Shelter from The Mountain Rain

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The Butler and the Detective List of Chapters The Mystery of the Chastisement Room
Chapter 1116

Chapter 1116 Cover.jpg

Title: Shelter from The Mountain Rain
Japanese title: 山中の雨宿り
(Sanchū no Amayadori)
Original release: August 23rd, 2023
Shōnen Sunday issue: #39/2023
Volume: 105
Pages: 16
Viz Media version
English title: Shelter from The Mountain Rain
English release: August 23rd, 2023 (Simulpub)[1]

Shelter from The Mountain Rain (山中の雨宿り Sanchū no Amayadori?) is the 1116th chapter of the manga of Detective Conan. It was written by Gosho Aoyama, drawn by him and his assistants and first released in Shōnen Sunday #39/2023 on August 23, 2023 and will presumably be reprinted as part of Volume 105. It was released in English by Viz Manga on the same day under the name Shelter from The Mountain Rain.






Conan, Ran, Heiji, Kazuha and Kogoro go on a mountain hike on Mount Washio in Tokyo. Ran has planned this excursion because from the summit it was said that there would be be a magnificent view of the sunset over Mount Fuji. However, Ran also had ulterior motives: She is taking Heiji and Kazuha to this vantage point because this picturesque setting is perfect for a confession of love and the two will thus finally become a couple. In addition, Ran has considered that Momiji would certainly not come along to a strenuous mountain hike without elevator or the like and thus cannot stand in their way again ; However, Momiji was not able to come along that day because of a karuta competition in Tokyo. Ran's plan seems perfect, but suddenly they are caught in a downpour, even though the weather report did not predict rain. Kazuha has brought an umbrella, under which she stands with Ran and Conan, but there is no room for Heiji and Kogoro under it. They discover a nearby temple where they ask for shelter from the rain. The head priest Tesshin gladly welcomes them; when there is no devotion or funeral, there is not much going on in the temple anyway, except for occasional pilgrimage visits to the local Buddha statues. Tesshin instructs his monks Kentetsu and Tontetsu to bring tea and towels to their guests.

Conan, Ran and Kazuha are sitting in a room drying off, but the rain still does not stop. Kentetsu, however, assures them while serving tea that the rain usually stops in the late afternoon and they will surely get to see the sunset, after all, the view from their temple is famous. Ran and Kazuha go online with Kazuha's cellphone and find articles that describe the sunset view from Shogaku Temple as an insider's tip. Kazuha now asks Ran what she actually wanted to discuss with her. Ran explains that she really did not want to tell Kazuha until things worked out with her and Heiji, but she said it was alright to say it now and tells Kazuha that she is now in a committed relationship with Shinichi. Ran apologizes for not telling Kazuha sooner, but Kazuha is just overjoyed that they are finally together[2] . Ran also explains that she took Kazuha and Heiji with her, so that the two of them can delcaire their love but Kazuha interrupts her, because she thinks that Ran is imagining things again. Ran replies that it is not her imagination, because she had specially discussed it with Shinichi on the phone, who also said that according to his conclusions Heiji is 100% in love with Kazuha. Kazuha asks if this is really true, which Ran confirms, because Shinichi even said that there can only be one truth in this matter. With his cheeks flushed, Conan argues in his mind that he did not say that last part. Kazuha interjects that Ran did say that Shinichi, like his role model Sherlock Holmes, does not have a good knack for love; after a moment's thought, Ran admits that could be a problem. In his mind, Conan says, annoyed, that this should be a good time.

Heiji and Kogoro join them, but could not make out what the girls were whispering. They are topless because their shirts were too soaked from the rain earlier and had to go into the dryer. Just at that moment, Tontetsu comes around the corner with a laundry basket and brings the dry tops, but Heiji's lucky charm is missing. Tontetsu is sure that he put it in the laundry basket; Tesshin and Kentetsu have not seen the lucky charm either. Conan asks if they might ask the fourth person who lives in the temple, which shocks the three monks. Tesshin asks him how he knows, to which Conan explains that he saw four cups of toothbrushes in the bathroom. Tesshin explains that another monk lives here, Kantetsu, but he has been missing for five days. Tesshin had caught Kantetsu smoking in secret and sent him to the chastisement room, after which he was not seen again. Tontetsu suspects that Kantetsu deserted because of the harsh training, but the fearful Kentetsu recalls that before the disappearance they saw will-o'-the-wisps on the stairs to the chastisement room, which is why he believes that Kantetsu was abducted by the fiery crimson skull, a local legendary figure. According to the legend, the skull appears together with will-o'-the-wisps, the souls of the deceased, kidnaps sinners and eats their souls, after which only the empty shell of the person remains. But Tesshin thinks that this is only superstition, probably only a few fireflies that strayed into the temple. When Tontetsu wants to interject that the will-o'-the-wisps have also been seen on the mountain near a corpse, Tesshin loudly orders him to be silent, since there are no such ghosts. Tesshin orders the monks to give their guests something sweet to drink with their tea instead of telling ghost stories.

Some time later, Kogoro is coming back alone from the restroom when an iron ball rolls down the stairs to the chastisement room. A curious Kogoro goes up the stairs and looks into the chastisement room, where there is no light; he sees a dark figure and is startled. A little later, Kogoro has not come back to the group, which is why Ran is starting to worry. Suddenly they hear a scream; they open the door to their room and see will-o'-the-wisps on the stairs to the penance room. Ran and Kazuha fear that the fiery crimson skull will appear again, but Conan and Heiji, of course, do not believe it. They rush up the stairs, open the door and find Kantetsu's body in the penance room.



Referenced in


  • Mount Washio (鷲尾山 Washio-san?) is a direct reference to Mount Takao (高尾山 Takao-san?), a mountain in the Tokyo region and popular among tourists and locals to view Mount Fuji on the other side.
    • The mountain temple Shōgaku-ji (昇楽寺 Shōgaku-ji?) is a pun to the name of Conan's publisher, Shōgakukan (小学館), in the same fashion as the temple with the same name but different kanji (昇岳寺 in the previous case instead of 昇楽寺) from files 559-561[3]. The temple itself does not follow the design of the actual temple on Mount Takao, the Takaosan Yakuō-in (高尾山薬王院), which contains the similar looking kanji "薬". Instead, it follows the design of the Zōjō-ji (増上寺), famous temple in Tokyo. In particular, it is a replica of the Ankoku-den (安国殿), a secondary hall of the temple, which also has its famous relic, a statue of a standing Amida Nyōrai (an iteration of Buddha)[4].

See also


  1. Summary translated from the German vesion as of September 9, 2023.
Chapters not yet published in volume format