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Revision as of 13:34, 12 June 2021

The Secret of the Vanished Masterpiece List of Episodes A Fool's Inheritance
Episode 537-538
(Int. Episode {{{int-episode}}})

TV Episode 537-538.jpg

Title: Kaitou Kid vs. the Strongest Safe
Japanese title: 怪盗キッドVS最強金庫
(Kaitō Kiddo VS Saikyō Kinko)
Original airdate: June 13, 2009 (Part 1)
June 20, 2009 (Part 2)
April 4, 2015 (Part 1) (Remastered version)
April 11, 2015 (Part 2) (Remastered version)
Broadcast rating: 7,10%
Remastered rating: 8,8%
Manga case: #196
Season: 18
Manga source: Volume 64: File 11 (674) ~
Volume 65: File 2 (676)
Cast: Conan Edogawa
Kaitou Kid
Jirokichi Suzuki
Inspector Nakamori
Kogoro Mouri
Ran Mouri
Sonoko Suzuki
Detective Takagi
Azusa Enomoto
Shintaro Chaki
Samizu Kichiemon
Juzo Megure 
Kazunobu Chiba 
Ninzaburo Shiratori
Kiyonaga Matsumoto
Eiki Nabei 
Detective Okumura
Detective Nakamura
Detective Fukui
Detective Miyazaki
Detective Sugita
Detective Ida
Detective Takigawa
Ai Haibara 
Ayumi Yoshida 
Genta Kojima
Mitsuhiko Tsuburaya
Case solved by: Conan Edogawa
Next Conan's Hint: A warning letter (Part 1)
Jirokichi Suzuki (Part 2)
Iron Tanuki (Part 1) (Remastered version)
Jirokichi Suzuki (Part 2) (Remastered version)
Director: Koujin Ochi
Organizer: Shigenori Kageyama
Storyboard: Shigenori Kageyama
Episode director: 537 Masahisa Koyata
538 Nobuharu Kamanaka
Animation director: 537 Masakazu Yamazaki, Aki Kumata
538 Nobuyuki Iwai
Opening song: Everlasting Luv
Closing song: Doing all right

Kaitou Kid vs. the Strongest Safe (怪盗キッドVS最強金庫 Kaitō Kiddo VS Saikyō Kinko?) is the 537th and 538th episode of Detective Conan anime.

Characters introduced





Part 1

Jirokichi Suzuki receives a letter from the thief, Kaitou Kid which reveals that Kid plans on opening Jirokichi's impenetrable safe, the Iron Tanuki.


Iron Tanuki.jpg

Thief: Kaitou Kid
Target: Iron Tanuki
Owner: Jirokichi Suzuki
Location: Suzuki's house
Advanced Notice: It came to me, Senior Advisor Suzuki. That we should stop these senseless bouts of ours and take on the compliant nature of a newborn. When darkness consumes the moon, await me at the grand safe kept precious in your family home and look forward to my surpassing it.
A safe that was constructed during the Tokugawa shogunate period by the master of traps, Samizu Kichiemon, just prior to his death.

The letter however is not written in Kid's usual style raising the idea that an imposter is after Jirokichi's safe. Sonoko invites Ran, Kogoro, and Conan to Jirokichi's house. After examining the security of the safe, Kaitou Kid's card, in its usual style, is found confirming Kaitou Kid's plan to open the safe. Conan suspects that Kaitou Kid is one of the three newly hired workers of Jirokichi. Jirokichi however continues to proclaim it to be the work of an imposter, causing Conan to suspect Jirokichi as Kid himself.

Part 2

The nearly hired maid and adviser inform Conan of Jirokichi's strange behavior. They reveal that after dinner, two plates are always missing and Jirokichi always brings his cane with him to the safe. Jirokichi asks the maid for a hand and they head to his room. Jirokichi leaves with his bodyguard for a drive. Shortly after, an unconscious Jirokichi is found tied up and his room and a note of Kaitou Kid is found on the safe. This causes the whole police force that are guarding the safe to abandon their position and chase after "Jirokichi".


  • Resolution

    Remastered version

    A remastered version of this case was aired on April 4, 2015 (Part 1) and April 11, 2015 (Part 2).


    • In the first episode, at roughly 15 to 16 minutes in, when the scene shows the inspector holding the card with the others in the safe room, Sonoko's hair is oddly colored black. This is then seen again in the next episode during the recap where they show the same scene.
    • Suspects' surnames come from Japanese words that are related to stealing.
      • Gotō - Gōtō (強盗 ?, "robbery")
      • Seto - Settō (窃盗 ?, "theft")
      • Akitsu - Akisu (空き巣 ?, "burglar")
    • Zengo Goto & Jirokiji Suzuki Car is a Two Tone Gray Silver Black Maybach 57 [W240].


    BGM listing

    Part 1

    # Song Title Romaji Translation OST
    0:15 - 0:36 爆破計画スタート Bakuha Keikaku Sutāto Bombing Plan, Start Detective Conan "Countdown to Heaven" Original Soundtrack
    0:38 - 1:04 ジョリー・ロジャー Jorii・Rojā Jolly Roger Detective Conan "Jolly Roger in the Deep Azure" Original Soundtrack
    1:05 - 1:10 フェルマータ Ferumāta Fermata Detective Conan "Full Score of Fear" Original Soundtrack
    3:52 - 4:00 ザ・ステージ Za・Sutēji The Stage Detective Conan "Jolly Roger in the Deep Azure" Original Soundtrack
    5:45 - 6:17 犯人のアジト (忍び込みver.) Hannin no Ajito (Shinobikomi ver.) The Culprit's Hideout (Creeping In ver.) Detective Conan Original Soundtrack 2
    7:14 - 7:47 小五郎の推理 Kogorō no Suiri Kogoro's Deduction Detective Conan "Countdown to Heaven" Original Soundtrack
    8:10 - 9:01 緊迫 Kinpaku Tension Detective Conan Original Soundtrack 2
    9:23 - 10:38 何だこの痕跡は?」 Nanda Kono Konseki wa? What Is This a Trace Of? Detective Conan Original Soundtrack 4 ~Isoge! Shōnen Tanteidan~
    11:23 - 11:51 忍び寄る危機 Shinobiyoru Kiki Incoming Crisis Detective Conan "The Time-Bombed Skyscraper" Original Soundtrack
    14:55 - 15:26 事件現場 (謎ver.) Jiken Genba (Nazo ver.) Scene of the Case (Mystery ver.) Detective Conan Original Soundtrack 2
    16:13 - 17:49 悪のテーマ1 Aku no Tēma 1 Theme of Evil 1 Detective Conan Original Soundtrack 2
    17:58 - 18:38 推理(オリジナルver.) Suiri (Orijinaru ver.) Deduction(Original ver.) Detective Conan Original Soundtrack 2
    18:54 - 19:25 忍び寄る影 Shinobiyoru Kage Creeping Shadow Detective Conan Original Soundtrack 3
    20:12 - 21:05 暗殺者のテーマ─忍び寄る魔手 Ansatsusha no Tēma - Shinobiyoru Mashu Assassin's Theme - The Devil's Hand Approaches Detective Conan "Captured in Her Eyes" Original Soundtrack
    21:40 - 22:37 Need not to know. Need not to know. Need not to know. Detective Conan "Captured in Her Eyes" Original Soundtrack

    Part 2

    # Song Title Romaji Translation OST
    0:01 - 0:28 緊迫 Kinpaku Tension Detective Conan Original Soundtrack 2
    0:33 - 1:00 モデュレーション Modurēshon Modulation Detective Conan "Full Score of Fear" Original Soundtrack
    3:13 - 5:02 犯人のアジト (忍び込みver.) Hannin no Ajito (Shinobikomi ver.) The Culprit's Hideout (Creeping In ver.) Detective Conan Original Soundtrack 2
    5:06 - 5:26 阿笠博士のテーマ Agasa Hakase no Tēma Professor Agasa's Theme Detective Conan Original Soundtrack 1
    6:28 - 6:58 古城のテーマ Kojō no Tēma The Old Castle's Theme Detective Conan "The Last Wizard of the Century" Original Soundtrack
    7:22 - 7:40 コナンと警備員 Konan to Keibiin Conan and the Guard Detective Conan "Magician of the Silver Sky" Original Soundtrack
    7:43 - 9:03 何だこの痕跡は?」 Nanda Kono Konseki wa? What Is This a Trace Of? Detective Conan Original Soundtrack 4 ~Isoge! Shōnen Tanteidan~
    9:38 - 10:59 事件現場 (謎ver.) Jiken Genba (Nazo ver.) Scene of the Case (Mystery ver.) Detective Conan Original Soundtrack 2
    11:48 - 12:14 ワッツ ハプニング Wattsu Hapuningu What's Happening Detective Conan "Jolly Roger in the Deep Azure" Original Soundtrack
    12:40 - 13:22 現金輸送車(回想) Genkin Yusōsha (Kaisō) Bank Transport Vehicle (Flashback) Detective Conan "The Private Eyes' Requiem" Original Soundtrack
    13:26 - 14:09 インターナショナル ケース(インシデント) Intānashonaru Kēsu (Inshidento) International Case (Incident) Detective Conan "Jolly Roger in the Deep Azure" Original Soundtrack
    14:47 - 15:10 機上のサスペンス1 Kijō no Sasupensu 1 On-board Suspense 1 Detective Conan "Magician of the Silver Sky" Original Soundtrack
    15:29 - 16:21 古城の探索 Kojō no Tansaku Exploration of the Old Castle Detective Conan "The Last Wizard of the Century" Original Soundtrack
    16:22 - 17:43 忍び寄る影 Shinobiyoru Kage Creeping Shadow Detective Conan Original Soundtrack 3
    19:10 - 19:40 クレシェンド Kureshendo Crescendo Detective Conan "Full Score of Fear" Original Soundtrack
    19:52 - 19:54 フェルマータ Ferumāta Fermata Detective Conan "Full Score of Fear" Original Soundtrack
    19:55 - 20:31 レガート エピローグ Regāto Epirōgu Legato Epilogue Detective Conan "Full Score of Fear" Original Soundtrack
    20:36 - 22:03 汐留 Shiodome Shiodome Detective Conan "Magician of the Silver Sky" Original Soundtrack
    23:24 - 23:58 蘭のテーマ (世紀末ヴァージョン) Ran no Tēma (Seikimatsu Vājon) Ran's Theme (Last Century Version) Detective Conan "The Last Wizard of the Century" Original Soundtrack

    In other languages

    Language Title Translation
    Flag of Catalonia Catalan (Catalan dub) En Kaito Kid contra la caixa forta impossible Kaito Kid and the impossible safe
    Flag of Italy Italian Nuova sfida per Ladro Kid New challenge for thief Kid
    Flag of Thailand Thai จอมโจรคิดปะทะสุดยอดตู้เซฟ Kaito Kid vs. The super safe

    See also

    Episodes of Season 18
    Episode 681682683684685686687688689690691692693694695696697698699700701702703704705706707708709710711712713714715716717718719720721722723
    Kaitou Kid in Detective Conan
    Main Kaitou KidKaito KurobaToichi Kuroba
    Related Jirokichi SuzukiGinzo NakamoriSamizu KichiemonSaguru HakubaKonosuke JiiAoko NakamoriChikage Kuroba
    Manga Kaitou Kid and the Black StarMagic Lovers CaseKaitou Kid and the MurderKaitou Kid and the Ocean's MiracleKaitou Kid and the Three InstrumentsKaitou Kid and the Four MasterpiecesKaitou Kid and the Purple NailKaitou Kid and the Iron TanukiKirin's Horn CaseRyoma's Gunbelt CaseMystery TrainThe Blush MermaidTwin BetsKaitou Kid and the Luna MemoriaKaitou Kid and the Fairy's LipKaitou Kid and the Queen's BangKaitou Kid and the Siren SplashKaitou Kid and the Azure Throne
    Anime Conan vs. Kaitou KidMagic Lover's Murder CaseThe Gathering of the Detectives! Shinichi Kudo vs. Kaitou KidKaitou Kid's Miraculous Midair WalkBig Adventure in the Eccentric MansionKaitou Kid and the Four MasterpiecesKaitou Kid's Teleportation MagicKaitou Kid vs. the Strongest SafeThe Kirin's Horn That Vanished into the DarkConan & Kid's Battle For Ryoma's TreasureThe Jet-Black Mystery TrainKaitou Kid and the Blush MermaidKaitou Kid VS Makoto KyogokuKaitou Kid and the Trick BoxKid vs. Komei: The Targeted LipsKid vs. Amuro: Queen's BangKaitou Kid and the Crown Trick
    Movies and Specials Movie 03: The Last Wizard of the CenturyTime Travel of the Silver SkyMovie 08: Magician of the Silver SkyMovie 10: The Private Eyes' RequiemMovie 14: The Lost Ship in the SkyLupin III vs. Detective Conan: The MovieMovie 19: Sunflowers of InfernoMovie 23: The Fist of Blue SapphireMovie 27: The Million-dollar Pentagram
    Special Manga The Magically Hidden JewelThe Stolen Pirate TreasureKaitou Kid and the Mystery of the Black JewelThe Rise of the Burning CurseThe Blue Train Nightmare
    Related Articles Magic KaitoList of characters who know Kaitou Kid's identityKaitou Kid's GadgetsList of Kaitou Kid Heists Items