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Revision as of 06:24, 23 June 2018

Genji Kojima


Japanese name: 小嶋 元次
(Kojima Genji)
Age: 32
Gender: Male
Relatives: Genta Kojima (son)
Mrs. Kojima (wife)
First appearance: Manga: File 658
Anime: Episode 551
Appearances: Chapters: 4
Chapters: 2
Episodes: 4
OVAs: 1
Keyhole number: Volume 63
Japanese voice: Akio Nojima

Genji Kojima (小嶋 元次 Kojima Genji?) is a character in the manga and anime franchise Detective Conan. He is Genta Kojima's father. For most of the series he was an unseen character, only mentioned by Genta from time to time. However, he finally made his debut in the Kojima Contest Case.


Genji Kojima is first met by Conan and the other Detective Boys during a "Super Kojima" contest, which is actually a front for the show's sponsor, an eccentric industrialist named Gonsaku Kojima, to find the thief of a highly-priced painting who had also murdered his beloved dog. However, the plan turns into a homicide case when the sponsor is murdered- and Genta's father, as one of the three finalists, becomes one of the suspects in the case. Conan, however, manages to prove Genji's innocence and reveal the identity of the real culprit, who promptly denies the confession he has just made. However, Genji trips him up and confronts him so aggressively that the delinquent meekly admits his guilt and is subsequently arrested.[1]

Genji's residence is also a liquor store by the name of "Kojima Liquors".


Genji Kojima prides himself of being a true edokko ("child of Tokyo"). He has a strong sense of justice, is confrontational, loves sushi and speaks with a distinct, old-fashioned dialect.[2] He can be harsh and demanding, but he is actually very kind and caring. Though he appears strongwilled, he - like his son - may actually live under the thumb of his rather formidable wife.


Plot overview

Relationships analysis

Family & Friends

Genta Kojima

Genta helds his father in very high regards.

Mrs. Kojima

Name origin


Why don't I reach my fingers deep into ya throat and dig that washi up with yer lunch!?


See also


  1. ^ Manga Chapters 658-660: Kojima Contest Case
  2. ^ Manga Chapter 660: Truth about the Contest
Supporting Characters
Family & friends Fusae CampbellMidori MegureShiro SuzukiAyako SuzukiTomoko SuzukiRuri UjoMisae YamamuraKazumi TsukamotoAsami TsuburayaGenji KojimaCoeurHiroshi YagisawaTamanosuke ItoMegumi ItoRenge KataokaSayo OhashiMidori KuriyamaMaroKatsumasa OguraTaiiGoroLupinMrs. TsuburayaMrs. SatoIsokichi KamoiYuzo TomizawaHina WadaYujiro TamakiIchiro TamakiMichiko YoshikawaMina KatsumataShinobu OoeSakura Toyama
Law enforcement Officer TomeInspector MomoseFemale forensics memberMasayoshi SatoOfficer NumataTsujimuraReiko KujoSasaki
Schools Ryujiro UematsuMaria HigashioTakuma SakamotoChiharu MatsubaraYumi SekizawaNatsuko ShibuyaToya
Media Naomichi MugikuraKoji YatsukawaMikihiko KamisuwaKaoru KodaMiyuki Tabeta
Case aquaintances Tohei BenzakiTeiji MoriyaNarumi AsaiRay CurtisKyosuke HagaNatsuki KoshimizuJunya TokitsuMinerva GlassReiko Akiba
Others Soshi OkitaSamizu KichiemonHikaru YasumotoChikara KatsumataTakeshi OnimaruShimogasa TwinsSatoru MaedaOsamu KenzakiHiroki OiKeita KanekoGenki IshikawaGomeraDetective SamonjiNight Baron
Related lists List of minor recurring anime charactersList of minor recurring manga charactersList of notable movie charactersList of notable case characters