Kaze no Lalala

From Detective Conan Wiki
I can't stop my love for you♥ List of Songs Kimi to Yakusoku Shita Yasashii Ano Basho Made
Opening 12

Mai Kuraki - Kaze no LaLaLa.jpg

Original title: 風のららら
English title: The Wind's Lalala
Artist: Mai Kuraki
Episodes: 306~332
CD Info
Release date: May 28, 2003
CDs: 1
Tracks: 5
Original Cost: 1,000円
CD Number: GZCA-7022
Record Label: GIZA studio
Oricon chart peak: #3 (Weekly)

Kaze no Lalala is a single by J-pop singer Mai Kuraki that was released on May 28, 2003. The titular song is the 12th opening of the anime. The single itself was a smash hit, peaking at number three on the weekly charts and selling over 96,000 copies.

Detective Conan opening info



Conan's opening speech


Episodes 306-311

("The rhythm of the wind clears reasoning. Always confirming that vital clue!")

Episodes 312-332

("The rhythm of the wind clears reasoning. Alibi tricks are always uncovered!")

Catalan (Catalonia)

"El ritme del vent fa créixer el talent per les deduccions. Totes les maquinacions negres es revelen!"

("The rhythm of the wind makes the talent for deductions grow. All the black schemes are uncovered!")

Episodes 306-307
"El ritme del vent augmenta el talent per les deduccions. Totes les maquinacions negres es revelen!"

("The rhythm of the wind increases the talent for deductions. All the black schemes are uncovered!")

Episodes 325-326
"El ritme del vent fa créixer el talent per les deduccions."

("The rhythm of the wind makes the talent for deductions grow.")

Episodes 328-330, 332
"El ritme del vent fa créixer el talent per les deduccions. Totes les maquinacions negres i les coartades es revelen!"

("The rhythm of the wind makes the talent for deductions grow. All the black schemes and alibis are uncovered!")

Catalan (Valencia)

"Cada dia apareixen nous casos per investigar i més misteris per resoldre."

("Every day more cases to investigate and more mysteries to solve.")


"Co vento agudízase o enxeño e os enganos quedan ao descuberto"

("With the wind the wit shaps and the trickery get exposed")


"Auch unsere moderne Zeit steckt voller Mysterien"

("Also our modern times finds full mysteries")

Episode 306
"Wie der fließend der Wasser keinen Form hat und der Wind unsichtbar ist, so können Schlussfolgerungen alle möglichen Form annehmen."

("Like the water stream that doesn't have any shape and the wind is invisible, also conclusions can take all possible appearances.")

Episodes 307-311
"In einem starken Herzen findet sich die Kraft zur Lösung eines jeden Problems. Mit dieser Einstellung stürze ich mich auf meinen neuen Fall. Ich bringe die einzige Wahrheit ans Licht. Obwohl ich jetzt klein bin habe ich den Verstand eines 17 jährigen Teenagers behalten. Man nennt mich... Detektiv Conan!"

("The power to solve you own problems is found in a strong heart. With this attitude I rush to my new case. I bring the unique truth to light. Despite I'm now a child, I keep the wit of a 17 years old teenager. I'm know as... Detective Conan!")

Episodes 313, 315
"Auch unsere moderne Zeit steckt voller Mysterien. Alibis und Tricks werden enttarnt!"

("Also our modern times finds full mysteries. Alibis and Tricks will be uncovered!")


Episodes 306-311
"Irama Angin menguatkan kesimpulan, Selalu merujuk pada Peristiwa Penting"
Episodes 312-332
"Irama angin menguatkan kesimpulan, Selalu Merujuk pada Analisis yang Jelas"

Spanish (Spain)

"¡Cuando la brisa del viento agudiza las deducciones, los engaños y las coartadas se desenredan con facilidad!"

("When the breeze in the wind sharpens deductions, deceptions and alibis are easily untangled!")

Episodes 306, 308
"¡Amar u odiar, dos caminos diferentes en los que te ves envuelto!"

("Loving or hating, two different ways you find yourself involved in!")

Episode 313
"¡Como el viento que disipa las nubes, Conan descubre la verdad entre las coartadas y las mentiras!"

("Like the wind, which blows the clouds away, Conan discovers the truth among the alibis and lies!")

Episode 318
"¡Cuando el viento despeja la niebla, los engaños y las coartadas se desenredan con facilidad!"

("When the wind blows the fog away, deceptions and alibis are easily untangled!")


"Làn gió làm sáng tỏ mọi suy luận, và những bằng chứng ngoại phạm thì luôn có sơ hở!"

("The wind clears all reasonings, and alibi always has loopholes!!")


  • Performer / Lyrics: Mai Kuraki
  • Composer: Michiya Haruhata
  • Arrangement: Satoru Kobayashi (TV version) / Cybersound (Full version)

In other languages


Song info

The song used in the opening is arranged by Satoru Kobayashi and is titled "TV on air version" on the CD, while the original full song is arranged by Cybersound.

Chart placement

  • #3 (Weekly)


Conan and Shinichi
Ran and Conan
Whole group

Shiokaze ni kimi wo kanjite gin'iro no nami ni futari tokete shimaisou
Kono mama jikan yo tomare to machi ga tooku chiisaku mieru yo
Mou hanasanai kimi ni kimeta yo

Kagayaita kisetsu ni tadori tsuita mirai ni
Mayowazu ni hitomi shinjite kaze no lalala...
Afure dashi sou na fuan ni namida wo kakushita kinou ni
Tooi omoide to imanara ieru kaze no lalala...

Oshiyoseru mienai fuan akirame kakete ita tatta hitotsu no koto ga
Namioto kokoro wo yurasu yo yosete kaesu kimi he no omoi ga
Kimochi wo mitasu hikari ni kawaru

Sunete ita ano koro kimi to kita sunahama
Itsu made mo kawarazu ni aru kaze no lalala...
Tsunaida te nigiri kaeshita sunao na kimochi wo kanjite
Taisetsu na hito to imanara ieru kaze no lalala...

Mitsumeru egao ni naze ka kyuu ni dakishimetaku naru
Kaze ni yurete mou ichido ima atsui omoi wo nosete
Kimi ni kimeta yo

Kagayaita kisetsu ni tadori tsuita mirai ni
Mayowazu ni hitomi shinjite kaze no lalala...
Afure dashi sou na fuan ni namida wo kakushita kinou ni
Tooi omoide to imanara ieru kaze no lalala...

CD info

CD track listing

# Song Title Romaji Translation Length
1 風のららら Kaze no Lalala The Wind's Lalala
2 gonna keep on tryin’ gonna keep on tryin’ gonna keep on tryin’
3 風のららら-TV on air version- Kaze no Lalala -TV on air version- The Wind's Lalala -TV on air version-
4 風のららら-Feel the wind mix- Kaze no Lalala -Feel the wind mix- The Wind's Lalala -Feel the wind mix-
5 風のららら-Instrumental- Kaze no Lalala -Instrumental- The Wind's Lalala -Instrumental-






  • Lyrics
  1. Romaji lyrics from Animelyrics.com: Kaze no lalala by mink309. Retrieved on August 21, 2011.
  2. English and Japanese lyrics from Gendou's Anime Music: Kaze no lalala. Retrieved on August 21, 2011.

See also

Collapse Detective Conan Opening Themes
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