The single was later re-released in new CD format on February 10, 2020.
Starting from this opening, the album version of the instrumental is used for all international dubs.
FUNimation did not adapt this particular opening song for their English release of the show. Although the uncut Japanese version appears on their DVDs the song doesn't sync up quite right with the animation. The version used on the FUNi releases is not as up beat as the original version. This is most likely because FUNimation did not receive the licensing rights to the specific cut of the song that was used for the original version of the show, so they used the album cut instead.
Unmei no roulette mawashite
Zutto kimi wo mite ita
Naze nano konna ni shiawase nanoni
Suiheisen wo miru to kanashiku naru
Ano koro no jibun wo tooku de mite iru sonna kanji
Unmei no roulette mawashite
Arekore fukaku kangaeru no wa Mystery
Hora unmei no hito wa soko ni iru
Zutto kimi wo mite ita
Hoshizora wo miagete uinku hitotsu de
Kono takai tokoro kara demo tobesou jan
Supiido age bouenkyou wo nozoitara
Mirai ga mieru yo
Unmei no roulette mawashite
Doko ni ikeba omoide ni aeru?
Aoi chikyuu no chippoke na futari wa
Ima mo shinkashi tsudzukeru
Unmei no roulette mawashite
Tabidatsu toki no tsubasa wa bravely
Hora donna toki mo kouun wa matteru
Zutto kimi wo mite ita
Zutto kimi wo mite ita
Spinning the roulette of destiny
I was watching you all the time
Why is it that in spite of me being this happy
Gazing at the horizon makes me sad?
It feels as if I'm looking at the me from that time from faraway
Spinning the roulette of destiny
These and those things that I think deeply about are mysteries
Look, the person of my destiny is there
I was watching you all the time
Looking up at the blue sky with a wink
It's like even from this high place, I can fly
If I bring up my speed and look through a telescope
I can see the future
Spinning the roulette of destiny
To where I go can I meet my memories?
The tiny us on the blue Earth
Are still evolving now
Spinning the roulette of destiny
Wings of when I depart are bravely
Look, at anytime luck is waiting
I was watching you all the time
I was watching you all the time
ずっと 君を見ていた
何故なの こんなに 幸せなのに
水平線を見ると 哀しくなる
あの頃の自分を遠くで 見ている そんな感じ
アレコレ深く考えるのは Mystery
ほら 運命の人はそこにいる
ずっと 君を見ていた
星空を見上げて 笑顔(ウインク)ひとつで
この高い所からでも 飛べそうじゃん
スピード上げ 望遠鏡を 覗いたら
何処に行けば 想い出に会える?
青い地球の ちっぽけな二人は
今も 進化し続ける
旅立つ時の翼は bravely
ほら どんな時も 幸運は待ってる
ずっと 君を見ていた
ずっと 君を見ていた
Niemand kann sehen, was im Dunkeln vor uns liegt
Doch du bist da, was immer auch geschieht
Kennst du oft die Lösung nicht, sie bleibt dir unbekannt
Siehe den Rätseln ins Gesicht, sagt dir dein Verstand
Dann kannst du sie hören die Stimmen die, dir die Warheit sagen
Du bist die Lösung aller Fragen
Laufe durch die Zeit bringt die Wahrheit ans Licht
Denn du bleibst am Ball mit dem du immer wieder triffst
Du bist mein schönster Fall, bist ein Freund von anfang an
Weil ich mit dir jedes Rätsel lösen kann
Weil ich mit dir jedes Rätsel lösen kann.
No one can see, what lies ahead in the dark.
But you are there, whatever may happen.
Oftentimes you don't know the solution, it remains unknown to you
Come face to face with the mysteries, your mind tells you
This is when you can hear them
The voices that tell the truth:
You are the answer to all questions!
Run through time, bring the truth to light
'Cause you stay on the ball, with which you score time and again
You are my most beautiful case, are a friend from the very start
Because I can solve every mystery with you
Because I can solve every mystery with you
Fent voltes està, la ruleta del destí,
és un joc que no té mai guanyador.
He estat observant-te i sé que no eres feliç,
He vist la melancolia, reflectida en els teus ulls,
més enllà del cel et seguiré, per tu caminaré,
sobre la linea d'un horitzó infinit.
Fent voltes està, la ruleta del destí,
és un misteri cruel, que el futur ens revelarà.
Continua girant, en un cercle que no té fi,
és un joc que no té mai guanyador.
It's spinning, the destiny wheel,
it's a game that never has a winner.
I was looking you and I know that you weren't happy,
I saw the melancholy, reflected in your eyes,
beyond the sky I will follow, I will walk for you,
over a endless horizon line.
It's spinning, the destiny wheel,
it's a cruel mistery, that future will show us.
It's still spinning, in an endless circle,
it's a game that never has a winner.
Vira ó arredor, desta roda do azar,
saes ti, quedo pampa ó verte.
Porque a pesar de todo, sen ti non sei ser feliz.
Se miro para o horizonte, vexo todo gris.
Isto vai para atrás, a onde vou?
por que me estou a ver, así, coma apaiola
Vira ó arredor, desta roda do azar,
arrédemo que non sei que pasa, xa non sei saír
e por fin, vela aquí, isto é, o meu porvir
O que eu son, quedar pampo ao verte.
Turn around this fate wheel,
you leave, I'm astonished watching you.
Because in spite of everything, without you I don't know how to be happy.
If I look to the horizon, I see everything grey.
This is going backwards, where I'm going?
why I'm find myself, like this, like a fool
Turn around this fate wheel,
I swear I don't know what's going on, now I don't know how to leave
and finally, here is, this is, my future
What I am, be astonished watching you.