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From Detective Conan Wiki
(Conan's opening speech: Add Vietnamese from DC in Vietnam Page)
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'''I can't stop my love for you♥''' is a single by J-pop singer [[Rina Aiuchi]]. The song is the 11th opening of the anime and manga franchise ''[[Detective Conan]]''. The single was released on April 10, 2002, and is Aiuchi's highest charting single, peaking at #2 on the Oricon charts.
'''I can't stop my love for you♥''' is a single by J-pop singer [[Rina Aiuchi]] that was released on April 10, 2002. The titular song is the 11th opening of the anime. The single is Aiuchi's highest charting single, peaking at #2 on the Oricon charts.
== Detective Conan opening info ==
== Detective Conan opening info ==
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("Filling in the distance between hate and love, the deductions and suspense of two people!")}}
("Filling in the distance between hate and love, the deductions and suspense of two people!")}}
==== Catalan ====
==== Catalan (Catalonia) ====
===== Standard =====  
{{cquote|"El suspens i les deduccions resolen els estira-i-arronses que hi ha entre nosaltres!"
{{cquote|"El suspens i les deduccions resolen els estira-i-arronses que hi ha entre nosaltres!"
("The suspense and deductions solve the tugs of war that exist around us!")}}
("The suspense and deductions solve the tugs of war that exist around us!")}}
===== Episode 271 =====
{{cquote|"El que hi ha al cor és un misteri. Les estrelles i la neu brillen per tots dos!"
("What is in the heart is a mystery. Stars and snow are shining for the two of us!")}}
===== Episodes 274 - 276 =====
{{cquote|"L'aigua que corre no té forma, el vent que bufa no es veu, els casos... les deduccions signifiquen la llibertat."
("Flowing water has no shape, wind that flows isn't visible, cases... deductions means freedom.")}}
===== Episode 289 =====
{{cquote|"Entre la deducció i el misteri, neix una relació d'amor i odi."
("Between deduction and mystery, a love and hate relation is born.")}}
==== Catalan (Valencia) ====
===== Standard =====
{{cquote|"Cada dia apareixen nous casos per investigar i més misteris per resoldre."
("Every day appears new cases to investigate and more mysteries to solve.")}}
==== Galician ====
===== Standard =====
{{cquote|"O suspense e as pescudas sobrevoan a encrucillada do amor e do odio"
("Suspense and deductions are around the love and hate dilemma")}}
===== Episodes 271 - 283 =====
{{cquote|"O corazón garda misterios, estrelas e acertos dos dous."
("Heart keeps mysteries, stars and good choices of both.")}}
==== German ====
===== Standard =====
{{cquote|"In einem starken Herzen findet sich die Kraft zur Lösung eines jeden Problems. Mit dieser Einstellung stürze ich mich auf meinen neuen Fall. Ich bringe die einzige Wahrheit ans Licht. Obwohl ich jetzt klein bin habe ich den Verstand eines 17 jährigen Teenagers behalten. Man nennt mich... Detektiv Conan!"
("The power to solve you own problems is found in a strong heart. With this attitude I rush to my new case. I bring the unique truth to light. Despite I'm now a child, I keep the wit of a 17 years old teenager. I'm know as... Detective Conan!")}}
===== Episode 281, 284 - 293, 297, 298, 301-305 =====
{{cquote|"Wie das fließende Wasser keine Form hat, und der Wind unsichtbar ist, so können Schlussfolgerungen alle möglichen Formen annehmen."
("Like the water stream that doesn't have any shape and the wind that is invisible, conclusions can take any possible direction.")}}
==== Indonesian ====
==== Indonesian ====
{{cquote|"Mengisi jarak antara benci & cinta, penalaran & ketegangan oleh dua orang!"}}
{{cquote|"Walaupun Jarak Memisahkan Kita, Penalaran kami dulu tetap menegangkan"}}
==== Spanish (Spain) ====
==== Spanish (Spain) ====
===== Standard =====
{{cquote|"¡Amar u odiar, dos caminos diferentes en los que te ves envuelto!"
{{cquote|"¡Amar u odiar, dos caminos diferentes en los que te ves envuelto!"
("Loving or hating, two different ways you find yourself involved in!")}}
("Loving or hating, two different ways you find yourself involved in!")}}
==== Spanish (Latin America) ====
===== Standard =====
{{cquote|"Nuestros corazones son un misterio, igual que el brillo de la nieve y las estrellas."
("Our hearts are a mystery, like the snow brightness and the stars.")}}
==== Vietnamese ====
==== Vietnamese ====
{{cquote|"Ranh giới giữa yêu và ghét, chính là sự do dự và nghi ngờ lẫn nhau!"
{{cquote|"Ranh giới giữa yêu và ghét, chính là sự do dự và nghi ngờ lẫn nhau!"
("The boundary between love and hate, is the hesitation and mutual suspicion!")}}
("The boundary between love and hate, is the hesitation and mutual suspicion!")}}
==== Thai ====
{{cquote|"ปริศนาซ่อนเงื่อนและการสืบสวน ซึ่งเกิดขึ้นในช่องว่างของความรักและความเกลียดชัง"
("Mystery and Investigation which occurs in the gaps of love and hate!")}}
=== Artists ===
* '''Performer / Lyrics''': Rina Aiuchi
* '''Composer''': Daria Kawashima
* '''Arrangement''': Kuron Oshiro
====In other languages====
*[[Detective Conan in Spain|Galician]]:  Ánxeles Lago
*[[Detective Conan in Germany|German]]: Petra Scheeser
=== Staff ===
=== Staff ===
* '''Storyboard''' - [[Yasuichiro Yamamoto]]
* '''Storyboard / Technical Director''' - [[Yasuichiro Yamamoto]]
* '''Technical Director''' - [[Yasuichiro Yamamoto]]
* '''Animation Director''' - [[Masatomo Sudo]], [[Junko Yamanaka]]
* '''Animation Director''' - [[Masatomo Sudo]], [[Junko Yamanaka]]
* '''Key Animation''' - [[Keiko Sasaki]], [[Kumiko Shishido]], [[Hiroto Yokote]], [[Rei Masunaga]], [[Kazuma Uike]], [[Minoru Tozawa]]
* '''Key Animation''' - [[Keiko Sasaki]], [[Kumiko Shishido]], [[Hiroto Yokote]], [[Rei Masunaga]], [[Kazuma Uike]], [[Minoru Tozawa]]
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| english =
| english =
I can't stop my love for you♥
I can't stop my love for you♥
We spoke toward the future
To have a place in the future that we talked about
Like we had a place we could go together
Oh baby I can't stop my love for you♥
Oh baby I can't stop my love for you♥
I'll become your everything I believe in your promise
I'll become your everything  
To never let go of my hand as we walk
I believe in your promise, To never let go of my hand as we walk
Before our eyes, the mystery of this incomplete map
Before our eyes, a vast mystery was expanded
Has spread and expanded
An incomplete map but my heart was so moved...
But it moved my heart so much...
However you arrange your words,
However I arrange my words, these thoughts can't fully be spoken
These thoughts can never be told enough
This love is whispering the meaning of affection
This love is whispering the meaning of affection
I can't stop my love for you♥
I can't stop my love for you♥
Because the speed at which we both will walk
Because the speed at which we both will walk Is surely not the same...
Is surely not the same...
If it happens that I'm beside you and we let go of each other's hand
If it happens am beside you and you drop my hand
So we don't lose one another, come back and get me, okay?
So we don't lose one another, come back and get me, okay?
I won't say lies like "I hate you" but
"I hate you" Even as a lie I will never say that, but
For "I love you" that's never a lie isn't it?
"I love you" I'll never say it unless it's true!
If I can't see you, if I can't be with you
Don't you dare start getting lenient with your thoughts...
When I can't be with you, I can't afford to think of anything else
Because this heart belongs to you and only you
Because this heart belongs to you and only you
I can't stop my love for you♥
I can't stop my love for you♥
So our love won't be torn apart, the two of us  
So our love won't be torn apart, the two of us Will have to hold onto it as one
Will have to hold onto it as one
Even then uncertain nights may still visit
And on those nights  
If that happens, exaggeratedly embrace me extra tightly
When uncertainty visits you
Take our love in your arms
And embrace it tightly
Of all of these irreplaceable things
Of all of these irreplaceable things That you have given to me here
That you have given to me here
The most precious thing you have given Is yourself
The most precious thing you have given
Is you yourself
I can't stop my love for you♥
I can't stop my love for you♥
We spoke toward the future
To have a place in the future that we talked about
Like we had a place we could go together
Oh baby I can't stop my love for you♥
Oh baby I can't stop my love for you♥
I'll become your everything I believe in your promise
I'll become your everything  
To never let go of my hand as we walk
I believe in your promise, To never let go of my hand as we walk
| japanese =
| japanese =
I can't stop my love for you♥
I can't stop my love for you♥
Line 182: Line 226:
2人の目の前 謎めきひろがった
2人の目の前 謎めきひろがった
未完成な地図 でもとてもとても動いた...
未完成な地図 でもとてもとても心動いた...
どんな言葉並べて みても語りきれない想い
どんな言葉並べて みても語りきれない想い
Line 269: Line 313:
Doesn't matter whatever I am, I am never alone
Doesn't matter whatever I am, I am never alone
and I know, that the future rest for us!
and I know, that the future rest for us!
|galician-dub = I can't stop my love for you!
|galician-dub = ''I can't stop my love for you!''
Sempre a planear un futuro pra os dous,
Sempre a planear un futuro ''prós'' dous,
coma se existise un lugar que espera por nós.
coma se existise un lugar que espera por nós.
Oh, baby! I can't stop my love for you!
Hei de ser pra ti e soamente pra ti.
Fío en ti cando dis, galán, xúroche, que imos camiñar da man.
Se dis "ódiote" é mentira, pero pódelo dicir.
''Oh, baby! I can't stop my love for you!''
Hei de ser ''pra'' ti e soamente ''pra'' ti.
Fío en ti cando dis galán:
"xúroche, que imos camiñar da man".
Se dis "ódiote" é mentira,  
pero pódelo dicir.
Dime que me queres, vida,
Dime que me queres, vida,
aínda que mo digas a mentir.
aínda que mo digas a mentir.
Line 282: Line 329:
Se non te vexo, non estás aquí,
Se non te vexo, non estás aquí,
non te atrevas a pensar no que non debes,
non te atrevas a pensar no que non debes,
que este corazón é por sempre teu, nada más que pra ti.
que este corazón é por sempre teu,  
nada más que ''pra'' ti.
I can't stop my love for you!
''I can't stop my love for you!''
Nada vai rachar esta a nosa paixón,
Nada vai rachar esta nosa paixón!
temos que latexar nun son,
Temos que latexar nun son,
o son que nos marque a unión.
ó son que nos marque a unión.
E nesas noites de desolación,
E nesas noites de desolación,
cando a incerteza nos ven visitar,
cando a incerteza nos vén visitar,
só valora este corazón e así verás
toma, arrola este corazón  
como rexorde nel o verbo "amar".
e así verás como rexorde nel o verbo "amar".
|galician-dub-english = I can't stop my love for you!
|galician-dub-english = I can't stop my love for you!
We're always planning a future for us,
We're always planning a future for us,
like it exist a place that waits for us.
like a place that waits for us existed.
Oh, baby! I can't stop my love for you!
Oh, baby! I can't stop my love for you!
I have to be yours and only yours.
I have to be yours and only yours.
I believe in you when you say, gallant, I swear you, that we will walk holding hands.
I believe in you when you say gallantly, I swear you, that we will walk holding hands.
If you say "I hate you" is fake, but you can say it.
If you say "I hate you" you're lying, but you can say it.
Tell me that you love me, darling,
Tell me that you love me, darling,
even if you say it lying.
even if you say it lying.
Line 315: Line 363:
And those desolation nights,
And those desolation nights,
when doubts come to us,
when doubts come to us,
only value this heart and you will see
hold, embrace this heart and you will see
how "to love" verb revive.
how "to love" verb revives.
Line 340: Line 388:
=== TV ===
=== TV ===
<gallery widths=180px perrow=5>
<gallery widths=180px perrow=5>
File:Op11-13.jpg|Conan adjusts the Stun-Gun Wristwatch
File:Op-11-1.jpg|Conan adjusts the Voice-Changing Bowtie
File:Op11-Main Logo.JPG|Main logo
File:Op11-Main Logo.JPG|Main logo
File:Op-11-1.jpg|Conan adjusts the Voice-Changing Bowtie
File:Op11-14.jpg|Conan and Ran
File:Op-11-2.jpg|Conan and Ran
File:Op-11-2.jpg|Conan and Ran
File:Op-11-3.jpg|The Detective Boys
File:Op-11-3.jpg|The Detective Boys
File:Op-11-4.jpg|Whole group
File:Op-11-4.jpg|Whole group
File:Op11-15.jpg|Officer Tome and Conan
File:Op-11-5.jpg|Detective Takagi, Detective Sato, and Conan
File:Op-11-5.jpg|Detective Takagi, Detective Sato, and Conan
File:Op-11-6.jpg|Inspector Megure and Conan
File:Op-11-6.jpg|Inspector Megure and Conan
File:Op-11-7.jpg|Heiji and Conan
File:Op-11-7.jpg|Heiji and Conan
File:Op11-16.jpg|Kogoro scolding Conan
File:Op-11-8.jpg|Haibara (Sherry)
File:Op-11-8.jpg|Haibara (Sherry)
File:Op-11-9.jpg|Ran (Angel)
File:Op-11-9.jpg|Ran (Angel)
File:Op-11-10.jpg|Conan is flying with the Turbo Engine Skateboard
File:Op-11-10.jpg|Conan is flying with the Turbo Engine Skateboard
File:Op-11-12.jpg|Conan and Turbo Engine Skateboard
== Trivia ==
== Trivia ==
* Starting with this opening, all other opening credits uses digital animation.
* Starting with this opening, all other opening credits uses digital animation.
== References ==
* '''Lyrics'''
# Romaji and English lyrics from Animelyrics.com: [http://www.animelyrics.com/anime/conan/icantstopmylove.htm by vash_t_stampede and Hikari-sama]. Retrieved on August 21, 2011.
# Japanese lyrics from Gendou's Anime Music: [http://gendou.com/amusic/lyrics.php?id=5288&show=1 I can't stop my love for you]. Retrieved on August 21, 2011.
== See also ==
== See also ==
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{{Opening Themes}}
{{Opening Themes}}
== References ==
* '''Lyrics'''
# Romaji and English lyrics from Animelyrics.com: [http://www.animelyrics.com/anime/conan/icantstopmylove.htm by vash_t_stampede and Hikari-sama]. Retrieved on August 21, 2011.
# Japanese lyrics from Gendou's Anime Music: [http://gendou.com/amusic/lyrics.php?id=5288&show=1 I can't stop my love for you]. Retrieved on August 21, 2011.
[[de:Opening 11]]
[[de:Opening 11]]
[[Category:Opening songs]]
[[Category:Opening songs]]
[[Category:Animation directed by Masatomo Sudo]]
[[Category:Animation directed by Masatomo Sudo]]
[[Category:Animation directed by Junko Yamanaka]]
[[Category:Animation directed by Junko Yamanaka]]

Latest revision as of 05:17, 12 February 2025

Winter Bells List of Songs Kaze no Lalala
Opening 11

Rina Aiuchi - I Can't Stop My Love For You.jpg

Original title: I can't stop my love for you♥
Artist: Rina Aiuchi
Episodes: 271~305
CD Info
Release date: April 10, 2002
CDs: 1
Tracks: 4
Original Cost: 1,260円
CD Number: GZCA-2033
Record Label: GIZA studio
Oricon chart peak: #2 (Weekly)

I can't stop my love for you♥ is a single by J-pop singer Rina Aiuchi that was released on April 10, 2002. The titular song is the 11th opening of the anime. The single is Aiuchi's highest charting single, peaking at #2 on the Oricon charts.

Detective Conan opening info



Case references

Conan's opening speech



("Filling in the distance between hate and love, the deductions and suspense of two people!")

Catalan (Catalonia)

"El suspens i les deduccions resolen els estira-i-arronses que hi ha entre nosaltres!"

("The suspense and deductions solve the tugs of war that exist around us!")

Episode 271
"El que hi ha al cor és un misteri. Les estrelles i la neu brillen per tots dos!"

("What is in the heart is a mystery. Stars and snow are shining for the two of us!")

Episodes 274 - 276
"L'aigua que corre no té forma, el vent que bufa no es veu, els casos... les deduccions signifiquen la llibertat."

("Flowing water has no shape, wind that flows isn't visible, cases... deductions means freedom.")

Episode 289
"Entre la deducció i el misteri, neix una relació d'amor i odi."

("Between deduction and mystery, a love and hate relation is born.")

Catalan (Valencia)

"Cada dia apareixen nous casos per investigar i més misteris per resoldre."

("Every day appears new cases to investigate and more mysteries to solve.")


"O suspense e as pescudas sobrevoan a encrucillada do amor e do odio"

("Suspense and deductions are around the love and hate dilemma")

Episodes 271 - 283
"O corazón garda misterios, estrelas e acertos dos dous."

("Heart keeps mysteries, stars and good choices of both.")


"In einem starken Herzen findet sich die Kraft zur Lösung eines jeden Problems. Mit dieser Einstellung stürze ich mich auf meinen neuen Fall. Ich bringe die einzige Wahrheit ans Licht. Obwohl ich jetzt klein bin habe ich den Verstand eines 17 jährigen Teenagers behalten. Man nennt mich... Detektiv Conan!"

("The power to solve you own problems is found in a strong heart. With this attitude I rush to my new case. I bring the unique truth to light. Despite I'm now a child, I keep the wit of a 17 years old teenager. I'm know as... Detective Conan!")

Episode 281, 284 - 293, 297, 298, 301-305
"Wie das fließende Wasser keine Form hat, und der Wind unsichtbar ist, so können Schlussfolgerungen alle möglichen Formen annehmen."

("Like the water stream that doesn't have any shape and the wind that is invisible, conclusions can take any possible direction.")


"Walaupun Jarak Memisahkan Kita, Penalaran kami dulu tetap menegangkan"

Spanish (Spain)

"¡Amar u odiar, dos caminos diferentes en los que te ves envuelto!"

("Loving or hating, two different ways you find yourself involved in!")

Spanish (Latin America)

"Nuestros corazones son un misterio, igual que el brillo de la nieve y las estrellas."

("Our hearts are a mystery, like the snow brightness and the stars.")


"Ranh giới giữa yêu và ghét, chính là sự do dự và nghi ngờ lẫn nhau!"

("The boundary between love and hate, is the hesitation and mutual suspicion!")


"ปริศนาซ่อนเงื่อนและการสืบสวน ซึ่งเกิดขึ้นในช่องว่างของความรักและความเกลียดชัง"

("Mystery and Investigation which occurs in the gaps of love and hate!")


  • Performer / Lyrics: Rina Aiuchi
  • Composer: Daria Kawashima
  • Arrangement: Kuron Oshiro

In other languages


Song info

Chart placement

  • #2 (Weekly)


The Detective Boys
Whole group
Heiji and Conan

CD info

CD track listing

# Song Title Romaji Translation Length
1 I can't stop my love for you♥ I can't stop my love for you♥ I can't stop my love for you♥
2 pink baby’s breath pink baby’s breath pink baby’s breath
3 I can't stop my love for you♥ “KENNY’S SUBLIMITY MIX” I can't stop my love for you♥ “KENNY’S SUBLIMITY MIX” I can't stop my love for you♥ “KENNY’S SUBLIMITY MIX”
4 I can't stop my love for you♥ -instrumental- I can't stop my love for you♥ -instrumental- I can't stop my love for you♥ -instrumental-





  • Starting with this opening, all other opening credits uses digital animation.


  • Lyrics
  1. Romaji and English lyrics from Animelyrics.com: by vash_t_stampede and Hikari-sama. Retrieved on August 21, 2011.
  2. Japanese lyrics from Gendou's Anime Music: I can't stop my love for you. Retrieved on August 21, 2011.

See also

Detective Conan Opening Themes
Opening 1234567891011121314151617181920212223242526272829303132333435363738394041424344454647484950515253545556575859