Yusaku Kudo's Cold Case

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The Client's Message List of Episodes The Evening Cherry Blossom Viewing Route on Sumida River
Episode 690-691
(Int. Episode 742-743)

TV Episode 690-691.jpg

Title: Yusaku Kudo's Cold Case
Japanese title: 工藤優作の未解決事件(コールド・ケース)
(Kudō Yūsaku no Kōrudo kēsu)
Original airdate: March 9, 2013 (Part 1)
March 16, 2013 (Part 2)
Broadcast rating: 8.1%
Manga case: #235
Season: 18
Manga source: Volume 77: Files 6-8 (812-814)
Cast: Conan Edogawa
Yusaku Kudo
Kogoro Mouri
Juzo Megure
Masumi Sera
Ran Mouri
Sonoko Suzuki
Shinichi Kudo
Detective Boys
Ai Haibara
Subaru Okiya
Wataru Takagi
Case solved by: Conan Edogawa
Next Conan's Hint: Candy (Part 1)
Coins (Part 2)
Director: Yasuichiro Yamamoto
Organizer: Umesaburo Sagawa
Storyboard: Umesaburo Sagawa
Episode director: 690 Koichiro Kuroda
691 Akira Yoshimura
Animation director: 690 Michitaka Yamamoto
691 Nobuyuki Iwai, Kenichi Otomo, Miharu Nagano
Character design: Masatomo Sudo
Kumiko Shishido (design works)
Production cooperation: 690 Azeta Pictures
Opening song: TRY AGAIN
Closing song: Hitomi no Melody

Yusaku Kudo's Cold Case (工藤優作の未解決事件(コールド・ケース) Kudō Yūsaku no Kōrudo kēsu?) is the 690th and 691st episode of Detective Conan anime.





Part 1

The case begins with a memory from the past, in which Shinichi's father, Yusaku Kudo, is shown telling Inspector Megure and Kogoro Mouri (who was a police officer at the time) that there is no need to worry about serial murder despite the ominous "death" character written next to the victim's body.

Ran, Sonoko, and Masumi are discussing the case abandoned by Yusaku Kudo when they come across people crowded around a dead body. The "death" character was written facing the body, indicating a possible murder. At Shinichi's house, Conan, Ran, Sonoko, Masumi, and Subaru inspect the photo from the case in the past; when the "death" characters in both cases are found to be similar, they are left wondering how Yusaku Kudo could have determined that the case was not a murder.

Murder? (Past)

EP690-691 Case1.jpg

Victim: Takefumi Koriyama
Cause of death: Stab wound

EP690-691 Case2.jpg

Location: Next to the vending machine on a street
Victim: Isao Takaichi
Cause of death: Cirrhosis of the liver

Part 2

In a phone call with Ran as Shinichi, Conan hears that Subaru compared him to a ninja. Reminded of the Sanada flag with its six coins, Conan solves the mystery. After the phone call, Subaru witnesses Conan using the voice-changing bowtie.


  • Resolution


    • The phone Conan uses for Shinichi is no longer a flip phone, but a smart phone.
    • The suspects' names come from "administrative divisions in Japan"[1] :
      • Takefumi Koriyama (郡山 武文) comes from "districts" (郡) ;
      • Ryosuke Nishimura (西村 亮佑) comes from "villages" (村) ;
      • Isao Takaichi (高市 勲) comes from "cities" (市).

    BGM listing

    Part 1

    # Song Title Romaji Translation OST
    0:01 - 0:53 夜の探索 Yoru no Tansaku Night Search Detective Conan Original Soundtrack 4 ~Isoge! Shōnen Tanteidan~
    2:56 - 4:04 のんびり気分 Nonbiri Kibun Carefree Feeling Detective Conan Original Soundtrack 1
    4:36 - 5:37 事件現場3 Jiken Genba 3 Scene of the Case 3 Detective Conan Original Soundtrack 2
    6:51 - 7:15 ベルモット Berumotto Vermouth Detective Conan "The Raven Chaser" Original Soundtrack
    9:21 - 10:17 ミニサス3 Minisasu 3 Mini Suspense 3 Detective Conan "Quarter of Silence" Original Soundtrack
    11:14 - 12:41 カギを探せ! Kagi o Sagase! Search for the Key! Detective Conan Original Soundtrack 4 ~Isoge! Shōnen Tanteidan~
    12:55 - 14:02 迷路 Meiro Labyrinth Detective Conan Original Soundtrack 4 ~Isoge! Shōnen Tanteidan~
    15:22 - 17:26 暗殺者のテーマ─忍び寄る魔手 Ansatsusha no Tēma - Shinobiyoru Mashu Assassin's Theme - The Devil's Hand Approaches Detective Conan "Captured in Her Eyes" Original Soundtrack
    17:57 - 19:12 夜の探索 Yoru no Tansaku Night Search Detective Conan Original Soundtrack 4 ~Isoge! Shōnen Tanteidan~
    19:24 - 20:17 コナンクリアランス1 Konan Kuriaransu 1 Conan Clearance 1 Detective Conan "Quarter of Silence" Original Soundtrack
    21:17 - 21:58 インターナショナル ケース(インシデント) Intānashonaru Kēsu (Inshidento) International Case (Incident) Detective Conan "Jolly Roger in the Deep Azure" Original Soundtrack
    23:20 - 23:55 アラベスク タッチ Arabesuku Tacchi Arabesque Touch Detective Conan "Full Score of Fear" Original Soundtrack

    Part 2

    # Song Title Romaji Translation OST
    00:01 - 1:31 ワッツ ハプニング Wattsu Hapuningu What's Happening Detective Conan "Jolly Roger in the Deep Azure" Original Soundtrack
    1:35 - 1:50 迷路 Meiro Labyrinth Detective Conan Original Soundtrack 4 ~Isoge! Shōnen Tanteidan~
    2:26 - 3:05 推理1 Suiri 1 Deduction 1 Detective Conan Original Soundtrack 2
    5:10 - 5:57 ????
    6:11 - 7:33 迷路 Meiro Labyrinth Detective Conan Original Soundtrack 4 ~Isoge! Shōnen Tanteidan~
    8:27 - 9:10 コミカル テンポ 2 Komikaru Tenpo 2 Comical Tempo 2 Detective Conan "Full Score of Fear" Original Soundtrack
    9:25 - 9:58 スズランの花 Suzuran no Hana The Lily of the Valley Flower Detective Conan "The Raven Chaser" Original Soundtrack
    11:38 - 12:15 古城の探索 Kojō no Tansaku Exploration of the Old Castle Detective Conan "The Last Wizard of the Century" Original Soundtrack
    13:03 - 14:23 ????
    14:55 - 16:12 ????
    16:29 - 18:33 コナンの夢 (夕暮れver.) Konan no Yume (Yūgure ver.) Conan's Dream (Twilight ver.) Detective Conan Original Soundtrack 2
    19:08 - 19:33 アピアランス Apiaransu Appearance Detective Conan "Jolly Roger in the Deep Azure" Original Soundtrack
    20:17 - 21:20 危機迫る~コナン出動 Kiki Semaru ~ Konan Shutsudō Approaching Crisis ~ Conan's Move Detective Conan "Countdown to Heaven" Original Soundtrack
    22:58 - 23:50 蘭・愛のテーマ (ギターver.) Ran・Ai no Tēma (Gitā ver.) Ran's Love Theme (Guitar ver.) Detective Conan Original Soundtrack 2


    In other languages

    Language Title Translation
    Flag of Catalonia Catalan (Catalan dub) El cas obert d'en Yusaku Kudo Yusaku Kudo's cold case
    Flag of Italy Italian Il caso irrisolto di Yusaku Kudo Yusaku Kudo's unsolved case
    Flag of Thailand Thai คดีแช่เย็นของ คุโด้ ยูซากุ Yusaku Kudo's cold case
    Flag of Vietnam Vietnamese Vụ án không có lời giải của ông Kudo Yusaku Yusaku Kudo's Unsolved Case


    See also

    Collapse Episodes of Season 18
    Episode 681682683684685686687688689690691692693694695696697698699700701702703704705706707708709710711712713714715716717718719720721722723