The Streetcar's Sudden Stopping Case (路面電車急停止事件 ,Rōmen Densha Kyūteishi Jiken?) is the 148th episode of Detective Conan anime.
Conan and the Detective Boys wake up at 5:30 am in the morning to go get in line for a roller coaster ride. There are only three other people on the train at that time, and they plan on going there in order to take pictures of the train. One of the photographers waits outside so he can take pictures of the train coming towards him; suddenly, the ladder underneath him tips over and he falls onto the track.
Attempted Accident?
Train track
Tetsuya Kawasaki
Fall off the stairs and attempted train crash
Rumi Shimizu and the Driver
The train conductor quickly applies the emergency brakes, and everybody rushes out of the train to find him unhurt. However, when Conan comes back into the train to continue their journey, they find one of the other photographers dead.
Masao Horii
22 years old
Cause of death:
Blunt force trauma to the head
Tetsuya Kawasaki, Rumi Shimizu, and the driver
Masao is dead by a blow to the back of the head. On the aluminum camera case, there are two bloodstains on the top and bottom corners, and a scratch on the side.
The culprit is
Rumi Shimizu.
She tampered with the ladder Kawasaki was using to take the head on picture of the train to create an accident that would disguise her bludgeoning murder. The ladder was set up beforehand with a hook attached to piano wire spanning over the tracks. This was so that the ladder would tip when the train arrived and cause the accident. Because there had been another train on the tracks earlier at 5:40, the wire had to be set up after that. Additionally, it also meant that the killer knew that Kawasaki would be taking photos there at that time. When the accident occurred and everyone else was distracted, she took the opportunity to kill Horii by bashing his head with the trunk the group was carrying. When the brake was applied, the Horii's body slid forward, hitting his head on the corner. The proof is the injuries to her wrist and palm. She likely received those injuries when she picked up the camera case, so her blood should still be on it.
She and Masao Horii were engaged and promised to marry each other, even discussing their wedding. When Horii said he was going to continue his university studies in Germany, she wanted to go with him, but he dumped her, saying his parents have already proposed an arranged marriage for him over there.
- Kenji Wakai looks exactly like Inspector Gadget.
- This is the first case that takes place aboard a streetcar.
- The Detective Boys boarded the Beika Land Tram at 5:50 AM on a Sunday Morning.
- The streetcar apparently stopped in the Harii Prefecture or District, since the inspector is from that area.
BGM listing
In other languages
Catalan (Catalan dub) |
El cas de la frenada sobtada del tramvia |
The tram's sudden breaking case
Catalan (Valencian dub) |
El cas del tramvia |
The tram case
French |
L'Affaire du tramway |
The tram case
Galician |
Asasinato no tranvía |
Murder in tram
German |
Tod in der Straßenbahn |
Death in the Tram
Italian |
Fermate quel tram! |
Stop That Tram!
Spanish (American dub) |
El caso del asesinato en el tren |
The train murder case
Spanish (Castilian dub) |
El caso del tranvía |
The tram case
Thai |
คดีรถรางเบรกฉุกเฉิน |
The case of a streetcar making an emergency stop
Vietnamese |
Vụ án xe điện dừng lại đột ngột |
The Streetcar's Sudden Stopping Case
See also