaijin Hōtai Otoko 2 The Mysterious Bandaged Man 2 Detective Conan Original Soundtrack 3
    4 何かが起きる… Nanika ga Okiru... Something Happened... Detective Conan "The Fourteenth Target" Original Soundtrack
    5 次のターゲット! Tsugi no Tāgetto! The Next Target! Detective Conan "The Fourteenth Target" Original Soundtrack
    6 トリック Torikku Trick Detective Conan "The Fourteenth Target" Original Soundtrack
    7 事件現場 (オリジナルver.) Jiken Genba (Orijinaru ver.) Scene of the Case (Original ver.) Detective Conan Original Soundtrack 2
    8 犯人からの電話 Hannin Kara no Denwa Phone Call From the Culprit Detective Conan "The Time-Bombed Skyscraper" Original Soundtrack
    9 緊迫 Kinpaku Tension Detective Conan Original Soundtrack 2
    10 忍び寄る危機 Shinobiyoru Kiki Incoming Crisis Detective Conan "The Time-Bombed Skyscraper" Original Soundtrack
    11 犯人の目星 Hannin no Meboshi The Culprit's Objective Detective Conan "The Fourteenth Target" Original Soundtrack
    12 蘭・愛のテーマ (ギターver.) Ran・Ai no Tēma (Gitā ver.) Ran's Love Theme (Guitar ver.) Detective Conan Original Soundtrack 2
    13 Free Magic Free Magic Free Magic Free Magic
    14 コナンの勝利 Konan no Shōri Conan's Victory Detective Conan Original Soundtrack 1


    In other languages

    Language Title Translation
    Flag of Arab League Arabic نزهة محفوفة بالمخاطر A Perilous Outing
    Flag of Catalonia Catalan (Catalan dub) La perillosa història estiuenca de la Sonoko Sonoko's dangerous summer story
    Flag of Valencia Catalan (Valencian dub) El perillós estiu de Sonoko Sonoko's dangerous summer
    Flag of France French Dangereux été pour Sonoko Dangerous Summer for Sonoko
    Flag of Galicia Galician O azaroso verán de Sonoko Sonoko's risky summer
    Flag of Germany German Die Liebe, der Strand und der Tod Love, the Beach and Death
    Flag of Italy Italian Un'estate che scotta A Summer that Burn
    Flag of Chile Spanish (American dub) El peligroso verano de Sonoko Sonoko's dangerous summer
    Flag of Spain Spanish (Castilian dub) El verano peligroso de Sonoko Sonoko's dangerous summer
    Flag of Thailand Thai หน้าร้อนอันตรายของโซโนโกะ Sonoko's dangerous summer
    Flag of Vietnam Vietnamese Câu chuyện mùa hè nguy hiểm của Sonoko Sonoko's Dangerous Summer Story

    See also

    Episodes of Season 4
    Episode 129130131132133134135136137138139140141142143144145146147148149150151152153154155156157158159160161162163164165166167168169170171172173